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55703369 No.55703369 [Reply] [Original]

>live with parents and mooch off of them like a NEET
>work like a wagie, but save 75% of your paycheck
It's literally a cheat code to becoming rich. Why aren't you doing this?

>> No.55703374

I do but one of my parents are dead so I just support my mother, and I can't work due to chronic illness.

>> No.55703380

imagine the green poops

>> No.55703382

I only discovered doing this at 31, you have to start it when you are early 20s latest.

>> No.55703428

i hate where my parents live and if i stay with them i just turn more and more into an anti-social schizo. there's nothing to do in this shit town and the women are terribly fat, ugly, and dumb. so yes, i'll have to pay 20-30k in rent per year but I'm considering it as an investment in social capital.

>> No.55703456

Social capital isn't worth 1k.

>> No.55703466

because meeting people is more important than having money. you wouldn't know that until you're 35 and trapped in inceldom. lmao

>> No.55703485

>be me asian
>just got an arranged marriage (arranged dating) to a qt in college overseas from my culture
>heavily vetted by the aunts/uncles/matchmaker so she a confirmed not party girl and has traditional beliefs.

Feel bad for you white guys sometimes kek, anyways plan is accrue enough cash to buy a house and rent it out.

>> No.55703499

You're jealous just admit it

>> No.55703514

>be me white, over 6ft, blue eyes
>go to east Asian country all your women sucking me off with their looks
>might get a little hottie with rich parents working at samsung
>her father is proud she could secure sophisticated genetics for his heirs
>me never work a day in my life

>> No.55703516
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Felt bad when I was young, now not really. Happy with my virgin wife to be.

All those girls dating outside of the race circle are now crawling back, I for one am not falling for it.

>> No.55703527

I'm just ribbing you, race/culture is all a meme, everything is shit and you unironically probably have a nice life compared to most of us.

>> No.55703548

All good, feel bad for some of you guys. Wish whites didn’t break up the extended family so much.

Having strong traditions I think is good sometimes.

>> No.55703559

We're fucked our race is unironically being genocided slowly, I can't even get proper healthcare in the states because I'm a white male.

You'll be okay yellow man, it's your turn now.

>> No.55703593

The first messages were fun back and forth. But the fact you had to say "Sometimes feel bad for you guys" two times shows that it's not joking, but that you really have to telegraph to everyone that you need to feel superior. The only explanation for it is that there are some deep-rooted insecurities which is a pity as I actually was happy for you and your situation but it's apparently just a facade.

>> No.55703615

Bro East Asia has the lowest birthrates in the world by far. Been to Korea? They work 10 hours a day and than get wasted, everyday. AI gf's? They had that stuff for the last ten years. I don't think one race is superior to another, but Asia is even more fucked than the west.

>> No.55703633
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Idk why you are angry, I have the same qualms about dating and marriage as many men here in the west.

The women are fucked (every race), the standards are high due to the proliferation of online dating. Divorce rules are totally insane and not having tradition to tie down women to act feminine is the main cause of it.

I only “feel bad” for you guys because there a lack of alternatives. Realistically I want everyone to be happy, there way too many unhappy people in the world.

>> No.55703642

At least you are a joy to be around, a ray of sunshine is always appreciated.

>> No.55703652
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> Why aren't you doing this?
Already am. Investing in PM’s, chickens and bees.

>> No.55703672

> because meeting people is more important than having money.
False, ive been around the world and have rubbed shoulders with the rich. Unless you are some rich fags son most of the connections you make are through work/people you have waged with.

Staying home and investing 20% of your income will make you a millionair.

>> No.55703679

It's called "banter" anon. Asians look longer young. White's have blue eyes. You play frames and take digs at each other. Realistically east Asians and whites both have all the opportunity in the world. Can opt out, take your strong currency to a poorer country and live as the top 1%. Impregnate a Latina if you like strong family ties. Get rich and start a cult and call all the young hotties from different races your "family". Or stay inside and talk to your AI gf while government supports you. The world is yours.

>> No.55703681

my parents died when i was 15

>> No.55703707
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doing it. i gave my parent 500$ per month to help. rest is going on market.

>> No.55703709

You're a nice guy anon, don't lose that, the world will strip that away from you and eventually you'll lose all hope.
When you lose all hope and dreams you begin to die.

>> No.55703745


>> No.55703946

>outdoor chicken farmer
goodgoy. if you aren't tucking those chicks into bed in your spare bedroom, lower your tone when talking to me

>> No.55705188

Already do this. $200k WFH job, 33 y/o living with my dad. Life is easy.

>> No.55705309

this comment makes no sense.

>> No.55705340

I did this for 3 years. Now I have $50k in the bank and $60k in Bitcoin and Ethereum? Now have my own apartment. Am I gonna make it or not?

>> No.55705452


>> No.55705458

so you're a worthless NEETcuck, got it :)

>> No.55705503

I love my parents but I couldnt stand living with them a single more day in my life. It may come off as childish but theyre just too controling, like how are you treating me like a grown man then giving me a curfew? That amonsgt other things, I jist had to move out. I do miss my mom cooking for me and doing my laundry

>> No.55705669

My parents are chill and have gotten a lot more relaxed as I've gotten older. You've got some weird parents lol

>> No.55705677

No I have two terminal illnesses actually and I don't even get disability because my states the worst in the union for dragging their feet and denying claims.

>> No.55705907

I am unironically lucky enough to live with a dad wiling to teach me the trading game. I still have to wage but I've been putting whatever I've earned into stocks and hopefully I'll reach a point where I can just live off that and be a NEET forever.

>> No.55706248

Simple, most of us can't.

>> No.55706385

>live with parents and mooch off of them like a NEET
Most people don't have parents who'll just let them do this. I pay 15% for rent, 20% food, 10% transport, 20% on other general expenses. That leaves me with 35%.half of that gets invested and half gets saved. 17.5% of my paycheck isn't that much.

>> No.55706414

I am

>> No.55706458
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I'm literally doing that while I save 60% of my wage and the rest goes to pond

>> No.55706461

you shouldn't be proud of yourself wtf

>> No.55706485


>> No.55706492

Well you're indeed lucky, my dad is literally a useless white nigger that never finished highschool kek, and even tho he's good at a lot of things, he's never actually worked and has been a NEET for almost 15 years

>> No.55706497

do it the other way around

>> No.55706500
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See you when Bear market ends anon

>> No.55706505


>> No.55706516

completely correct

>> No.55708762
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>be an asian
>be redundant dot in a billion

>> No.55708774

Is this an actual marriage
or a "marriage" where the woman pays you like 200k for a few years for a green card then divorce happens

Might take the latter option bros, im bored and my aunts are telling me i should

>> No.55708827

because thats what everyone is doing and they're all still poor

>> No.55708956

Actual marriage, oligarch scum can go fuck themselves. I make a good salary, and getting a traditional girl is worth way more.

>> No.55709603

>you can't be sociable and make new friends after 35

>> No.55709615

>chronic illness
Make sure to boost.

>> No.55709628

>there's nothing to do in this shit town
>so yes, i'll have to pay 20-30k in rent per year
Let me guess, your faviroute food is kale and you consider yourself a genius becuase you've read marx?
20-30k in rent per year

>> No.55709644

I learned that too late anon, there's still hope for you, save yourself.
All I have now is a shit job and meme coins.

t. 38 y.o. lonely incel.

>> No.55709811
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>thinks he can make new friends at 35

You're trapped forever, dumbass. I was social, had many friends, lost it all and wanted to start over. Guess what, even at 30 you will HARDLY make new connections and friendships that isn't superficial. If you can't make friendships in your high school and college years, what makes you believe you will magically get one at 35?

>> No.55709976
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That's good OP, my own personal cheat code was buying duck race back when it was relevant and now i win most of the races by pure statistics, i haven't worked in almost a year

>> No.55710243


>> No.55710405

Apple and the tree every time lol

>> No.55710481

I did this, it worked; I am a millionaire

>meeting people is more important than having money
no it isn't

>35 and trapped in inceldom
hookers are a lot more attractive with the hippos married men share their bed with

>> No.55710506

>Why aren't you doing this?
Im literally doing this
Next year im buying my own flat with all them money i saved up

>> No.55710538

I am, but im putting 90% in crypto. Im also dumpster diving on a daily basis so im gonna try to hit 95% next month

>> No.55711243
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>be me
>buy pond
>buy a duck race derby pond
>make 2k per week
am fish glu glu

>> No.55711543

Only coombrains would say this. The reality is the BEST SEX of your life would have been when you were 18. Trying to cope with "I'm 35 and regularly pound single moms right in the pooper, incel!" is just sadly trying to make up for lost time. At that point being a rich incel would beat being a poor 'chad'.