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File: 69 KB, 1170x1319, europoor - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55885042 No.55885042 [Reply] [Original]

Work as a senior data scientist in europe, drooling over the salaries and col in the US.

>> No.55885049

Grass is greener syndrom, everywhere is fucked anon

>> No.55885057

Which country? Totally makes a difference.

>> No.55885080



>> No.55885209
File: 95 KB, 353x351, Bender stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The United States has a larger economy than the entire continent of Europe
>Even when you factor in Russia and Turkey it's still larger by about $2 trillion
How the fuck did Europe fall behind so fast, all combined that's over 800 million people to the US's less than 350 million.

>> No.55885243

Socialism. All the "free" education and healthcare isn't actually free and comes with a heavy economic price.

>> No.55885245

Europe is just a museum that produces nothing

>> No.55885272

Europeans brag about having 4 months of vacation every year and taking regular siestas in the middle of their shift. Do the math. Fact of the matter is that Europeans are just lazy - there’s really nothing more to it than that

>> No.55885276

No borders.
Mass cheap transit.
No protection if social standards.
Economies that rely on tourism.
No reason to come anymore, too diverse/dangerous.

>> No.55885296

What >>55885243 said, but also VAT makes it unattractive for manufacturing components and western European density and muh walkable cities make logistics and deliveries horrifically inefficient.

>> No.55886030
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We're meme'd on as europoors for a reason

>> No.55886174

Atleast we dont have to borrow 100-200k from banks to go to university.

>> No.55886210 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 880x460, World_map_of_median_wealth_per_adult_by_country._Credit_Suisse._2021_publication (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up what the Eurozone is, you retarded shitskin
kill yourself

>> No.55886216
File: 137 KB, 396x385, 1631552500249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is spiraling just like everywhere else. Unless a radical change of scenery is what you feel is required for genuine happiness then I'd stay where you're at and work with what you got there. Sounds like you have a potentially remote career path anyways you could just work online right?

>> No.55886281

Look at what happened to Nokia as an example of what happens to European companies.
Americans don't like competition.

>> No.55886426

And the US still has a larger economy than the Eurozone, plus the non-Eurozone countries, plus the Asian parts of Turkey and Russia, by about $2 trillion. Why are you so mad? That's just an objective fact.

>> No.55886435

>Look up what the Eurozone is
An unstable monetary union where half of its members are in a literal depression comparable to the US in the 1930s?

>> No.55886443


>oh nooo euros don't slave their lifes away so shekelberg can make another dime!!!11?!

>> No.55886458

Because half of Europe was communist, you retard
Western Europe is immensely wealthy and outperforms the US in various metrics

>> No.55886473

being part of the american economy is like being a woman, its so easy to become a millionaires it's insane, life on easy mode.
if you can't cut it in america you wont cut it anywhere else.

>> No.55886476
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>> No.55886481

And Europe had a larger economy than the US until just a few years ago, despite half of the continent having previously been under communism. OP's graph even shows the US just barely eking out a lead over the Eurozone alone in 2008, now it beats the entire continent by even the broadest definition by about 8%. The US has grown faster than Europe over the last 15 years, I don't get why this bothers you so much.

>> No.55886499

>half of europe was communist and it STILL managed to underperformed the already rich US
That makes Europe's failure even more laughable retard

>> No.55886513
File: 179 KB, 2300x2037, F7IGGUA5BJCPLLYMP7PDXLMYWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly build on debt. Europe has been fiscally responsible and learned form the 2008 crisis.
Its not hard to appear wealthy, by taking on huge amounts of debt

>> No.55886567
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Not really.

>> No.55886587

The Eurozone debt on average is 90% to GDP. The US is 120%.
At least look up shit, before commenting

>> No.55886589
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Legit. Europe is only good for people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum. The mediocre and welfare queens extract much more from the state than they could ever afford to provide for themselves, on the backs of higher earners (who don't even earn that much compared to Americans).

High earners, e.g. doctors, devs, lawyers etc. have is much much much better in America.

>> No.55886597


That gap really isn't that massive.

And when you factor in that much more US currency is held abroad due to the fact that the dollar is king, the difference is even smaller, may even be in the opposite direction with the EU worse off debt wise.

And at any rate a 30% higher debt pile for almost double the GBP is a great deal.

>> No.55886607

Its not double the GDP, you fucking retard

>> No.55886606

Production went up cause everything went up in price and real estate is fucked up

>> No.55886618
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>print trillions of new dollars
>hand it out to your buddies
>the """GDP""" grew bigger, and that somehow now means we're better off, even though everybody's wage stayed the same and stuff just costs more now

>> No.55886619


80% higher then, boohoo.

Fucking morons here and their moot points.

>> No.55886627


Salaries for jobs in my sector in the US are booming.

>> No.55886628 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep drowning in debt and niggers


>> No.55886631

which industry

>> No.55886635


Data science

>> No.55886668

So, what, like quant/analyst jobs?
I work in software development, and there's still some good opportunities to be had, but it's clear by now that the boom in the software engineering sector ended years ago and it's too oversaturated now. Maybe I should look into pivoting into an adjacent field like that

>> No.55886707


so i work at a fintech firm looking at financial data, get paid pretty well (even by united findom standards)

get emailed by recruiters all the time, from where i'm sitting it looks like there's quite a bit of demand

what's general software engineering like?

>> No.55886777

Software engineering varies a lot depending on where you're working. My first job was doing "enterprise" development, and I had to deal with a ton of office bureaucracy, I had to wear a suit and tie to the office every day, and I had to attend a bunch of in-person meetings and all that stuff. Now I WFH for a smaller company, and I do maybe about an hour or two of actual work a day. I put in a few minutes here and there in between shitposts. That's all it takes for me to meet my deadlines. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't want a different job at this point, even if it paid better, but I'm not sure how long this will last

>> No.55886805

You'll find that you'll have an easier time saving money in Europe over the US. If you're a consoom product retard, life in the US will just be all work and no fun. If you know how to "save money" you'll do just fine here.

>> No.55886871


Sounds like the dream desu, my own work hours are pretty cozy these days but not quite that cozy just yet.

>> No.55886902

Did you mean TO the US? Why would anyone want that? The only people coming here are third worlders with no brain cells to predict how shitty that will turn out.

>> No.55886909


People in a similar role to mine make triple the money in the US, with lower taxes on top.

The United Findom is a backwater joke, so is the rest of Europe.

>> No.55886927
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cries to the Jannies when someone points out all the thirdworlders in the US.


>> No.55886929
File: 2.78 MB, 576x1024, 1682631093046436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be seriously mentally challenged to give up living in Europe for the US.

>b-but muh high salaries
60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and the US is a disgusting corporate dystopia

>> No.55887072

At least travel to america once before you make retarded threads like this. If you have to go to any public place or interact with people at all, it's a fucking dystopian nightmare. It's pretty pleasant to go outside in Europe, in america I dreaded it every single time

>> No.55887090

>Be American
>Pay $5000000 for aspirin
>Gdp is now infinity
American life expectancy is going lower than 3rd world shitholes

>> No.55887245


Yeah, but i'm in a line of work where I won't be in that 60%. I am comfortably in the top decile of earners in the UK and would be in the US.

It's not my problem and wouldn't be my problem. I wouldn't have these money issues and these criminality issues.

>> No.55887299

Anon do it. I moved from Ireland to here last year and it was 100% the best decision I have made. My salary doubled overnight and my cost of living plummeted. Americans are retarded with money in general so don’t listen to the stats on poverty and muh pay to pay. Any questions feel free to ask away.
Even with inflation the cost of living here is still less. And with a job in your field you will get excellent insurance coverage.
>They also have Primark here so you’ll feel right at home

>> No.55887324

Ok, I'd say it's worth coming to America. If you were German or French or Italian, I'd say your quality of life would decrease so drastically that it wouldnt pay off unless you were expecting to make crazy money here. Americans have more money but we pay for it with stress, work life balance, and a hustle culture that grinds you to the bone. At least the UK culture isn't so dissimilar, so there won't be a huge culture shock if you come here. I have German friends that vacation in America and will not go to the grocery store on a Sunday out of principal because they feel it's morally wrong to have people working non essential jobs in Sunday.

>> No.55887339

So far I find the work life culture fine. I’m sure my boss doesn’t appreciate that I do a firm 8 hours and I’m out the door though. So far he hasn’t said anything but I’m sure it’ll come up eventually. When it does I’ll ask him what their OT policy is.