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55806627 No.55806627 [Reply] [Original]

How is CCIP connected to Staking though? How does the LINK token capture value from it?
>inb4 muh transaction is paid in LINK
You realize that it's just a fee generator for uniswap right? Nodes and users will write flash-loan type atomic swap contracts to swap in and out of LINK, no effect on price.

>> No.55806633

doesnt matter since revenue is $30

>> No.55806822

Yes but let's say the revenue grows. What happens then? I wonder how the security is baked into the protocol. If the protocol is somehow technically secure without any economic incentives needed and fraud is completely impossible, then the token is quite literally useless and they built some really nice open source code by dumping on us

>> No.55806841

Staking the token will give you a share of CCIP revenue

>> No.55806845
File: 81 KB, 646x546, Screen Shot 2023-08-11 at 6.07.24 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and good. I was very happy to contribute to such an important technological standard. Made a lot of money of it too.
>hate vaxxies captcha

>> No.55806854

The ARM network has weighted votes to bless/curse transactions. Could be some kind of staking involved there. We should know more on the 25th when this goes live...


>> No.55806885
File: 116 KB, 1170x252, BCC37209-BBF4-4E4E-BD89-3275FE14A1F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does link capture value from it?
Are you retarded?

>> No.55806892

Pretending to be, and he'll make the same thread tomorrow

>> No.55806899

up and down the bbc chain we go

>> No.55806910

>How is CCIP connected to Staking though?
Through the BBC chain. 2021 /pol/ refugees bought bags of bbc fuel at $35-$55/each, held them down 90%, and are excited to stake their bbc for more bbc

>> No.55806915

And he'll ignore this >>55806841

>> No.55806931

>value capture

Meaningless pilpul.
Bitcoin, ETH, ... never had either.

>> No.55806940

those linkies are eeeevil

>> No.55806968

>doesn't know what mining is
your average chainlink holder

>> No.55807188

I explained why a fee token is worthless in my original post. If it's connected to staking, explain how. That was the question and the entire point of the thread that you ignored. You literally made the point that I refuted in my opening statement

>> No.55807236
File: 753 KB, 1125x1620, 9F2FB99F-9960-45A5-BB28-2ADFA3FA3161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly reminder the Link bull case is

>mommy mommy life isnt fair. Im in crypto #9999 and it should run like BTC and ETH…because it just SHOULD ok??

>> No.55807269

>I explained why a fee token is worthless in my original post.

No you didnt

>> No.55807297

Then they'll have to increase the amounts of their flash loans in order to buy Link as network usage increases and the Link price rises to accomodate. I'm not sure what you mean. They can come about the token any way they choose but they still have to pay the market price for it.

>> No.55807328

Your argument is completely circular. Fees do not make the price go up. Nobody has to really buy LINK (in effect). You just swap inside and outside of USD to pay the bills, on both sides (nodes and users).

>> No.55807425

So if a million people wish to use CCIP 100,000 times a day each, and they're each being charged 10 cents a pop each transaction, and there's a limited amount of Link tokens on the open market, you think the network will function happily every day forever at a token price of say, a penny?

>> No.55807428

That was for you

>> No.55807443

it doesn't, according to the source code in code4rena

you're just hoping that it does. suspension of disbelief: surely sergey will make the token pump

>> No.55807460

Mining brings revenue for the miners.
If that's what you meant, then Chainlink had revenue for its nodes since day 1.

Weekly reminder that the Link fud case is
>mommy mommy Link has to have revenue and value capture even though 99.99999% of cryptos never had anything like these things

>> No.55807461

How exactly does someone pay in LINK tokens without purchasing LINK tokens?

And what puts pressure on price to move up?

If you can answer those two very simple questions that a child could answer, you will realize why you’re being retarded.

>> No.55807492

Why must these Bankless Nation Nazis persecute us Proud Jewish Link Marines?

>> No.55807494

>Fees do not make the price go up. Nobody has to really buy BTC or ETH

>> No.55807502

Crypto is a permissioned environment now. You can't just let anyone take a W. The VCs told their paid influencers Bankless to Shut. It. Down.

Bankless said they do not support certain communities of (((people))) mostly Jewish LINK holders hiding from the Ethereum Nazis in attics across the US. Bankless fucking hate us Jewish LINK holders and it sucks big time.

Now Jewish LINK marines are fighting tooth and nail for recognition in a crypto space that's a very anti-Jewish LINK marine space probably one of the most toxic environments known to us persecuted Jewish LINK marines since Germany WWII.

Who knows why Bankless decided to prosecute Jews who hodl LINK. I believe it comes from extremist Right Wing VCs looking to fund the Fourth Reich and as a Jewish LINK marine I can not stand idly by as the next crypto Hitler obliterate MY CHOSEN PEOPLE

>> No.55807785
File: 481 KB, 1544x2106, ccipfees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just hoping that it does
It has been stated explicitly that's how it is going to work.

>> No.55807820

Based captcha. No refunds, mudbloods.

>> No.55807834

I don't get what the problem is though, why do you always make these threads spazzing out? If you're uncertain, gtfo of link and don't look back

>> No.55807871

Please stop, youre ruining his argument. He thinks node ops are developing an if link owned then immediately dump script. Apparently the secret to getting rich in crypto is dumping your bags immediately upon acquisition so price can never go up and value cannot be stored. Hes probably a btcmaxi since it also doesnt store value well. (Imagine gold losing 66% of its worth every 4 years)
>inb4 btc only go up
Rainbow chart faggots. Your lunch money and grandmas sock drawer wont double BTCs ATH 1 trillion dollar mcap and take you to 120k a token. Wake me when btc has staking (incentivized quasi circulating supply decrease) or a burn function (literal circ supply decrease)

>> No.55807906

We were chosen by AssBlastah to be paragons of truth in a dark, hatefoil woild. This sort of posting is the only way to ensure we are seen and the struggle of our ancestahs is not forgotten amidst anuddah shoah. It is a mitzah to educate these putzes. Keep up with this, please.

>> No.55808187
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1690468218358122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op I hope you don't mind that I immediately filtered you and am just gonna read whatever posts are left in this transparent fud thread, sorry I'm just not gonna read your posts is all haha

>> No.55808236

the fud case is literally the chart

>> No.55808434

>the bull case is that the price is high
>the bear case is that the price is low
It doesn't work like that.

>> No.55808477

LINK token liquidity is constrained to 1 billion. LINK marketcap liquidity is determined by price. There is no "if link==owned then dump" script for nodes therefore liquidity will dry up with more users.

>> No.55808607

Soak and penetration testing of the bbc(a)is complete.

>> No.55809133


> why does btc always dump when link pumps?

Price is run by bots. Every altcoin tends to peak before bitcoin dumps. Additionally, every bagholder has this conspiracy about their shitcoin.

> then why isn't ccip or any other release pumping the price?

Because it isn't profitable at the moment. Institutional investors are very unimpressed with the current crypto landscape. Not that they don't see the potential, but a pricefeed for aave doesn't drop jaws.

> why does all this garbage in the top 20 perform better when they release nothing of value?

Because speculation drives hype, while chainlink's clearly shown their hand. Additionally, the main things left for chainlink speculation are negative. Such as how much super linear staking will decrease the token price or where the team dumps are being allocated.

> but chainlink has speculation with swift, iso2022 etc

Yes, however, that is years away. The majority of crypto holders do not have long time horizons and see the years of poor price performance. Also, a strong social media presence is needed to spread the hype.

> but link twitter is huge

It's more of an echo chamber inside of a large bubble. Anytime chainlink integrates with something in the concrete world, all the outside sees is a swarm of racist frog profiles; along with weird, creepy and blasphemous memes. This does more damage than one might think.

> what can be done then?

Unfortunately the vase has already been broken, so to speak. I suppose the best thing the link community could do is change their image from pepe to something more mainstream, especially for main spokesmen (CLG). Disparage the less sociable crowd from participating and contribute intellectual thoughts instead of the stale memes.

>> No.55809144


> Don't trash CLG he's a genius!!!

That might be true, however he has done irreparable damage to the brand by his blasphemous name and racist profile picture. Furthermore, CLG has a history of shilling rugpulls and various failed projects. As a person, CLG is great, but should create a new account and rebrand.

> should I just sell?

That's a personal question that mostly depends on your financial goals and patience. Chainlink does have a good foundation, but it will likely take years to reach a fraction of the communities insane price targets.

> well if they have a good foundation I'm guaranteed to make it

Not necessarily. Chainlink has a high likelihood of falling victim to the first mover disadvantage.

> what do you mean disadvantage? These new projects can't come close to the number of integrations

First mover disadvantage is due to them investing a high amount of capital to shift businesses over to using a new product. Because of this, a competitor can invest capital into developing a better product instead of luring in new users. For example, Facebook vs MySpace.

> won't the community be loyal since chainlink has funded their development?

In reality, businesses are typically unloyal and go with the best or cheapest option. You can even see various business turning their backs on chainlink while being funded by them. Will the overall industry stay loyal? Unlikely, but only time will tell.

>> No.55809260

holy checked. thanks for bumping every link thread up right now with this gay reddit pasta i guess

>> No.55809271

>Every altcoin tends to peak before bitcoin dumps
This is the most delusional cope imaginable.
Right up there with "Sergey knows when Bitcoin is about to dump, and he releases Chainlink news just prior".

>> No.55809279

a share of $30 then?

>> No.55810139

I guess If CCIP never develops beyond being used on 4 chains and 2 dapps, yes

>> No.55810283

How does SNX do hundred of millions in volume, and with CCIP integrated now it makes less than the minimum wagies here do in a day? Either cross chain is a meme or we got scammed

>> No.55810287

nice strawman

>> No.55810507
File: 150 KB, 568x1200, E54689CE-B3B4-4380-A11D-4C313790040B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre finally waking up. Better late than never

>> No.55810556

those linkies are eeeevil
their illicit scamming is causing me all kinds of distress
but right before the SEC shows up they always somehow clean up the mess
those linkies are eeeevil
say it with me:
E.V.I.L. L.I.N.K.I.E.S

>> No.55811584
File: 306 KB, 1125x2436, 3C739858-2A0A-4E81-B831-7B1BF65C1370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the binary in the middle of that image into a translator and got this for the text. Anyone know what this symbol is called and if there is any meaning?

>> No.55813031


>> No.55813073
