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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55881823 No.55881823 [Reply] [Original]

Just got out of another thread of someone with close to a million net worth and he's pissing and whining about it. This isn't a one time thing either. I see it all the time here - and no, I'm not talking about obvious larpers (which is 90% of the rich brag posts here, let's be honest).

How fucking spoiled do you have to be where you're among the top 1-3% (literally) and you have the sheer audacity to cry and act like the world is ending? This is one of many reasons why I hate the rich. It's not so much you're already successful through sheer luck, it's that you're so fucking ungrateful about it and squeal for attention. I just can't fathom it.

>> No.55881828

All that glitters is not gold

>> No.55881844

there's a various discords filled with trannies and kremlinbots that have different agendas for each board. on /biz/ they have been constantly making troll threads and posts for years saying you need at least $5M to not starve in america

>> No.55881882

Well yeah I never take those kinds of threads seriously anyways. Like that stupid meme that says you haven't made it until $100m net worth, and that $1m-$5m is starvation on the brink of despair or some stupid shit some bizshit invented.

>> No.55881895

they actually make normal posts too. if it seems sophisticated thats because they've been doing this a long time

>> No.55882401

Wagoids will never comprehend the struggle

we came from your position and actually know both worlds, you wouldn't understand

>> No.55882422

The vast majority of rich people had to sacrifice their free time and relationships to get to where they are at, it was a lot of grinding and gaining knowledge, they have a lot more to lose if the economy goes south. Wagies like you aren't as affected, you're just an NPC in the game, not a player.

>> No.55882478

ever notice how for all the trannies and fudbots that spam this board about their supposed high net worth you have never once actually seen a picture of their house or boat or car. if they like to brag and showoff so much why are they so hesitant to post a picture of their new bugatti or the view from their 6000+sq/ft home?

>> No.55882490

to reach 7 figures starting from zero it took a heavy toll to pay, especially in my ultra socialist commie country
and when i did i realized that yes, i'm in the top 0.005% of my commie country in terms of income, but i'm still powerless in terms of big thing i could do
just buying an hypercar would send my dispodable income to zero
so...no wagie, i didn't made it yet and i need to push harder than before
it's not whining and crying, it's just facts

>> No.55882515

1 million dollars isn't even a lot of money these days.
Everybody hurts sometimes.
One thing I've found is that people are rarely happy for you if things are going your way, but people absolutely love to circlejerk with each other over being a loser and blame "the rich" for their problems.

>> No.55882517

You are on a business and finance forum seething at people who have higher aspirations than you. You have a crab in a bucket loser mentality and will never make it. What the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.55882549

>close to $1M
you need at least $10M to survive in this economy

>> No.55882567

That is just how this site works and you've psyopped yourself into thinking it's Russians kek
Visit /fit/ and you'll feel like a dyel, /x/ and you're not skitzo enough, /pol/ and you're not extremist enough, /fa/ and you're not fashionable enough, /biz/ and you're not rich enough, /b/ and you're not spastic enough.. etc etc.
You either use this information to improve or you wallow like a bitch.

>> No.55882599

Are you referring to the tranny discord that was spreading pro tranny stuff on /r9k/??

>> No.55882745

>close to a million net worth
>rich fucks
That's basically anyone over 40 that bought a house, probably 60%+ of everyone over 40. It's not rich but it's well off.
But 6 figure hell is real.
We're still wagies like you. We still have to put in 40+ hours a week working for some asshole.
Sure maybe we can afford some comforts like not having roommates, or an economy shitbox, or vacation once in awhile, but every expense means we'll have to spend more time waging before we can retire.
And getting there by risky investments like crypto is an even bigger hell, sure you might get a good runnup to high 6 figures but is it the peak? Who knows? Are you going to sell after it drops 100k? 200k? 300k? What if it recovers like it did a hundred times before the runnup to high 6 figures? You would have missed out if you sold each time there was a pullback. So you watch your portfolio swing by hundreds of thousands, more than you'll make in your years of waging, just hoping it'll pump just enough to retire. But it doesn't, and you see it swing down to 5 figures and you regret not selling earlier and you feel max pain, and then it starts to swing up again. Maybe this time this could be it.
At this point its been years, you've gained and lost hundreds of thousands and still haven't made it, at times it hurt, other time it was euphoric but now you feel nothing.
Yet you persist, you continue to wage, same as usual. Nothing compares in your day to day life anymore, your dopamine receptors have been sufficiently fried from seeing decades of waging pass through your hands. Hobbies are uninteresting, work is a chore, relationships have little appeal. Yet you have to keep waging, you'll never retire if you stop.
So is it really that much better than a poor wagie working a deadend job living in a shitty apartment with roommates and no savings? In a lot of ways yes, there's hope for a future and an escape is in sight, but for the moment their lives are not so different.

>> No.55882885
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maybe it's because they don't want to go back to being like us? it's not that hard to answer, I would cry too if I had to live in a one-room apartment again, or if I had to sell my entire CHIKUN

>> No.55884121

> rich brag
> close to a million net worth
Poorfags or just unaware of inflation? Last time a million dollars was rich was before I was born.

>> No.55885852

its demoralization posters, they are just mentally ill NEETs

>> No.55885863
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Yeah I don't get it I'm unironically a mentally ill neet without disability and I don't make these dumb threads I usually post
>10k is life changing money
because to me it is and to most people 10k is a decent chunk.

>> No.55885867

1 million isn't rich though, maybe 6+

>> No.55885896

life changing isnt the same thing as rich though, most people will never be rich but they'll never need to be either. you can live a very nice life without being rich.

>> No.55886005

Here in Denmark, its like 50.000 people are dollar millionaires, and we are considered a rich country. A 100k usd wage is like top 10% income here too. Americans do not fucking suffer. Its literally normal for 25 year old Americans to make more than execs here with 25+ years of experience. Where the fuck is all that money coming from?

>> No.55886017

Theyre pretending to be rich and acting like the amount they have is small in an effort to demoralize you
Larping, buddy

>> No.55886019

You guys give it to us unironically that’s the power of the default global reserve currency

>> No.55886034

it's not normal at all, most money is only flowing to the top ~5%.
but you're right, in general if you're not able to become wealthy as an ameican you sit very low on the human hierarchy. playing on such an easy difficulty with nothing to show for yourself is highly embarrassing for those living here yet still poor.

>> No.55886044

I wish I was American. If you are willing to live a few years as a bum there, you can become a multi-millionaire in just a decade, retire at 40 and just travel the world and live friviously until you die at the ripe age of 105 meanwhile I pay 40% of my income to fund single mothers who wont fuck me

>> No.55886112
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1 million dollars is not "rich". You can't live in a mansion, drive a supercar, and fly first class everywhere with a million dollars. At best, you'll be able to sustain a lower middle class lifestyle without working, until inflation starts eating away at you. $10m is actually rich because you can actually sustain an upper class lifestyle of exceptional luxury with the amount of returns that amount of principal would generate

>> No.55886121

Why I keep my goalposts low.