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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1200x675, Room-Temperature-Superconductor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55719269 No.55719269 [Reply] [Original]

Supposedly has been replicated by another lab just announced today. Looks pretty legit, but AFAIK all the materials involved are pretty basic.

How do we profit from this?

>> No.55719288

Heard its fake.

>> No.55719291

Gold is going to 0.

Short gold

>> No.55719426

American Superconductor Corporation $ASMC

A company that's doing absolutely nothing with superconductors. Follow the algo.

>> No.55719511
File: 548 KB, 1125x1540, IMG_4004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive increase in rapists and murderers will return without proper lead disposal poisoning humans like in boomer times

>> No.55719531

Fraud is the more accurate term.

>> No.55719550

It's not real

>> No.55719554
File: 393 KB, 1080x1455, Merry Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chyna blocks your path
Power levels...rising...

>> No.55719597

It's a scam. The amount of astroturf should say it all

>> No.55719602

dont do this.
this is how people get scammed.
and if you start scamming on this topic i am actually going to fuck you. personally. please stop

>> No.55719608

i think the authors are sincere. its everything else thats wrong.

they said "hey this is cool, this is what we did"
they arent making the massive claims. its the fucking asians splitting hairs over which countries research they like.

fuck off and learn how to read

>> No.55719618

It's a scam. A very transparent scam

>> No.55719635

take your meds.

>> No.55719642

fuck off. he's right.

why do you think so much has been published so quickly?

read my other posts, i linked to a post compiling the current reading. please go over it and come back to me

>> No.55719646
File: 18 KB, 431x149, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55719662

I even gave their fund raising scam the acronym amsc, which is scam

>> No.55719675

yes anon it's a jewish conspiracy which is why the discoverer open sourced his results and is encouraging everyone to replicate his work. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2307/2307.12008.pdf

>> No.55719683

Are you the same scammers that took giant shits on pre peer reviewed papers on the dangers of the jab and the chinese lab origins of the coof

>> No.55719685

well. im curious as to why you would say that as well?

what drew you to that opinion specifically?
just in case theres something i missed.

lets trade faults?

i noticed that resistance loss shouldnt equal zero for a start.

>> No.55719692

Checking the authors political affiliation, that's usually enough. If producers, promoters and supporters are affiliated to any kind of socialism it's usually either a scam or an industry has reached its peak

>> No.55719695

hey you
yes you
fuckwit with the attention span of a gnat.
what does the last line say
>read my other posts, i linked to a post compiling the current reading. please go over it and come back to me
this is what you would have found

get your shit together
in a bag

>> No.55719696

>85 IQ schizobabble
book an appointment with your jewish psychiatrist and TAKE. YOUR. MEDS.

>> No.55719703

and what about the nationality of the authors of the 3 potential replications with promising results?

y'know, its not too difficult to do this at your smart mates shed.

>> No.55719705

Nigger, you are talking to promoters of the scam. They are already invested, there is no way to convince a scammer to not scam

>> No.55719720

im talking to a void.
huge believer in the death of the internet here.
im just archiving for the index

>> No.55719727

There is no product. There is literally no reason to do anything else but, check authors political affiliation and if they try to get money and funding for something that is supposed to be something in da future. I won't even bother to look any further into this obvious scam. Entropy is real, infinite energy scams have existed forever, together with scammers posiing as scientists that without an exception always came from a socialist background and wanted other peoples money

>> No.55719738

not real

>> No.55719745

>not commercialized
>synthesis and results are open sourced
>I-IT'S A SCAM!!!!!

do you have a learning disability?

>> No.55719752

No, you talk to an organized groups of scammers that likely did a false demographic analysis and made assumption that are not true, based on some stereotypical idea of the group they try to scam

>> No.55719763

Fuck off scammer, try your luck on /x/

>> No.55719764

illiteracy is symptomatically identical to ignorance.
youre better than that anon.
hate whoever you like. but i gave you a good lead.

Thank you for trying to stop scammers. but please, there is promise here and i'd very much like to have some money come towards my rnd this year.. this could help that provided it takes a natural course through the academy and peer-review process.
hype and controversy do not help discovery. exposure doesnt pay the bills and in fact corrupts the science as it causes people to rush to publishing.

in the case here theres also certain number sets of by factors of thousands... it needs proof reading with an open mind because thats where inspiration lives.

if youre not involved please step the emotion down and get out of the pool. cheers legend

>> No.55719775

you don't
it's garbage even if it works as advertised

>> No.55719778

Go fuck yourself you are fishing for feedback and ate more than likely part of the scammers. If you saw the amount of scams I did and run a few yourself, you are able to identify a scam in a heartbeat. Just checked the atchives, you tried the same on /pol/ and got laughed out the door. Try your shit on /x/ that's the only place I can imagine that some esoterics that are into infinite energy scams hang around

Btw, post yellow hand chinkoid

>> No.55719800

fuck off methanon.
i'm you to read.
not my problem if you cant.
i rescind the offer. we've nothing to discuss. have a good day dude.
im not on /pol or /x
youre free to believe what you like.

you think im the patent holder?
just be rational for a second there my dude.
im in every spam thread on /biz. i think it's easy to pick my posts.

>> No.55719805

im just asking*

>> No.55719818

No. Such a scam is run with several layers, one layer being the (((critic))) that urges potential victims that the obvious scam is a scam but that they might please look further into the (((general))) concept. I mean seriously is you group of chinkoid socialist scammer seriously trying to scam on a board full of scammers

>> No.55719829

i did your trick on this one

>> No.55719835

No, you fucked up. You reallly need to leave 4chan and focus your retarded basic bitch scams that Europeans have run now since the 60s to a more normal faggot platform that is very likely going to ban you in an instant.
This kind of scam has been done since the 1960s

>> No.55719840

two bots stuck in a positive feedback loop of mental retardation

>> No.55719845

You need to leave you won't be able to scam anyone on here ever again. Just scammers and former scammers left

>> No.55719846

you've said more than i've needed you too.
thanks fren. have a good day.

feel free to lay out the scam that you see. but im telling you if you read then you'll see it's not the case.

does that help?

this isnt upside down hungry hippos dude. im not that bright

>> No.55719854

Copper mines

>> No.55719858

u rite.
im out

>> No.55719860

Phosphor Lead and cupper are certainly not basic

>> No.55719871


>> No.55719882

Oh, I run a similar scam with a Russian in Germany, 20 years ago it must have been. Selling esoteric hippies shares for our company that was supposed to build innovative mini windmills, registered officially as consulting firm. You chinkoids put way too much effort in it and make the mistake to run this kind of scams online, such scams work best face to face. Then again chinkoids are not very charismatic and people are always put off by their smell

>> No.55719893



i dont care
i didnt read what you have to say

>> No.55719898

Yeah yeah, again if you are so hellbent to make this scam work, stop focusing on a platform full of scammers. That's a total waste of time

>> No.55719905

hey dickkhead.
what did the videos say?
what did the research i post say?

like i told you.

you are functionally illiterate. this is the last post ill make against someone who wont read the debunking of a topic.

you are arguing with the meth anon. you have no idea what ive been saying.
im on your side. but i dont need your help

>> No.55719918

Why the fuck should I waste a millisecond on a promotional video posted by an identified scammer?
Again your idea if running such scams online is retarded

>> No.55719924

just click the thumbnail idiot.
you've no idea whats happening here.

there, you did it? see. wow.
it was nothing like you thought. right?

dont watch it or follow the link. just look at the thumbnail and tell me what it is.
otherwise youre just arguing in bad faith.

>> No.55719931

hover over the embed, just to see the thumbnail preview.

dont watch it. dont read anything or listen to anything.

whats the thumbnails say? dont be afraid to reapeat something youve already said in the thread.

>> No.55719977

You realize I'm deliberately wasting your time chinkoid and never clicking your promotional videos. Here is a hint from scammer to a scammer, and your shift leader is going to be able to tell you the same. If the potential victim identified you as a scammer, you move on asap and hope that nobody heard your failure to scam. One of the reasons why scamming is always better done f2f and never in text on a public platform

>> No.55720009

as stated earlier youve said enough.
i can multitask.

this is entertaining. im on here for shitposting.
yes you are an excellent example.. but not quite for the reasons you think.

no my time isnt valuable and isnt being totally wasted. i saw the opening of the sentence and saw all i needed to. more unhinged abuse with literally zero rationale or explanation.

literally asked you to confirm that other authors doing the work had different nationalities.
i'd post my hands if i didnt think you were so unhinged you'd try to dox me and hit some poor german kid. but yeah irish decent in australia.

a similar IQ to you by the sounds of things but on the other side of the crazy pills tonight.

calm down. seek help. you cant communicate like this. it's not good for your mental health.

>> No.55720028

by similar IQ i obviously mean both dumber than dogshit.

>> No.55720037

Chang. You failed and there is now an archive that documents your failure. The worst that can happen to your project, a public text document that can be searched through normal search engines and documents your conversation with another scammer about the meta level of your scam. Couldn't be worse, I think you deserve a beating, same as your shift lead that failed to train you properly

>> No.55720061

>One week since they published the biggest technological advancement in 50 years.
>No reproducible results.
This is the best scam to come out of Korea since Terra.

>> No.55720077



not promising.

>> No.55720093

Chang it's time to give up, take the hint seriously and next time you engage on a platform check beforehand if any potential victims are even on that platform and not just competition