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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 476 KB, 941x553, bud faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55754629 No.55754629 [Reply] [Original]

Bud Light sales down 400,000,000 dollars.
Fun fact Bud Light makes up over 20% of the entire beer market, not Budweiser, not Anheuser Busch - but the single beer Bud Light itself. The fact the US credit rating was downgraded no doubt had factors like 22% of its beer market just disappeared.

>> No.55754672

Logically it doesn't make sense though. America is a country that literally worships sodomy and fag-flags. They put it on their white house for crying out loud. So you would think they'd love it on their beer too

>> No.55754688

Half of America is racist, those people are marginalized, suppressed, oppressed really. They were just looking for any way to lash out legally, without having their lives ruined.
At this point it cant even recover, not even muh focusing on beer keeping politics out of it wont work. They definitely need a new can, one people dont realize is the tranny brand. Politics will be involved with Bud Light now regardless of what the CEO does, nobody wants to be seen with it.

>> No.55754717
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Anyways they have this agitation style, pressure from above pressure from below. It was covered by whats his name edward g griffin or something. Pressure from the government to embrace faggotry, pressure from SJWs to embrace faggotry - above and below. This is supposed to make the 95% of normal people inbetween those two feel like everyone around them loves fags and they should too. Its just psychological manipulation, its not real. Americans hate faggots.

>> No.55754723

incredibly vocal minority of mentally ill chronically online people

>> No.55754737

They switched to beer that was still owned by the same company. Literally the dumbest group of people out there ironically calling everyone else snowflakes

>> No.55754748

If they still got the message what the fucks it even matter? Im betting that new beer didnt suddenly 400 million in new sales. Believe me, this put the fear of God in them. Mission accomplished blackpilling faggot.

>> No.55754756
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If they drank Bud Light to begin with they werent exactly our best racial stock. I buy Jameson. Its owned by Pernod Ricard, a French company. Pic related is the CEO.

>> No.55754758
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oh wow! this really is a big dea-ACK!!!!! ACK -ACK -ACK!!!!!! AAAACCCKKKKKKKK-K-K-KKKKKKKK

>> No.55754769

The stock is down since the announcement but not down as much as Id like to see. I dont have any stocks at all, but obviously given 22% of the beer market>their entire company combined, their overall stock should be doing much much worse. This thread is a short signal.

>> No.55754791

blackrock bailed them out i bet

>> No.55754827

It’s the facade that they actually give af about you when they don’t. Brazil sold so much beer the drop in us wasn’t even a blip. They’re multinational you’re not that important

>> No.55754833

>According to the sales data provided by the Guardian and Food and Water Watch analysis, Anheuser-Busch InBev accounted for 42% of all beer consumed in America in 2020.

If you have a company with 42% market share and 22% of that is Bud Light, and everyone just stopped buying Bud Light..

Its currently valued at 112 billion market cap, and its lost roughly 20 percent from its ATH. Assuming all of that is purely lost because of Mulvaney, which its not, thats ~22 billion lost. It should be down closer to 30, 35, 40 percent. Bud Light will not be 10% of the market share after this. Theyre actually pricing in that Bud Light will be 5-7% market share and assuming people will continue to buy alternate inbev brands ignorantly to make up the difference. Its at least 5-10% overpriced right now.

>> No.55754904

Also this isnt accounting for any of a whole range of other factors I cant conceive of for lack of education. When you take a ~135 billion dollar company and shrink it down to 110, 100, 90 billion - its not just cut and dry oh we lost X sales so it goes down X percent. Theres all sorts of shrinking pains, staff they have to let go, brain drain, severance packages paid to people who dont even work there. Its worse than at first glance, definitely not better. I dont know if they have debt, if they do then big lol. Huge lol. Financed debt for a 135b company, suddenly your equity goes down. What happens then, every /biz/ user should know. Liquidation.

>> No.55754930
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We live under an occupation of wealthy people with luxury ideological belief systems. The "men" in the White House today could not be any further from the average American than you can possibly imagine. We hardly even share the same language with them. It's like we're ruled by aliens from Planet Gay.

>> No.55754939

>In mid-May, Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn opened a Senate investigation into Anheuser-Busch's partnership with Mulvaney, citing as particular points of cause Mulvaney's use of the word "girlhood" in the title of her TikTok series, her references to herself as a girl, and concerns over whether the partnership was intended to market alcoholic beverages to children.
>Responding to Anheuser-Busch's alleged failure to support Mulvaney during the boycott, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation rescinded the company's top rating for LGBTQ+ equality in May 2023.
America is a fucking circus lol

>> No.55754947

Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us.

>> No.55754975

I feel like he, Orwell, etc. were gloating.

>> No.55754978


>> No.55754982


I didn't disappear, those Bud Lught drinkers just switched to Modelo and other beers because one brand of piss tastes basically the same as the next. Anheuser-Busch seemed to have forgot that beer is a commodity and there's no reason (other than brand loyalty, which they torpedoed by marketing to trannies) for someone to drink their light American lager over another.

It doesn't really matter anyway though since most of the beers (Modelo included) that pissed off Bud Light drinkers switched to are ultimately owned by AB.

>> No.55755014

A lot of them switched to yuengling which actually has nothing to do with Chinese people.

>> No.55755032

>D.G. Yuengling will remain a family-owned business and the existing company will operate separately from the joint venture with Molson Coors.
Sort of makes me think theyre half retarded because they could have made insane amounts from going public right after Bud did that. Absolutely everyone would have bought their stock, it could have been similar to GME.

>> No.55755088

>goes public
>Larry Fink buys 40% of the company the next day
>"Buy Yuengling's newest flavor, Gay Black Anus HIV Solar Powered Cherry Wheat!"

>> No.55755114

you (amerimutts) have a retarded degenerate aristocracy

>> No.55755167

>ignorant retards pretending to be informed
Modelo in the US is owned by Constellation Brands.

>> No.55755237

Yea good point.

>> No.55755441

I hope Kid Rock loses 20% of his sales

>> No.55755781

Dont care. I still buy and drink bud light cope and seethe chuds

>> No.55755816

why would a sneaker enthusiast get lip filers? thats just silly. looks like it deflected a lot of damage though.

>> No.55755820

hope you arent typing this from a country on planet earth bro

>> No.55755956
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that doesn't conceal this very well

>> No.55756004

i thought conservatives were against cancel culture

>> No.55756008

The difference is conservatives don't care if homos and trans want to buy bud light

>> No.55756032

whats the trend for alcohol sales globally?

>> No.55756093
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i blame the whole fiasco on the ugly tranny they chose. have they chosen our goddess sayuri, sales would have skyrocketed

>> No.55756129

Literally pointing at people seen carrying this product to their vehicles and screaming "FAGGOT BEER". To order a bud light where I live is social suicide. Alberta.

>> No.55756133
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that thing looks evil desu

>> No.55756162

Libshits fag hags don’t drink cheap beer, racist ignorant chuds do

>> No.55756192

that seems kind of simian. i was told that conservative rule would result in a higher standard of behavior. was mr. thiel misinformed

>> No.55756958

i bought 5 cases of bud light just to troll the reps

>> No.55756986

Yeah so turns out that's a lie.

>> No.55757017

Kys low IQ mutt.

>> No.55757039

Being a primitive barbarian turned out to be a better deal than a castrated metro dweeb wearing dresses.

>> No.55757095

>not Anheuser Busch

I support the boycotting but realistically most their sales from Bud literally just went to their other brand Modelo

>> No.55757175

Or, and stay with me here, OR.... maybe Americans don't have as much say in their political process as you wan to believe.

>> No.55757249

better for the barbarians, certainly. wasn't the point to keep them out

>> No.55757259

cool. suck his dick, fag.

>> No.55757272

people are finally waking up to Pharaoh's beer grift 4000 years later

>> No.55757409

Still a redpill.
Imagine being a retard normie, looking up an alternate beer to drink, and realizing one globohomo corp owns like 90% of the "brands"

>> No.55757560

Hol up are you saying beer is just a psyop from Ancient Egypt?

>> No.55757566
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Not my problem.

>> No.55758580
File: 683 KB, 720x697, 1657330000913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much chimpout over literally one (1) beer can
How was this perfectly engineered to generate a national level of seethe? Honestly a master stroke of propaganda and media influence, this will be studied in history books.

>> No.55758722

>not liking trannies is racist

>> No.55758784

I'm sorry anon normies will literally never form the neurons in their brains to think this way

>> No.55758809

>crush your own business trying to socially manipulate society like it hasnt been mindfucked enough to the point of breaking
We were just trolling lol

>> No.55758838

beer is drank by rednecks and 17 year olds at babys first party, obviously tranny shit ain't gonna fit in with the former

>> No.55759421

>>>>>nnnoooo you can't use the same tactics against us, you just can't ok?!?!

>> No.55759770

let me ask this.
IF you would know the price of such a big brand like Bud light would crash.
what would you be doing? ???
do you now think it is possible someone made use of this?
what do think how much leverage could one get maximum for a certain position *cough* ?

I hope I'm wrong with this idea.

>> No.55760079
File: 132 KB, 557x435, budlight1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55760099

You drink 'Irish' whisky owned by. French company. What's so righteous about that?

>> No.55760363

The media forces it down our throats. The majority of usa hates faggots and trannies. We need a civil war to get these pussies out of office

>> No.55760375

Not really true. Instead, that is the message pushed from up top. Go ask your average oil field worker from Odessa, TX (target market for macro beer) what he thinks about beer, identity politics, etc.

>> No.55760405

Anon they made a flag that unties all peoples with the exception of straight whites, so of course they think it's racist

>> No.55760417

I think modelo is the new highest selling beer in America

>> No.55760438

Modelo world wide is owned by them. Modelo America is owned by an entirely different company

>> No.55760454

>out of office
How naive are you?
Our elected officials are considered temps by the people who actually have their hands of the levers of power
If any politician tried to enact real change they would be killed by the powers that be

>> No.55760639

A bunch of those book-reading ones are literally dressed up as demons. They don't happen to look kind of like demons, they are trying to be demons, horns and everything.

>> No.55760714

No I just started drinking rum and coke like a real man

>> No.55760745

lol nice try.

>> No.55760755

Didn’t they start buying out all the expired beer from stores and distributors? I think this is after they’ve done all they could to artificially pump their own stock

>> No.55760769

>[beer] sales down 400,000,000 dollars.
fentanyl sales are up, though

>> No.55760794
File: 514 KB, 1209x1612, 20230409_203909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMA budweiser employee

>> No.55760814

I wish I was the Gigachad who shorted the top

>> No.55760826

Stock price is up YOY dumbshits

Modelo was the best selling beer....which AB InBev owns too

You didnt win anything lmao

>> No.55760887

cancel culture? no individual lives were ruined (that were not already previously ruined) as a result of this. This is not the same as liberal cancel culture.

>> No.55760905

Wrong. The American breweries took a significant hit. Their budgets were cut by millions, OT for the workers is scarce and production volume has decreased roughly 25%.

>> No.55760908

Why? It's fucking awful. Drink Hamm's like a real man.

>> No.55760922

Hamm's... now that is an old beer. My great grandfather drank Hamm's when he was a kid lol

>> No.55760939

Did you even read the quarterly earnings report?

>> No.55760979
File: 424 KB, 3332x1395, Screenshot 2023-08-05 092341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ytd you're down, zoom out and youre back to 2011.

>> No.55761004


>> No.55761029

You ever work for them and have an actual insight into how the company is performing?

>> No.55761080
File: 37 KB, 453x612, 2981A8C5-B53A-4930-A1A4-76E159DB7600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inherit family liquor empire
>impregnate blonde waifu with perfect pointy tits

>> No.55761081

Anon, has there been any recovery since the scandal?

Is there any merit to AB owning a majority of the market or was there quite a bit of seething coming from where you're at?

>> No.55761089
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 0xfe6ed1a0bde1d7181a0343998ae47f3993ff3a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying budlight stock when you could of been buying degen shitcoins, ngmi

>> No.55761091

>drinking alcohol
>current year

>> No.55761100

Hence the problem with weak antitrust enforcement. When all the beer brands on the shelf are owned by the same two or three companies they all end up tasting the same shit. The only difference is the packaging.

>> No.55761101

You guys do know that beer has way more estrogen in it then onions milk..right? Its ironic how right wingers freak out about onions milk and then go home and drink 20 beers and get man tits. A lot of them are the same consumers of products that are advertised as "manly". Got a bunch if t shirts about balls and mustaches and manly lifestyle products.
Its the same as reddit leftie consooomers

>> No.55761110

Quite a bit of seething. Especially because OT is basically gone. It used to be limitless. Budlight and bud sales are still tanking but busch and mich ultra sales are up which are our other big sellers. Not enough to offset the hit we took but enough to at least see somewhat of an upward turn.

>> No.55761129

I avoid both. Alcohol is fake and gay, and beer even moreso.

What's that fellow shitcoiner? Give me some more info
I saw X.com shilled here couple days ago and made solid profits,l looks like there are decent plays on biz again

>> No.55761223
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>drinking beer
>with that, even considering consuming the homojuice known as bud light
you will never be a real man, others see your lack of skills, your effeminate ways, your louis vuiton "man" purse, and how proud you are of your prius.

>> No.55761784

you don't have to! but there are people consuming alcohol.
wikipedia says beer consumption in the US was 72.7 litres per capita
in 2019. (19 gallons)
and besides beer there is wine and liquor.

statistic: https://www.statista.com/statistics/466647/us-beer-consumption/