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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55762789 No.55762789 [Reply] [Original]

source: white dev (op)

>> No.55763986

The more time I spend on CT, /biz/, reddit etc. The more I realise retail crypto "investors" are dumb as rocks and are incapable of doing their own research, and simply not interested in learning. Not worth the time promoting real projects to these morons, just let the development speak for itself.

Besides that, one of the best members of the polkadot community is Seun Lanlege who is Nigerian, and just so happened to spearhead development of a second interoperability messaging protocol for dotsama, so being so race reductive while talking about polkadot is a little ironic. Hopefully you saw his interview on the kusamarian so you should know he's the real deal. Just because you're on 4chan doesn't mean you have to be racist.

>> No.55764136

I’m a simpleton, things that deter me are a combination of;

Supply = ∞
Staking = 14%
Inflation = ~10%

Can you tell me why ai’m wrong to feel deterred?

>> No.55764193

1.Ethereum spent 7 years being an inflationary token with unlimited supply.

2. All parameters can be easily changed with support from governance. For instance the progression towards coretime sales as opposed to parachain auctions will likely introduce a burn mechanism.

3. Inflationary emissions are the best economics for paying for initial growth, it makes no sense to be deflationary at this point.

>> No.55764206

dot isn't eth so no need to bring eth up

>> No.55764239
File: 97 KB, 1726x749, eth historical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polkadot v1 launched in May 2020 with the genesis block. ~3 years later it has a market cap of $6bn

Ethereum genesis block launched at the end of July 2015. 3 years later in July 2018, Ethereum had a market cap of $43bn

Are you sure about those early eth vibes?

>> No.55764337

First mover advantage, but the reality of eth is that it's simply too expensive to do anything that matters on it. Rollups are shallow imitations of parachains and can't compete on either capital efficiency or adaptability. We're already seeing many cross evm projects that operate on ethereum, avalanche etc. that use polkadot as their backend because of this.

Bear in mind that the majority of senior polkadot developers are ex-ethereum. They know precisely the weaknesses of ethereum and have developed polkadot to solve them. Polkadot is ethereum done right.

>> No.55764342

Sell me Polkadot under these circumstances

1. I only use Bitcoin as my "store of value" asset

2. I only care for Alts if the Alts can provide me a place to buy OTHER low marketcap cryptocurrencies

That said, what does Polkadot offer to me over Ethereum in this regard?

>> No.55764347

>early eth vibes
It's one of many EVM chains that don't do anything new, same old A to B with tiny smart contracts. It's going to fade away along with FTM, AVAX, SOL, ADA, KDA etc

>> No.55764350

Very simple: Interlay can let you trustlessly stake or swap bitcoin for whatever you want on hydraDX and stellaswap at a fraction of the price, with better security guarantees.

>> No.55764354

>that don't do anything new

Calling yourself out as a massive retard I see

>> No.55764421

Whatever innovation Polkadot has it's at the level of AVAX' Soob Secoond Finaliteee i.e. nothing fundamentally new that unlocks a new class of usecases. It could never become relevant. You have been warned

>> No.55764431

What if I would NEVER take my Bitcoin out of cold storage to do such a thing? Thats not interesting to me at all.

>> No.55764450

Fully trustless interoperability between specialised chains that only require minting blocks when they need to, allowing appchains to dynamically expand or contract blockrate to suit demand is nothing new? Polkadot revolutionises the fundamental concept of what a blockchain even is.

You literally know nothing about polkadot, yet are postulating as though you do. I suggest you either do some actual research (no, shitposting on /biz/ isn't research) or STFU.

>> No.55764460

You could just flip shitcoins convert to ibtc, cash out onto btc mainnet into your cold wallet address.

>> No.55764703

is this 2020?

>> No.55764723

inflation is less than 7%
staking rewards is almost 20% thanks to daily compounding
why? 43% staking
selling blockspace in 4 weeks bulks will burn dot
stay poor

>> No.55764727

i mean only 43% of all dot securing the network

>> No.55764732

>this nigger thinks sub second finality is a meme
LOL enjoy waiting for confirmations you cuck

>> No.55764739

It's more like 45.36% now if we're gonna be exact. Ideal rate is 50% I believe which gives like either 14 or 15% APR (so before compounding interest). Then beyond that it starts to drop off.

>> No.55764802

made redundant by ccip

>> No.55764885

ccip only connects evms
only relevant evm is ethereum itself in the long term
but also ethereum is fucked long term
rollups can't compete against parachains
and they cannibalize each other, so only 2 or 3 rollups will be relevant
best thing ccip would ever do, is to connect these 2 or 3 winning rollups

>> No.55764888

oh boy, and evm is fucked as well long term with wasm and such

>> No.55765241
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already better than eth vibes

>> No.55765329
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what's that red coin?

>> No.55765579

Thanks for squeezing link into the conversation, it had been around minute since I saw a link comment.

>> No.55765936

curious question what percent of that polka dot number are teams working on evm related projects
like if that number was real where are the realworld projects and usecases from polkadot

>> No.55766162

those aren't even on polkadot metrics but on astar and moonbeam (top2 evms on polkadot)
where are the real world projects and usecases? take a look, from shell to deloitte, from vodafone to sony, and from toyota to volkswagen, even enterprise like mewe (20m users) and mythical games (4th in revenues in eth before jumped ship from eth to dot) that brings users that doesn't even have to know they're using blockchain technology but sure normies will keep trying to flip shitcoin on some copycat chain until it's too late: https://twitter.com/csaint02/status/1678387931021725698

sec compliant: check
enterprise adopion: check
tech: topnotch, check

>> No.55766474

I have no idea what you just said and I own DOT.

>> No.55766476

>where are the real world projects and usecases? take a look, from shell to deloitte, from vodafone to sony, and from toyota to volkswagen, even enterprise like mewe (20m users)
Wow a bunch of vapid partnerships, IOTA had equally or more partnerships yet it doesn't translate to real life usage. I am yet to see companies use blockchain protocol to increase productivity.

>> No.55766527

>I don't keep up to date on what I invest in

Sad. Try watching this to start off with:


This has been discussed on CT and on element for over a year now, and you've still not learnt about it? You should at least follow Robert Habermeier @rphmeier on twitter.

>> No.55766586

cope more baggie

>> No.55766713
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>who is Nigerian

Aite I'm out

>> No.55766846

That's a shame, he's clearly smarter than you, you could learn something from him.


>> No.55766873

>Refers to crypto space as PvP
>Says ecosystem 4 times in the first 20 seconds

Clearly his intelligence is off the charts anon. Nigerian scammers are adapting though, I'll give them that.

>> No.55766895

pedochain not needed

>> No.55766901
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How do I stake this in defi without holding 250 DOTs?

>> No.55766936

Maybe try watching the whole interview

>> No.55766943

What do you mean 250 DOT? You can stake right now, natively, on chain with 1 DOT and earn daily rewards using the nomination pools.


>> No.55766963
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That's what I wanted to know.

>> No.55766976

What wallets can I use. Not a browser extension.

>> No.55767011

Try nova wallet on mobile. Otherwise, ledger is good

>> No.55768174
File: 88 KB, 800x533, imaginethesmell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp Poomar.
Parachains are fucking shit and a literal meme compared to Avalanche Subnets (which is the reason why you don't see Polkadot being mentioned around anymore, it's over).
Plus once the FBI finally raids Gavin's home and finds his secret USB drive it's going to dump to oblivion. Sell while you can still scrap some dollars.
>little spoonfed: https://www.businessinsider.com/ethereum-cofounder-gavin-wood-apologizes-for-blog-post-about-sex-with-preteen-girl-elizabeth-2018-9

>> No.55768189
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>who is Nigerian

>> No.55769212
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POND has true early AVAX vibes and it was made by a jeet. Skin has nothing to do with it!