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File: 2.03 MB, 720x1280, fiat is dead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55739507 No.55739507 [Reply] [Original]

>shops are no longer accepting physical cash payments
Is this bullish for crypto or a nothingburger?

>> No.55739513

I hate all old white people because you just know they're racist. Hope someone knocks him out next time he's walking outside

>> No.55739514

Lol fucking boomers

These are the same entitled pricks who think its okay to be walking outside without a mask during a fucking pandemic

>> No.55739516

>one store
>in fucking england even

yeah you're right, everybody short physical cash

>> No.55739518


>> No.55739529

>I hate all old white people because you just know they're racist
fucking creepy weirdo. that's the same reason i love old white people.

>> No.55739530

They’re based because they’re racist and you’re just a seething cuck

>> No.55739535

Nope they're all dying out or getting put in their place like in OPs video. Welcome to 2023 sweeties

>> No.55739548

only negroes still using cash

>> No.55739562

>Last based man in Britain
Honestly a bit of a whitepill seeing him get a round of applause by the plebs outside the shop. Good for him.

>> No.55739618

Why are niggers like this on 4chan

>> No.55739631
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thankfully they're going extinct

>> No.55739645

>spend your whole life in comfort and luxury by supporting ZOG
>get old and complain about the dystopia you helped to create

>> No.55739710

based baiter

>> No.55739737

of course. can guarantee this will be the first country to abolish cash and it will have full support of the population

>> No.55739746

How is it even legal to not accept cash? it is (as he say) legal tender.

>> No.55739748


>> No.55739750

yeah they deserve everting that coming to them

>> No.55739751

Now try paying with crypto

>> No.55739756

This is that Piers Corbyn guy, the only reason they are making it hard for him because he is anti-vaxx, anti-climate change, etc. This isn't a regular person being refused a purchase.

>> No.55739772

based strawberry enjoyer

something frog something boiling pot
several of the nordic countries are phasing out cash hard
young people are less likely to use cash
it's not a coincidence you're seeing an old man in this webm. when his generation dies, by 2040 or so, how many people wouldn't bend over for digital only?

>> No.55739793

This is Jeremy Corbyns brother, unironically. Guys a fucking clown but he's got a point about this

>> No.55739802

>Piers Richard Corbyn (born 10 March 1947)[1] is a British weather forecaster, businessman, climate change denier, anti-vaccine activist, and conspiracy theorist.[n 1]
so in other words he is fucking based

>> No.55739807
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How can they not be racist when there's people like you running around.

>> No.55739868

He's anti fake climate science and proponent of solar minimum, mini ice age and that.

>> No.55740038

Are americans retarded? Any normal person would rather receive cash so they can hide it and avoid taxes, but i guess they enjoy being cucked by the government

>> No.55740068

no such thing, go back to 20th century

>> No.55740136
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I guess bullish? anyway it's depressing we are approaching the point where we can only pay ourselves with digital stuff, the economy is so fucked up that a piece of paper doesn't have the same value as before, although I'm ngl this is still a better invention than the fucking fat carts

>> No.55740197

Christine? is that you?

>> No.55740806

It's legal tender for debts but you have not created a debt yet by bringing items to a checkout, you're implying that you'd like to enter into a contract with the store and they are declining to do so over the form of payment.

>> No.55740874

no you acquire the debt when you take the item off the shelf and settle the debt at the cashier

>> No.55740912

What a based man
Luckily we don't have something like that here in Germany. In bars and restaurants it is even wanted fron you to pay in cash

>> No.55740919

there was a fuss earlier in the year about some starbucks in london no longer accepting cash and the boe or whoever released a statement saying it was within a companies rights to refuse certain forms of payment

>> No.55740945

What is a lower intelligent person that lets mainstream media dictate their thoughts for $100.

>> No.55740949

was at a bakery the other day. had a bunch if change and wanted to get rid of it by buying something small there, as pretty everyone does. its literally the common practice of how to get rid of small change and my change wasnt even that small.
bought for 5.15€ and wanted to pay in 20 cent pieces, so 26 x 20 cents with 5 cent change. bitch refused my money, probably because she heard you dont have to accept small change but you actually do have to accept change under 100 coins.

>> No.55740966

>companies rights to refuse certain forms of payment
i'm sure a judge can overturn that

>> No.55740970

It's not legal, in the past they would've gone after people for not accepting their paper money. The govt doesn't care to enforce anything now and would rather pump visa and Mastercard. Physical cash would be gone already if they weren't trying to cater to illegal immigrants and dole bludgers.

>> No.55740996

I never clapped while watching a webm before, but there's a first time for everything

>> No.55740998

>using ai to generate americans
>saving americans on your computer
this is the real reason this world is fucked

>> No.55741034

The tolerant and compassionate left strikes again ladies and gentleman. Once again they prove they are decent human beings

>> No.55741041

In America a lot of stores want you to pay cash so they can lie on their taxes about their income.

>> No.55741050

>Are americans retarded? Any normal person would rather receive cash so they can hide it and avoid taxes, but i guess they enjoy being cucked by the government
This is in bongistan. Anyway, it doesn't really matter for megacorps in any country. They pretty much are the governments at this point, and they pay fuck all taxes.

>> No.55741060

Young white people are too :)

>> No.55741063

Here the weed store only takes cash

>> No.55741130

Phasing out cash is to hide inflation.

>go to butcher for years
>need more cash for the same orders of meat
>switch to digital dollars or credit
>one swipe instead of seeing you went from handing over a few 20’s to a fat wad of cash
>low IQ’s never catch on to currency debasement
>Yes sir those steaks will be 1000 eurodollarinos, luckily for you we accept digital payment! Think of how much less cash you need to carry.

>> No.55741305

Sorry goy you must maintain a relationship with a 3rd party banking institution who may fire you as a customer for being a bad goy.
We unironically need a self custodial digital fiat currency. But it'll never happen as it would cause bank runs and then hyper inflation. The current system only works due to friction of moving money around.

>> No.55741327

legend i would buy him a beer.

>> No.55741380


also makes it easier to shop on credit

> don't have enough in your goycard, goy ?
> buy this kashkaval in 5 monthly paymensts of just 9.99 (each)

>> No.55741405

Based, looking at him he seems to be of the boomer type that was closest aligned to alternative thought, probably browses anarchist bookstore type places when he was younger

>> No.55741419

Whatever it means doesn't deter the fact that the bull cycle will be up and running sooner than expected and anons are vested in index funds platforms for some win-win investment strategies

>> No.55741457

Can't say retards understands what can triggers bull or bear cycles, but DAO managed treasuries have always been the stand out performing ecosystems of the two cycles.

DAOs mainly hold massive funds for users to keep its pasture green

>> No.55741483

DAOs like CurveDAO and AstraDAO have incredible managed treasury, especially the user staking models on these platforms, solid passive income outlet

>> No.55741658
File: 633 KB, 849x1132, 1690901915039392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has rights
Just wait until they roll out the CBDCs.

>> No.55741660

>Physical cash would be gone already if they weren't trying to cater to illegal immigrants and dole bludgers.
You forgot old people. Everyone does. It's the reason we haven't got CBDC's yet and no amount of happenoonposting will speed up boomer deaths. We have up to two decades, three if we're very lucky, of the banks and governments being cockblocked from enforced cbdc's by tech illiterate boomers.

>> No.55741677
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>Tech illiterate.
>Brown code monkeys
Good morning sers.

>> No.55741696
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Based boomer. Fuck Jews.

>> No.55741743

There can't be a bank run with self custody because everyone is their own bank. What would that even look like?

>> No.55741765

I was in the UK and ate a meal in a restaurant then discovered they only take cards. I guess there was a sign I didn't see. I always de-activate my card and re-activate it on my phone when I need, but I didn't have my phone with me. They scurried around like ants, like something like that had never happened before, like I was some kind of cash-only freak. So during a brief window of time when they weren't hovering over me I dropped a 20 on the table and walked out. The bill was 19.

>> No.55741778

Well, a long time ago, some fucked up white people went to Africa and forced a bunch of the indigenous population onto ships at gunpoint...

>> No.55741833

I was in Spain and wanted to buy a watch with cash. Turns out you can't pay for anything in Spain with cash over 1k euros. But since I didn't live there I could buy with cash provided I signed a KYC document that would be sent to the police. Last time I bought a watch on my card my bank wanted an explanation and the receipt or they were going to freeze my account. I just didn't want to go through that shit with my bank but I also didn't want to fly above the radar with the Spanish Inquisitors. CBDCs are coming in easy because normies don't give a flying fuck about their privacy or freedom.

>> No.55741970

Currynigger posts

>> No.55742026

>So during a brief window of time when they weren't hovering over me I dropped a 20 on the table and walked out. The bill was 19.
Wonder what the actual law on this is.
(Not that the law matters, zogbots can just arrest you whenever they feel like it, and the judge will use their (((discretion))) to rule against you even if it's clear as day that you are legally correct on paper...)

But still, I can't help but feel like there is some kind of rule that forces corporations to accept cash.

>> No.55742071

>no longer accepting physical cash payments
Isn't this illegal?

>> No.55742095

Nobody but boomer use cash in the UK anyway, as shown by this example.
the UK also doesn't really use credit cards for small purchases either, so if the master plan is to make everyone a slave to credit UK is the wrong place to start.

>> No.55742106

>what are credit cards
>what are debit cards

Nobody in the entire world uses crypto for shit

>> No.55742142


whoever pays with card, should fucking die

you fucking idiots dont understand you are building your own prison? By having all "your" money as digits inside a bank account, you are literally letting banks and the goverment to hold you by the balls, and you deserve to be a fucking slave, but you are not only fucking up yourself, but you fuck up everyone

>> No.55742169

Most stores in my town no longer take 100s and some even 50s, only grocery stores still do.
Some of the cafes and coffee shops also don't take any cash at all unless you have exact change.
No one I've talked to gives a shit, they just say they use their credit card for everything, especially now that cash back programs are so common.

>> No.55742223

Also all black people.

>> No.55742242

Imagine letting the government know how much you spend on everything and what parties are involved in any transaction, kek. Government seethe when you pay and get paid in cash. Cash will always be king

>> No.55742279


>> No.55742318
File: 1.12 MB, 5760x3840, 1667473690645257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like him more than his marxist brother

>> No.55742319

Cash transactions have the potential to be untrackable. (((They))) want to track all your transactions so they are trying to enforce digital transactions.

>> No.55742326

Oh, so then I can refuse both cash and cards and only accept payment in silver or BTC right? I'm sure they'll apply the law equally and consistently like they always do.

>> No.55742368

>i have paid my legal tender
How do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.55742375

Holy based

>> No.55742401

based old man

>> No.55742430
File: 29 KB, 426x481, 1517694548877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate X because, due to their race, I know they are racist
>racist is bad
>Me hating people because of their race makes me a racist
>It's not bad when I do it

>> No.55742437

I dont give a shit how you pay may i refuse you service.
shops aren't legally obliged to sell you anything (unless your a minority)

>> No.55742439

>too dumb to detect bait
>calls other people brainlets

>> No.55742446

yeah you can do that as long as you pay your taxes in legal tender.

>> No.55742612

>fucked up white people
And yet most of the slave trading companies were actually run by Jews, curious....

>> No.55742695

Kill yourself, subhuman

>> No.55743145
File: 8 KB, 192x177, 1691084651116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and bait pilled. Really riled up those chuds lmao like flies to shit

>> No.55743163

its fucking bullish as hell for pizza delivery guys.
i fucking hate taking cash on delivery.
literally half the time faggots are trying to rip me off.
so i have to fucking carefully count their wad of bills.
give them change.
its so fucking tiresome
and i mean its bad, ppl routinely paying with cash try to short me.
they rarely tip me.
they are hoping to get some new delivery driver that wont count the cash and just believe its all there.
rookie mistake.
count everything, call them out when its short, refuse to give them the fucking food.
simple as.


>> No.55743232

He is based. He's also brother of Jeremy Corbyn, who would likely have become prime minister but he was anti-war and would have fucked the defense contractors and so a smear campaign was launched against him and the stupid public bought into it. Both of these guys are based.

>> No.55743286

I don't use any cash.
>b-but muh bank run
Never going to happen.
>b-but muh safety
If a nigger robs me (and I live) I can cancel my cards and put stop payment orders on all my accounts. Not the same with cash.

>> No.55743307
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>> No.55743320

based old man, I usually pay by card but this made me feel good for the man, let him have a choice

>> No.55743342

Stopping the use of cash is just one step on the road to introducing CBDCs. You might think CBDCs are a great idea, but many don't, inc me.

>> No.55743518

Bullish for not crypto but crypto privacy projects and payment solutions. Time to bag XMR, XRP and RAIL.

>> No.55743572

Good on him. This is the beginnings of the physical infrastructure of the system where everyone has to be marked and tracked to use CBDCs to buy food. Maybe crypto survives the end of the dollar, euro, etc and it's used among free people as currency. In that case, bullish.
You can hope while you rope (tranny)

>> No.55743582

I don't use cash, but this guy is based

>> No.55743634

>They were just persecuting this man for his beliefs. I promise this will never happen to good passive consumers!
The absolute state of globohomo cucks. Pretty far gone.

>> No.55743864
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>> No.55743932
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This is very Bearish for everything!

>> No.55743973

>eats the shit before getting to the cashier
>hands over empty can
Where is your god now?

>> No.55745904

tbqh i don't know the legalities and tax implications of accepting non state currency or even barter, but prior to the brexit referendum there were places in the more touristy parts of the south that accepted euros in cash.
how a business would report this to hmrc i have no idea (they didn't) but it does go on.

>> No.55745926
File: 442 KB, 680x847, 1690630826810031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bait posts are made by bots now aren't they?

>> No.55745939

I use cash for everything and love making zoomer cashiers squirm handling my change. Always laugh at a debtor smugly paying with a credit card.

>> No.55745945

10/10 pilpul

>> No.55745961

How is this bullish for crypto? You think this boomer is going to pay with shitcoin852352335? He can't even figure out how to use a debit card. You think he's going to go download metamask and work out gas and brokers and all that shit. You guys are deluded.

>> No.55746044

Nice try rabbi. This is literally fake news. Africans sold Africans to slavers and Jews brought them to the colonies.

>> No.55746335
File: 28 KB, 640x294, d89ad013460619b52849d7f0fc922dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. All the 60s hippies were leftoids. Now they're a bunch of cynical, crusty, racist trumptards. In contrast, when blacks get older, they get friendlier, more conservative and stop playing the knockout whitey game. Yeah, fuck boomer cracker fucks

>> No.55746349

thats a jew, he is like that because jews are demons.

>> No.55746397
File: 121 KB, 896x896, 1689842922469125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't legally refuse the currency of the nation your in, zoomers do this shit to me all the time, too lazy to count out change so they tell you they don't take cash, turn around and walk out without paying and suddenly they'll open a register full of cash

>> No.55746559

truth bomb

>> No.55746657
File: 670 KB, 1080x1425, permissionless cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real paper cash:
>is permissionless
>is private
>is anonymous
>has no transaction fees
>works in power outages
>doesn’t need the internet
>doesn't need to be a coder to use it
>doesn't depend on another party having a device
>everyone knows exactly how much they have
>has no transaction limits or thresholds for reporting
>money laundering is harder with physical cash, due to transport
>is inclusive, it does not see race
>is harder to use in ransoms
>can’t be hacked
>doesn’t need to remember a password to use it
>IS the ultimate in payment platforms
>using cash helps people to save money and budget
>puts the power directly in the hands of the people

>> No.55746679

*Coming to us

>> No.55746696


>> No.55746703


This is in the UK and they are actually allowed to refuse to accept cash. Brits are cucks.

>> No.55746704

that's a bot
you'll see them in every thread

>> No.55746726

It's illegal for a shop to refuse payment in legal tender

>> No.55746727


>> No.55746744

Those old white people sacrificed their children's future so shitskins like you can have the ability to post this. I'd hate them more than you but at least they had good intentions in their hearts.

>> No.55746834

Looks like an Aldi store, why would a single store not accept cash when all the others do? Probably a trial store and this birk went there on purpose?

Also, what'll happen if you go to a restaurant, eat, ask for the bill and they say no cash please. Thank them for the free meal and leave? lol

>> No.55746945

Now that we're out of covid bullshit, I expect most stores to accept cash
Even though I always pay with a 2% rewards credit card
If the cash disappears, the totalitarian onions state gets closer
fight the power

>> No.55746963

I have been making virtual payments with crypto for a long time now using CryptMi so I am not surprised.

>> No.55747444
File: 19 KB, 222x277, cranky-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this bullish for crypto

Put your money into index funds and stop eating avocado toast!
Invest for the long run and in less than 50 years you can have enough to retire solidly middle class!

>> No.55747708

>Even though I always pay with a 2% rewards credit card

>> No.55747780


>> No.55747850

You don't mention which group is correct. I dare you to.

>> No.55747880
File: 529 KB, 1768x1826, Screenshot_20230803_230413_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we "allowed" this. we should "rescind" this :^)

>> No.55747907

>no longer accepting physical cash payments
actually illegal

>> No.55747921


>> No.55747967

not from a game theory perspective

>> No.55747975

It's in England.

>> No.55747996

okay then, hope he didn't get arrested for thinking about possibly making a threatening gesture or raising his voice

>> No.55748053

Also they are broke, so they don't care about the based part of society that can afford luxury watches. It's so sad

>> No.55748136

They should be required to accept any and all forms of legal tenda in exchange for his strawbreeze

>> No.55748239

uncreative way to get (You)'s

>> No.55748257

Holy based baiter
Giving (you) a sincere (You)

>> No.55748316

nice bait, kek.

>> No.55748669

Businesses are under no obligation to accept cash payment.

MUH LEGAL TENDER is what retards who don't know what it means spout.


>> No.55748678
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>> No.55748700
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Give that man citizenship, too based for bongland

>> No.55748712

>be white boomoid
>give the cashier $2 to completely cover the cost of a snack

>bantoids torch your city whenever some local deadbeat dies as a result of his own stupidity
>even years after the deadbeats death, they still walk in and steal as much as they can get their hands on
>"oi, we can't be too 'arsh on 'em, m8. gotta remember the nogocaust"

>> No.55748714

It's possible some people don't know how to add up money like they don't know that four 25 cents is equal to a dollar.

>> No.55748985
File: 651 KB, 1135x418, 55f76510e8cc8e3bc1d61f7e80675970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the face filter almost got me until i looked carefully. makeup should be illegal and nothing you see on the internet is real.

>> No.55749024

So, what I'm getting from this thread is that we can print our own money to use in daily transactions.

>> No.55749054

>do you take cash?
>can i pay with a check?
>do you guys do layaway?
>can i pay you half now and then come back monthly and pay you back from my debit card? i'll come back i'll promise

>> No.55749056

There are other forms of money and with crypto payment alls it has been possible for make any payments using crypto. CryptMi and CryptoXpress have made that possible so I don't know if not accepting cash will be bullish.

>> No.55749102

reminder his brother is a anti-Semite

>> No.55749305

Lol, they tried to stop after letting hoards of ayos just cycling into stores and empty them out not too long ago

>> No.55749314

Niggers don't love you back, zoomzoom.

>> No.55749315

>in fucking england even
More of them round here don't want cards because they don't want the fees.

He also looks jewish and I've never seen automated knee high glass doors in the uk. So it's London, new york, new Jersey or cali.

>> No.55749323

>companies rights to refuse certain forms of payment
That's if you try paying a seventy pound bill in pennies. I'm pretty sure they basically have to accept it if its a reasonable assortment.

>> No.55749340

He meant everyone switching to self custody would cause everyone to drain their current accounts you silly goose.

>> No.55749400

This is bullish for crypto because soon digital payment will take over and that will favor crypto payment, but until then I'll keep using my CryptMi crypto card

>> No.55749435

based grandpa

>> No.55749515

You all be crazy about using crypto to buy stuff for me, I am enjoying the stablecoin yields I am getting from SpoolFi.

>> No.55749664

I just want to get that card now that coinbase and Binance have closed my account

>> No.55749726

which country is this?

>> No.55749758

Good morning sirs

>> No.55749767

korea already has cbdc

>> No.55749768

>uummm it doesn't mean they have to accept it, it means they can't sue you if you pay them with it
Sounds like they have to accept it then, or fuck off with no payment

>> No.55749769

Grandpa is the wrong color to try and pull that shit.

>> No.55749775

actually they just bought them

>> No.55749782

Lol - it literally says in black and white on the BoE website shops don't have to accept cash, but okay.

>> No.55749783

>can be infinitely printed
>is easily counterfeited

>> No.55749785
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Poo in loo

>> No.55749794

hes also a communist so

>> No.55749797

why are you so racist OP? Racists in mutt land get their teeth knocked out and everyone applauds it

>> No.55749799

Not really its more like if you already got a service and had to pay at the end, like a restaurant, they'd have to accept it but if you're just buying a product at a store they can just not sell it to you.

>> No.55749802

Ah, I see. Yes that would cause a bank run but it's not clear it would cause hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is when no one wants to hold currency. Self custody is the opposite.

>> No.55749805

That's not £1.90

>> No.55749813

>don't have to accept cash
Yeah like I said you're free to accept nothing and just sit there as I take your stuff. You can't sue me for failing to pay you since I tried to pay in legal tender according to your pic
>they can just not sell it to you
I can take it and walk out, offering them cash while I stroll by. Like that man in the video. They can't do nothing

>> No.55749840

Bruh, you're mentally brain dead.

Legal tender means it has to be accepted for court issued debt, that's it. If a shop wants to accept card only they can, if you don't like it you don't have to shop their, and just taking items is shoplifting and a crime.

>> No.55749862

Who owned the boats? Who owned most of the slaves?

>> No.55750910

Shoplifting requires a mens rea if you leave money behind there's nothing they can do. Theft has a much more narrow definition than legal tender. Funny when common law systems deligitimize their own paper money, legal tender used to have to be forced on people by the courts on merchants who only wanted gold and silver. Sick of this 1984 shit where they keep trying to change what words mean.

>> No.55751302

lmao, u serious, anon? No way that's gonna be possible with Monero or Railgun in the mix

>> No.55751365
File: 133 KB, 1046x1280, 60f5af6e3d82f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fucked up white people went to Africa and forced a bunch of the indigenous population onto ships at gunpoint
they weren't white people, they were jews

>> No.55751457

Funny thing about that Anon, you're actually wrong on this. Anything issued as legal tender by the Federal Government must be accepted, whether they like it or not. The only alternative is to take the goods off the shelf entirely and declare them not to be for sale at all, we have laws in place that keep shopkeepers from dictating what kind of tender they would like because there was a time when they wouldn't accept paper money over precious metals and the government needed paper money to work.

>> No.55751513
File: 48 KB, 576x768, 1657068761121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpoolFi, is that like Celsius?

>> No.55751699

just legalize kyc free prepaid debit cards

>> No.55753303

My friend used something called Paysafecard but that was years ago

>> No.55753467

You pay the increased cost of accepting credit cards even if you don't use credit cards and the credit card users are making money (provided they aren't retarded) by using a credit card

>> No.55753579

I love her bros

>> No.55753623

rip paywithmoon you will be missed

>> No.55753647

This reply is funnier everyone quoting the post above is samefagging niggers

>> No.55753764

I know this dude was a real ass nigga back in his days