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55903607 No.55903607 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally get a full time WFH job
>Ask manager if it's actually a FT WFH job since I plan on moving
>They say yes, I can move anywhere in the US
>Start looking up homes
>It's $400k+ in the middle of nowhere

So I guess I'll be renting till I die at work

>> No.55903619

i can see houses adjacent to the property

>> No.55903627

It's a small town in between Vegas and Salt Lake City. It's basically desert outside of the town

>> No.55903638

That town is 84% white and an hour drive to Zion National Park. It's not the middle of nowhere goy.

>> No.55903644

if you can live anywhere, why would you move there?

>> No.55903662

Cause I was born in and raised in NYC, went to college in Houston, and worked in LA. I wanna move to a small town

Yes that's why I wanna move there it's small

>> No.55903702

Jew Yorker and a Californian? Every state is full sorry dude.

>> No.55903706

Buy a house in the country and airb&b the days you have to be in town

>> No.55903710

never get some of you. a vast country and you choose some suburban desert fuckhole when montana is right there.

>> No.55903721


You don't think I looked at Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho? They've been the hotspot recently

>> No.55903729

Montana, Idaho, Colorado, etc are all full too.

>> No.55903740


How would you know? You never leave your mom's basement

>> No.55903762

St. George is one of trendiest, fastest growing small cities in the country right now. It’s chock full of ex-Californians and insta-thots moving there because of the scenery and proximity to the most famous parks in the world which is cranking up prices. No different than Missoula, Bend, Fort Collins, etc.

>> No.55903766

Stick to your blue states fag. I rape transplants and dump their bodies in the woods in my local minecraft server.

>> No.55903779

isnt montanas population less than an average cities?
im a britcuck, even our most rural areas are crowded by comparison. you guys have the option to properly fuck off into the middle of nowhere and op is there trying to buy a house next to other houses but in a desert for some reason.

>> No.55903786
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there are cheap houses in California if you don't mind the working class town

>> No.55903789

i live there, its shit

>> No.55903793

>Working Class

Blacks are moving in addition to the already established beans & meth trash

>> No.55903832
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you guys are just gatekeeping OP, aren't you.

>> No.55903861

So significantly less white than major cities like Seattle, Minneapolis and Portland but with shitty hot weather and a fraction of the economic, dating, entertainment or cultural options. Got it.

>> No.55903866
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I'm OP bro. Notice they don't have Hispanic there. They add light skin Hispanic as white

>> No.55903868

>50% whites
Hard pass. I want 85% or greater.

>> No.55903875
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According to the Census Bureau Hispanics are white, you have to filter on non-Hispanic white which is only 30% in Bakersfield.

Bozeman, Missoula, etc any place that's desirable is full of transplanters that have fucked the housing market for anyone who actually works in the area (remote work isn't a real job).

>> No.55903930

I was also looking at St. George. And if you are, and if I am, plenty of other fucking people are as well.

>> No.55903970

30% is fucking huge.

>> No.55903978

I might start looking at moapa valley and the other towns around the Utah/Arizona border

>> No.55903990

You got it. I knew you were clever. Lol

>> No.55904076

Hey, there's always Pahrump.

>> No.55904126

Literally came here to post this plus a little bit longer than an hour to Las Vegas.
Stop picking desirable places to live if you want cheap housing.

>> No.55904160

$400k is cheap now?

>> No.55904198

>>84% white
Lol what a shithole

>> No.55904209

Something about this house is very unnerving. I'm not sure what it is.

>> No.55904212

What school in Houston

>> No.55904237


>> No.55904248

>$400k is cheap now?
Dude, if you've been in a coma since 2017, just go back to sleep my man. You're not ready for the man-made horrors of 2023.

>> No.55904255

Vegas and surrounding areas are extremely overpriced. The "Middle of nowhere" prices you're looking for are in the midwest and so on.

>> No.55904269

Sickburn. This guy is so fresh.
Move to Iowa or Montana

>> No.55904455

what kind of a job in bakersfield earns enough to afford a $350k house?

>> No.55904526
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That's what I'm saying. No way these homes in the middle of nowhere have tons of high paying jobs

>> No.55904625

but you wfh. Why do you care if there's no good job locally?

>> No.55904635

I'm asking how the locals and new people moving are affording these prices when the local economy obviously can't. And not everyone moving in is WFH

>> No.55904639

St. George is overpriced because it's full of retards with AirBnB's due to proximity to the national park.
National parks are a massive bubble lately, the busiest parks like this one are too busy to even enjoy lately. At least we had a few years without the chinese tour buses clogging the places up.

>> No.55904650

If they wanted to AirBnB their house why didn't they buy at Kanab? It's way closer like it's next to the parks. Hour+ of driving

>> No.55904967

That sounds like the definition of the middle of nowhere.

>> No.55905131
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I bought a 3 bed 2 bath 1500 square foot home in Vegas in 2018 for 325k. Sold it 18 months ago for 575k. Fucking insane. Did absolutely nothing to the place.

St. George is all Mor(m)ons. You don't want to live in that state unless you're part of their cult.

>> No.55905340

>St. George is all Mor(m)ons. You don't want to live in that state unless you're part of their cult.

An old HS buddy ended up moving to Utah and he liked it. Very family oriented

>> No.55905401
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I live in Saint George. it's full of Mormons, ancient old people, rich boomers, Mexicans/Californians , and shitty fast food. The landscape is cool though, and Vegas being nearby is a plus.
Job market sucks, and all jobs are catering to the boomers.

>> No.55905424

bakersfield is basically a toxic waste dump, unironically. a less black Flint, if you will.

>> No.55905427


I should have added my buddy lives in Provo so I guess a bit different from st. George

>> No.55905432

Why don't you niggers ever consider WHITE central Wisconsin
Learn to cook

>> No.55905465

Rural Maine.

Move there. There's a good fiber optics line running right up 201. You can live in the middle of nowhere and still live within 20 minutes of shopping.

Oh and not many niggers or kikes.

>> No.55905485
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>he bought the lie that houses are expensive because of demand and not debasement
1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98

>> No.55905513

>asset prices rise with inflation

Wow you're a fucking genius anon, keep spamming this.

>> No.55905526

GF wants to stay in the West cause her family's here. I'd definitely check out Maine and Vermont but I've already heard that prices have been going up

>> No.55905541

That's what airports are for. Jump on a flight and go see your family. Stop living like a poorfag and get with the program.

>> No.55905561

St George is nice, but that location is blowing up right now bro, you should've bought 10 years ago. Maybe try somewhere in northern Nevada?

>> No.55905582

St. George is not a small town you fucking retard and they’re already out of water. The entire area will have to be abandoned in a few decades

>> No.55905600

bro, I love Wisconsin but yea you gotta cook your own food but the ingredients are good

>> No.55905613
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People buy a home, it goes up in value, they sell it, and buy elsewhere in cash.

Zoomers really have no clue how much money people older than them have.

>> No.55905615

>Maybe try somewhere in northern Nevada?

Isn't that where those SF techies moved to during covid?

>> No.55905634

no idea, but could explain the prices.

>> No.55905650

i airbnb there few years ago to visits the parks /blog

>> No.55905652

Look up rent or home prices in the following towns in South Dakota.
>Sioux Falls

its about 946 for a small 1 bedroom but I WFH and make 20 an hour. If you want to live in a ghettobox thats gonna be about 800-850

>> No.55905685

South Dakota is the goldilocks of living. It sucks for reasons but it's the best example of how to grow your money.

>> No.55905694
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Because towns like Wausau are for married couples to raise kids and live an easy life.

When you're in your 20s and 30s your focus is on job hopping and making as much money as you can.

>> No.55905699
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Yeah, it's all a big ponzi scheme and the funniest, saddest thing is a lot of boomers plan on leaving nothing to their kids.

>I worked hard to earn what I have, you should too! they screech as they claw their property into their grave like a sarcophagus

the well-meaning boomers want to give all their money away to charity without realizing they're dooming their children to middle or lower class by doing so, and potentially even ruining the lives of their grandkids

>> No.55905728
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I flew on a plane last weekend: worst experience ever.
Waiting for 8 hours at the airport and getting stuck eating overpriced junk food is not fun.

>> No.55905748
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Some of us strive to do more with our lives than make 20/hour and rent a 1 bedroom apartment in a minor league town surrounded by corn and s-ybean farms for hours, with 5 months of good weather.

>> No.55905753

I just showed my gf some of the houses in this area. She immediately went to all the million dollar houses and drooled over them, and any of the cheaper houses she would immediately dismiss over something as trivial as 'i don't like the tile'. When I pointed out to her that we could renovate the house, she got all uppity and acted like it was impossible. She also said she would help pay for the house (hypothetically, we aren't actually going to Utah). I make 5x more then her. What am I in for bros?

>> No.55905788


>100k people
>small town


Anyway, you need to set your sights further away from California and/or shoot for actual small towns (I'm talking hundreds or thousands of residents). For many years now they've been infesting Nevada, Utah, and other states bordering or within a few states of them and driving up housing prices in what were once affordable areas.

>> No.55905800
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Nothing is cheap west of the Rockies anymore because of Californians.

>> No.55905849
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OP believes houses are expensive, but they are not, USD shitcoin is simply going to zero, you will never ever make it if don't realize this as you'll forever be chasing mirages of appreciation that are in reality mere debasement

>> No.55905945

Check out Rock springs anon. Just a short 8 hour drive from Saint George and nobody around for miles, with a Walmart to boot. Houses starting at 150k. You might be murdered by a meth head though, no promises.

>> No.55905993

She wants you to buy the house the divorce you so she can keep it (or divorce you once she is tired of you/found chad).

>> No.55906016

Please never post on my Japanese website ever again

>> No.55906072

Boomers were borrowing at 10% in 1974 (rose to 18% in 1981). Millennials got to borrow at 3% (low was 2.65%) in 2021.

28k mortgage at 10% interest is a $246 monthly payment. Using your salaries averaged out ($5.25/hour), Boomers they had to work 47 hours to afford their mortgage payment, and almost all of it went towards interest (96%).

370k mortgage at 3% is 1560/mo. Median household income in 2021 was roughly 70k, or 33/hour. Divide 1560 by 33 and you get the EXACT SAME 47 HOURS that Millennials need to work to afford their mortgage payment, and 41% of their payments go towards paying down their principal.

>> No.55906099

b-but muh west has fallen?

>> No.55906105

so 436k is fair value for the house

>> No.55906113

Californias household income is $70k but homes here aren't 370k

There are homes in middle America for 370k but they aren't averaging 70k salaries

>> No.55906117

There is no way this is her first insane red flag. Stop being a bitch and tell her you're price range. Don't humour million dollar houses and be direct that they are never an option.

>> No.55906123

It's boomers who made it and work from home workers who are propping it up

>> No.55906125

can you elaborate. I'm looking at a job in SD and there's a home in a town about half an hour from the job where I can get a home for the salary amount. Is that what you mean? Affordable housing so I can grind for a few years and really save up for a business or something?

>> No.55906140

adding to this to help your point.
the two dark green counties in Nevada:
Mineral County pop. 4554
Esmerelda County pop. 729
Not a lot of available housing period in either.

>> No.55906251

why the fuck would you want to go live in a desert filled with rotting mormon boomers in the first place you retard?

>> No.55907569


>Full of trees

>> No.55907829

This. Offer to suck her girlcock as well.

>> No.55908729

You're comparing single income median in 74 to dual income median in 2021, and working under the ridiculous belief that people were financing the super majority of principal in the 70s (50%+ down payments were, which was easy when incomes were 50% of median houses price)

>> No.55909010

Median household income in 1974 was 13k

Anything that was financed had 96% of the payments going towards the bank in the form of interest the first year

>> No.55909147
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>Median household income in 1974 was 13k
Yes, 50% of a house, and in '74 was still a single income
>b-but muh interest rates!
Save for 5 years, buy house in cash
Save for 5 years, maybe have 20% down
See the difference?

>> No.55910706

Why has nobody seriously asked and planned about genociding boomers?

>> No.55911020
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> middle of nowhere

>> No.55912068


I drive through there to visit the national parks and it's basically small towns 30-1 hr apart. St George seems to be the bigger town

>> No.55912126
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That's another boomer hate psyop that you fell for. Women's labor force participation rate in 1974 was 45%. Post-2000 it's risen about 10%, and that is likely impacted by women choosing to stay single in modern society. That's why you use median household income to compare periods instead of the salary of one profession at the time adjusted for what the government reports as it's inflation numbers (not accurate).

This is why jews run society - the second people start figuring out that "hey, we're getting screwed by the federal reserve printing all this money", they run some propaganda that makes you hate someone else, and the vast majority of people are too stupid to see through it.

>> No.55912225

most people on this website don't care about the federal reserve printing money as long as they live in a homogeneous 99% white country, make 20k a year and have home cooked meals 3 times a day with 10 kids and a fat say at home wife.

>> No.55912254

Or you know, leave the US.

>> No.55912259

Shut the fuck up and DO NOT talk about the midwest.

>> No.55912282

>They add light skin Hispanic as white
Everyone is white, but you're not white if you're not Nordic.

>> No.55912306
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>> No.55912359

>Some of us strive
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.55912371

She's gonna divorce you.
Is she hot? You're gonna get divorced.

>> No.55912386

Close enough sped.

>> No.55912396

Minneapolis resident and while love this city the people here are kind of garbage. Out in the country you’ll meet a lot of very kind, traditional white people. The cities are unironically infested with liberals, gays, and trannies. It’s legit out of control.

>> No.55912405

>west coast
which one is it, chuddy?

>> No.55912444

Retard, household income in the 70s was almost unilaterally a single income, nowadays it’s always two.
Boomers could also literally waltz into the admissions office at Ivy League colleges and get in, while working a part time job at the supermarket/bar/whatever to pay their way through school with very little debt. A college degree was also actually worth something back then, it was literally all you needed to command a high wage.
I agree boomers get an unfair shake at times, life was certainly not easy in the 70s, but fuck off with the apologist narrative when it comes to house prices.

>> No.55912662

Come to madison.

>> No.55912730

Now compare average boomer net worth and home ownership rates at age 30 to the same metrics for Xers and Millenials. Borrowing at 10% for a dirt cheap loan on a brand new house is much better than borrowing at 3% for a huge loan on the same house that the boomer owner has been neglecting for decades.

>> No.55912893

my wife's boomer dad bought a house out of high school..that had ot be late'ish 1970s. that was working a warehouse job (which he had until the early 2000s). They had multiple houses after that each one nicer than the last.

>> No.55913122
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>That town is 84% white
White flight driving up real estate prices is real concept. even niggers use that metric, destroying it and thus creating the real estate gentrification life cycle.

>> No.55913170

My buddy just bought 10 acres in Georgia and put a 4 bedroom double wide on it. The total cost was under $200k. McMansions aren't worth it

>> No.55913238
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>Double wide trailer

the utter state of normie affairs

>> No.55913248

You're ignoring the 10 acres of land part

>> No.55913289

WFH is probably the reason for this, since they know now that people can live anywhere so the value of shithomes in the middle of nowhere can also grow now despite being nothing of value around, kek. DOUBLE fucked by Corona.

>> No.55913342
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What's on that land? Utilities? Hows the aquifer? How many wells? Underground electric? Above? Do you have to run electric lines into your estate? Do you even got a land line? Internet? Septic? Sewage line? Does it even have a warehouse? Whats the zoning?

ur actually retarded and so is ur buddy for spending $200k for 10 acres of land a double wide, with no mention of utilities. I know this cause I dated a bitch who did this 10 yrs ago and just sold it all to retard like you that dont know big picture.

>> No.55913362

Yes it has a septic tank and a water well which he installee, and electric hookups were already available on the property
You're a retard for assuming this wasn't accounted for. Do you actually think he's living in a house without electricity or running water? Dumbass.

>> No.55913493

>Do you actually think he's living in a house without electricity or running water?

>> No.55913536

OK then, it's your choice to be retarded.
>hurr durr, paying $200k for a double wide?! The absolute state!
>"Well actually it was for 10 acres of land, utilities, AND a double wide, but yes"
>nuh uh!!

>> No.55914274

>WFH is probably the reason for this,

There's no way there are that many WFH jobs that it caused a ridiculous price spike. Guessing more corporations are buying homes

>> No.55914349

That seems like a good deal for St. George. I live in Utah and St. George is a hot market. Major retirement destination for people from the Salt Lake area and from California. Tons of new houses being built and population is growing fast

>> No.55914462

>household income in the 70s was almost unilaterally a single income

Already debunked >>55912126

>> No.55914503
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Look at the options of careers you can have. A Walmart distribution center, golf courses, tourism, and of course a cafe

>> No.55914954
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>Private school for Southern retard money.
Actually a retard from NY and Cali.
Get financial help from the same people that sent you to Rice.

>> No.55914966

Most (Canadians) are making like 217k per year

>> No.55914967

That's because you're looking in Utah. It's been overrun by 'fornians. Sorry, it suffered the same fate as Idaho. Look elsewhere like middle of nowhere (that hasn't been discovered by west coasters yet) like Illinois or Iowa and you might find cheap homes.

>> No.55914987
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The only poster simping for the Fed is you, statist bootlicker shitcunt.
>Oooo millennials had it sooooo good! They had cheap debt! Ignore that past generations could buy with cash after saving for half a decade, just concentrate on da monthly payments!!
You are pathetic, you will always be a slave.

>> No.55914996

>he gets excited over what was promised to niggers for free in the 19th century
wew laddie

>> No.55915006


>> No.55915211

buy a condo like a man; I just moved into a 1br for 240k on Long Island in a rich ass neighborhood. Less upkeep headache and my monthly payments with maintenance and tax is 2k.

>> No.55915412

>simping for the Fed

Holy fuck your reading comprehension is awful

>> No.55915429
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>> No.55915435


SoCal fag here, not FUD don’t move to Bakersfield. It’s bad.

>> No.55915457


but then you're surrounded by long island people

still better than staten island people, i guess

>> No.55915485

>Complaining about $400k
You'd need twice that for a two bedroom in my area and your front door would still face the train tracks

>> No.55915582

Mountain West region.

>> No.55915907

fuck night light

>> No.55916291

What the fuck do you call this shit, faggot?
>everything is great and ur jus lazy! .t Fed simping statist shitcunt
Kill yourself.

>> No.55916309


>> No.55916420

yes, that's more likely the reason. But still, WFH increases the value of ANY home anywhere since it becomes suitable to live there without being at risk of having a job/income. So you can raise the price accordingly even in places in which unemployment increased and prices eventually dropped because it became economically unattractive.

>> No.55916481
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At least you're not a bot.

>> No.55916483

buy a nice RV and snowbird the west coast... even the easten end of the sierras is nice if you move with the seasons

>> No.55916501

also have you considered different countries?

>> No.55916571

ive officially outgrown this website

either its bait or some of you people are beyond saving

I would fire you if I saw this thread

go live in moldovaville, west virginia or gangrape, ohio if you want a cheap home

>> No.55916580

Yeah, cool, I'm not gonna work for you.

>> No.55916640

St. George is for Mormon grandmas and making money off people headed to Moab. The fuck would you move there? Move to fuckin Price if you want a methy pointless small town that's cheap, or man up, convert, go to Nephi and walk in a random direction until you find some tiny town full of sisterwives.