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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55832899 No.55832899 [Reply] [Original]

And you fuckin retards yet continue to try and fix ETH with these L2s and L3s. I hold ZERO bags of ETH or ICP...but I swear to fuckin god I cannot wait until the day comes when the whole ETH ecosystem implodes.

>> No.55833023
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>> No.55833090

If you are so sure why wouldn't you at least get a 5000 ICP suicide stack?

>> No.55833096

I hate ethereum. I hate ethereum holders. I hate the ethereum foundation. I hope it all explodes (but it won't)
>t. rational ethereum holder

>> No.55833138


>> No.55833144

>when the whole ETH ecosystem implodes

This won't happen. Because ICP is integrating the whole ETH ecosystem right now, high Gas fees will be a spook from the past.
Just as you said, ICP solves everything.

>> No.55833233

low gas fee chains always dump. anyone who traded solana or arbitrum or even base becane disgusted at the jeet dumps and went back to ethereum. $15 gas fees keeps the jeets away

>> No.55833309

I think the best token to be into atm is by far blackswan, they are releasing Phase 4 very soon with TG integration - imagine just being able to trade huge news events automatically using AI and control it all from your telegram account? its a no brainer

>> No.55833373

I mean. Solana. Nigger you honestly thought a chain the devs thing is okay to stop pause restart is going to keep pumping. Lol thats on you.

Plus. Always remember. Solana spelled backwards is. Anal os.

>> No.55833396

"I mean"

no wonder you niggers hold icp. you stink up the board worse than dog bat retards

>> No.55833474

it doesn't solve privacy though

>> No.55833791

>what is spinner

>> No.55833822

A vapourwave tornado cash clone.

>> No.55833897

>ooooo sers the black swannings are the good coin yes, phase 4 soon many X soon available

>> No.55835855

why not just have it by default?

>> No.55836043

Ethereum ICO was like 30c, it's $2000 today.
Close to 10 000x. 3c to $4 is a bit more than 100x. ETH is more scammy by that reasoning.
ETH is fundamentally shittier than ICP in many regards. Especially since it all relies on centralized front-ends, high gas fees and gay plugin wallets.

>> No.55836296

Its a scam

>> No.55836768

>i prefer to get rugged by eth whales and jpmorgan because i'm better than you

>> No.55837513

Fuck off to your ARKM fiverr marketing threads Miguel

>> No.55837916
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Well hello there nigger. Why yes son, I do own DKP (formerly known as SNS-1) and yes one day I will own you too.

>> No.55838020

DragonBall Sneed

>> No.55838054

based future sneed plantation owner

>> No.55838230
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Nah. POND does. Full decentralization in the form of data enclaves over cloud hosting. But keep barking at the wrong tree though, I won't stop ya.

>> No.55838237


Let it go already. Jesus.

>> No.55838243

Ethereum didn't send millions of funds to external insider wallets, though :3c

>> No.55838244

so another way to process data online. that's it? that's the project? lmao

>> No.55838251

Vaporware*, but also yes. That's exactly what it is.

>> No.55838255
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pond has also been in the exact same absolute state of stagnation as ICP LINK and other tech meme coins have been for years. No adoption, bleeding prices, no real progress.

>> No.55838757

Best tech in crypto by far and it isn't even close.