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55691503 No.55691503 [Reply] [Original]

How do property "owners" cope with the fact that they pay rent (oops, I mean "property taxes") to the government and can be evicted (oops, I mean "eminent domain'd") at any time?
How do they cope with the fact that their rent (shit, I did it again... "property tax") goes to neets and beautiful chocolate queens like pic rel?

>> No.55691534

>How do property "owners" cope
You'll never know.

>> No.55691553

I was livid when I learned about this. How fucking jewish is this system? I can just imagine the sneaky jewish smile on the face of the person who thought of "property tax." It's literally just renting, and you will never ever ever ever EVER actually own the roof over your without someone coming up to you and kicking you out for not paying up. Holy fuck. Why? Why is this allowed at all? I'm getting mad again just talking about it lol. I'm going on in my opinion

>> No.55691556
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Guess not
>t. Living on the rent (shit, I mean "property taxes") you pay me

>> No.55691629
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They cope with the fact that they can get their money back by selling to another person what they "rented to the government" you fucking donkey shitcoin holder.
Down your fries before mommy dies massive NEET.

>> No.55691655
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How do Rentes Cope with paying both rent and property taxes?

>> No.55691677
File: 1.62 MB, 400x400, D2D22C33-04AF-4C74-AB70-64F7273F5D41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they do with that money from the sale though? Rent (FUCK I mean "buy") another property? What happens when billy boy won't sell to you?

>> No.55691689

How much is the annualized property tax in US? Give it to me in proportion to annual rent.

>> No.55691691
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Even the sheboon can spell out EBT; can you simply not read it? >>55691503

>> No.55691706

Depends on the state (parts of Alaska actually have 0 property tax, the only state where that's true). But even in a cheap state it can be 1/4 a typical rent price.

>> No.55691725
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They do more than sitting in their room, complaining about home prices. Ask boomers who 10x'd then sold

>> No.55691748

ITT 14 year olds who will never own a home demonstrate how little they understand about property tax

>> No.55691771
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No, really how do you cope with paying both rent and property taxes?

>> No.55691819

That creature will die at 40 and white men will be blamed.

>> No.55691920
File: 143 KB, 485x486, C22F9CF3-F755-4597-870A-517340620CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember wagie: when you are back at the property with the plumber trying to figure out JUST how much cement I dumped down the toilet, I will be in the government's (shit, I mean "your") home balls deep in your wife, fathering your next son.

>> No.55691947

Do you not understand? I go to the welfare office, they hand me the check from the rent (damn, I can never get this right! "property tax") you paid, and then I pass it to the next person (after I buy some massage oil for use on your wife). I don't pay a dime!

>> No.55692197

No it’s not, what shithole do you live in?

>> No.55692266

Pay the fuck up or live on the street, spicnigger. You don't own shit.

>> No.55692284

I'm in the UK, we don't have a property tax. We have a council tax, which I've not paid for years at a time. You get into some court trouble but it has to be incredibly serious for your house to be taken away, unlike America. ie you need to have racked up a huge bill and have no foreseeable way of repaying it without selling your property.

America is rather unique in how aggressively the state/banks will take your property if you don't pay your zogtax.

>> No.55692332

Lol keep it up anon. These fucking idiots will never understand.

>> No.55692438
File: 2 KB, 84x125, moresalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you are a big fat nigger chick?

>> No.55692456

>he STILL thinks taxes work like the government taking money from one guy and giving it to somebody else instead of taking it, burning it, then printing bajillions of monopoly dollars to fund the next mass casualty event

>> No.55692636
File: 923 KB, 1080x1080, Mikasa_Ackerman__28anime_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us started laundering money with eth mixers (mikusu) and monero OP. Anybody still paying to the IRS is not making it

>> No.55692665
File: 84 KB, 930x558, 9F51E633-EFD7-46FC-B47A-42390818DD9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz roads, schools, libraries, colleges, magically appear for free.