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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55868654 No.55868654 [Reply] [Original]

The crazy plane lady is 38 & lives in a multi million dollar house as a marketing exec. It's literally that easy to make money today, so why aren't you financially successful?

>> No.55868690

GOYard bag indeed, goyslopa consoomah!

>> No.55868836

>so why aren't you financially successful?
I don't have a cunt and I'm not interested in sucking dick or taking it up the ass.

>> No.55868848

stay poor faggot

>> No.55868863

can we get pictures of her feet?

>> No.55868864

>go to college
>some retarded lib arts program
>get hired directly for a big company as some sorta "sales" person
>get promoted every 2 years

All you have to do is be a nig or a woman

>> No.55868869

Kek. Always knew the roasties were worthless garbage who restrict my funding to fund their own mansions. Cunts.

>> No.55868872

i am, much more than her. the real question is why aren't you, op?

>> No.55868915

>have no kids
>work a job long enough to become a do nothing "executive" because you have 15 years of experience
thats the formula really. People talk like being a software engineer is the only way to become a high tier wagie, but even the dumbest fucks can make 200k+ in management

>> No.55869485

>1.6 million dollar home
Lol, Imagine believing these retarded prices. Her husband probably mortgaged it for $400k back in 2010 and now it's "4X" the value. Honestly, lack of context is the only reason the video went viral. She was making a scene over her husband's infidelity and basically calling him a fraud. Had nothing to do with schizo shit, they edited the video to leave off the relevant context. Plenty of people who were there have said as much.

>> No.55869520

Exactly this, female market execs are always really attractive and fuck there boss so they just make a ton of money and provide no real value to the company.

>> No.55869555

Hmm. If she were black her mumbo jumbo could have been interpreted in the proper context. It's because we didn't comprehend she's talking jive that we assumed she saw reptiles. Fascinating. Serves that nigger lover right.

>> No.55869590

> Need MBA from M7 business school (each one costs well over $100k)
> Need good looks to get into any high level sales or marketing position

Games rigged from the start. Not everyone can make it fag.

>> No.55869613

decent money but no eggs/value or purpose left, no wonder she was hallucinating

>> No.55869696

>"Marketing exec" roastie
>Pulls "viral" stunt to brainwash cattle with

Totally organic

>> No.55871219


>> No.55871241
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She apologized

>> No.55871265

This. And it's been all over 4chan for weeks. Not even MSM has given that whore so much attention. This place has really gone to shit.

>> No.55871288

What’s the point of that, if I were a C suite exec I would just hire ugly woman or man and pay them less and then use the difference for escorts

>> No.55871306

yea we know. she did the whole stunt for $50 for carrottop.

>> No.55871428

If your'e a white man, it's never been more difficult in all of human history to get a job and be successful than it is now. Even at the lowest point of the dark ages in medieval europe white men lived easier lives than today.

>> No.55871610

I just wanna know what drugs she was on and can I have some

>> No.55871632


Exactly. Promote every two years, either by staying or hopping

Cashier to teller
teller to personal banker
personal banker to Jr analyst
Jr to Analyst II
Analyst II to Sr. Analyst
Sr Analyst to Associate Director
Associate Director to Executive Director

Only ever 7 promotions from executive, starting from a cashier. Exceptionally easy if you're willing to relocate and aren't taking time off for a family.


Yep. Mine is $650,000. I was pushing carts at Walmart when I got the mortgage.

>> No.55871662

Her husband is a white looking guido so I like her and will serve her as my queen and obey her commands (the ones I made up in my head) to propagate the white race.

>> No.55871675


>> No.55871751

Where can I find the video?

>> No.55871775

x videos

>> No.55871781

(Elon's site)

>> No.55871783

>paid actor does paid stunt to trick goyim for le sekret cults hidden agenda
many such cases!

>> No.55871806

Looks like shit unironically I'd rather continue to live in my current apartment which is pretty comfy.

>> No.55871811

wow, she's one sexy mama

>> No.55871826

yeah looks damn sexy for 38

>> No.55871956


>> No.55872011

you can't pay escorts on the company dime anon, while you can hire attractive underlings

>> No.55872038

Americans always do. You get paid six figures out of college.

I was watching some reality tv yesterday where an american who sold hifi gear from a showroom had 2 cars and a fully detached huge home. Anywhere else he'd be renting both the house and a single hatchback on lease.

>> No.55872045

> cashier to analyst

>> No.55872050

you typically start close to 80k and hit six figures after three years or so. If you are a rentoid you aren't able to save much on six figures in many places.

>> No.55872078

Jesus you are in the weeds of this meme

>> No.55872097


Of course. There's four years between cashier and Jr. You take advantage of your tuition reimbursement, don't you?

>> No.55873364


>> No.55873423

Even 80k is insane, that's already top 5-10% of earners in any other country

>> No.55874200

She's also a mudshark, if you haven't seen the pics.

>> No.55874314
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>> No.55874343

liar. mommy only likes greasers. her husband is a guido

>> No.55874348

>1.6 mil
> multi million
I sure know why you aren't

>> No.55874422

>that house
>in texas
>1.6 million
just nuke us already.

>> No.55874494

>be rich
>wear torn up clothing
>occasionally see hallucinations
>still fly coach
That’s wifey material right there.

>> No.55874519
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>The crazy plane lady is 38 & lives in a multi million dollar house as a marketing exec.
I'd like her to market her boobas to my face if you know what I mean.

>> No.55874583
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>> No.55874627

It was big on twitter for like 4 days and then 1 day again when someone "doxxed" her

>> No.55874747

Look at all these radicalized retards. It's not her fault you did bad in school and can't do math or convince someone you're smart enough to help run their company. Get a degree in something not retarded and go make money, queers.

>inb4 muh margeding nod reel jerb
Baiting goys into buying your particular brand of slop is in high demand. You go where the money is, not where you'd like it to be. We all know you aren't smart enough to do that, though.

>> No.55874773

Squeeze booba

>> No.55874797

why did she do it?

>> No.55874798

>white women hit the wall at twenty-ACK

>> No.55874809

Why did she say a plane was going to blow up then?

>> No.55875087

>white women
shame humans only come in one color (white)

>> No.55875266

Photos like this remind me how much I am separated from people. What do these people even talk about? Their goy cattle meaningless jobs? Bags?

>> No.55875273

They just talk about other people and media probably the new Barbie movie

>> No.55875382

Those fucking cows finished a whole cake lmao

>> No.55875476

Why do people always go crazy in their late 30s to early 40s?
It's like once they hit 50 they're chill again and before 35 they're ok but sometime in that period something snaps

>> No.55875520

>$1.6m for that
state of ameriburgers

>> No.55875593

There's 7 people and 1 slice left, that means they cut it into 1/8ths you numbskull
>Hurr nooooo you need to cut the cake into 1/16ths because uhh because I think so

>> No.55875680

even my mom has a 1.5 million dollar home that isnt impressive

>> No.55875692

She sucked and fucked her way there.

>> No.55875702

That house is worth multi million dollars? That looks like some piece of shit starter home you would build in Sims

Fuck man real estate is so overpriced, you just know 80% of the structure is made of recycled plywood and drywall - what a scam seriously

>> No.55875748

Pretty distasteful to have the ocean gate sub on the wall

>> No.55875783

Yeah, 8ths of 1.5lb each, fatty.

>> No.55875803

So exactly what /biz/ talks about? stupid bitch, you would fit right in with them.

>> No.55875812

t. never spoke to a female exec
I've spoken to several people that make 800k+ a year and boy do they sound fucking smart when they talk
wish I could say the same for the 200k+ folk, but they are dumb as rocks

>> No.55875834

You suddenly realize you're getting old? It's tough

>> No.55875886

In this thread - zoomers finally realize that high salaries are directly related to years of experience and they wasted time grinding in college at a chance of making it.

News flash dumb faggots — time + networking = money.

>> No.55876100


"multi" doesn't usually imply a fractional multiple

>> No.55876216
File: 27 KB, 512x384, 1619571169040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started being financially successful once i stopped caring about the legitimacy of my business and investments. Three years ago when is started investing i thought i had to be a serious uptight man with real investments in stocks and enterprises and made no progress at all. Nowadays you can make 300k on conspiracy theory-level tokens like x.com without sweating too much, that's the game im in, i guess i just learned to do what i can do best without worrying too much

>> No.55876259

that's why you're not a C level exec. those guys most of the time have 0 game (is it rizz nowadays?) and rely on the working place for pussy.

>> No.55876351

two idiots. those are single slice pieces. they clearly didn't order a whole fucking cake.

>> No.55876687

Close enough.

>> No.55876769
File: 143 KB, 1035x388, queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55876809

this is great

>> No.55876867

There's literally a large tray with cake leftovers right there, you brainlet. You probably have never seen a woman, but put a cake in front of one and she can eat the whole thing, especially white American women. They're literal pigs.

>> No.55877033

it's a tray and a single piece is on there you fucking retard, there is no way you can conclude that an x-amount of cake pieces were on there before based on this pic. you can see it's a single piece by the way the sides are dripped with chocolate and it's a fresh piece by the state of the whipped cream. I am in my mid 30s from Europe, taken out many women of different ethnic backgrounds (western- and eastern Europe) plenty of times also eating cake and they never ate more than 1 slice. probably because I don't date or entertain fat woman, why are you?

>> No.55877090

>taken out
>they never ate more than 1 slice
Come back when you manage to get intimate with one. When you do, you'll learn that their behavior when having dinner with the girls is very different to a date. Do you burp and fart on dates like you do when watching footie with the boys? Of course you don't.

>> No.55877214

Hey look it's this thread again. How's the weather in Tel Aviv op?

>> No.55877249

you must be extremely ugly or under 18 for thinking dating and fucking women is something special. btw. I don't watch "footie" and don't fart when "with the boys".

>> No.55877406

>Why do people always go crazy in their late 30s to early 40s?
Post wall cope. Coupled with the whole I'm still young unlike those actual old people.
>It's like once they hit 50 they're chill again and before 35 they're ok but sometime in that period something snaps
Official old person period. From this point on your body starts to become an old person body, harder to maintain muscle mass, greying hair, thinning hair or balding. Plus you may become a grandparent around here so you get to be the cool old person kids look up to.

>> No.55877473

>I don't watch "footie" and don't fart when "with the boys"
No shit

>> No.55877900

Not sure. So many articles about this chick yet none of them seem to ask for a reason or state that she gave one. They simply report on how sorry she is. Sus af muh nigga

>> No.55877991
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meanwhile on the blockchain

>> No.55878004
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>> No.55878093

You guys do realize that’s not the same person right

>> No.55878294

More or less. Anything more complicated than material things gives them existential panic

>> No.55878357

Yea bro I’m sure being a wagecuck in a cubicle is wayyyyy easier than being a medieval peasant that would die from the flu or have to go fight with swords and hailstorms of arrows because the lord of
His land wanted to conquer their neighbors. A false rape charge or getting called a racist is wayyyy worse than being tortured for months till admitting heresy and then being burnt alive because your neighbor said you were a witch. Do you even have the self awareness that you sound like a nigger or woman that blames all
Their problems on whitey/the patriarchy?