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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55772680 No.55772680 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t even enjoy my success in crypto investing because of all the lives I know have been fucked up by it

>people who bought too late
>people who got rugged by an exchange or a crypto they bought
>people who got desperate enough to use leverage and got wrecked
>people who lost their keys

>> No.55772738

Loser mentality, i take pleasure of knowing this cause i used to be in their postion.

The only way to really make it is to actually keep grinding after you fuck up in the bull.

>> No.55772749

My keys are in the bathroom hey spamming faggot if you can't enjoy yourself it's time to hand it to me and kick rocks.

>> No.55772756

It’s also the state of the world mate

I made it in 2017 and I feel like I only got a good 2 years out of it and then covid global psychosis happened

>> No.55772797

the world wasn't the same after 9/11
world won't be the same after covid psychosis
still waiting for a massive recession to traumatize gen xyza

>> No.55772884 [DELETED] 

>made it in 17
Sure thing, let's see you throw me 10k

>> No.55772911

I made out with $4.5 million after tax, considering my goal was $1-2 mill I made it in my eyes

Mostly from ETH

>> No.55772913
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>> No.55772935

Jesus, count yourself lucky dude I've got crippling illness and no money literally nothing having to borrow from family to survive, it could be a fuck ton worse.
Seriously though glad someone here fucking made it maybe 1/200

>> No.55772998

Seriously though I'm gonna need that 10k, cough it up chompers.

>> No.55773068
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>> No.55773078

I just realized this pepe's eyes look like bowling balls.

>> No.55773089

Quite simple Anon, donate a sizable amount to a church or somewhere you know the funds will be put to good use. Then, wipe your hands clean of trying to do anymore good based on your notion of debt in this demon clown world. Do good because it’s good to do, with your obligations fulfilled you can’t have any internal squabble furthermore

-someone who is happy to see crypto fuck up ponzi USD finance regardless of self profit

>> No.55773100

empathy fags ngmi. AI and X are your only hope

>> No.55773107

the new meta now is keeping up with the new metas unrionicaally, and right now the new meta is AI and domain names

>> No.55773130

Stop being an empathic loser and embrace your inner degen
you won't miss out if you listen to biz every once in a while, just like last week when X was shilled on here and now look what happened

>> No.55773157

money is unironically a zero-sum game

>> No.55773161

If you are in crypto you better know the risks, imo best to go full risk and ape degens, follow the meta follow the hype, lots of solid profits to be made anon

>> No.55773192
File: 22 KB, 288x288, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>noticeoor of patterns
>notice domain name drama is the new meta

if you aint looking at domain name drama for possible shitcoin meta moon potential, you aint gonna make it

>> No.55773287

based dubs

>> No.55773293 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1492x394, na.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the unhinged janitor banned me for "off topic" response to a clear spam thread
I hate this fucking board now it's all trannies running shit
>posts begging thread with cats
>img_underscore spam #555498545
Unironically the faggot that makes all these spam posts is a janny
He did this to me the other day, makes a spam thread I responded BOOM hit with a 16 day ban and he was posting devil pictures of SBF waiting to ban anyone else who responded at all.
This threads been sent to the mods via /feedback/ cause you're a power tripping motherfucker.
This faggot has refused to prune any scams either which tells you everyone you need to know the active /biz/ janny is running scams and pruning all posts he doesn't like, I'm not out right banned which tells me mods aren't aware of this power tripping faggot

What I said wasn't off topic, but the fact I told OP to kick rocks and immediately the faggot bans me tells me everything.

>> No.55773505

pls stp noooooticing ser thx

>> No.55773529

Clearly the watchdogs are biased
Long live the domain meta

>> No.55773530

why lurk here >>55773293
when you can lurk crypto hype and make money of it, even reddit fags made money of lurking on reddit

>> No.55773543

First I heard about this meta, I thought HPSO10I derivatives were still meta. What#s up with domains?

>> No.55773594
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it's simple, basically microwaved elon tweet meta but now it's domains he registered or bought for whatever dystopian fuckshit he is planning
lioe x.com and ai.com

>> No.55773612

topkek that is an extremely based and redpilled image
returning shopping carts is the litmus test of whitness
Can you spoonfeed me a bit in terms of the meta? there's like 5 different X.com coins, how do I know which one owns the domain?

>> No.55774966
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>people who bought(ed) $POND

>> No.55774974
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unironically me.

>> No.55775003 [DELETED] 

so what's the big deal with Pond then? isnt oyster something like big or awesome?

>> No.55775004
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>people who boughted link

>> No.55775020

autists fighting themselves
see? autists and mentally ill loners
who cares. do something with your lives already.

>> No.55775023
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stop whining like a bitch
sitll holding
never selling

>> No.55775028

This unironically reads like something made by ChatGPT or some shit who is even talking about this at all itt? Holy shit divide by zero and explode already

>> No.55775036

Autistic tech coin which has the same kind of mentally ill holders as this faggot over here >>55775023

>> No.55775037
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i hope you experience true misery once the shill paycheck is over and you are force with facing the real world again. nigger.

>> No.55775047
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i am the one talking about it sir pls do NOT redeem thank u

>> No.55775072

so what's the big deal with Pond then? isnt oyster something like big or awesome?

>> No.55775179

kek I'm pretty comfy in my paid off house