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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55701989 No.55701989 [Reply] [Original]

Did the squeeze squooze yet?

>> No.55702084

Nah brah. But we got to easily average down (or swing, for the daring) to 15, that's 60 pre-split, bretty gud price point.
We'll see if anything happens in September.

>> No.55702102

no, but at least they're in good company with link and xrp baggies now, both will be waiting for years for something to happen.

>> No.55702105
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It's basically a get out of society free card. Obviously society doesn't want you to cheat them, so until shit hits the fan for the people prolonging this we have to live in a society.

>> No.55702109
File: 452 KB, 950x610, GETTING SICK OF THESE GLITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMAJUUUUN not being invested in GME

>> No.55702111

It's squazzing in 2 more weeks

>> No.55702115
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>> No.55702128

So you're telling me that I can purchase just a single share for the price of $22 and become a millionaire?!

>> No.55702139

this is so schizo. yea sure they are gonna let a fucking BAM company that sells vidya crash the world economy. literally learn about mkt cap retards. gme according to you idiots is worth more than that comet they are gonna mine. meanwhile you fucks dont even factor in how you're all poised against each other on the sell sheets. theres a good fucking reason why DFV used options and ironically dumped them on you all. get fucked

>> No.55702148

tl;dr answer:ye at some point during a share buy-back.
those images were captured by a sim dev catching market makers trading with one another, so those prices being captured has set a precedence for retail investors aware of this play to want to sell at similar prices. a share of BRK:A goes for 400k plus so it's completely believable.

>> No.55702152
File: 2.08 MB, 404x720, good morning sirs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is so schizo. yea sure they are gonna let a fucking BAM company that sells vidya crash the world economy. literally learn about mkt cap retards. gme according to you idiots is worth more than that comet they are gonna mine. meanwhile you fucks dont even factor in how you're all poised against each other on the sell sheets. theres a good fucking reason why DFV used options and ironically dumped them on you all. get fucked

>> No.55702162

Yes, everyone on this board bought the top of the squeeze for some reason, and it's easier to cope post for almost 3 years than admit retardation and learn from mistakes.

>> No.55702282
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_1469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all want to know something that could possibly go ape?
Dogebetz launched 2 days ago and their utility is betting on Esports. It’s already had 700k vol. Questionable to launch on a Friday but it’s holding well. New stream starting soon too, should tune in and have a geeze

>> No.55702307

Fellow betzer. Yeah liking it. That HDMIcable guy seems to be a massive nerd…which is fine since it actually made me some money last night betting on some of his games lol

>> No.55702357
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>> No.55702364

No one knows, shit's opaque and why people distrust tradfi.

>> No.55702384

>5 WETH liquidity.
pajeet scam token confirmed

>> No.55702402

How is that a confirmation? New projects don’t start with millions, you know. Nerds like watching esports and betting on other nerds to make them money, so ya know

>> No.55702792

You know what, if you don't care for the play, buying 1 or a dozen shares as an insurance isn't such a bad idea.
Worst case, you take a small loss. Best case, you have some ammo when it squeezes.