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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 428 KB, 1557x1125, F3BMd5gXQAA1sa_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55781968 No.55781968 [Reply] [Original]

There is no credit crunch. Americans are flush with credit. The country can charge its way through inflation. pic rel

>> No.55782073

Kill yourself bootlicker.

>> No.55782084

I'm amazed the US economy is still functioning

>> No.55782193

>consoomers are in more debt than ever before
>this is fine

>> No.55784204

>consoomers are in more debt than ever before
Not true when inflation adjusted. Of course there is record levels of consumer debt. Everything costs twice as much as it did two years ago. Everyone spends twice as much now.

>> No.55784285

The ultimate redpill is realizing that the fundamentals of the US economy are so solid that it can actually go completely full retard and still grow faster than any other developed economy. The US economy literally runs on retard strength.

>> No.55784463

Have asked for credit below 2k over the past 10 years
have gotten 0

Its a scam

>> No.55784546

their jobs aren't inflation adjusted.

>> No.55784641

no one cares soon we all get Universal basic Income anyway. a big part of the population will die off and then the idiots who remain and cant be useful just get UBI. if you don't give them UBI they do crime and such

>> No.55784645

How. My bank routinely says I'm eligible for increased credit limits and I don't really make much money. Don't really use the credit limits either

>> No.55784696

They're terrified of what happens if it stops.

>> No.55784702

Printer go brrrrrr

>> No.55784814
File: 20 KB, 223x226, 1621305020943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they needed a big ass credit limit analysis to realize there is no recession and the economy has a lot of ways to be saved
>Bobobros will do anything in their power to pretend the opposite
Seriously how do you guys cope? How does it feel to know the paradigm has shifted from you and there is nothing you can do but get absolutely liquidated? Tokens like x.com will get all the glory while you see all your positions end in the low low end
And it's going to be theatric

>> No.55785178

The US economy has changed dramatically over the last 20 years, yet peoples idea of the economy doesn't reflect this change.
for instance, the consumer economy of the last century doesn't exist anymore, rather than a middle class buying goods and services, you have a small wealthy minority that is the dominant consumer in the market. The middle class buy utility, groceries, beers and services in the form of insurance etc. On most other area of consumption it is the top 10% income that are the majority consumer in $ terms e.g. clothing, culture (theatre, museums, art), restaurants, cars, jewellery, beauty products and so on.
Doesn't this change the economy? people talk about unemployment and household debt, but does it really matter when the people being talked about are more or less irrelevant for the economy? firing 10 recruiters in the bay area will be more damaging than firing 100 factory workers in the mid west.

>> No.55785233
File: 756 KB, 1908x1318, suburban evictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't
You look at half a city sleeping on the side walk, how do you say to yourself
>Well of course this is a functioning economy

Something like 1/4th of everyone is on food stamps or getting some form of free food
Welfare sustains like every city of America else there would just be african tier riots on the streets

I don't think you know what a functioning economy looks like

>> No.55785263

>firing 10 recruiters in the bay area will be more damaging than firing 100 factory workers in the mid west.


>> No.55785381

>You look at half a city sleeping on the side walk, how do you say to yourself
Stretching the truth (not even one such city exists)

>Something like 1/4th of everyone is on food stamps or getting some form of free food
Stretching the truth (13% at most)

Stretching the truth (no numbers are mentioned, it only says "more")

You are making the case for the bulls

>> No.55785403

>There would also be, we may be certain, the traditional reassuring words from Washington. Always when markets are in trouble, the phrases are the same: “The economic situation is fundamentally sound” or simply “The fundamentals are good.” All who hear these words should know that something is wrong.

>> No.55785511
File: 54 KB, 1631x496, delinquency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delinquency rate is at the lowest in decades. No crash for you, stay priced out forever.

>> No.55785656
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>> No.55785690
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>> No.55785694
File: 142 KB, 1428x733, 10k evictions per week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stretching the truth (not even one such city exists)
I live in it

>no numbers are mentioned
Look em up

>> No.55785713
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Labor market

>> No.55785719
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Housing market

>> No.55785729
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>> No.55785737
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Generational debt

>> No.55785772
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Median household income vs Home price

>> No.55785819
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>> No.55785841
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The icing on the cake

>> No.55785882

Did you go to fucking boomers.com to download these? Get real grandpa, literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you" and backed up by a military with enough power to destroy the planet. All your charts show over time is that the people in charge of monetary policy are 100% willing to just make up new rules overnight to keep the system afloat - because that's literally their job. Betting against them is shortsighted cynical faggot bear bullshit.

>> No.55785888

If you are still a saver right now you are a literal retard. Money is meant to be spent in to assets. To acquire assets. If you "save" money you are an incel loser. These people who used their savings to spend in to assets. They came out on top since that is the point of money. But ya. Just sit on dollars like some smaug dragon LMFAO

>> No.55785907

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Nice trips tho.

>> No.55785941

unironically true whilst also being totally fucked

>> No.55785945

Cope + seethe. Dollars (in which people work for) will always devalue year over year. So every year you must use dollars to acquire assets. I'm sorry you haven't figured it out yet. The work you did for dollars yesterday. Is worth less than the work you can do today. No escape from that truth.

>> No.55786008

Smug and stupid. What a way to go through life.. I can't wait for heads to start rolling. I wonder who the first up are the geniuses who leveraged up on yen or all the real estate asset acquirers.. Good luck. Do a back flip.

>> No.55786170
File: 332 KB, 1940x1178, Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 7.41.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786177
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>literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786188
File: 51 KB, 590x954, IMG_2271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786195
File: 117 KB, 1712x894, Global rejection of the FRN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786203

Oh weird, turns out it was all an elaborate psyop to keep normies from buying crypto. You know, like we all said 2 years ago would happen.

>> No.55786217
File: 356 KB, 673x822, Captura de tela 2023-04-13 082336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786223
File: 73 KB, 458x849, parabolic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786230

>Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Argentina
>Having any real impact on the US economy, let alone the US military

If you want to know what really happens to countries that try to trade outside of the dollar look at Libya

>> No.55786238
File: 781 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-05-03-07-03-17-962_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786246
File: 568 KB, 1170x1262, AD67963C-D3C5-41B1-927D-04FCBF05D1FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786248
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>> No.55786255
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1349323053603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dollar coming down is GOOD for equities you stump

>France matters
>Europe matters
pic related

>> No.55786258
File: 400 KB, 1080x2041, Screenshot_20230211_132338_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786266
File: 933 KB, 1478x2016, 4C8CC772-EE8B-4813-86E3-C09DB058E37B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786269
File: 532 KB, 737x605, dedollarization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786277
File: 74 KB, 1024x702, r3kt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786283
File: 520 KB, 1156x934, 1650188931842768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55786284

>Lithium "discovered" in historically contested, tumultuous region
>Only a handful of articles about it from February
>No mention of actually building mines


>> No.55786290
File: 134 KB, 613x647, china bricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786293
File: 95 KB, 1353x768, 169133121986621811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard confirmed thanks for outing yourself faggot

>> No.55786296
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1691386035846642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to bet money that the people with the highest credit card balances aren't the people with the highest credit limits.

>> No.55786302
File: 365 KB, 720x1144, Screenshot_20230401-232227~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786307

I have a feeling you were selling nogs mansions in 2007 weren't you kek

>> No.55786311
File: 78 KB, 1120x555, unnamed(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dollar coming down is GOOD for equities you stump
Here's an example on why you're a total retard.

>> No.55786323
File: 165 KB, 1079x325, image_2023-03-30_083245993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786330

Utterly convinced kikes like you and the rest of the niggers in here that think this is the greatest news ever (if it were event logical at all) are a psyops to get the middle and lower class riled up. The middle class is dying. People who numerous degrees and good jobs that actually produce are living on credit and you think this is a good thing. Kill yourself.

>> No.55786335
File: 884 KB, 1170x1293, 33502E6F-255B-40FA-B131-E4311A8F88BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55786412

It runs on imperialism

>> No.55786433

>fake email IT jobs
>producing anything
Lel. I love you retards

>> No.55786531
File: 148 KB, 1284x1257, IMG-20230803-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786540
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x2686, Screenshot_20230808_214909_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55786550
File: 30 KB, 1027x315, cool countries club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55786620

Those are the faggots with recently purchased homes makes 200k a year who are happy to agree with OP. The lower class is mostly retail and other nothing burger service jobs, Im talking about people in manufacturing, management, engineering, the people who actually produce value or manage the supply chain, they’re the middle class/upper middle class and they’re losing their shirts right now

>> No.55786623


>> No.55786819

>dud wtf is a debt crisis lmao
go look at a chart of the dow jones from 1870 to 1920

>> No.55786864

Psst. They don't know yet. Let them buy

>> No.55786892

It isn’t, but people believe it is so it still shambles on. Eventually the juice will run out though, regardless. Americans aren’t prepared to accept that the country is finished, even though it is and it’s their fault

>> No.55786908

It's not just the usa. America is getting away better than the rest of the world. China confirmed in deflationary dead spiral

>> No.55787140

False. Wages are up nearly double over the past few years. Walmart and McDonalds pay $20 an hour now.

>> No.55787202

Thank you for skullfucking this retarded nigger. I just showed my girlfriend how bad you skullfucked him.

>> No.55787210

>good jobs that actually produce are living on credit
Lies. If those jobs paid living wages workers wouldn't be living on credit.

>> No.55787537

Half the population will die after the vax kicks in so wages will go up accordingly

>> No.55787607

Didn’t you hear? 70k is poverty line now. You need at the very least 140k to afford necessities and pay a mortgage

>> No.55787728

how do you fags not realize you are being trolled?
this shit is about to crash and burn. people can barely survive without credit cards, which is why the OP posted this.

>> No.55788168
File: 413 KB, 867x881, D12CFE41-84B2-44EA-9562-6DD271840A35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I need to save cash so I can put down a deposit on a house as I’m swiftly getting ratfucked out of ever being able to own my own property.

>> No.55788232
File: 60 KB, 1280x1094, Poop-cartoon-poo-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bihcoin and stonks gongo.

show me a single doomtuber or bear prediction that ever came true in the last 10 years. not a single one.

>> No.55788998

No, this is just what propaganda wants you to think.
THere's like 300k homeless, including the temporary homeless, out of almost 400 million people.

>> No.55789009

THis poster is a seething russian angry they're getting fucked by 40+ year old US hardware and can't get real mcdonalds anymore lmao. So he clips shitty articles without dates, times, or adequate sources to ignore the fact that literally every country that can ran back to the dollar 2021-2023.

>> No.55789375

>Please buy my bags goy
>Consum please
>Ignore it, it's propaganda
In the meantime the same experts, that warned about the "bear market" ralley in May, tell you to buy bank stocks now and that homes are soooooo cheap so you should get a mortgage at 7%
You kikes, chinkoids and other baggies

>> No.55789399

>ignore the fact that literally every country that can ran back to the dollar 2021-2023
Prove this.

>> No.55789429

You got fucking raped in an thread. How does it feel to be virtually raped?

>> No.55789447

>when inflation adjusted
What do you think inflation is?

>> No.55789483

China alone has a bigger navy. Ships spotted on Alaskan coast. Enjoy you credit downgrade, nigger.

>> No.55789515

And in the meantime chinas industrial capacity utilization, pmis and co have been on a perma slump with no sign at recovery ever again. Countries are leaving its bitch and choke bullshit, real estate in perma dump and the fabled internal market a pipe dream to argue stimulus into ccp pockets, not to forget the ccps foreign investments are all stuck in North American real estate bags, with a depressed demand for those, on top general reduction of demand for chink slave goods. China is so unbelievably fucked

>> No.55789537

The Chinese navy is so dramatically behind the US in terms of technology and firepower that nobody considers it a superior navy in spite of technically larger numbers though. I'm not even a Yank and I have to admit that the US really doesn't have a naval peer right now. Maybe in 15 - 20 years if China's economy doesn't shit the bed like it looks like it's about to, but not right now.

>> No.55789546

About to? Have you missed the numbers? China is in a deflationary dead spiral, objectively speaking based on their own shined numbers

>> No.55789548

Honestly, same. The numbers don’t add up. There is no way gas is nearly 4 dollars, credit card debt is so high, housing prices are so high, interest rates are so high, inflation is so high, and general cost of living is so anti consumer and the house of cards is still standing strong.

Fuck me for being skeptical

>> No.55789549
File: 1.14 MB, 746x608, 1689790569275503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys glowie

>> No.55789555

as long as the interest rates don’t increase during ath of outstanding cc debt

>> No.55789568

Oh no I haven't missed the numbers, I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt that there's still like a 1% chance that they might be able to turn things around between now and 20 years out. Realistically I think they're completely fucked though and that they're in a far worse situation than anyone imagined, all the headwinds they're facing right now came in about 10 years ahead of schedule and seem to be even worse than what people were predicting for the early 2030s.

>> No.55789574

It's almost like you are being gaslit. Big brother wouldn't just lie to our faces at every turn to keep us silent and compliant would they?

>> No.55789640

They won't. India isn't sharping it's teeth and going full protectionism on it's agricultural production, of which China was a main importer, for fun and giggles. I suspect that a lot of the weaponry that is shipped to Ukraine is currently ending up in India and South East Asia to prepare for finally getting rid of the ccp.

>> No.55789653

>Recession is canceled
That's because the depression is coming

>> No.55789654

Don't know how likely outright war is barring China going full retard on Taiwan, but I kind of think they're fucked regardless. Their demographic situation is fucking trash and basically hitting all the worst projections anyone made for them now, and that's assuming the numbers are accurate and not intentionally being inflated. Every other sector of their economy seems equally fucked in some capacity now, like they just had another huge property developer default yesterday. Again people were expecting most of this stuff to start happening in the early 2030s and be about half as bad as things are actually playing out right now.

>> No.55789728

Very likely, and China knows it, they have been ramping up oil imports from Iran massively, while Iran is the only oil producing country that isn't, in the wake of general reduced demand from the industry, reducing it's production. It explains also the half assed engagement in Ukraine, which only seems to serve as a way to bind Russias capacities, so they won't be an issue when the carving up of China starts. And with Chinas economic situation, it's youth unemployment, despite the demographic situation keeps increasing. It looks like everyone smells the blood in the water and preps to go after China, economically and soon militarily

>> No.55789758

it funcions on thoughts & prayers

>> No.55789763

lol eat shit Rajeesh. Schizo posting shitty screenshots of shill articles is exactly what I expected from you fags.

>> No.55789949

>India competing against China
as if India could produce anything of quality, value or at all lmao

>> No.55790011

Keep on trying it with failed propagandizing, everyone that sees the data knows that China is beyond fucked and everyone who knows the Indians knows that those litte poojeets are always on board for wars they can profit of. It's going to be a free-for-all with india, the Tigers, the Islands and the gooks, maybe even the Stans and Mongolia cutting parts out of the rotting corpse that is the ccps China

>> No.55790232

more ships, lower tonnage

>> No.55790797

China is totally going to invade Formosa and counter the US navy with fishing vessels that had ccp coast guard painted on the hull

>> No.55791685

>Huurrrrr duurrrr I can't come up with any proof to back any shit I say, so I'll just resort to name calling and looking like a complete tool
Fucking idiot

>> No.55792286
File: 35 KB, 874x459, Screenshot from 2023-08-09 19-14-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small businesses struggling to get credit to sustain their services leading to closures and consequently job losses

>> No.55792415

The loan survey numbers two weeks ago were obvious. Credit crunch especially in commercial real estate. With consumer credit numbers this week and end of moratorium on student loan debt, it's a wonder that spx is still over 4000

>> No.55792544

Go back >>>/pol/

>> No.55792616

poo in the loo, retarded brown faggot

>> No.55793293

No chang. Just an Anti-Socialist

>> No.55793403

go back, you brainlet

>> No.55793430

as long as crime is poor against poor its encouraged.

>> No.55793442

>I'm amazed the US economy is still functioning
Whats really happening is workers are working harder for less reward. As long as that continues nothing will stop.

Maybe at some point people will start dying; I dont see 'fighting back' happening anytime soon

>> No.55793464

The US economy runs on outsourcing everything, including inflation of dollars, and importing hordes of darkies to destabilize resistance movements and pump real estate prices while simultaneously crippling wage growth.

>> No.55793485

You don't get it.
Again not a poojeet, I'm an Anti-Socialist

>> No.55793581

that's why you are shilling for india?
go poo in the loo, retard

>> No.55793840

You are really too low IQ of a socialist to understand what is played here
I mean its fun to catalog you ccp shills all across the internet, but you are really not very smart and so easy to bait. stupid chinkoids

>> No.55793873

>still grow
US real GDP has been negative since 2005

>> No.55793894

>firing 10 recruiters in the bay area will be more damaging than firing 100 factory workers in the mid west
this just puts more deficits
you don't understand trade balance

>> No.55793919

>If you are still a saver right now you are a literal retard
trips of truth
if you save in fiat you are braindead

>> No.55793931

>backed up by a military
your token is backed by US treasuries, you literal mongoloid

>> No.55793960

why did you list china, retard?

what's next, you're gonna say Japan has no influence on your bonds?
literal drooling retard

>> No.55793978

10 rupees have been deposited to your shilling account

>> No.55794149
File: 464 KB, 512x640, 1667421916740959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There are so many millionaires now and people making 250k a year that they drive the economy.
China will decide to either go full retard and make a move on taiwan soon as its the only chance they have. Or wait out their demographic issue and hope america doesnt move manufacturing elsewhere in time before china can fully develop. Im pretty sure they will go full retard and try to invade within 10 years because xi isnt really that good at leadership and wants the glory for himself.

>> No.55794159

okay chang, you better keep preparing for the poojeet invasion and buy more Iranian oil, its pure shit, but you might need it to power your fishing vessels, excuse me coast guard navy

>> No.55795213

When these big boys lose money its a problem for everyone and its happening for like 2 going to 3 quarters now. Not looking great

>> No.55795229

>still repeating this tard line after every thirdie shithole sided with russia/china and the US pulled out of every war
must suck being a communist retard

>> No.55796493

There is a silent bank run going on right now among the wealthy. They are exchanging fiat into gold/silver. When the low-born finally wakes up, it will be too late.

>> No.55796509

Hey there agent Johnson how’s the foggy bottom?

>> No.55796541
File: 174 KB, 470x318, googlyeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iterally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you"

>> No.55796549

Why are there so many bots in this thread?

>> No.55796708


Inflation WILL fuck you over.


>> No.55796752
File: 10 KB, 304x287, OfficeShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone spends twice as much now.
Some of us realized money is fake af during covid and now just don't spend money. It is an underground movement for the 2020s because the economy would collapse if newspapers started reporting on WFH chads who moved to the country, spend next to nothing, and still make a big city income.
(fuck your TPS reports)

>> No.55796857

China's navy is a total meme though. It's less than a quarter the weight of the US's despite having more ships (meaning they have a lot of coastal vessels, IE not a significant Navy especially given how geography doesn't favour that).

>> No.55797158

He's not wrong. Current US economic growth is fueled by siphoning EU industry.

>> No.55797164

It's half the weight, but yeah US still rules the waves.

>> No.55797173

America is exporting debt to the global system.

>> No.55797230
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>The US economy literally runs on retard strength.

>> No.55797245
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This is the most glowing fucking thread in the history of 5chinz. I swear, posts that are bullish on the US economy are filled with more giga hopium and gaslighting than the most jeeted dogshit crypto pump n dump tokens. You're either:
>a boomer in his 80s drunk on multiple decades of debt-based hyperinflation of asset prices, wanting your 10000000000000000000000000x housing, commodities, indexes, and mega pensions to keep mooooooning for eternity
>a retarded debtmaxxed zoomie funneling cash into indexes after a 14 year non stop QE perma bull run thinking you're early (thanks for buying boomer's bags!)
>a fed or a troon paid by feds running constant narrative control to protect the notion that zombie Joe was a successful economic leader, despite deleting the energy sectors from every western nation on the planet

The competency crisis is real. America is filled with 20m illegals + unknown extras + 2m every year. You won't money print individuals capable of maintaining complex power grids, emergency services, medical professionals, engineering, etc... But by all means, believe that imported cheap slave labor and annual record breaks on food kitchen attendance represents an efficient economy

Glowniggers tongue my anus

>> No.55797253

absolutely malding

>> No.55797303

The economy is resilient, strong, starting a new 50 year bull run, and there's nothing you can do about it

The US military is the most elite and advanced fighting force in the world, pathetic RUS shit on a VPN.

Slava fucking Ukraini, get conscripted bear rusnigger
Ignore him. These right wing nut jobs make me sick beyond fucking belief.

>> No.55797311

The information is upsetting, but there's no reason for you to mald over it. Take a deep breath
>The US military is the most elite and advanced fighting force in the world
OK. What did that have literally anything to do with what I said?

>> No.55797314

For this pissed off fed boy >>55797303

>> No.55797413

honk honk

>These right wing nut jobs make me sick beyond fucking belief.
phew, and here i was gonna accuse you of being some faggot from r*ddit. you need to go back

>> No.55797890
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>Did you go to fucking boomers.com to download these? Get real grandpa, literally none of your pre-internet economic paradigms matter when essentially the entire globe pegs their currencies to the US dollar, which is valued at a firm "lol fuck you" and backed up by a military with enough power to destroy the planet. All your charts show over time is that the people in charge of monetary policy are 100% willing to just make up new rules overnight to keep the system afloat - because that's literally their job. Betting against them is shortsighted cynical faggot bear bullshit.

>> No.55797992
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Wait wait wait...
Sooooo you think that because more people are going further into credit card debt, that's a good thing?
I mean, there are some laughably horrible ideas floating around here amongst the Doomer Porn and 4000 cryptocurrencies, but people putting more and more money onto their credit cards and not paying it back isn't a good thing.

>> No.55798621

That's not even the worst. Liquidity dried up so brutally it's not even funny anymore and there is 0 room for monetary maneuvers. And about some cover up for public subsidized bail outs, like they did with the china flue, People are going to kill the politicians if they try, the one half because they understand what is tried, the other half because they are not afraid anymore and just won't take any authoritarian bullshit

>> No.55798681

False. I guess you didn't see the threads on pol a few months back. I have been maxxing out my credit cards for the past few months, then just opening new cards and taking out cash advances to pay the debt off, then repeating the cycle. It's called debtmaxxing and is a great strategy in a collapsing society. If you ignore calls from debt collectors there is literally nothing they can do.

>> No.55798717
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No one's wages have even come close to keeping up with inflation over the past 3 years let alone the cost of living. Only a federal agent could be so dishonest. Kys glowie.

>> No.55798759

Or somebody else living off risk redistribution collaterized by the assumed productivity and reproduction rate of future generations, like a welfare recipients, a publicly subsidized business owner, a publicly financed NGO employee, a publicly subsidized bank.... You get the idea. Just stop producing or at the very least stop paying taxes

>> No.55798770
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Got me.

>> No.55798860


>> No.55799160

Best post so far

>> No.55799273

I actually tried looking for this data somewhere but abandoned due to how shitty google is
Where can I find a breakdown on consumption stats, in terms of networth/salary of the us consumers

>> No.55799284

>And about some cover up for public subsidized bail outs
>like they did with the china flue
they gave a LOT of money to big corps during COVID, and they bailed out the SVB and other banks a while ago. and no one gave a shit.

>> No.55799357

The coof (((stimulus))) was a bail out as a reaction to the 2019 liquidity crisis. The svb stuff, little bail out baby, nothing to really talk about. But at the moment it looks exactly like the liquidity situation back in 2019. And their is obviously an attempt on all channels to try to find something to cover up the next bail out attempt

Coof, climate, niggers... And nothing catches on, while those that don't ignore it become more and more angry and react for now discoursively violent, if anything is put into action without shared reality, then the violence goes irl.

>> No.55799442

Are we just going to forget that the elite robbed the FDIC blind, and we're allowed to do so just because they were had far above the 250K limit AND begged Yellen for it?

Till this day, I no longer keep my money (only 6figs, but still) in banks. It is direct deposited from work into my brokerage and immediately converted into safe-ish bonds. After these mature, I roll the returned cash into more bonds. My "checking" account is empty. I use by brokerage's bill pay to pay off my credit card each month (it's how I actually buy things in real), earning rewards to take advantage of the CC companies.

"Sound and resilient" banking system. Nope. Never again.

>> No.55799451

*were allowed to do so

>> No.55799456

You and a lot of others. The smarter ones among us don't even put the cash into brokerage accounts or treasuries, it goes straight into a safe

>> No.55799515

What would you do if your broker FTX'd your funds? Carry CC debt at 28% interest with zero dollars in your bank account? Do you people have any concept of financial risk?

>> No.55799522
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Third worlder here. I am happy to hear that quality of life for Americans drops every year. Soon 99% of amerikikes will live like Latino Americans

>> No.55799527

Yet wage growth has skyrocketed compared to anything

China and India are both socialist you brainlet lol.

Get an education

>> No.55799541

>Soon 99% of amerikikes will live like Latino Americans
Quite literally. They will flood your country because it has the same demographics, but a lower cost of living.

>> No.55799544

things don't seem so good
how do I profit from this

>> No.55799552

But it has lower wages

>> No.55799570

You should learn to read greentext, that anon implied that, but failed to understand that it wasn't about India or China being socialist but that it looks like those countries are on the verge of going to war

>> No.55799576

Learn history

>> No.55799613

>ib4 strong brics alliance
Lol. India and China are ramping up their military, same as the rest of Sea and the Islands and gooks. India has imported massive amounts of Russian crude and American weapons, while China is importing also massive amounts of crude from Iran and Russia. That crude isn't destined for their respective economies. On top India has put a moratorium on rice and grain exports, not because they lack food, it's to feed soldiers

>> No.55799740
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Crumbling infrastructure, expensive housing, expensive education, poor access to healthcare, falling IQ, huge wealth inequality, millions of illegal immigrants. At least they have the strongest military kek

>> No.55799791

A military that failed two quarters in a row to fill its recruitment quotas. And the ones that don't sign up for the military and civilian security forces are the ones that are aware and rather get ready to defend their own hill from the intsoc mercenaries

>> No.55799981

wtf I was told the collapse would be slow but it all seems to be happening very fast

>> No.55800014

When will the "shtf" happen according to you?

>> No.55800023

Do you read the (((news)))? My condolences

>> No.55800099

I get my news from /pol/ :(

>> No.55800127

>people putting more and more money onto their credit cards and not paying it back isn't a good thing.
Why not? They get free money and the bank suffers. That sounds good to me.

>> No.55800149

You never made a point. You only shit up this thread.

>> No.55800225

>being skeptical of the economy is enough to classify someone as a right wing nut job
Its neat to see how left wingers beat their chests over how macho the american military is. It's a complete 180 from the political paradigm of the 90s to early 2000s.

>> No.55800347

The spam on /pol/ is the mainstream media news. One of the attempts to desperately create shared reality
/pol/ is as dead as /biz/

>> No.55800567

>You never made a point.
Several were made.

>> No.55800581

So many feds in this thread lmao

>> No.55800876

What a high quality post. So would you point out the "feds" (((anon)))

>> No.55801000

What is the best way to increase your credit card limit anyways?

>> No.55801026

The drop in Helocs since 2009 is greater than the rise in credit cards

>> No.55801047

its not functioning its just ongoing
it fails to do what it intended to

>> No.55801171

It is the story of a man that jumped from the roof of a skyscraper. Whenever he went past a floor he said, untill now everything went fine, everything went fine until now. Until he hit the floor. The important part is not when the body hit the floor, it's the jump.

>> No.55802448

brokers carry SPIC insurance, similar to being FDIC. The correct long term answer is gold / crypto

>> No.55803871

scammer. Crypto is a ponzi build on a pyramid scheme, with no liquidity in the market the direction is clear, down. Gold was ponzified

>> No.55804289
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Nigger, I'm hearing radio ads targeting boomers and Gen X to throw their savings into gold right now

>> No.55804831


>> No.55804909

I just paid off the last of my debt yesterday.
Feels good man.

>> No.55804920

who do I believe?

>> No.55804949

Unless you're securing debt with the assets and lack the liquidity to exit the debt position without giving up the assets.
Then you're completely exposed to market conditions and are likely to lose *everything* in a downturn.
This situation describes nearly every home owner under the age of 40.

>> No.55805154


>> No.55805164
File: 67 KB, 500x493, Welcome To The Janitorial Closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test, test *taptaptap* mic check, test. *taptap* 20 threads of Le Inflation graph check check 1 2 3 *taptaptap* test. 10 threads of Le Coin Invest For Bullrun check 1 2, 1 2 *taptaptaptaptap*

*ahem* FUCK *taptaptap* JANNIES

>> No.55805197

Possible. Ppi and core and uk numbers

>> No.55806995


>> No.55807561
File: 398 KB, 1024x766, 1691441258870256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality post. Also pic rel will doom us even faster.

>> No.55807627

Thanks for the data, even if you made 32PBTID.

>> No.55807853

Not even 15s and I got tons of results.

>> No.55807960

Rule of thumb, when some poster screams meds, weeks, chuds everything by that id can be dismissed

>> No.55808130

Sure, maybe not a recession. Maybe there's inflation arguments to be had. But what the fuck do you call our current state? Does not feel good bros
>most middle class young americans priced out of housing
>tons of educated (not just art students) young americans cant get good jobs
>food is expensive
>rent is expensive

>> No.55808154

this is exactly why I do everything I can to pay as little tax as possible

>> No.55808210
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>But what the fuck do you call our current state?
interesting times

>> No.55808659

why pay any tax? The irs is already incompetent, overworked, understaffed and no matter how much budget they get, they face the same issues as any other private and public employer, a shrinking of the general potential work force pool. They rely on peoples cooperation, or force some dystopian communist surveillance "currency" be it crypto or digital currency. Cash business only, at best non registered. Just stop following the laws, the political aristocracy and their private sector opportunists, who fill their pockets with the profits from capital risk distributed onto you and your children in the future do neither

>> No.55808682

yeah it's called decadence

>> No.55809833
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>> No.55809842

>frog posting

>> No.55810535


>> No.55810562

Yeah that anon just got shat on throughout the entire thread. Guessing he got butthurt and called out the article, but it's legit.

>> No.55811811

the thing with this new paradigm screeching is, it requires a global economy, that isnt going to be the case for the next 40 years at least

>> No.55812435

is this your blog anon?

>> No.55812449

So more QT and interest rates increases are needed.

>> No.55812454

not going to happen socialist before 2% is reached

>> No.55812462

the EU and latin america are US economic territories much like central asia and eastern europe are russia's economic territory, not really an empire

>> No.55812475
File: 269 KB, 630x287, Screenshot_20230811-132237-816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isnt. Homeless people are everywhere. Just five minutes ago a woman who looks 8 months pregnant saw me walking and started smiling and waving at me like I might want to raise her kid.

>> No.55812558


I see more and more homeless every day yet I'm told there's no recession. How is this possible?