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55774103 No.55774103 [Reply] [Original]

>unable to do even 10 minutes of work

how did it get so bad? anybody in the same boat?

>> No.55774121
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>3 day weekend
>did nothing productive at all
>mindlessly browsed 4chan all weekend
>back to waging tomorrow

>> No.55774147

I don't know how it got so bad but the same happened to me, I've lost two jobs now because of it. I don't know if I have Male Depression, if I hate being a coder, or what. I know doing a full 8 hours is a meme but I have had trouble with even 1.

>> No.55774173

uhh maybe it's all that wfh not doing any work for a year and getting paid

>> No.55774184
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get stoned and knock out your code in ~4 hours.
report in standup it's taking you 2/3 days to complete it, commit in parts if needed

repeat for every task, unless its some simple shit like doing a mapping or adding a dependency you can't lie about those.

>> No.55774198



It’s an allergy to work where work = working for someone other than yourself. Take a leap and start your own business. Hopefully you have your parents house to live in just in case .

>> No.55774245

I need caffeine and Adhd drugs to give a shit. Even those wear off by 3pm but without it I would also be in the samw boat. Having some kind of hope you are working towards a better future instead of treading water makes a difference.

>> No.55774250


Sounds fine to me. Cozymaxxing and relaxing while you post on the internet? Good way to spend the weekend to me, fellow Canadian anon.

>> No.55774302

Coffee still works for me. That and I know that I'll feel better about life after actually completing some work.

>> No.55774305

You're doing the wrong kind of work anon. Trade shitcoins for a living and you'll have fun while making it. Respect the meta and all will be well

>> No.55774309

I've started a business and still feel this way. I'm also in the stage of basically working for free while doing client work and building the structure to scale. It still feels as stressful as waging even though I have control of how I work but the obligations and responsibilities are the same. The depression might change where it's profitable enough to start taking a salary.

>> No.55774311
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AI will take care of that for you

>> No.55774341

I have the same problem, it's because everything just feels so pointless. But then if I slacked in the morning I might compensate by overworking at night. Try to make it balance somehow.
There's pretty much an endless amount of work for me to do so whether I do a lot or a little nobody seems to notice or care.
The bigger issue I now face is that I want to actually work hard at something and work is an easy outlet, but it's not rewarded at all so I'm depressed and don't do shit and the cycle continues.

>> No.55774376

>I want to actually work hard at something
so get a hobby like everyone else moron

>> No.55774433

>self actualization
>Yeah bro I Mountain Bike! It's so cool I do jumps! Then we drink beers after! I like beer!
I already go to the beach and hike and stuff. What I want is to make money without depending on the corporate teet that doesn't care about me at all. And as the vaxx showed is actively malicious against me.

>> No.55774491

sling shitcoins
you need some melatonin

>> No.55774518

You're burned out.

Quit your job and find another.

>> No.55774527

I own a small business (4 employees) & feel the same way. I think being in crypto since 3 years ago made me this. Imagine watching your portfolio gains something like more than 3 months of your business revenue while you just do nothing.

>> No.55774584

I lost more since the last ath than I would make in 10 years fulltime slavery after tax.
Since then my motivation for actual work is dead and gone. It’s a miracle I wasn’t fired yet. I uploaded one (1) image on a website today and that was it. Not one email, nothing. I still hate each day. If we don’t see at least the previous ath for eth or btc again I might aswell just kill myself honestly. The illusion of work is just broken.

>> No.55774695

Yeah, I got an adderall prescription in like 2021 through one of those telehealth pill mills but sometimes I can’t renew the prescription. Work is fucking unbearable when I’m not taking adderall. I still get things done, possibly even more things, but I want to fucking put a bullet in my brain without the pill.

I equate taking adderall to turning myself into the average NPC busy-body normie. Helps turn off my brain and I can actually just coast through the workday without wanting to die. But when I’m off of the NPC pill, I want to get in my car and drive away forever

>> No.55774820

How long have you guys been at it? I am a wagie for 10 straight years now.

I had 2 years out of college and when I was a teenager I am not counting. Then I was in a touring band for a while, best days of my life.

Now in software for 10 fucking years and I wake up every day and wonder how I am going to get through it. The worst part is I both have the context of doing something amazing to compare it to and also I "made it" on paper last run but cashed nothing out and I can't escape the thoughts of knowing both what else is out there and that I could have been free and fucked it all up.

I don't want to die, because apart from waging I love life. But I can't stomach this shit more than another 1-2 years tops. I'm pretty fucking broken.

>> No.55774932

WFH here.
Visible anger when I am forced to do something at a certain time. I have got used to doing very little and doing said little amount of work whenever I feel like it.

>> No.55774969

dont take those kike pills. just move to the country and become a mountain man

>> No.55775065

What's your expertise in software? It's still the highest leverage skill you can acquire. Why not switch to working on something you care about?

>> No.55775091

>bang out what would be a full day's work for most people in an hour
>could get a shit ton done if I could keep chugging along
>get distracted by unimportant, asinine shit constantly
Technology did something to my brain. I didn't used to be like this.

>> No.55775231


That got me fired from my last crypto job, now I'm in the middle of a bad breakup and got rejected by a fuckbuddy when i wanted something more serious,

We're all going to get through this.

Fight the sickness.

>> No.55775277
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>The illusion of work is just broken.
This is why I believe a second Great Depression is coming. Nature has a way of correcting itself.

The Depression will zero out almost everybody except for the most conservative investors. The true degenerate gamblers will kill themselves. Most others will go to toil in any job that they can find (and jobs will be hard to find). But we will come out the other side a heartier, healthier, happier people. But the great flush needs to happen.

>> No.55775313

go visit a doctor AND a psychologist

>> No.55775417
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>the great flush
checked and kek'd

>> No.55775441

Been a trade wagie 10 years now. Work alone most the time. I’ve hardly done shit the past 2-3 years and the feeling of not wanting to do shit only gets worse with time. I don’t know wtf is taking them so long to fire me

>> No.55775473

You need an interesting project. I’m taking a couple weeks off to paint my house. Physical labor is very satisfying

>> No.55775478


8 YoE here. I feel the same way.

>> No.55775488

Not the guy you responded to, but what about taking some adderall as a one off thing to power through some writing?

>> No.55775500

This is my typical weekend. Not really sure what else to do on my weekend. I go in nature sometimes, but it is usually young couples walking and they look at me weird cause I'm single. I like to be totally alone in nature, it's the best feeling.

>> No.55775524

You will get addicted and then be right back where you started. Don't take any drugs except coffee and maybe nicotine.

>I like to be totally alone in nature, it's the best feeling
Same anon it's my favorite thing too. You can go off trail to see even fewer people, just follow a stream or a river so you can't get lost or use some other land features depending on the terrain.

>> No.55775548
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I feel like I can't enjoy my time off work at all. I don't see what the point is, because I'll just have to stop doing what I'm enjoying and go to sleep and go to work tomorrow.

>> No.55775609

>You can go off trail to see even fewer people, just follow a stream or a river so you can't get lost or use some other land features depending on the terrain.
Yeah I try to do this when I can.

>> No.55775625

sounds like burnout and you hate the kind of work you do.

>> No.55775635

how fuck were you in software for 10 years and havent made it yet?

>> No.55775636


12 years in a row here. Finance. 1 year as the head of the depart. The team who have had it easiest over covid whildt WFH are not use to challenge nor hard work any more. A few have grown mega lazy and are the biggest complainers. Currently weeding them out. Can't wait to get the team in my image. Interviewed 4 people last week who will be top quality replacements all happy to pop into the office twice a week.

Sure i enjoyed the quiet times too but kept myself routined and busy with self-improving. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Feels good to accomplish things.
Wish I ran my own business though.

>> No.55775641

After a month I start loseing it at work these fucking slaves around me think I'm the crazy one, we are destroying the planet as fast as we can and everyone thinks this is normal. why can't we just slow down.

>> No.55775666

What the hell were you doing that you couldn't stick it out for more than a month?

>> No.55775670

he sounds like every wagie ive ever known

>> No.55775675

3 month summer. Smoked weed every day.

>> No.55775780

12 years in software since out of college, straight. I had to grind tho because of a meme degree. It’s getting to be a dread for me too. I still feel somewhat accomplished after a productive day but not like the early years. I’m thinking of doing a sabbatical but it’s not like my job environment or culture is bad. Most everyone would say it’s comfy. So I’m starting to suspect the problem is with me and my attitude and a sabbatical would end me up in a similar headspace. I’m just blaming the job since it feels the most annoying

>> No.55775960

No refunds.

>> No.55776090

>anybody in the same boat?
Only reason I haven't been fired is because some other people left for new jobs not long before I started and it would demoralise other wagies if people kept leaving.

>> No.55776466

It’s easier once you sit down and just do something, put some music on

Most of the battles just sitting down to do a session of work but once you actually sit down and start you end up doing a solid block with no effort