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55808412 No.55808412 [Reply] [Original]

Is AVAX still a good project? Has anything surpassed it?

>> No.55808449

ICP surpassed it tech wise

>> No.55808488

does anything stand for AVAX narrative-wise?

>> No.55808727
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It never was. Literally just the EVM on a chain with a different consensus and then they stole the cosmos narrative of multi chain forgetting that multi chain without network wide security is essentially the same as sidechains.
It's so embarrassing that people here fell for it. Take ETH for example, it's a total piece of shit, a joke, Imagine running anything on a single chain network with limited bandwidth, granted it's fantastic for what it could be, a small decentralized experiment, but that's not the narrative, 100k tps using L2s is. Muh PoS scam Muh fee burning. PoW was the only thing that made ETH interesting.
We need a network that looks like cosmos, but where every chain is as secure as the next, preferably with the same VM environment on each and not like avax or cosmos where it's a retarded free for all and now you are the one who needs to host the nodes if you want to scale instead of incentivizing people to run clusters of chains.

>> No.55808771

ICP is a scam.

>> No.55808783

Its the only tech worth buying. Literally the only chain tokenizing real world assets at present because its the only one capable of doing so.

>> No.55808810

>Literally just the EVM
Avalanche supports all VMs not only the EVM.
If you dont even know the basics like this, why do you feel like your opinion is worth anything about this topic? you are literally clueless.
>multi chain without network wide security
All Subnets have to Validate the Primary Network.
See, another thing you dont know, thats how clueless you are.
>We need a network that looks like cosmos
Avalanche is superior to Poosmos in every way.
>where it's a retarded free for all and now you are the one who needs to host the nodes
Avalanche Subnets can be permissionless so any Validator can validate them. its up to the Subnet creator to decide this.

anyway, do some research next time before you start typing.
you make yourself look like a retard.

>> No.55808847
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Reading comprehension.
None of the things you wrote are even related to my points. Are you that one anon who everyone makes fun of for being unable to comprehend basic sentences

>Avalanche supports all VMs not only the EVM.
Not what I said, I even said so in my last sentence, Subnets support that by the way, no the main chain which I was obviously talking about. Retard
>All Subnets have to Validate the Primary Network.
Literally unrelated to any point in my post. Retard
>Avalanche is superior
Cool, unrelated. Retard
>Avalanche Subnets can be
Cool, unrelated. Retard
>you make yourself look like a retard.
Yeah seems that way.

>> No.55808955
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get the pdf zoom 200% clik links read learn

>> No.55809760

dont care + you are a dumb nigger
AVAX stands for AntiVax

>> No.55810045
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smells like curry in here...

>> No.55810061

arkham was paid by gay jewish billionaire creator of worldcoin and chatgpt to make that

>> No.55810125

yeah and avax is a massively inflationary vc scam that has let VCs dump on bagholders for the last 2 years while the company has shills spam copy and pasted threads day after day attacking any sort of fud with technobabble and blatant lying (the gay asian guy has 180 IQ confirmed)

the fact you call ICP holders poor is so fucking ironic and funny because avax itself is critized for being a VC scam shilled by sociopathic devs and employees larping as anons. There's literally no organic memes or content I've yet to see a single fucking meme or trend like the mario64 guy or moonman saga it's just hundreds of copied pepes and memes with avax logos and stablediffusion anime girls. and I'm positive you are the same fucking people who were spamming every ICP thread since 2022 because crypto is toast and you're just burning through VC money desperately trying to kill off competition

>> No.55810620

>yeah and avax is a massively inflationary vc scam that has let VCs dump on bagholders for the last 2 years while the company has shills spam copy and pasted threads day after day attacking any sort of fud with technobabble and blatant lying (the gay asian guy has 180 IQ confirmed)

>the fact you call ICP holders poor is so fucking ironic and funny because avax itself is critized for being a VC scam shilled by sociopathic devs and employees larping as anons. There's literally no organic memes or content I've yet to see a single fucking meme or trend like the mario64 guy or moonman saga it's just hundreds of copied pepes and memes with avax logos and stablediffusion anime girls. and I'm positive you are the same fucking people who were spamming every ICP thread since 2022 because crypto is toast and you're just burning through VC money desperately trying to kill off competition

>> No.55810632

Cardano has surpassed it

>> No.55810826
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Where's the proof?
What's that, don't have any?
ICP certainly got a lot of incriminating evidence against them. You know, the verifiable kind? The kind present in that very report? The kind where you can see all the wallets that were used to siphon money?
What do you have besides buzzwords and baseless rhetoric?
Take a stroll.

>> No.55810853

If you think ICPniggers aren't paid shills at this point then I don't know what to tell you. You've got to be fucking braindead not to notice their PAINFULLY obvious pattern.

>> No.55810859

Who is this semen demon? Is she related to AVAX-chan with cat ears?

>> No.55810883

people call arkham a paid fud machine thinking fucking Altman, the guy that's on top of the fucking world right now thanks to ChatGPT, would even look at ICP's direction because this is how deluded they are into thinking they bought something meaningful.

so here's more articles pointing out what arkham already did:






>nooo all of these are bad sources
>nooo all of reddit and medium are also working for altman
>everyone is wrong, i'm right

>> No.55810886
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welcome to the avaxchanverse anon

>> No.55810888

you wish. only waifus avaxfags got are ai generated trash.

>> No.55810891
File: 21 KB, 379x511, 1691440453588573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo all of these are bad sources, reddit and medium are also working for Altman and everyone is wrong, I'm right


>> No.55810898

Hnnnngggg Misato-chan
Some of them look quite convincing but there's an undeniable soulless aura to them

>> No.55810902

this icp vs avax dirt war is so fucking funny as an spectator that never bought either. the mental illness on both sides is palpable.

>> No.55810912

This is some impressive autism you got there. I'd just post the $ICP chart to humble these pajeets once they get uppity about why nobody wants to buy their shitcoin

>> No.55810915

You ain't seen LINK vs everything else if that's the case

>> No.55810917

What is it with right wingers and using jews as a scapegoat to everything?

Yeah it feels like the more guerrilla cousin to LINK's marketing campaign which is also very obvious at this point.

>> No.55810920
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Knock off the inorganic FUD and just accept Avalanche's superiority anon, you'll definitely be happier & overall comfier.

>> No.55810929
File: 39 KB, 1060x351, ICP_ALL_graph_coinmarketcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea

buying more $arkm just to make these bitches seethe btw

>> No.55810952

check the chart.
it's fucking over.
im tired of trannies like you hiding behind "M-MUH TECH IS BETTER!!!" when confronted with reality.
here to make money, not some stupid statement and much less adopt some retarded point of view on the world and technology or whatever.

>> No.55810953

I embrace AVAX supremacy as long as I get to marry my own fully customized Avax-chan

>> No.55810957

Saving this one for later lol thanks bro

>> No.55810962

It's literally one sided from ICP, I never seen anybody from AVAX community even talk about it before ICP founder funded hit fud articles against AVAX because Emin named subnets, subnets lmao, fucking 11yrs old mentality.

AVAX community are just retarded for engaging with them at all, Anybody with over 90IQ can smell the mental illness from ICP crowd within 2 minutes, They lost by interacting with them.

>> No.55810964

Take a look at Rollux

>> No.55810995
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literally all of those are just parroting the NYT article and that reddit user was banned. The Arkham founder miguel got funding from Sam at his first company, then leaves to make arkham, immediately gets NYT to shill their findings. At least half the team are related to banking executives. If you're familiar at all with silicon valley and y combinator or Sam altman then you would know he's been involved in some questionable things before. And this mafia-style approach to fucking over competitors to your homies is not uncommon or necessarily frowned upon

But i mean a 1pbtid reply followed by multiple 1pbtid complimentary replies is not so uncommon these days is it

>> No.55810996
File: 6 KB, 140x185, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till QANX private blockchain is launched, Aspin eSports will make the first move on it to prove how big dicks are getting hard for it.

>> No.55811046
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However patronizing ICPoors it's too much fun:( what do bros...

>> No.55811060

Is a project that pays brown people to anonymously post the N word a good project?

>> No.55811074
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I don't care about comparison, I'm focused on having 2k Elfin in the ongoing IDO afterparty and having the best of gaming experience

>> No.55811076
File: 16 KB, 902x167, absolute state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.55812086
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, 1637700838176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but where every chain is as secure as the next

lol get a load of this tranny who wants security expenditure to be the same between hamster racing games and funds with AUMs of billions of dollars

this is literally how ethereans think and that's why they are forever le monke jpeg chain

>> No.55812142

>the fact we cant make work what is basically now standard on eth and other chains like near is a good thing
vax holders are literally the dumbest people on this board.