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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1170x506, IMG_0830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55889912 No.55889912 [Reply] [Original]

November will be lit, the breadcrumbs are all true. LINK won.

>> No.55889916


>> No.55889921

nice just butt 100 gay

>> No.55889926

Lfg aped

>> No.55889942

2 more months!

>> No.55889984
File: 29 KB, 400x400, comf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't psychologically ready to make it last bull run.
I am now.
Sergey the philosopher king has hewn us into the men of steel that he wanted us to be all along. I can never thank him enough.

>> No.55890002

imagine wasting this much time on an alt that topped 3 years ago

>> No.55890006


>> No.55890016

Thank you anon. Not too many fudders yet.

>> No.55890102

>changing messaging format


>> No.55890208

This has literally nothing to do with link? XRPL is being develped its own oracle solution. RIP LINK and ETH irrevocably. Good riiddance to gas fees and hell on earth centralized permissioned L2 and business machine financial capture.

>> No.55890215

XRP fags have been awaiting the November migration for literally years btw, since the migration was delayed and then sped up and reconfigured.

>> No.55890890

This man knows. All of the link talking points can also be applied to xrp and more. What is your stack size?

>> No.55890897

Chainlink (the company) won

Wouldn’t really say the holders won anything but a steamy 7 million dump from the chubby man, though

>> No.55890917

Exactly, chainlink labs is about to get richer, but that has nothing to do with the token. Holders will stay poor and continue pretending "2 more weeks" every 2 weeks.

>> No.55890918

You XRPtards are in EVERY LINK thread coping, it’s embarrassing. Do linkies enter your threads to cope? I have never once clicked an XRP thread.

Anyway, show me anywhere where XRP is doing something. Because as far as I see it does nothing. Can you show me XRP stablecoin transactions? XRP SWIFT PoC transactions? XRP securing DeFi? XRP allowing cross chain tx? I can show you all those things for LINK, please show me on a blockchain explorer where I can find those things for XRP. I’ll just wait right here.

>> No.55890995

>As part of Standards release 2022, the securities messages (Category 5) were enhanced so they
can cater for digital asset identification and new token-related features were added, including the
addition of a 30-digit accuracy number to allow for the granularity needed for fractionalisation,
and the option to use a wallet blockchain address instead of a safekeeping account.
>As part of Standards release 2023, imposing the presence of a blockchain address or wallet
account number for the usage of digital token quantities will be relaxed. This means that a
regular safekeeping account can also be used to safekeep digital assets. A market practice on
how to use the Category 5 messages for digital assets is being worked on by the Securities
Market Practice Group (SMPG).
>In addition - as part of Standards release 2022 – in the FX messages (Category 3) support was
added to the messages for confirming and settling non-deliverable FX trades and options in
digital currencies that do not have an ISO 4217 currency code. The format of this digital asset
identification field will be changed so it is aligned with the ISO 24165 - Digital Token Identification
(DTI) - standard that includes an extra check character on top of the 8-character DTI code.

>> No.55891353

What the fuck does this have to do with chainlink?

>> No.55891679
File: 1016 KB, 1968x2583, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do newfags really?

>> No.55891713

another cope date to wait for, I guess better than nothing lol

>> No.55891726

>This man knows. All of the link talking points can also be applied to xrp and more.
Go ahead, provide examples. CBDC transactions on the blockchain, enabled by some Ripple shit. I'll wait.

My brother in Christ you got duped into it. Just buy Chainlink at least so that you can offset the loss before it's too late.

>> No.55891795

Neat, link?
>tfw it’s all so tiresome

>> No.55891848

The entire point of the fud campaign was never to get you to sell now, they know autists aren't going to sell 90% down. It was to keep new money from entering, and to ensure a sizeable amount of midwits sell on the way up. How many anons have you seen proudly declaring they will get out as soon as it reaches previous ath again? Or the ones who think they're being shrewd by selling half their stack at $50. This was the goal all along, they're going to be able to accumulate massively in the $20-$60 range, then you're going to see link pull an eth, and never come back down again.

>> No.55891882


C9 DigitalTokenUnitUsageRule
DigitalTokenUnit format may only be used for instruments identified with a digital token identifier
and when the related account identification is provided as a blockchain address or wallet
identification (using BlockChainAddressOrWallet element as the account identification). Quantity <Qty>
Definition: Quantity of financial instrument.
Impacted by: C9 DigitalTokenUnitUsageRule

DigitalTokenUnit <DgtlTknUnit> BlockChainAddressOrWallet <BlckChainAdrOrWllt>
Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Blockchain address or wallet where digital assets are maintained. This is the equivalent of
safekeeping account for digital assets.
BlockChainAddressOrWallet <BlckChainAdrOrWllt> contains the following elements (see
BlockChainAddressWallet3 on page 438 for details) BlockChainAddressWallet3
Definition: Digital account where digital assets or digital tokens can be stored and where an entry is


>> No.55891891

ps: That's SR2022.
Here's SR2023.
It has basically the same digital asset definitions


>> No.55891949
File: 399 KB, 945x825, 2BFA3D32-1DE1-4196-9DBB-037C5A8EA8AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you guys?

>> No.55891976

rent free

>> No.55892002
File: 392 KB, 1913x1252, 2AFFE7F1-90AD-4D4F-AF96-015543901AF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent free

>> No.55892053
File: 48 KB, 290x283, 1692546173712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek link cucks are coping extra hard now that its
>after 6 years
JUST. Kek baggies

>> No.55892057
File: 90 KB, 828x907, 8916FDD6-AEE5-4344-B8F2-4B7B46542A5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55892080

I'd love to reply with a picture, but unfortunately I don't have a folder with a bunch of jpgs to reply to 4chan posts. Do you keep all your biz jpgs in just one folder, or do you have a specific folder for pictures to be used on link threads?

>> No.55892091
File: 7 KB, 229x220, AD80ED98-282C-47C1-9934-349B2C6D4964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd love to reply with a picture, but unfortunately I don't have a folder with a bunch of jpgs to reply to 4chan posts. Do you keep all your biz jpgs in just one folder, or do you have a specific folder for pictures to be used on link threads?

>> No.55892110

I hope so, not selling regardless because i'm retarded.

>> No.55892116

Come on, it's a really simple question. One folder, or several folders? It's ok, you can reply with a picture if that works for you.

>> No.55892157
File: 6 KB, 248x250, 69EAD139-43FA-4847-96FA-E9DC719849E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come on, it's a really simple question. One folder, or several folders? It's ok, you can reply with a picture if that works for you.

>> No.55892174

Is that hexagon code for 6 folders?

>> No.55892454

pls spoondfeed

>> No.55892734

Swift and DTCC are both pushing messaging protocols that include input fields for digitized assets. Swift and DTCC are both working on digitized assets with Chainlink labs.

>> No.55892828
File: 234 KB, 1600x900, 1692553378310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire point of the fud campaign was never to get you to sell now, they know autists aren't going to sell 90% down. It was to keep new money from entering, and to ensure a sizeable amount of midwits sell on the way up. How many anons have you seen proudly declaring they will get out as soon as it reaches previous ath again? Or the ones who think they're being shrewd by selling half their stack at $50. This was the goal all along, they're going to be able to accumulate massively in the $20-$60 range, then you're going to see link pull an eth, and never come back down again.

>> No.55893348

Bullish for XRP and other ISO 20022 compliant tokens

>> No.55893360

>dtcc is working with chainshit
Nice schizophrenic hopium faggot

>> No.55893382

if you don't know you have no right to be posting, just fuck off

>> No.55893412

nigger faggots who fud this will experience eternal pain.
Fuck the Mossad

>> No.55893487
File: 856 KB, 1010x942, a984c2fbb647d9e22af71035663d9470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DTCC is unironically huge. If you don't know how much capital they move per year, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.55893506

I'm sorry you lost money anon

>> No.55893529

Yea but where in any of this is there proof of Chainlink being used for anything?

>> No.55893558

You've had 6 fucking years to do the research fuck outta here

>> No.55893562

Fuck off shithead you don’t know Jack shit either fuck you

>> No.55893568

You paid thousands of dollars to read "breadcrumbs" for 6 fucking years of your life? Yeesh

>> No.55893573

>he doesn't know
kek fuddie
DTCC were at Smartcon last year. On stage with Sergey. They were very forthcoming with the bullish future they are building with Chainlink.
Oh no no no, it's over for you. Go ahead and post the chart again, you're running out of time on that one trick pony hahaha.

>> No.55893643


>> No.55893652

>running out of time
the chart has been exceedingly effective for 6 years, are you saying that in roughly two more time units it won't be? it's unlikely

>> No.55893654

i am interested to see what they will do when "le chart" is no longer a thing

>> No.55893682

you mean when they ditch the token and do the IPO? they will probably announce it well in advance, so the chart will be around for a while. the IPO will make chainlink look more like a legitimate company, it would be good move

>> No.55893705

yes, I'm talking about when they ditch the token and replace it with Chainlink Stocks on he NASDAQ.

>> No.55893760

yeah, it will be great when they can finally rip out the token and replace it with eth. nobody cares about multichain anyway, eth is the only chain that matters. it will massively simplifiy the whole architecture, users will only need the native token to interact with it, the one they need anyway. maybe they can even take advantage of the binance fork, replacing bnb with eth

>> No.55893816

The following changes are tentatively scheduled for implementation with SR 2023. Changes will be implemented in new versions of messages, new versions could replaceexisting versions on FINplus.

CR 001905 2+ NA - Add an optional ShortLongPosition element to the Position/HoldingBalance/Balance element in the Security building block.

The evaluation team agreed that the data type of the Balance element should be fully aligned with the data type of the SignedQuantity element in corporate action messages. Therefore, a ShortLongPosition element will be added to the Balance data type and in addition, it will also have a choice between Unit, FaceAmount and DigitalTokenUnit.

For a full alignment with CA messages, it was also agreed to add a new optional “BlockChainAddressOrWallet” element besides the existing AccountIdentification element which itself must be changed to optional and to add the required cross elements rules to prevent the presence of both account identifications together. To be able to provide negative balances in units, face amount or digital token unit similarly to the balances in corporate actions messages.

>DTC Will Convert its ISO20022 Corporate Action Messaging to the SWIFT
SR2023 Version on November 19, 2023

>> No.55893853

>two more weeks guys!!!!!

>> No.55893870

probably the best psyop i've ever seen on this board. the exit liquidity in 2020/2021 was pretty unmatched for link vs all the other defi summer tokens likely as a result.

>> No.55893922

Cant tell if youre trying to reverse fud and shill link or if youre an eth maxi with crippling retardation.

>> No.55894042

I'm getting old, man

>> No.55894324

Seriously everybody shut the fuck up I don’t want this knowledge hitting the normiesphere.

>> No.55894331

go ahead and post this on reddit/crypto or wherever
wont make a difference
people are just too dumb to get it

>> No.55894516
File: 190 KB, 491x498, 1685728567882256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving me hope anon. I highly doubt we will get a God candle this November. I believe we'll reach 1k once ccip v1 and staking v1 are both up and that wont happen until another 2 years. Im still buying tho

>> No.55894525

>20022 SR2023
what does this have to do with chainlink?

>> No.55895093
File: 246 KB, 955x1708, swift corporate actions chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55895119
File: 96 KB, 750x593, 1692574590087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55895289

I look like that and post that.

>> No.55895796

That's a positive perception of the past events.
But those who caused this change are the international banking cartel.
They created their arch nemesis through extreme greed, because they refused to let us make it in peace.

>> No.55895821


I checked r/cryptocurrency on the day that the SWIFT/DTCC/Euroclear/etc. news was announced. It was the same day as the SEC notice to binance or coinbase. very few comments/upvotes. normies literally don't care. They're married to their stellar lumens and cardanos. it's hilarious.

>> No.55895943

At the absolute height of clownery, it was had to avoid the conclusion that Chainlink literally times their announcement to coincide with peak SEC fud.
The SEC notices went out and then the Chainlink announcement went out.
Hard not to conclude that Chainlink are in on the hiding strategy themselves.

But when you think about it, it makes sense. Look at the hostility, gaslighting, direct attacks and attacks by omission they get just from the crypto space. And the MEV cartel are absolute tadpoles in the global space. It's in Chainlink's interests to stay quiet and get stronger for literally as long as possible, because as soon as the covers come off, they will be facing much, much bigger attacks than a couple of søy retards announcing "oracle free summer".
Literally think of some of the people/entities/institutions that a fully trust-minimised world will displace. Central Counterparty Clearinghouses, as an industry, cease to exist in a world of escrow smart contracts. Do you know how big that industry is? Do you know who the CME are?
Every day that Chainlink can solidify and strengthen their offering, without attracting the outright hostility of trillion dollar industries, is another day that they increase their chances of actually winning in the long run.
If the wait is killing you, literally just learn to code. The web3 app layer/infrastructure imbalance has never been more tilted away from apps. Build web3 apps, get Chainlinked, join BUILD, and actually take part in this revolution. It's right there waiting for all of you.

>> No.55895957


>> No.55896008

It was not timed by Chainlink but by the US government cartel.
They know the date of the important announcements because the FED and multiple of their banks like JP Morgan are insiders.
It's easy for them to time their fud attacks.

Sergey is not competent enough to play politics with the cabal, that's why he only focused on the project itself hoping to get it done before a bankruptcy.

I often thought about trying to build something in this space but couldn't think of anything.
I don't want to build a DeFi platform, but how do I make something interesting and useful if I don't already have a business which can profit from tokenization?

>> No.55896028
File: 170 KB, 1464x416, nftgate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think an NFT gated chat would be a relatively straightforward first project. I'm hoping to build one by early next year. Chainlink literally just released a video on using NFTs as identity gate mechanisms, and all you'd have to do is airdrop a non-transferable NFT to, say, every link wallet over 10k LINK, and then use that NFT as the passport into the chat.

>> No.55896106

It's a bit too risky unfortunately.
Multiple scams use these types of attacks.
You may approve something you don't want with the wallet containing your assets and get your wallet drained in the process.

You really don't need to make it so complicated.
Most people here should have the ability to recognize a person with a positive mindset from a paid fudder.
Basic common sense with a moderation under our control and maybe some AI based filtering would be enough to make it work.

The only reason we don't have it yet is because no one tried.
Would such a platform be really useful however?
It would be nice if we could network a bit more properly with a form of identity and work on real projects, but in the mean time I found what /biz/ couldn't give me on twitter.

>> No.55896111
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It's gotten ridiculous, but at the same time it's to be expected that baggies/shills must stir up increasingly more fantastical hopium theories at this point of the shitcoin life cycle. They already hit a 22bn market cap, hit top 5 etc.
I don't think anything has changed in human psychology since the last cycle kek. I fully expect RetardBurgerInu to 1000x and link underperforming as the base case. The big fundamental-driven singularity is perennially "just 4 years away"

>> No.55896131

Literally fuck you and your gated community fucking libtard nigger. I do not give a fuck about the implementation of the idea. I spent years learning, investigating, and integrating the idea and now I get to see where it ends up. I do not give a fuck about communicating with le ogs like its late 2017-2018 before the memes normified and link-pilled twitterinos became avocados and SPAM became the numero uno mechanism by which LINK threads are kept alive because discussions are wafer thin. I think to myself why don't those faggot just link pill nigger faggots and keep them on Twitter, where all the good posters went, but I know that nostalgia is a powerful force motivating you cocksuckers to relive your golden years/glory days but really all you have done is muddied the waters by attracting people who would fit in more complaining on tumblr if that even is a thing anymore i
desu stopped paying attention after the p0rn ran dry. So you ask yourself if creating a feedback loop involving this place and keeping it alive by spamming /biz/ best ofs on every channel is worth it after you have destroyed mediocrity and replaced it with third world spammers with a grudge. These nigs are not even script kiddies but anon has to deal with them day in and day out because here they seem to get traction. And no I won't be learning to code for web3. Gibs back what you have taken and maybe just maybe things may improve. This feedback loop must die first I hope you understand. I'm sorry your marketing terrain is so limited. This is beyond anon's control. You can blame the scammers that came before you and the ones that are still alive. Reshare the fuck outta this you dumb fucking nigger kikes maybe just maybe you might learn something

>> No.55896172

I don't get how this will add to the liquidity that's needed for it to hit 1k. I'm still bewildered and puzzled more by the narrative the thread is pushing. It remains opaque. This is unlike the DePIN base narrative, and many pundits believe this could be the next emerging market trend in the next cycle. Rooting in on rndr, iotx, and peaq in this light

>> No.55896185

Exactly what I'm curious about. I don't quite grasp the entire concept and what exactly they're emphasizing this time

>> No.55896217

DTCC is starting their pilot program using SWIFT messaging and CCIP on September 11th 2023. Institutions are adopting the technology and normies have no idea

>> No.55896240

dividing everything into fud and shill categories is a limited way of thinking. the IPO fits very well with their attempts to look like a regular company

>> No.55896266

>the breadcrumbs are all true. LINK won.
>November will be lit
that's where you're wrong

>> No.55896284

Then don't use it, schizo-anon. You don't have to use shit that you don't like. No need to huff and puff.

>> No.55896325
File: 137 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuddies are so pathetic kek

>> No.55896491

Literally nothing. Ask yourself one question, which crypto company lead the design of the new iso20022 standard? It definitely wasnt chainlink. The amount of pure cope that comes from linkies about all of the XRPL news is crazy. the XRP crowd has bank employees confirming theories, they have ripple being part of the iso20022 design, there are CBDCs being created on the XRPL...this is just a short list of the things that you can easily point to and say ripple has done...for some reason linkies still think that by pointing at new systems coming out that *could, maybe use chainlink* = proof that its being used. Get off whatever shit you guys are smoking, approach this with a rational mind, start by investigating what is happening in the finance world and then find the crypto that they are talking about...dont try to smash your favorite crypto into a box just because you bought at $50+ and then staked it all in a system that doesnt allow you to unstake.

>> No.55896502

youre a fucking retard anon. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230518005115/en/Ripple-Launches-CBDC-Platform-for-the-Development-of-CBDCs-and-Stablecoins
do you linkies ignore all the ripple news because it doesnt fit into your fantasy narrative?

>> No.55896553

ripple is amazing

>> No.55896580

Because it is led by corrupt scammers.
It doesn't matter what they do it won't succeed because they have a negative mindset which turns gold into shit.
And they didn't produce anything valuable.
You can create as many CBDCs as you want on any blockchain with a basic ERC20 token contract.

But securing cross chain connections is something everyone failed to do safely until now.

>> No.55896591

Didn't read; never buying your bags.

>> No.55896750

>You can create as many CBDCs as you want on any blockchain
I dont think you understand what a CBDC is...the only ones who can create a CBDC are central banks...its in the name, all a CBDC is, is a crypto token that was made by a central bank. Therefore you should be looking at what systems the centrals banks are wanting to use to create their own CBDCs.
Find me one, literally fucking ONE mention of any CBDC being built using any of chainlinks offerings. I could literally post all night and still not mention all of the connections ripple has to central banks and countries looking into CBDCs, there are so fucking many.

>> No.55896757

>I could literally post all night and still not mention all of the connections ripple has to central banks and countries looking into CBDCs, there are so fucking many.
any I dont have to rely on any of this "word play" that you linkies use to try to connect chainlink to real world applications, im talking straight up banks saying "were using ripple"

>> No.55896819

The republic of Palau and a paid ripple article are not that impressive. XRPL can have all the CBDCs, and LINK will have all the trade settlement (oracle needed) , and blockchain -> real world interoperability. The fact you think CBDCs are the end all of this next wave of tech is telling. Try thinking harder

>> No.55896980

You could literally post all night, but could you figuratively post all night?

>> No.55897161

Won't change a thing. Fags won't accept the truth until it hits them in the face. Don't care tho. Quite comfortable slurping AstraDAO and iToken rewards.

>> No.55897192


>> No.55897210

Probably point at hitcoins that gained more

>> No.55897238

They completely disappeared during the bull run. They will do the same in the next one, too.

>> No.55897350

>I don't get how this will add to the liquidity that's needed for it to hit 1k.
Hello newfriend. It's not about increasing liquidity, it's about reduced supply.
The 1k meme comes from the longstanding expectation that most LINK tokens will end up staked on nodes as collateral. As real world assets get tokenized, smart contracts about them would require sufficient collateral from the nodes providing the data that determine how those contracts are solved. All of this was discussed in depth 2018-2019, but technical-minded anons mostly stopped talking about it after superlinear staking was announced, because it pushes back any non-hype price appreciating by a decade.

>> No.55897355

This guy gets it.

>> No.55897357

I actually firmly agree.

>> No.55897499

That's all there is though. You wother have a vested interest for or a vested interest against. Sure, there is the 3rd camp (oblivious retards) but no one posting in a link thread falls into it.
>youre a fudder btw

>> No.55897510

lots of extremely paid FUD spammers in this thread
good work OP
remember everyone - replies are how they get paid for their work
bullying them for their ESL tard babble is fun and easy, but the entire reason they waste this much time here is for whatever pittance they get per (you,) so just don't give em any

>> No.55897517

extremely angry*

>> No.55898568
File: 2.39 MB, 320x568, 1686742109526968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DTCC posting now
Yep linkies are gme apes now. Im out.

>> No.55898580

>Im out.
Bye, man. I'll miss you more than anything.

>> No.55898766

>ISO 20022 compliant tokens

This is shaping up to be a promising narrative over the next couple of months with the repeated discussions on regulations.

>> No.55899138

maybe they're both correct

>> No.55899151

how can you reuse a narrative that didnt pump the shitcoin last time?

>> No.55899251

>how can she slap?

>> No.55899273

I believe the reason why it didn't do well the previous time was solely because there was little or no attention paid to regulations but it's quite different atm so i believe this should have a positive effect on QNT, NXRA and ultimately XRP in the coming months.

>> No.55899510

cant wait for QNT, NXRA, XRP, and of course stellar lumens to moon 1000x while link does the dumpie :}

>> No.55899592

Lol this warranted a triple fud reply. Makes you think.

>> No.55900212
File: 20 KB, 689x561, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck the spam filter

>> No.55900938

just bought 3k more today... wagmi

>> No.55901016

based spam filter blocking gay nonsense FUD

>> No.55901034

We weren’t supposed to make it when idiots were getting rich off dog coins. We are meant to show those around us that it wasn’t luck, it was knowledge and faith.

>> No.55901162

also our riches will put dog coin gains to shame
patience and faith will be rewarded by Lord Sergey

>> No.55901166

>it was knowledge and faith
if it was knowledge, why didn't you sell the top? if it was faith, why do you need to post in an echo chamber thread?

>> No.55901194

>seven years and still expecting something to happen
im convinced everyone still talking about link on /biz/ are sub 1k holders

>> No.55901271

you can think that, if it helps you cope

>> No.55901313

spotted the faggot with 1001 link