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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 1170x523, mortgagedelinquency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55809246 No.55809246 [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached a new stage of slavery? Has the anticipation of everything being fucked shifted everyone's willingness to be a slave a few degrees even further than it already was? Everybody was paycheck to paycheck a decade ago. Shits so much fucking more expensive now, rent, food, gas, everything. I expected mass homelessness by now. Is everybody really managing to squeeze even more out of what little they have? There can't be much flexibility left there just can't. Mortgage delinquency is at an all time low HOW?!?!

Where is everybody getting the extra fucking money to keep things going? How the fuck are these bills being paid?

>> No.55809262

> How the fuck are these bills being paid?
That’s the best part, they’re not

>> No.55809276

exactly. it’s basically like racial crime statistics in the large american cities; most people don’t realize what is actually happening if no one is reporting the actual numbers

>> No.55809277

More people renting than ever. Maybe less people have mortgages. Or more people renting out their rooms so they can pay their mortgage.

>> No.55809286

It's credit anon. Fiscal implses are insane since last fall.

CB's tightened but governments didnt give a shit. Also corps and societal groups blackmailed governments to finance their shit continuosly.

Everybody is addicted to free money. Inflation will pick up yet again then the real crash happens. I dont know when.

>> No.55809294

Think about the bank failures this spring. Banks faked it to get free moniez, problem solved.

>> No.55809300

The vast majority of mortgages have a rate under 4% by now, many as low as 2%. Pretty fucking easy to pay your bill when it's like $800/mo.

>> No.55809309

I believe that negative economic sentiment compounded year over year over year has shifted people's financial allocations. Where people used to pay 30% of their wages for housing, they now pay 50%, and just eat the loss on everything else. But it isn't perfectly explained, once you factor in car payments and food and everything else it begins to boggle the mind as to how this is still fucking working. I mean, any random circumstance could REALLY sink anybody now. It makes no fucking sense.

Am I crazy? Is this not a progressive conditioning towards even more significant slavery?

>> No.55809310

its called money printing. higher number today doesn't mean harder to pay

>> No.55809322
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Everyone got to cut their mortgage payments in 2021 so of course less people are delinquent. Decades ago the average mortgage rate was >7% now I have 2.25%

>> No.55809321

So you're saying that people are taking out debt to pay their bills today? What?

At least in my state, people are not really making any more money than they did 10 years ago yet the cost of anything is double and triple. Even if what you say is true, people would still be having to take second jobs just to make it work.

>> No.55809325
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>How the fuck are these bills being paid?

>> No.55809335

Ok so the refinancers are the winners? Doesn't this make the banks the losers? What happens when the banks fail? Don't the banks need people to default at this point so they can liquidate their houses for cash?

>> No.55809337

It could be that it's just my age (28), but everyone around me is suddenly buying houses/apartments/cars. If they are lower class they are buying a lower class house/car; if they are rich they are buying high class houses and cars. Point is everyone is buying, I don't think I've heard about anyone selling anything.

>> No.55809353

>people would still be having to take second jobs just to make it work.
If you haven't noticed it's mostly gf and bf/wife and husband buying. They both work and pool their money together to buy, often with some help from their family.

>> No.55809358

Okay so the only way to evade homelessness is familial bonds and 20 year agreements with banks? That's the only way to stay off the streets??

>> No.55809360
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>> No.55809363

A mortgage is a huge chunk of your take him pay. If you get $300-$400 taken off with a refinance, that's a big fucking deal. That's definitely enough to offset the inflation.

>> No.55809371

Why would they lose? Some bank somewhere got paid off and a new bank is now collecting payments.

>> No.55809376
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The people who own real estate are already rich or high income earners. Lower class and middle class people who would be incapable of paying their mortgage largely do not own homes. Job numbers and muh economy are not going to impact mortgage delinquency because real estate is now entirely the domain of the upper-middle and upper class.

>> No.55809377

you are falling for the money illusion. adjust for money supply, and things are actually CHEAPER then they were 10 years ago. That's doesn't necessarily mean the MEDIAN person is better off, but the average amount of money people have is much higher so that higher prices are just as sustainable. The "slaves" are only the people who continue to work for fixed wages that just get inflated away over time. If you don't want to be a slave you need real assets.

>> No.55809380

In 2023, yeah. Only rich people buy such stuff as individuals, everyone else pool their money together and then buy.

>> No.55809383

obviously not, but if you want to keep wallowing in negativity, feel free

>> No.55809394

It's credit.
Credit card debt has hit a new all time high

>> No.55809399

Everyone won thanks to cheap money. Smart folks locked those rates in. It's also why the US economy is still in good shape despite the fed rate increases. Businesses aren't paying higher interest payments since they locked in those lower rates long term.

>> No.55809418

So you're just going to pretend everyone is making 3x more money than they did 10 years ago? In my state this is not even remotely true.

>> No.55809442

>At least in my state, people are not really making any more money than they did 10 years ago yet the cost of anything is double and triple
Same here and I'm at a loss as to how to explain it

>> No.55809452

credit card delinquencies are near all time lows. learn to interpret data.

>> No.55809454

Look at the money supply, there is literally twice as much money circulating as there was 10 years ago. Now "most people" don't have to have or make 2x more money for that to be true. If inequality increased then many people had a lot more than 2x increases in income/wealth since then.

>> No.55809463

Anon do you have cotton in your ears

The thread is not about money supply. If you made $15.00 10 years ago, you are making $15.50 today. Meanwhile rent went from $400 to $1200. The amount of money circulating is not relevant AT ALL to this assertion.

>> No.55809467

10 years ago my mortgage payment was more than it was today since I was able to refinance to an absurdly low rate. This is why it's so important to own your home. It's one of the few ways to protect yourself against inflation.

>> No.55809478

breh but what about everybody else

>> No.55809481

Uhh, look up the BTFP, chud

>> No.55809484

>If you made $15.00 10 years ago, you are making $15.50 today
Then you are a poorfag lol. If you own a house you are upper-middle class at least and have probably doubled your salary at the very least, if you get stock incentives, other equity, or investment income your net worth may have 10xed since then. You are basing your opinion of how sustainable the expenses of the wealth are based on your understanding of the poorfag wagie class.

>> No.55809489

That's it, I'm quitting my job and living in a national park.

>> No.55809490

Most homeowners have owned a home >5 years so this would be true for all of them unless they neglected to refinance.

>> No.55809493

The thread is about
>What to make of this

The thread is not about
>How to tactically drown the other rats on a sinking ship and be proud of it

>> No.55809495

National forest would be better. More places to hide fewer people to find you.

>> No.55809499

>most homeowners
anon I said
>everybody else

There is a distinct lack of "human concern" for literally any "answer" provided so far

>> No.55809501

That means nothing. OP asked where the money was coming from

>> No.55809509

You asked a factual question so I gave a factual answer. As to if it is fair or not, I hate to tell you but life never has been and never will be fair.

>> No.55809510

lol no you went on a poorfag rant about
The answer is from money printing. It just went mostly to the top and not you, that's why you're oblivious to it.

>> No.55809527

People are not getting more money. The answer is that people are tightening their belts. You gave elitist humblebrag answers that were not relevant.

>> No.55809547

>t. JIDF gaslighting agent

>> No.55809560

You asked about how people are paying their mortgages, rentoid. Well basically that monthly bill dropped dramatically for us homeowners while rents skyrocketed for you. That's how we can deal with inflation so easily. Our monthly expenditures overall are still lower than they were before the pandemic while you're looking at homelessness.

>> No.55809563

I did not, the picture is just a picture. You have a low IQ.

>> No.55809567
File: 40 KB, 1315x433, dqrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you say dq rates are at an all time low when you can see one of the sharpest increases in history

>> No.55809573
File: 118 KB, 1920x800, IMG_5274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked
>Mortgage delinquency is at an all time low HOW?!?!

>> No.55809589

I've been making money trading puts on big banks for the past month. A bunch of them are taking these super weird loans just to stay liquid.
They're about to eat shit, it's going to be spectacular.

>> No.55809600

What kind of weird loans?

>> No.55809602

Sure I did, but it was not at all the point of the thread. You could have inferred this. You targeted the smallest element of the thread because it was the only thing you could troll.

>> No.55809615

FHLB loans.

>> No.55809637

>Have we reached a new stage of slavery?
No it is as it ever was
>Has the anticipation of everything being fucked shifted everyone's willingness to be a slave a few degrees even further than it already was?
Nope homeowners are doing better than ever
>Everybody was paycheck to paycheck a decade ago
Most homeowners do not live paycheck to paycheck that's a rentoid thing. New home buyers may be house poor for a couple of years but inflation actually shortens that
>Shits so much fucking more expensive now, rent, food, gas, everything.
Mortgages are much lower net is a reduction
>I expected mass homelessness by now.
Maybe for rentoids but homeowners are more secure than ever
>Is everybody really managing to squeeze even more out of what little they have?
Homeowners have more to spend
>There can't be much flexibility left there just can't.
There is if you own your home
>Mortgage delinquency is at an all time low HOW?!?!
Already answered

>Where is everybody getting the extra fucking money to keep things going?
Lower mortgage payments
>How the fuck are these bills being paid?
Lower mortgage payments

>> No.55809638

Bidenomics just works. Tough luck chud.

>> No.55809654

its not a troll lol. Homeowners made out like bandits from refinancing 2020-2021. You are biased aboit your own personal situation and coping by assuming "most people" are like you and havent got a meaningful raise or progressed in the last 10 years, and are now struggling to keep up with inflation, but that is 100% false. Many people are making far more, and have far higher net Worth's.

>> No.55809662

Anon just leave, a minority of people are doing better. Not a majority. This thread is not for you.

The majority of Americans are not homeowners.

>> No.55809665

>New home buyers may be house poor for a couple of years but inflation actually shortens that
New homebuyers are completely fucked.
Your argument implies they are using the home as an investment tool
Meanwhile taxes go up and their wages don't.
They're shelling out a few extra grand every year to the government.
Mortgage payments are the highest they've been in many years.

>> No.55809666

Demoralization post #434893849384380

>> No.55809671

Is it because they are underwater with all sorts of fixed rate mortgages?

>> No.55809672

With rent and mortgage rates being a lot higher now, it makes scents to work extra hard to keep your mortgage that's locked in at a fixed rate bit would be more expensive to give up the house than to keep it.

>> No.55809687

>Many people are making far more, and have far higher net Worth's.
Half of this country has a combined income of less than 50k
That's poverty tier in today's climate
Even people I know making 100k are still renting in my city. You're deranged

>> No.55809716

>a minority of people are doing better. Not a majority.
That doesn't need to be true for overall "demand," if you don't want to use money supply, to be high enough to support higher prices. It just means a smaller group of people are doing disproportionately better.

Being a realist is not demoralizing. If you aren't getting pay raises to keep up with inflation you are getting a pay cut that is a fact, not demoralization. Justifying doing nothing to improve yourself because other people are just as bad off is fucking cope.

Yes most people are poorfag wage slaves. Just how it is. They wage their whole lives for nothing more than to support the lifestyle of more wealthy people. Maybe they play the lotto and complain all day or hope they'll get lucky one day but never do anything to improve their lives and will just remain poor forever.

>> No.55809726

Anon you seem to completely lack the capacity to look at economics on an individual level

>> No.55809758

You don't have to include the "large american cities" qualifier, American small towns and rural areas pioneered the policy of not keeping track of or reporting crime that would make the jurisdiction look bad. Little Billy ran over a vagrant while drunk, release him to his parents on the promise that they'll keep him out of trouble. Tom and Walt lit a negro on fire, but he was trespassing so we ain't even gonna arrest.

>> No.55809826

Those who couldn’t pay were priced out. Wonder how bad rent delinquency is

Indescribably bullish

>> No.55809933

65% of US adults are homeowners


>> No.55809949

Everyone refinanced and got free money and forebearance. Are you all retarded?

>> No.55810033

It's called gaslighting.
This system is collapsing and they know it as well. Trying to postpone it by manipulating public opinion is all that they have.
A financial collapse is probably right around the corner.

>> No.55810046

Blackrock never misses a payment

>> No.55810099
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>makes scents

>> No.55810104

>was paycheck to paycheck a decade ago. Shits so much fucking more expensive now, rent, food, gas, everything. I expected mass homelessness by now. Is everybody really managing to squeeze even more out of what little they have? There can't be much flexibility left there just can't. Mortgage delinquency is at an all time low HOW?!?!

Only rich people have mortgages.

>> No.55810122

Its credit as i said. Yes, all the people are completelly retarded. This is the biggest most retarded bubble ever. It can still continue for years.

>> No.55810180
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Does that include condos?

>> No.55810224

I don't know anon but all year I've noticed that the reality around me was not matching all the doomerism about the economy on the internet.
Anti white BS

>> No.55810249

I would imagine. So what? They are still getting most of the same advantages.

>> No.55810347

Only 41.6% for adults 24-34 years old though. That's probably the demographic of this website.

>> No.55810370

>I've noticed that the reality around me was not matching all the doomerism about the economy on the internet.
Because doomers on the internet are consistedly wrong about pretty much everything. Be it on 4chan /biz/ or on reddit collapse.

>> No.55810396
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Renters aren't human.
If you don't own a house, you have no right to speak.

>> No.55810413

It's other way around, real estate is now overvalued. Only subhumans and white trash with no education own them.

Bible literally says that homeowners will go to hell for eternity.

>> No.55810484
File: 340 KB, 1260x840, bezos mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bible literally says that homeowners will go to hell for eternity.
No, it doesn't say that at all.
>Only subhumans and white trash with no education own them.
lmao this is the latest cope now?

>> No.55810539

>No, it doesn't say that at all.

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Enjoy hell freak

>> No.55810571

Easy to go to heaven then just get a big ass needle

>> No.55810674

Real estate is rugging, but slowly
Those that bought, if they are paying 2-3% are not going to sell, especially if they bought the top
Prices are just going to trickle down slowly, as not many are in a position to buy, and we might see commercial RE slowly being converted, which will increase the sell pressure

>> No.55810676
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LOL you're all so fucked

>> No.55810737

>Fucked that a massive percentage of 34-34 year olds are super-rich homeowners.

LMAO. The middle class is dying because everyone is becoming ultra-rich.

>> No.55810755

Not me. I bought in 2019. I'm sympathetic to those who weren't as lucky.

>> No.55810786
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>rich man
You don't need to be rich to own a house. You just have to do the bare minimum.

>> No.55810802
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You need to be INSANELY wealthy to buy a house.

>> No.55810819

>part of Detroit where every other house is an abandoned crackhouse and you'll get robbed everytime you leave for more than 15 minutes

>> No.55810876

lol no

>> No.55810923

ppl spend 100% of their money yearly, and most of it they spend it on debt, so they end up with more money they can spend every year but theyre slaves. also they have wives/gfs that also make 50k a year doing some bs woman job thats worthless, and the women spend 1/2 of their money on starbucks uber eats clothes ect. and spend the other half paying some bills and for their car and gas.

>> No.55810959

Fake and gay

>> No.55810977

I imagine not having kids helps

>> No.55810998

>living in Canada
You are destined to go to hell, for sure. Want to avoid it? Move to the land of freedom down south.

>> No.55811016
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>wahhh wahhh wahhh it's not perfect
That house is fine, actually. If you don't like it then get a better job, or move somewhere else.

>> No.55811039

The vast majority of the population are poorfag wagies

>> No.55811047

anon do you have the same book of japanese castles I have?

>> No.55811070

>Inflation is high but prices will drop
Nice cope

>> No.55811082

I have a small friend circle (just 4 guys) and all of us have had salary bumps post covid from 10% all the way upto 100%

>> No.55811084

I have a house on Long Island.

>> No.55811097

Inflation is going down thanks to Biden. Quit being a polcel.

>> No.55811121
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I had over 10k a month ago and I bought multichain and tried to swing it losing everything.
I'm so god damn depressed I got bills coming up soon and I'm not sure what to even do I can't work.
>where is everyone getting their money from
Street beggars unironically make more than me.

>> No.55811147
File: 102 KB, 475x535, freerealestate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't include the USE CAUTION UPON ENTRY line
>2/10 schools
>rent zestimate $1400/mo kek
clown world

>> No.55811160

>>2/10 schools
You should be homeschooling your kids.

>> No.55811169

If I was so rich and powerful that I could move to the U.S then I wouldn't need to move there, I'd be one of the richest and most powerful people in Canada.

>> No.55811176

The only reason you even have a job is because your dad works for congress

>WAHHHHH people are going on welfare they should get jobs wahhh

Grow up.

>> No.55811181

>my life is shit so everyone elses must be as well!

>> No.55811301
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>The only reason you even have a job is because your dad works for congress

>> No.55811337

Unemployment is 3% everyone has a job duh

>> No.55811442

>You can just move to the U.S
>Immigration customs doesn't eixst

Take your medicaiton

>> No.55811528
File: 2.91 MB, 2500x1886, 181126-tijuana-mexico-border-cs-220p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can just move to the U.S

>> No.55811536

>implying you own something you haven't paid off

>> No.55811554

If you still work for money in 2023 you are a fool.

>> No.55811569

>flag location
those people are on the wrong side being forcefully turned away

>> No.55811573


This, pretty much everyone refinanced when rates were at historical lows. It's the same reason nobody is selling houses now and prices are still sky high. They either don't want or more likely can't afford to move and get into a mortgage at 7%, their monthly payment would nearly double if they bought the same house they already have.

>> No.55811605

jesus dude you got absolutely destroyed the first time AND you come back for more?
you ameriburgers and your cuckold fetishes...

>> No.55811642

You could speculate that most of the mortgages are by private investors, realty companies etc and they're all being rented out. Now these liquid companies can keep mortgage payments going even if tenants can't meet their rent. There's also shortages, which means most tenants are likely easily and or quickly replaced.

The situation would be one where in reality, tenants are getting evicted and losing homes but the owners keep payments going because if they're able to get a mortgage they're probably in a more financially secure position. After 2008 it's become a lot harder to get any loan.
So this statistic is now not representative for what is really happening.

>> No.55811643

>forcefully turned away
Hundreds literally just walk across every day, then catch a bus to San Diego.
No one gives a fuck if a Canadian comes over the northern border.
Just come here and buy a house. It's trivial.

>> No.55811657


>> No.55811659

Uh, look up the feds balance sheet chud. Nothing burger

>> No.55811790

Yeah idk man, I’m 25 make pretty decent money, just saving up a down payment alone seems impossible, and my job security seems to be non-existent.

>> No.55811796

post nose

>> No.55811836

Based fellow 28 year old. I just got my first house this year. I got a house that was 100K more than I intended to purchase but it came with a detached suite and a paying tenant. Credit is great. Now the rent pays for my boomer rocks

>> No.55811839


Reselling Krazy Binz on eBay.

>> No.55811849

Everyone works for money

TAke meds.

>> No.55811854

You're trolling, you need paper work to prove you're a citizen and eligable to work to get a job there.

>> No.55811859

>Yes good goy, don’t own any homes or you will go to Hell like the Bible says, let us own everything.

>> No.55811860

>If you get $300-$400 taken off with a refinance, that's a big fucking deal. That's definitely enough to offset the inflation.
>tfw you live in a nice cozy home next to your job that you got for 2.7% and if i got 300-400 taken off I literally wouldnt have a mortgage
feels good

>> No.55811909

Galatians 1:6-9

>> No.55811927
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Probably pretty close to the truth. The idea is to make each person think they're the only one having such thoughts, ends not meeting as they say, so that way each is more suseptible to falling for increasingly ludicrous scam prices and other tricks in order to appear "normal", "healthy", etc.
Not the oldest trick in the book but still pretty old.
The system will require more self-sacrifice for less and less incentive. When the collapse occurs few will admit they saw it coming. They don't want people to think they're weak. See, self-esteem is a very powerful tool when leveraged correctly.

>> No.55812020
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You're obviously a fucking faggot that will keep arguing to argue but for people observing "the data" can see that debt dropped to lows after everyone got free covid money. There are no delinquencies because the printer went brrrr and free money fell from the sky.

HOWEVER if you look at the current pace of debt increases when do you estimate that the free money runs out and the delinquencies pick up? Crypto kiddies are hyper focused on the short term but economic events can take years to play out.

>> No.55812047

>owner occupied housing including adult children living at parents residences

>> No.55812069

the only based opinion in this thread
that account is a sus af bootlicker outlet

>> No.55812084

>Where is everybody getting the extra fucking money to keep things going? How the fuck are these bills being paid
That's the cool part, not everybody is. As the middle class gets hollowed out the rich and poor move even farther from each other and those who still have decent jobs pick up more and more houses. Working at a big tech company can make you $350k/yr if you've got five years of experience right now and interview well. People the next level above that may do $450-550k. Those people are mostly weird nerds who hate spending money so they put all the extra after food and rent into investing. Some of them marry another high earner and do the same thing.

Nowadays $200k doesn't even make you top 5% by income. So the economy is basically poor people struggling and then the top 5-10% nerds shoving their money into stocks, real estate, anything they can because they hate spending money and hate holding cash.

>> No.55812093

>The vast majority of mortgages have a rate under 4% by now, many as low as 2%
This too. The top 5-10% of nerds who still get paid well all locked in their mortgages at extremely low rates.

>> No.55812113


>So you're saying that people are taking out debt to pay their bills today? What?

Did you really think people would sooner default on their mortgages and lose their homes than take out some unsecured debt to kick the can down the road?

Everyone who bought 2-3 years ago
is up at least 20% on their home. If they needed to they could borrow against half that value and drag it out for at least a couple years. People are nowhere near out of options.

>> No.55812115

>nobody is selling houses now and prices are still sky high
>can't afford to move and get into a mortgage at 7%
>their monthly payment would nearly double if they bought the same house they already have
Ding, ding, ding!

>> No.55812140

Nah, not really.

>> No.55812147

So nobody is being affected right now and the market will crash when their rate isn't fixed anymore? we're in a transition period where people can afford to keep the market up because of fixed rates at 0-2%?
I bought a home recently and I'm paying a huge rate and this was a stupid idea I didn't know the crash was coming afterwards

>> No.55812161


This is literally me. 175k annual, have 2.75% on a 320k 4b2b. I take home 8k after retirement and taxes and my monthly PITI is only 1,300 lmfao. I spent 35k buying chainlink over the past year and I'll max out my 401k and still saved a metric fuck ton of cash too. I'm 30 came out of college at 25 with like 4k in the bank now ~275k net worth. Still feel poor as fuck compared to where I want to be.

>> No.55812222

Yet here I am earning 55k and feel super rich, like i genuinely feel like one of the richest people in the world.

>> No.55812227


In the US, fixed rate means fixed rate. You keep that rate for the duration of the loan. It doesn't go away.

The overwhelming majority of homeowners got a loan term that allowed them to borrow two-ply fiat toilet paper and pay it back with one-ply. I could afford my mortgage payment by picking empty soda cans out of the trash.

>> No.55812229
File: 190 KB, 505x478, yakub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post data
>no one addresses it
>post some boomer faggot anecdote
>10 replies

>> No.55812263

Same. Live with my parents making $60k and will inherit the house.

>> No.55812269

They’ve fallen because corporations have bought up so much real estate. The average citizen can’t afford to buy a home anymore

>> No.55812292

>So nobody is being affected right now
Sort of. Probably 90% of people are affected right now in that they're too poor to buy a home and always will be. And no most of those nerds are not idiots, they didn't buy adjustable rate mortgages, and the market isn't going to crash. They'll just sit and hold on to their low rates.

You know bitcoiners have the meme where one day people will look at you like a god if you have a whole Bitcoin? They're in a position like that but with 2% mortgages. People are gonna look at them like fucking geniuses and lottery winners.

>> No.55812307

Women will think shit like "I heard he got a 2% mortgage!"

>> No.55812337

big kek

>> No.55812350

>Women will think shit like "I heard he got a 2% mortgage
The new reality just hasn't set in for most people yet. Give it ten years for people realize things are truly fucked and they'll never own a home. Owning a house used to be a sign of the middle class. You were responsible but not successful. Now it's a sign that you're doing well, you've got some means, but you're not amazing because 10% of the population makes enough money to do that.

In ten years when even software engineers have lost their jobs to ChatGPT, maybe 1% or less will have a job that can pay for a house. Homeowners will be people who bought before that or inherited. Owning a home will make you seem elite to most people though you won't actually be flying in a private jet or anything. It'll just be that standards of living will have fallen so far that you'll seem like you're living like a king to them.

>> No.55812406


You can already guess our future by looking at demographics and matching them with places in Africa and South America for a similar quality of life.

>> No.55812445

You wish retard, Im a happy renter
>no responsibility
>no debt
>capital not stuck in a downpayement
Houses suck as an investment

>> No.55812479


They already do. I bought in 2011 and rented to my friends at a fixed price of 15% of the mortgage + utilities. My goal was to show them that while rent goes up the mortgage stays the same, and that they needed to save up and buy before it was too late.

When they decided to move out they were allowed to transfer that term to an approved friend. Wanted to keep helping as many people get in as possible. Had to make room for the kids, but we still have one guy living with us. Any time there's a party and the topic gets brought up he explains the terms of his rent, and the girls are blown away, both my his rent and my mortgage payment. It's kind of weird; it makes a way bigger splash than saying you've got a good job and make good money.

2% mortgage holders are unironically in a different social class. They're part of the ownership class who lives far superior lives just because they own something. What they own is microscopic, but it still puts you a world a part from those who don't.

>> No.55812543

Wow weird. Doesn't sound like our current monetary system is accomplishing it's purpose. Huh.

>> No.55812575

Tech is paying like 230k out of university right now.

>> No.55812615


People forget that social phenomena like widespread land ownership and retirement are very recent historical aberrations. What we grew up in and thought was normal was completely unprecedented for pretty much all of human history before it, and those aberrations really only happened in the West.

What's happening now very well could be a regression to the historical mean. I hope not, but it's definitely possible.

>> No.55812649


Every government and corporate policy has its intended effect, even if it isn't its advertised effect.

>> No.55812710

kek the top is in

>> No.55812828

the us is having a huge stimulus via whatever bidens version of the new deal is. money is still being pumped, but unlike qe its not going directly into assets and secondary shit like crypto

>> No.55812877

>After 2008 it's become a lot harder to get any loan.
nigga u serious it was 15 years of fuck you debt with central banks placing slight controls on mortgages to placate the lending practices of the first half of that decade

>> No.55812885

The Ukraine deal will save the US economy.

>> No.55812911

the most likely outcome. the period from 1945 to ~2000 in certain western countries but in particular the us is an anomaly. it isn't coming back, at least not for a few centuries.

>> No.55813102

>that monthly bill dropped dramatically for us homeowners

>> No.55813125

Yes. I have $20k in home equity debt because I couldn’t pay my bills this past fall. Doing better now but still only getting by by a cunt hair.

>> No.55813344

No, it makes you the loser. Stay priced out forever.

>> No.55813621

4chin has deluded you into thinking everyone is as poor as they is

>> No.55813661

This but unironically, that period is the reward for winning back to back world wars, you want that again you’re gonna have to fight another and win another one, other couture catching up. It’s a zero sum game

>> No.55814165

ITT muh locked interest.

What happens when you (well your parents because most of you live in your parents home basement) lose the job and the only decent job offer you can get us in another state? You can't even move from your shit box because you can't afford to get another house in another place because Interest there is 8%. I wonder how many heart attacks an average mortgage nigger gets in his life time these days.

>> No.55814336


Zero. The pitch black mortgage negro doesn't notice any of that shit until it's far too late. They have home equity they can borrow against so they can sustain the mortgage payments. Anyone who bought at least three years ago had enough home equity to kick the can down the road a VERY long time.

I could rent out out my existing home for $3,000, use $1,100 of it to pay my mortgage, and use the remaining $1,900 to rent an overpriced apartment in that new city.

>> No.55814436

its still working because we have a goverment that pays qualified people to work around the clock to come up with new schemes to keep it going for the next guy

>> No.55815393


>> No.55815402

>source is a tweet
>dude trust me
worst thread on biz rigjt now

>> No.55815429

And this

>> No.55815640 [DELETED] 

people don't want truth. they want power. If truth is part of power they will pursue it as a means to the end. Poorfags can't compete in strength marketplace so they seek morality as a protection from stronger adversaries.

It's all about the power, game and cope. Game is rigged and if you'r to weak to compete you seek cope.

I believe the elites(and my coworker francua) gets away with everything is because they do nice thing. They do evil things but since they do nice things also you can't be mad at someone who helps and such.

All you fuckers had to do is tell me the world is about power and not morality when I was younger still had potential. But you did other way around to screw me over. It worked.


>> No.55815645

people don't want truth. they want power. If truth is part of power they will pursue it as a means to the end. Poorfags can't compete in strength marketplace so they seek morality as a protection from stronger adversaries. It's all about the power, game and cope. Game is rigged and if you'r to weak to compete you seek cope.
I believe the elites(and my coworker francua) gets away with everything is because they do nice thing. They do evil things but since they do nice things also you can't be mad at someone who helps and such.

All you fuckers had to do is tell me the world is about power and not morality when I was younger still had potential. But you did other way around to screw me over. It worked.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxd23UVID7k [Embed]

>> No.55815665

>replacing false dichotomies with other false dichotomies

You're a rat and will always be a rat, there are people that are immune to all of this.

>> No.55815734

>just improve bro
Now you're just shitposting.

>> No.55815772

Thread is full of brainlets. The reason for this is the record inflation of home prices. Most owners bought before the run up.

Let's say you bought for 400k in 2019 and now your house is worth 550k. You're not a week to week household, but more or less month to month. This describes most households. So inflation of energy and food has been absolute ass raping you. You drop this or that to keep afloat, but eventually it's too much and you're at risk of not making the mortgage. So you start to run up credit. This can carry you pretty far, maybe even several months, so if you're smart then you use that time to list the house, and walk away with tens of thousands.

The delinquent rate is near zero because practically anything will sell quickly and for a higher price than owed. Foreclosures rapidly happen when prices fall rapidly, because owners have no other way out if they can't afford it. This leads to a feedback loop too. Lowering prices causes a dumping of stressed inventory.

>> No.55815783

Bro no one cares. If you make 175k you're top 1% and not part of the conversation about how the average HR roastie making 45k a year and her cuck husband are managing their mortgage.

>> No.55816051

in the future in just a fraction of a century, just having a job will be a privilege that normal people won't have. Having a mortgage would be upper class like being a business owner. Having a house will be elite class.
People won't be able to escape welfare because it would require a job and the jobs have been automated away. Education would be for those who win the lottery

>> No.55816463

>adjust for money supply, and things are actually CHEAPER then they were 10 years ago
Seems like a retarded way to think considering the money created wasn't distributed across the bulk of the population

>> No.55816519

I stock shelves in a grocery store 14 euro an hour. My rent is low though, 300 a month.

>> No.55816547

Now this is some trolling

>> No.55816587

yeah let me homeschool my kids with my boundless amounts of free time as an adult
Shut up, faggot

>> No.55816613

Ahhh You are the childish jew from the other thread right?
>i am jewish
We know

>> No.55816635

Hello fellow European, I had no idea when I moved here as a zog bot that euros were so poor, here in Italy the top 1% makes 169k euros. Or about 185k usd, its wierd moving here and making 163k usd an not paying the gay VAT on anything.

>> No.55816638

>What happens when you (well your parents because most of you live in your parents home basement) lose the job and the only decent job offer you can get us in another state?
It's possible, especially over 30 years. Even if your interest rate is low, if high rates suck enough money out of the system it may become harder for you to find the dollars to pay back your loan, even at 2%. But if you're using the savings from your cheap interest to invest instead of consume then you should have other ways to get cash if that ever happens. The people I'd worry about are those who got loans they could just barely afford with no slack for extra savings and investments. Most probably aren't in that position though.

>> No.55816888

Household debt is the highest it's ever been.

Shelter is important so it gets paid off first. Not that complicated. If there's an emergency you can use home equity for it.

Which is a whole other thing LMAO

>> No.55816957
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I own Bitcoin so I will be in the citadel getting laid. Stinkies will be stuck in the nosat pit but will be bullied for revealing they fell for a fat manlet russian con job.

>> No.55817016
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>lots of positive economic indicators
>/biz/: this is bad....because IT IS OKAY!!

>> No.55817148

They are on the correct side doing the correct thing moving in the correct direction.

>> No.55817154

Poor people don’t own houses, rich people do and rent them to poors.

>> No.55817165

Banks create money. They have 0% reserve requirements.
Your loan is just a transfer of digits from one parties excel sheet to another.

>> No.55817176

Credit and lack of student loan payments that will be resuming will bring back the crunch

>> No.55817317

>home equity
You still need to pay it off lol. What if construction corporation decided to build a shit ton of new homes? Isn't it going to drop the house value bigly in few years?
But saving few hundred extra bucks won't cut it when you owe 400k plus tip.

>> No.55817740

Blessed digits

>> No.55817945
File: 70 KB, 798x719, FN0MNT1XsAEllJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now a days everyone on AVERAGE makes 230k a year starting MINIMUM after getting a 4 year CS degree. Everyone on the path will likely hit 350-410k after a couple years. Rn I'm sitting on a 230k a year job like Most of you since we ALL did a four year CS degree and got a programming job. TC of about 230k MINIMUM AVERAGE. Is alright and thankfully enough to get most houses. EVERYONE did that right now so that explains the deliquicy thing.

>> No.55819000

It’s almost like after 2008 the banks quit giving mortgages to niggers, spics and strippers and really started vetting people to make sure they are stable and have a good job because the government quit sticking their dumb ass noses in the private market.

>> No.55819017

Make more money.
Work more hours.
Cut expenses.
Walk to work, don't drive.
Don't have kids.
Don't have some slut spending your money on Amazon and uber eats while you work a low paying job.

>> No.55819028
File: 91 KB, 540x960, b0d92c458993c7ed72dcb08f274626ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My electric is like 100 bucks a month, tops.
The fuck are you on?

>> No.55819032

>There can't be much flexibility left there just can't.
We're hitting levels of flexibility Hermes Conrad would be in awe of.

>> No.55819048

>the us is having a huge stimulus via whatever bidens version of the new deal
Literally wrong and retarded.
He just backed out of student loan forgiveness.

>> No.55819055
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>That's the only way to stay off the streets??
I get my bag and I'm gone, homeless or no.

>> No.55819069

>People are not getting more money
>t.retard poor fag white trash who spends his money on scratch off.

>> No.55819089

>Most homeowners do not live paycheck to paycheck that's a rentoid thing
Renter here, I have savings, all my bills are paid and I have all my investments.
Go eat a dick.

>> No.55819103

>It's Bidens fault the Government has made money printer go brrr since we got off the gold standard.

>> No.55819110

It's called working LMAO

>> No.55819113

>Anon just leave, a minority of people are doing better. Not a majority
>I have no argument! Just leave.
You ain't making money because you buy scratch offs and cigarettes.
Work more, save more, cut expenses and invest..fucking hick.

>> No.55819123
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>Meanwhile taxes go up and their wages don't.
Proof? What evidence do you have that proves this?

>> No.55819132
File: 50 KB, 430x431, 1691310761848202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improved my life and it worked.

>> No.55819142

>it worked for me therefore it will work for everyone

>> No.55819159

>So you're saying that people are taking out debt to pay their bills today?
Yes. Nobody has been able to adapt to inflation. They are debt maxxing.

>> No.55819162

You can't fight wars like those without population growth.
Unless we undo feminism that's not happening again.

>> No.55819173


If you don't know what's going on, you must not actually be old enough to work, or you don't have to work.

>> No.55819223

Uh, look up government spending so far this year

>> No.55819247

>this level of reading comprehension
>also doesn't know what a camel is in the context given
Next thing you're going to say is
>dunning kreuger was a glowie plant

>> No.55819303

By definition, improving your life will improve your life.

>> No.55819368
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You mean inflation that doesn't exist, is a sign of a strong economy, and that the president doesn't control?

>> No.55819629

Not everyone can improve.

>> No.55819678

This isn't to be taken to mean that there's a blanket ban on going to heaven unless you're broke

>> No.55820340

>2% mortgage holders are unironically in a different social class
imagine believing you're superior because you have debt
lmao you're just a slightly better-off slave to the bank

>> No.55820359

>I don't have time to invest in my children
Then why have children at all?
At least get your wife to homeschool them.

>> No.55820771

If heaven is full of rentoids then I'm not going.

>> No.55820795

Aren't those girls a little old to be wearing diapers?

>> No.55820919
File: 88 KB, 815x580, media fake cap camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional leftist media faking news as usual.
Facebook actually won't let you post how this was faked if you try. Twitter would also suspend your account if you posted it.

>> No.55821568

No. (((Tech))) isn't even hiring

>> No.55821574

This seems to be another thinly veiled chinkoid
>Buy my concrete bag gweilo

>> No.55821575

Based. I'm tired of these small town fags thinking they're chads