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55907377 No.55907377 [Reply] [Original]

>people pay 133$/year for Spotify to just stream the same songs over and over again
How did the jews pull this off?

Not only are people not pirating theyre not even buying the albums theyre literally paying to own nothing but just rent the soundwaves

>> No.55907388

Daym, that is a good point, most people do just stick to favorite songs. We need to go back to piracy and winamp.

>> No.55907409

The musicians aren't even earning that much on these streaming platforms. Most profits went to labels and Spotify.

>> No.55907807

Because it's not 2005 when you could find torrents for any album

>> No.55907847

soulseek chads can't stop winning. (Seeker on android ;) )

>> No.55907860

I pay apple music because I'm not poor
for fuck sake if you can't even afford 10 $ to enjoy music just kys

>can't wait to go to 13 different website and get 56 porn ads only to listen to this song

>> No.55907876
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Jeez louise anon

How poor are you?

>> No.55907994

Coping zoomers
This guy gets it. Never will pay for streaming, get a fat SD card and fill it. Most faggots do not care for quality so mp3 will do it. FLAC or nothing for me. Inb4 deaf zoomers tell me there's no difference.

>> No.55908004

Don't you have to be in the scene to get invites to torrent sites these days?

I just listen to the free version and get goyslop adverts every 2-3 songs

>> No.55908017

>use SD card

>> No.55908023

really? I pay less than $10 a year

>> No.55908122

I just use Newpipe on my phone to listen to Youtube songs in the background on my phone, or download the audio files. If I really like a song I will track down the FLAC versions.

>> No.55908139

Get youtube vanced music on your phone. You're welcome. Basically free YouTube music. Fuck jewtube.

>> No.55908193

literally cost 5$ a month for me

>> No.55908198

>$133/year for easy access to basically anything I want to hear, customized playlists, podcasts, the ability to share with friends, collaborative playlists, AI playlist completion
Oy vey, how will I afford this!
I used to torrent everything and it was a pain in the ass. I was stuck listening to the same albums and it was harder to find new music without waiting 3 days because no seeders. Get a job

>> No.55909420

You still can

>> No.55909438

idk bro I use newpipe too
>listen to music that isn't even on spotify
normies really are paypig cattle

>> No.55909445

>he doesnt loan CDs at the library to rip at home to hi-res flac files

>> No.55909463

Yeah I was wondering why anyone pays full price. Student plan is $5 a month for premium, and comes with Hulu and something else, Showtime I think.

>> No.55909474

>not paying spotify once erry 3 months for music discovery and then just make your actual playlists using mp3 files and a player that allows playlists

>not using pandora.com for music discovery instead of spotify's shit recommendation system

it's like you really wanna get fucked by jews

>> No.55909486

We let them win with the destruction on the iPod Classic, I still have one but the war on aux cords and mp3 players is lost. I torrented music from 2007 to 2019 and its all on my classic. Does bittorrent even work anymore?

>> No.55909512

I have been paying for Spotify for years (student account so $5 a month)
It's the convenience of having 99% of my music anywhere I want at any time
It's the convenience of not carrying around physical media
It's the convenience of not taking up drive space on my phone
It's the convenience of sharing music with your friends
It's the convenience

>> No.55909519

torrents are alive and well also
>not downloading mp3s from jewtube

>> No.55909522

The only reason that piracy can't be as convenient on a phone is because the walled garden app store prevents those kinds of apps from being published and gaining traction.

>> No.55909533

basically, owning nothing and being happy

>> No.55909636
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>just stream the same songs over and over again
yea except according to my spotify wrapped 2022 i listened to 1500 different artists and hundreds of subgenres you guys just have boring tastes

>> No.55909659

ironically, the paying customers are mainly millies who were former pirates.

>> No.55909663

Spotify is garbage compared to Amazon Unlimited HD. Spotify is great if you want to listen to mp3 quality music from “Greatest Hits” albums or re-releases of albums that have been boosted 10db and “remastered”.

>> No.55909686

I have a 6'5 entertainment stand with 6 shelves of physical media
I buy what I love, and rent what I like, simple as.
I don't need to own the Metallica discography because I only like a few songs from them.
But I do own every season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force because I loved that show when I was younger and I have a lot of memories of watching it with friends or it being on in the background while I had a girl over.
I don't need to own everything. There's a balance that exists. If you wanna be a hoarder then by all means go ahead.

>> No.55909692

Who cares if i don't own a copy file of the music? I can still listen to it at ease.

>> No.55909713

You don’t pay for the music, you pay for the ease of listening quickly to sound without spending time on vpn and pirate bay shit. Penny pinching gets boring when you have the resources to just not care.

If you are poor, your time isn’t worth much so you don’t mind editing your files and adding missing titles and covers. I’ve done it when I was a teenager, now I have better things to do with my days.

To each their own ! If you can’t see where time is worth more than money, I wish you well for the next years and suggest you increase your income to not even be bothered by amounts like these.

Check’em and buy Hbar

>> No.55909741

The free version of plex is good enough to be used for a music library server. It is the best at auto detecting music and putting in details from files you have.

>> No.55909750

Based eclectic tastes anon

>> No.55909763

>thinking 130 dollars a year is a lot

Bruh. Do you understand the trajectory of the music industry? in the 90s you were expected to shell out at least 10 dollars per album. You'd have to pay 500 dollars a year if you wanted a solid rotation of songs.

Its actually a blessing for music enjoyers to enjoy every song they want at their fingertips for the price of a few pints of beer a month. one generation ago it was so hard to have an extension collection of music. Who guives a flying fuck about actually owning a physical copy. Its more gigachad to listen freely whenever you please as a subscription service. Who wants 500 DATs, or vinyls, or cds, or whoever the fuck cares lying around your pad just to listen to a few tunes.

Spotify is good. It makes me laugh when medirocre music producers think they deserve 1000 dollars for their 5000 music streams. No. If you're actually good go do live gigs. thats where you make money now as a live artist

Its never been better to be a music listener. 10 dollars a month for everything? Sign me fucking up. Only giga-autists care about pirating everything and manually sorting all the metadata themselves. Fuck that!

>> No.55909765

i pay 20 a yr in btc for access to someone else's membership

>> No.55909784

>reeee I want to have a boxroom worth of vinyls, cds and tapes of my favourite artists so I can brag to people who dont give a shit about my music

Get a grip loser nobody wants to see your music collection

>> No.55909786
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With this —> https://newpipe.net/ i can stream and download anything from jewtube music and don't give a fuck.

>> No.55909797

Problem or Newpipe and Vanced is the absence or just poor algo. Spotify is probably the best when it comes to recommendations. Apple Music has better audio quality and a slightly wider catalog imo but the algo doesn’t match it yet.
I personnaly consider the 6 bucks I spend a month just helping me discovering new songs.

>> No.55909825


I clicked next on the spotify algorithm and found this. Pretty good but I wish they guy wouldnt dance like that. Ill take the algorithms recommendations of the douchey guy with his room full of vinyls

>> No.55909851

Why the fuck are they always 3 podcasters!? Every damn show i listen has 3 retards on mic, i don't hate it, I just find it FASCINATING

>> No.55909862

>main guy who runs the show
>side guy who exists to complement the main guy, chipping in points
>comic relief loser whos expected to be the foil that says stupid shit the main guy can take pop shots at and the side guy comments on how stupid the third guy is

tried and tested formula

>> No.55909879

>mfw sleepycabin had 5 comic relief losers on the same episode and it worked

>> No.55909897

Thats why logan paul can never keep the third guy down. They realise they only exist to be the guy who exists to be made fun of and after a while you realise youre being effectively bullied and not respected. Especially by the likes of logan paul who dont respect the person hes bullying

>> No.55909975

Unless its a hard tape, CD, or vynal record yoy dont own it.

>> No.55909976
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>tfw just download shit off youtube

>> No.55909989

I am on a never ending perpetual musical journey at all times. Moving from the twenty things I listen to now to the next twenty things I will listen to. Stagnation is boring.

>> No.55910118

>Just pay 5k for music in your lifetime goy.
>No, don't spend 1500 on all the albums you want to own in life to hand down to your children/copy n give to firends goy!
>Teamwork is bad goy! Don't share music with friends!

>> No.55910131

Spotify literally doesn't have any of the songs I seek.
Spotify hates white people.
Apple hates white too.

>> No.55910239

>6 months free
>cancel before they start charging
But like you said, it's just the same songs on repeat. Might as well do that with jewtube

>> No.55910414

>Convince past employer we need Spotify duo for the business because we need to have different music on simultaneously
>Boss agrees, sets up a duo account
>Only I know the password to it
>Don't mention the duo account to any employees
>I left that job last month
>Get a paid Spotify account for free
>Old boss is too lazy to ever check anything

I wonder how long I'll get to use their account before someone notices.

>> No.55910499

Because pulling out an aux cable to play some pirated MP3s is weird and creepy, and roasties will thing you're too poor to afford spotify.

>> No.55910544
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>> No.55910573

I pay 2 dollars a month on a family plan
and I listen to a lot of music I would've never discovered without their algorithms
I listened to 2000+ artists last year

>> No.55910644

>have everything I'll ever listen to downloaded from slsk and backed up to a hard drive
>have a bunch of vinyl records and cds I bought cheap a while ago
>use revanced for youtube playlist on my phone
Spotify is for retards.

>> No.55910676

zoomers are about as computer literate as most boomera
millenials (especially russia and east bloc) were/are the biggest driver of piracy

>> No.55910691

My newpipe keeps crashing everytime I get to the 1:30 mark

>> No.55910785

i pay for spotify. tidal. soundcloud go plus. and beatport.

im a DJ tho, i need to pay for the subscription to stream the tracks using DJ app AI when i play gigs on the weekend.

>> No.55910849

>zoom zooms still don't know to pull mp3s off utube

>> No.55910888

it isn't their fault they were born retarded

>> No.55910898

>The appointee to this position will be required to complete a criminal background check, credit check, psychological exam, and polygraph exam to the satisfaction of the employer.
>43,398 dollars a year
I think we just live in hell.

>> No.55910930

>muh spotify recommendations
absolute braindead npcs listening to zog shit exclusively. the spotify music catalogue is limited as fuck as well and so much stuff is missing or getting removed. even more (((regulated))) than youtube.

>> No.55911014

Dude you should check out their mixes. I typed in "somber mix" and I got alot of good reccs like laura plays the piano, serenity from resident evil and aphex twin. If you press "radio" then yeah the suggestions suck as spotify seems to suggest songs based on what the listeners of said song also listen too. Like how if you pressed "radio" for Tears for Fears everybody wants to rule the world you'll get tiktok songs recommended to you. It's bizarre a company this big hasn't fixed this yet nor have they been able to make it possible to pay through the app but their "mixes" are quite well done.

>> No.55911024
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>not using the cracked apk
Midwits and iToddlers NGMI

>> No.55911046

but if I do it I'm indie and cool

such is life as a roastie

>> No.55911149

Convenience of always requiring the internet. Lol.

>> No.55911165

There's quite literally no reason to have a machine standing around taking up space and doing nothing, anon. Most if not all flats are rented from government at 99 year lease.

>> No.55911185

bro how old are you. I'm not looking for mainstream recs like motherfucking aphex twins. I heard the entire discog like 10 years ago. the point i'm trying to make is, you are missing out on so much unreleased and exclusive songs by limiting yourself to spotify. no leaks, no scraps, no jonny rebel discography, only zog approved mainstream songs. boooooooorrring

>> No.55911189

>aux cable
nigger how can roasties tell between what garbage youre playing via bluetooth

>> No.55911199

YouTube music vanced is literally just the YouTube music app (formerly Google music) but free. Just Google YouTube vanced, you can get YouTube premium and YouTube music for free. Same exact features as Spotify and shit. Anyone paying for music is unironically goycattle.

>> No.55911218
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checked, but I am a zoomer and figured it out on my own.

>> No.55912181

link pls

>> No.55912346

DYOR newfag

>> No.55912545

Because odd numbers of people lead to 2v1's which are funny to listen to

>> No.55912693

No, you can download songs retard

>> No.55912711

spotify has slightly higher max audio streaming quality though

>> No.55912722
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Do you chucklefucks really not just download your music? Storage is cheaper than ever, even if you're on of those pseuds who think they need .flac files (you don't).

>> No.55912766

I do it for the radio streams and discovering new artists. The algos are good at making playlists, it saves me significant time and effort. I torrent music I know I love.

>> No.55912768

The same way Netflix "pulled it off" . The movie situation was better in the US and Europe before Netflix. But dumb people want new shiny things that reframe the same old stuff.

>> No.55912771
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Normies are astronomically retarded, and thus easy prey for the jews. Nothing new here.
My dad paid for the same shitty rock albums at least 5x in his life.
First in 33-T vinyls, then 45-T, then audio K-7, then CDs, and now on Deezer or whatever he is using.
Same for his movies collection.
Imagine getting jewed your whole life, repaying for the same garbage over and over again since the 70s.

Meanwhile, my NEET ass never paid a single cent in my life for any audio, video or vydia crap. Thank God for pirating & P2P, the last parcel of true generosity and humanity left on this demonic planet.

>> No.55912802

>i need to pay for the subscription to stream the tracks using DJ app AI when i play gigs on the weekend.
Or what? The Jewish Music Police will show up at the party to send you to Universal's darkest gaol?

>> No.55912887

The problem with most humans listening to "music" is they ignore post-2K french electro is a thing and is by far the best music ever crafted by mankind.
You don't need anything else once you listen to modern frogs.


>> No.55913005

Just get a Tidal Subscription for one dollar a month via Argentinia VPN when signing up

Or, for free, just use Deezer Trial months (family account and invite yourself as a member to keep account data and favorites)

>> No.55913030

I dunno. I like cloud services such as Apple Music though because you can you can pirate music, then just upload it to icloud music and have access to your entire library from any device.

>> No.55913214

Sounds like millennials and nintendo games
Buy super mario bros for NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, DS, Wii, Switch

>> No.55913474

>pay for spotify
lol no, anon doesn't know about adblockers
Just try firefox+ublock origin never look back

>> No.55914743

>It's the convenience of having 99% of my music anywhere I want at any time
Yes you can do this with a simple USB stick or SD card.
>It's the convenience of not taking up drive space on my phone
Phones have heaps of storage. Plus OTG.
>It's the convenience of sharing music with your friends
This one is literally the best with piracy as you can share it and they get it for free, forever.
>It's the convenience
It is barely convenience. Its the same as paying streaming services like netflix. The "convenience" is opening the app, clicking the show and watching it. Meanwhile I open whatever site I dl from, click the link and watch it five minutes later.

>> No.55914757

>music enjoyers to enjoy every song they want a
They don't. YT is unironically better for my taste in music if I were to stream anything. Spotify is shit. Perhaps claiming spotify has everything says enough about your taste in music to disregard your opinion.

>> No.55914806

Oh shit mine too

>> No.55914841

Give me an example of music you can't find on spotify

>> No.55914842

>Not only are people not pirating theyre not even buying the albums theyre literally paying to own nothing but just rent the soundwaves

Convenience, the same way Netflix got people to pay to watch TV instead of own films on VHS or DVD (though at least there was already the precedent with cable). Basically by the mid 2000s people realized that paying $10-$15 for a new CD from a band was retarded when you could spend 2 minutes online and download it for free.

So, the record companies said "ok, just pay us 5-10 bucks a month and you have unlimited music" and normies were okay with that. Keep in mind that back then many normies actually did think that torrenting and downloading music was legitimately illegal and they felt bad about it, but they just felt worse about spending lots of money on a single album. The fee that is charged to normies basically only exists to make them feel good about themselves. If Spotify and Tidal and other streaming services had no payment option and were 100% free, they would actually be less popular.

>> No.55915014

Lmao at everyone who replied to you with some cope about muh physical media or muh convenience
I don't understand their mindset at all when data storage is cheap. Buy a hard drive and you can fit millions of songs.
Literal unironic braindead niggercattle meant to CONSOOOM goyslop and wageslave for their jewish masters

>> No.55915090

Zoomers are too retarded to torrent that's why

>> No.55915095

People are cattle, like literal farm animals.

>> No.55915104

>YouTube to MP3.
>Wah zoomers.
Can you find another buzzword to prattle off about grandpa?

>> No.55915109

He's old, forgive him.
I got harddrives with over TB.

>> No.55915124

This site is boring and repetitive.
I'm 25 and torrent all the time.
There's nothing worth torrenting.

>> No.55915523

you can literally run a cracked spotify apk to get the same features without paying
it takes less effort to do than setting up an account that pays for spotify

>> No.55915534
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I don't use Spotify like that though. I have a very eclectic taste in music and listen to a hodgepodge of different artists and styles. I'd need a garage sized collection of physical media to contain everything I listen to in a single year.

>> No.55915535

Damn you faggots are poor

>> No.55915577

yeah just write a bash script mang

>> No.55915652
File: 28 KB, 201x128, youareapirate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same kind of people that pay to stream TV and movies. Whenever I catch a millennial friend doing this shit, especially paying to "rent" streaming movies, I scold them for it.

>> No.55915663

>t. zoomer

It's not about the money, it's about the principle and pride in seemingly bygone generational norms and values.

>> No.55915664

Really riled them up with this one eh

>> No.55915676

>to download music
>that you can only listen to in walled gardens

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.55915734

Damn you’re a stupid nigger

>> No.55915766

Good goyim.

>> No.55915780

Yes you can, in fact now is better than ever.
Just need to navigate the seas of dead rapidshare and megaupload links

>> No.55915801
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last time i used vanced it still had ads, just their own ads and pushed NIGGER music on me. brave mobile browser blocks ads and you can play videos/music in the background if you run it in desktop mode. a small price to pay for no MOON CRICKETS.

>> No.55916356

based SLSK chad

>> No.55916567
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Nigga I pay $15 for a year.

>> No.55916657

Checked. You will own nothing and you will be happy. This shit is coming everywhere.

>> No.55916671

You're the reason everything the WEF is dreaming about will come true. Enjoy living in City 17 you full-retard.

>> No.55916943

Roasties will think it's cringe if you don't have youtube music or spotify

>> No.55916990

I genuinely don't see the point of this thing when youtube has much more available content (at least for my tastes) and i have no problem getting good suggestions. Just go in related videos and thats it. For context i listen mostly to underground techno

>> No.55917070

Dumbfuck telling you Spotify is bad because they listen to the same 15 mediocre artists from the 90s.
Algorithms are godsent when you want to discover new stuff. It is literally the best way to discover music.
I love the value I get for 10 bucks a month.

>> No.55917156

Update it.

>> No.55917221

>Algorithms are godsent when you want to discover new stuff. It is literally the best way to discover music
you are retarded and probably have a shit taste in music

>> No.55917284

I paid 15 dollars for a year
I cant be arsed searching and or ripping any song I like for a week or whatever

I use adblocked youtube at home however

>> No.55917286
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and yet, spotify is still unprofitable

>> No.55917319
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do people not know adblocks work on spotify ?

>> No.55917321

>>can't wait to go to 13 different website and get 56 porn ads only to listen to this song
I pay for spotify but this is bullshit and you know it.
>search for album in Lidarr
>automatically downloads it for me, moves it to my music library and applies tags
>play anywhere with plexamp or LMS at home

>> No.55917351

so you're at a social event and some cunt wants a song played
>yea hang on while ill connect to my battle station at home... oh it's like a really expensive pc, you console peasants wouldn't understa... a peraonal computer, shut up and let me search the song... wait theres no seeders for the flac file only mp3 let me try a different site give me 10 minutes and then this party can get started... so bby how do you like my 2 wolves tee and fedora? im somewhat a master of the sword btw

>> No.55917789
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>> No.55918259
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Piracy's a lost art.

Being around the Warez scene back in the late 2000s was incredible.

It felt like I was one of the hackers in Live Free or Die Hard.

>> No.55918369

What? Isn't it free? I use it in playstation and I pay nothing lol

>> No.55918378

Nah, not arguing against your spotify rhetoric, but the YT to MP3 thing will have quality issues.

IF you're a keen listener like me, you will notice the difference between album record mp3 and stuff on youtube.

>> No.55918387

Das rite cracka

>> No.55918397

i miss what.cd

>> No.55918409

I've never paid for Spotify on principle. I'm a musician and the concept of getting paid $0.01 or less per play is beyond insulting, but it's even worse when you consider that major labels work out deals with streaming services that allow their Big Artists to get paid a much higher rate per play. It's a system that feeds into itself, and at this point they're 100% using AI to write "Spotify hits" which sound like trash and encourage indie musicians to write derivative trash in order to keep up appearances.

Oh also the whole "Spotify doesn't even make money!!" argument is also garbage since everyone working at the company makes 6 figures and the CEO has enough money to buy sports teams. All the "we no make no money" shit is just a tax loss scheme and another excuse for them to not raise streaming rates.

>> No.55918531
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for me, it's tidal hifi and vinyl


>> No.55918551

Soulseekqt, ignorant zoomer retard. You never even tried looking. You're just a drone.

>> No.55918625

Tell em Steve Dave!

>> No.55918728

>OMG why do you pay $133/year for unlimited access to any song you want whenever you want, podcasts, the possibility to download them and share playlists with your friends????
You guys are the most schizo idiots I've ever seen. Go touch grass

>muh torrent
Have fun spending hours downloading STD ridden torrents of albuns that I can find in 2 seconds on Spotify
>muh SD cards
Don't spend money on Spotify, spend money on SD cards instead and hope you never want to have more music than what the card can hold! Oh, you lost the card or it got fucked? Well, have fun downloading everything again.
>muh it only has normie stuff
Tell the cool artists you love so much to stop being autistic. I follow russian post punk nobodies from Siberia who have ~100 followers.
>b-but the jooooooooos
Yeah, people who provide a service want to get paid for it. Imagine the horror.

Spotify haters never really leave the house, do they?

>> No.55918733
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Im pirating right now.

>> No.55918815

>Any song you want
That's not true at all. Maybe seems true if you're a braindead consoomer with no perspective but in reality they don't have some pretty notable stuff.

Your post reeks of corporate dick sucking. "They're just providing a service!" Yeah a service in the artistic sector, but somehow the artists actually generating the content Spotify hosts are coming out with pennies on the dollar compared to the small number of people running the service. It's bad business, that's the problem. It actively encourages the average consumer to consign their artistic preferences to some proprietary algorithm that's completely biased in favor of the people giving Spotify the most money.

>> No.55919065

is your time worth nothing?
If I'm worried about owning and passing down albums (I'm not, that's retarded), I can just torrent them...
>muh goy
Broke niggas like you spend more at Dominos per month than I do on a comfy music app

>> No.55919137

Ok Schlomo

>> No.55919175

Spotify is the absolute shits when it comes to videogame soundtracks so I stick with pirating

>> No.55920529

I'm on a family plan with a bunch of friends, I pay like $1.50 per month lol.

Get some friends you fucking losers.

>> No.55920690

What is pirate alternative to Spotify playlist and discover? Their algos are really good....

>> No.55920908



(probably to push you away from free radio so you will pay for xm radio or spotify)



>> No.55920930

most people are retards

>> No.55920935

i have a list of like 50 college radio stations i cycle through, theyre always playing weird, interesting, new music. (lots of pussy bitch faggot indie stuff, though) if the station sucks atm, pick another one, theyll probably have a different dj in the next hour or so.

>> No.55920967

Imagine bragging being a hipster when you have Spotify. Only normie nigger is on there.

>> No.55920979

>We let them win with the destruction on the iPod Classic,
i remember when everyone switched to ipods in the late 00's it suddenly became very difficult to share music with my friends

>> No.55920997

also 1/4th of the shit playing on college radio cant be found on shazam :3

>> No.55921042

Its so that listeners can feel like they're part of a group chat with people cooler than them

>> No.55921072

Itunes was peak jew
>that'll be $1.29 + tip per song
Normies are retarded.
Buy physical or torrent.
>paying for digital sound waves
Lol lmao even

>> No.55921076

question for you spotify people
does spotify play the same songs over and over and over again?
if you say you like The Who on spotify, will they only play like 10 The Who songs repetitively in your "random" mix? or will they pick any of the random 100s of songs The Who came up with?
thats what i hate about corporate fm radio and love about public fm radio
corporte will only ply greatest hits over and over
public radio will play random oddball songs form major artist that for some reason you never heard in the past 30 years

do yourself a favor and stream some college radio
some stations play an ungodly amount of really weird shit, too
my local college radio station also plays this guy weekly who is constantly calling out the jew

>> No.55921761

>he's a brit

>> No.55922325


>> No.55923355

My vanced did that, it's the reason I switched to NewPipe. It definitely has to do with a google account, when I switched google accounts on revanced it would work for a couple days then start doing the same thing. I think google is tracking accounts that use adblocking and throttling them after a certain amount of data is collected confirming frequent adblock use

>> No.55923418

Yeah theres new update

Get f-droid

But really i download my favourite songs that i listen to a lot and the other stuff i play via newpipe (i used vanced 2 years ago)

>> No.55923643

i pay way less than that.

>> No.55924708

Anima Animus - The Creatures
Weirdly enough if I use a search engine, a Spotify link comes up and opens my client, the songs are all just locked out (and I pay for premium). It doesn't appear if you search in Spotify, though a remix album from that year does.

I used to use Google Music because you could use their library or upload songs to your account to cover the gaps. Never had an issue uploading pirated songs either.

>> No.55924759

It's like that old quote about piracy being a delivery issue.
Spotify just makes it easy to hear what you want to hear when you want to hear it.
I personally still use Soulseek for mp3s and buy CDs at the thrifty.

>> No.55925827

Holy based. I listen to my local universities radio station and I've discovered so much music from it

>> No.55925834

tenfold more convenient than pirating. I listen to more music than I ever did. this anon >>55924759 nailed it.

>> No.55925853

Whoah kenjak. It's the next evolution

>> No.55925971

What do you anons use to stream your music library to your phone? Like Plex but for music and mobile. Does it exist?

>> No.55925993

It's less then 1 day if work per year, meh

>> No.55926030

fuck off jew

>> No.55926038

>jew detected

>> No.55926086

Every song is on YouTube except your local band.
YouTube to mp3.
But I've already made the ultimate chill disc with Chrono Cross, Windwaker, some Super Monkey Ball, forest Birdcussion by Protricity, and Robotaki's unfinished Manoria Cathedral remix.

I'm full on music. You can stop making it for 15 years, thank you.

>> No.55926094

set up a server

>> No.55926120

Yeah what this dude said-- I use regular Youtube via Brave. Desktop mode isn't even needed for background play afaik. Bonus if you're an Applefaggot, Brave has a built in playlist feature too.

>> No.55926205

Yeah dude, I totally don't pay that much to have every single podcast, album, new song, discover weekly playlist, and upcoming great artists recommended to me every single day during work.
Paying 50¢ a day for access to consistently good new music from all over the world is so pointless. All the indie Korean folktronica, neo-classical, post-punk, second wave sincerity virtuosos... It's all completely worthless and I should spend my time on /mu/ instead listening to room temp iq retards drone on about the same 3 genres.

>> No.55926225

Yeah college radio is based.
>"Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem"
Except on 4channel.org where Indian scammers complain about .50¢ a day. Then it's a poverty problem.

>> No.55926338

>noooo you can't just enjoy services I don't use or like!!!!
anon, $133 is nothing in today's climate and nothing is stopping you from simply recording the audio at your sound-card (effectively pirating whatever you listen to on spotify, anyways)

>> No.55927191
File: 127 KB, 226x223, seinfeld_george_why_life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't music at all.
>kys urself
>need 18

>> No.55927227

Is this bait or are some of you actually complaining about 130$ a year ? That’s like a half day of pay

>> No.55927242

I doubt normies care about sound quality. he's not talking about pretentious music faggots.

>> No.55927245

My friends would call me a poor retard if I asked them to do that

>> No.55927879

I've been pirating tons of movies but pirating music is a pain in the ass. It's indefinitely harder to find seeders for specific albums. Even still, when you find one, the fucking dipshit mongoloid named it all the songs fucking retarded, so I would have to spend a good 10 minutes for every album trying to fix it in order for the fucking MP3 player app can read it correctly.
Then I've had albums straight up not fucking work.
It's also harder to branch out and find new artists.
Spotify is indefinitely superior. I only have my all time favorite albums downloaded on my phone in FLAC

>> No.55927966

This will not go unpunished. You're probably a mu try hard only listening to obscure ambient musique concrete stuff.
Your top 5 albums. Now.

>> No.55928364
File: 23 KB, 435x196, own nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, never thought of it this way

>> No.55928421
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love WFMU so much despite them playing shitty music a fourth of the time because its obscure

>> No.55928598

Thank you for this thread. I am a student so swapped to the 6$ /month thing for a year which I think is worth it. Then I'll delete it.

>> No.55928609

and if you want /out/ of spotify entirely, I can only recommand using blogs, bandcamp (browse tags), radio stations, or even youtube
>wagecucking an entire day to pay a corpo
no thanks
>Every song is on YouTube except your local band
I actually upload all of my local band songs on yt

>> No.55928632

Anyone paying to stream music is retarded. Buy the album or just convert YouTube vids to mp4 format for free and take that file and put it on your Walkman. Only other option is admitting that you are retarded

>> No.55930272

I only use it because I work at starcucks and they pay for it
once I quit after college I'm going back to piracy and foobar2k

>> No.55930327

Because the algorithm feeds you songs that you otherwise have forgotten or wouldn't easily find. Moving from jewtube to spotify was fucking kino, it's so comfy bros. Get fucked OP.

>> No.55930348


>> No.55930446

You pay to save time. It takes a lot of time to find and discover all the songs on torrentz. Many niche songs will never be there so you pay for exlusivity. You also pay for the app which is way better than any music manager.

>> No.55930647

You can have a microSD or a USB card filled with music, so small they would get lost up your used ass.

>> No.55930684
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 21984724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People pay gyms a subscription fee so that they can go to a place to lift heavy objects up and put them back down and take pictures of their ass

>> No.55930743

>i love WFMU so much despite them playing shitty music a fourth of the time because its obscure
i love the obscure shit
way better than other stations that play 3/4 soft indie 'florence and the machine' shit

>> No.55930749

>I only use it because I work at starcucks and they pay for it
how do i get free food?
first time i dumpster dived there i found a massive amount of sandwiches and pasteries, then never again. can i ask them for food near closing?

>> No.55930768

people drive to the gym to run on a treadmill or stationary bike

>> No.55930785

Based poster.

>> No.55931207

Pretty much can't, most Starbucks donate food at the end of the night so it never goes out. If you want free shit go to Dunkin before close, they have to throw the donuts out at night anyway and giving them out makes it easier. You could ask at Starbucks though, at best they might give you something that's expiring that day, but I wouldn't count on it.

t. Used to work at Dunkin before sbux

>> No.55931514

Just downloaded it. Cheers bro

>> No.55931768

does dunkin have sandwiches they throw out? cuase starbucks does

and starbucks only donates the food if volunteers schedule pickup, otherwise it would probably be ending up in the trash

>> No.55931791

>Just need to navigate the seas of dead rapidshare and megaupload links
my time is worth more than 11$/month lmao

>> No.55931848

one problem is getting music in spotify as a small time producer. you basically have to sell the rights ti ur song to a 3rd party company that then can put it on spotify. its cucked. like whoa dude the algorithm feeds me sick music! fuck off. what we need is an app that is free to use, free to post music like bandcamp but takes no cut. if you want to you can give money directly to the artist web3 style. there could be a podcast section anyone could start one and have real exposure. actually useful search functions to curate your own feed and an algorithm you can customize. and an ez mode for normoids. no ads. basically pay what you want and it goes directly to the artists you listen to, not jews.

>> No.55931868

why pay to stop ads when you can just use adblock?

>> No.55932287

It's not even 133 a year. You can scam Apple and get an overseas account from a third world country like Turkey for 1$ a month via vpn.

>> No.55933353

>averaging 4 new artists a day, with no repeats
Are you bragging about being a low attention span faggot who has never listened to an album?

>> No.55933376
File: 65 KB, 600x315, 19gervaisspan-1-articleLarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The format is more than 20 years old at this point

>> No.55933402

>the one hit wonder musical tourist that has never listened to a full album and has no favorite artist and likes "everything except country and rap"

>> No.55933519
File: 405 KB, 1250x1193, NEIL PEART.2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only are people not pirating

Where does one pirate music?

Back in the day, I could get pretty much anything off Usenet (and in proper flac format) but nowadays if I do a search of the common torrenting sites for music, I can't find any tunes.

If my external HD ever fails, I'm fucked...

>> No.55933548


>> No.55933593
File: 108 KB, 1537x547, Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 6.12.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I can't even take a look at the site until I download their software?

>> No.55933610

It's just a torrent client, you have to download it to use it to search for files

>> No.55933641

>If my external HD ever fails, I'm fucked...
why dont you spend 50-100bucks on a back up hard drive?