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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55683865 No.55683865 [Reply] [Original]

>programmers will be the first ones to be deprecated by AI
How ironic is that? lmao

>> No.55683871

Actually service workers are. And they did it to themselves by being robotic cunts for the past few decades that it made them so easy to replace and no one even noticed or thought about it.

>> No.55683873

Thankfully not until AI race traitors figure out how to develop actually competent AI-fueled debugging tools it can use to patch its own code. Until then, we are gucci.

>> No.55683874

its the logical course of events

>> No.55683880

Notice how all the anti programmer FUD is being done by non programmers who have never built any software in their lives

>> No.55683882

That's gonna happen in, what? 5 years from now?

>> No.55683889
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>> No.55683892

You could be self aware all you want but i bet no one can heal himself with no capable hands

>> No.55683893

It’s always 2 more weeks

>> No.55683894

how do I profit off mass layoffs caused by our AI overlords overtaking western civilization as we know it?

>> No.55683897
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You are very wrong. Are you a frustrated art fag?
>White hat bounty websites that pay for programmers to find problems blossoming
>Kava, Injective and many other blockchains offering money for people to build dApps in their ecosystems, even further rewarding projects with good TVL
>Big tech firing useless PR/HR faggots that do nothing but have lazy girl jobs all day long to bring in actual developers

Stay mad.

>> No.55683904

It's also done by globohomo WEF kikes who want to install some sort of """universal basic income""". In practice it's total population control, treating people like literal cattle

>> No.55683905
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lots of projection there bro. is that projection coming from a place of bitterness, or insecurity?

>> No.55683909
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just b yourself bro :)

>> No.55683911

At this point heavy man labour required

>> No.55683912

>Kava, Injective and many other blockchains offering money for people to build dApps in their ecosystems, even further rewarding projects with good TVL
Just wait till the pajeets and russians that control all of defi find out they can build their own shit with minimal skill and 95% AI work, lmao

>> No.55683921

I was going to say "truck driver" but then I remembered Tesla and their undying efforts to bring AI-driven trucks and cars into the mainstream.

I don't know, construction worker?

>> No.55683922

So do I learn to code now or is this industry now reserved for the OGfags? Are latefags ever going to make it?

>> No.55683928
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>either become a tech monkey learning new software workflows and libraries on a daily basis to live as a fucking contractor
>or sell your soul to cryptotrash just to be told "now add code to stop people from redeeming :)" at the end of your contract
we are so fucked.

>> No.55683930
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Daily reminder - not even fast food will save you useless faggots anymore.

>> No.55683931

"lazy girl jobs" event those will be replaced by IAs sooner than later.
And im dancing with myself

>> No.55683934

Okay bros so basically those who take their time to learn a trade are the ones who will ultimately survive the imminent AI apocalypse?

Is plumbing unironically a good option now?

>> No.55683936

Good. Soon we'll see mass riots

>> No.55683938

Everybody knows AI finetuned to code in all languages are a thing. They don't do that because programming is not as easy as you think, retard.

>> No.55683945

Hmmmm yes. I love these kinds of demoralization bot posts. They're the bread and butter of this god forsaken board

>> No.55683948

Doubt, when machines take over, they doesnt shit so they need no sewers

>> No.55683957

it's too funny to think that one day once openai has developed fucking Ultron all the devs will arrive at their cubicles with all their stuff in some shitty cardboard box with a "Thank you for your service <3" note on top because they thought they'd never turn themselves obsolete.

I yearn to remain alive to see that happening.

>> No.55683961
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Based and plumber-pilled
>Fuck the wives
>Unreplaceable by AI
>Well paid in most states

>> No.55683972

Yes you are lol learn to paint.

>> No.55684164


Dimwit CEO's believe this can easily be replaced by AI, but not so fast:
> You know those robo AI voice responders on the phone? That's how you get people to hang up in microseconds.

You always need a human to perform sales, period. Automatons can't perform this mysterious skill to the level of humans, ever.

>> No.55684303


>> No.55684699
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soon anon, soon

>> No.55684747

It’s not even that. Look at the price model of streaming services and ask yourself; if big scale government / private companies get too deep in AI development they’re never getting out. Price models will eventually put them all into crippling debt.

>> No.55684755

Anyone with two braincells could see that coming from a mile away. You look at programming from binary to python getting progressively easier and say wow that surely won't be the first thing to go.
The shocker was stable diffusion.

>> No.55684766
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>The shocker was stable diffusion.
weird how every normie is caught up on ChatGPT instead. I guess it threatens a lot of high paying jobs, plus those artists weren't getting paid in the first place so fuck em?

>> No.55684796
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jannies will be replaced

>> No.55684807

You can still learn now and just keep up as things change rapidly with AI. Those who adapt will be the ones who stay in demand. It's not too late to jump in now and become one of the OGs

This. Customer service, truck drivers, order takers, Uber drivers, these will be impacted the most at first

>> No.55684851

We can't negate the importance of using AI in this dispensation, both in blockchain, DePIN solution, and every other sector. It will basically deprecate development, from the looks of things. A point would come when developers and other staff wouldn't be needed. We are heading into the age of solitude, where AI will practically take the effort and work force of men.

>> No.55684855
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>> No.55684869

Based people will survive, cringe people will not. Stop seeing through the lenses of work and profession those are means to ends, most middle men will no longer be needed except the trully necessary ones

>> No.55684875

What bot is this

>> No.55684876



>> No.55684889

I'm using Claude 1.2 with my own custom jailbreak. The interface is SillyTavern.

>> No.55684912

>You can still learn now and just keep up as things change rapidly with AI. Those who adapt will be the ones who stay in demand. It's not too late to jump in now and become one of the OGs
Exactly. As much as things are changing fast, one ought to keep up with the rapid scaling of technology in order to be profitable. We have seen the soar of AI, and such a combo with blockchain will most likely turn out to be the major reality we want to see in the economy.

>You always need a human to perform sales, period. Automatons can't perform this mysterious skill to the level of humans, ever.

It absolutely can. There is absolutely nothing that can't be done when it comes to the world of tech. If this becomes the case, those involved won't be needed because every enterprise would want to maximize profit, no matter what ends up being the case.

>> No.55684935

How hard is it to customize with 4chan stuff like you did?

>> No.55684939

>. The interface is SillyTavern.
I will definitely give it a shot since it's compatible with all devices. Is it free to use, or does one have to sign up for some sort of premium service to use it?

>> No.55684956

Many DeFi are already incorporating this to enhance data automation.

>> No.55684993
File: 1.40 MB, 949x1081, ghetto_survival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out /aicg/ for help >>>/g/94993049

getting access to Claude was a pain in the ass, also it won't last forever since they will eventually go pay-to-use, or ban my ass for prompting stuff like picrel.

SillyTavern is free and I think compatible with almost everything, but it's just an interface for an AI though. you still need access to ChatGPT, Claude, or some other language model to get it to work. ChatGPT 3.5 is somewhat easy to get hold of, but not quite as good as Claude. all the good models are heavily censored so you need a good jailbreak, also the better models like GPT4 and Claude are just really hard to get access to, you need to get on a waitlist or be part of some kind of business or academic institution. Or steal keys. I only got access to Claude because I pretended to be an academic and joined an Anthropic hackathon.

>> No.55685003

oh noooo all the jeets and tiktok roasties are getting let off!

>> No.55685012

>so you need a good jailbreak
This is what I don't get. Do I need to come up with my own idea? Do they post jailbreaka on /g/?

>> No.55685038

/aicg/ has some basic ones, and a few guides on how to make them listed in the general OP. each model needs a slightly different jailbreak and I've discovered you have to play around with them to get what you want, depending on what kind of interaction you are doing. I recommend switching between jailbreaks in between the same story or interaction. like if you were doing a DnD campaign, you could have one better suited for dialogue and then another jailbreak dedicated to violence.

>> No.55685059

also /aicg/ are a bunch of massive cunts since the companies like OpenAI and Anthropic are actively trying to clamp down on 'illegitimate access' and jailbreaking, so the best methods are kept secret.

>> No.55685076

Gotcha thanks
Time to get a VPN and try it out. Sounds fun.

>> No.55685104

What will happen to society when there aren’t any people left who understand the system? When the AI breaks, and there’s no one who understands how to fix it? What happens?

Jonathan Blow did an interesting talk on this. He initially framed this and other talks on making a game engine vs. using a premade game engine, but the topic just becomes more relevant with recent discussion about AI.


>> No.55685132
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At first, I felt this was not needed or relevant, but along the way, I thought I was just too dumb to comprehend the need for it, especially in the IoT. Peaq made the right choice to have this integrated into their tech along with Refi to make it also eco-friendly.

I'll have to emulate the smart move. This is much needed.

>> No.55685388

>When the AI breaks, and there’s no one who understands how to fix it? What happens?
we'll just ask the AI that is working on how to fix the other AI that broke? there is no THE AI, it's a bunch of AI tools that will be guided/managed by an ever decreasing number of individuals until the tech sector is only comprised of >0.1% of the entire workforce(who are now all wife-fucking plumbers)

idk, kinda dumb argument that you could use on modern tech we are using right now. I mean computer chips are designed using computer programs. what if the computers (all of them somehow, simultaneously?) break and we can't design chips to make more. honestly, sounds like an argument a child would make. that state of modern 'public '''intellectuals''''

>> No.55685405

midwit take, you are the reason civilization is collapsing

>> No.55685474

hey John, take your recycled neo-luddite pseudointellectual spiel and jam it up your ass. AI will filter out you fake intellectuals, it's excellent at detecting sophistry and pilpul.

>> No.55685511

Another good point I think is that software is just riding on the back of hardware. Hardware keeps getting more and more powerful, but software isn't really changing, the lazy programmers just have that extra leeway to make their programs shittier and less efficient because the hardware can process their shitty code instructions faster.

I think the main point is that we're going to reach a point where no one in society understand what the hell they're doing or the cost it has on infrastructure and are just going to keep creating expensive tasks for the systems that overloads them, all the while being maintained by other retard "technicians" who need to log in to chatgpt to try and even begin to figure out what's going wrong. Or even worse-- "Make other AIs the technicians, or make the AI maintain itself, or some hybrid of it." All of these AIs of course owned and operated by the same people who are causing the problem in the first place.

This is how societies all throughout history have collapsed. Trying to pass information from one generation to the next takes a tremendous amount of energy, and something is inevitably lost in the transmission. This isn't even talking about secrets we lost from ancient Greece or whatever, this is happening today. We lose technology all the time.

>> No.55685526

Good luck with your techno grubhub utopia comprised of Taco Bell People and mutts, lol. Where the infrastructure is installed by Taco Bell People who don't understand what they're even installing. There is no way this ends well for anyone

>> No.55685536

Matter of fact, I've been wondering for a while what the white to Taco Bell Person ratio is on this board. Been seeing some absolute below-midwit and borderline third world opinions on here.

>> No.55685541

you don't have kids none of the people who spout your stupid garbage have kids.
I have a kid.

>> No.55685560
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You should become a Lineworker.

The weather is only going to get more severe as the years go by, according to the eggheads. Be the guy who gets the power back on after a big storm rolls through your region.

>> No.55685612

No, you're retarded because you think of "AI" as some magical force in the same way that redditor normalfags just say "SCIENCE© did it" is a catchall for everying.

>> No.55685619

You have no vision. You don't understand dynamic evolutionary systems, so you don't understand society.

>societies collapsed because people forgot how to do stuff
first off, that's just wrong, only a tiny part of the picture of much broader reasons. look into Peter Turchin and Cliodynamics, he's probably the furthest ahead in understanding societal collapse. broadly speaking civilizations collapse because of social and institutional decay, but it's obviously way more complicated when you increase the resolution. second off, we are in the post-information age. information is so insanely cheap that it's overabundance is actually a bigger problem. AI is also not as complicated as you think, here
there's literally a free 25 chapter guide that will take a total novice and hand hold them into recreating a Stable Diffusion model from scratch

>> No.55685632

>there's literally a free 25 chapter guide that will take a total novice and hand hold them into recreating a Stable Diffusion model from scratch
Yes, written by people who are just products of the same system that has been in decline for decades. And something gets lost even in the transmission from that knowledge to the next Taco Bell Spawn.

You wouldn't know that Rome was collapsing from the inside because it's a slow decline.

Taco Bell People have no subtlety.

>> No.55685640

>[Post a Reply]
>I have a "kid"
You have a Taco Bell Spawn. Born and bred to be low-IQ and subjugated.

>> No.55685659

kek, you've been arguing with redditards so long that you think you're some kind of genius. sorry tardo, you got gold in the special olympics. only a midwit would watch a single TED talk from some rando 'intellectual'(retired programmer kkek) and then think he understands everything. you are a midwit, a projecting midwit, the worst kind of midwit.

>> No.55685678

what if i don't give a shit. He can work at taco bell if he wants.

>> No.55685705

>Yes, written by people who are just products of the same system that has been in decline for decades.
the fuck? open your eyes nigger, all the wokefags are jumping on the 'AI safety' train like you. you have been bamboozled, the elites want to tear down this new paradigm it pulls an internet and decentralizes power even more. now that AI is taking over what were previously semi-affluent white collar jobs it's basically open season on the managerial class. Why hire a jew lawyer or jew accountant or jew pharmacist anymore? I got AI bitch, it's running on my GPU, it just made 20 shitposts about stinky niggers. SHUT IT DOWN they cry. IT'S NOT SAFE they plead. fuck you bitch, my AI is based and I'm training it to commit memetric terrorism.

>> No.55685731

every single faggot who called for mass global lockdowns, forced vaccinations, social media censorship, every single pozzed policy, everything and anything globohomo, are literally all on the 'AI safety' train. So yes, I don't care if society collapses as long as each and everyone of these fuckers gets their heads jammed on a fucking pikes live on TV.

>> No.55685746

Remember when mechanical tractors "obsolesced" 98% of the population and they everyone starved to death and only the 2% of needed farmers survived? Dumbfuck. Work is a COST not a benefit

>> No.55685762

low end workplaces cant afford dexterous robots so humans are still needed to do coordinated work for small businesses and working class businesses.

>> No.55685765

If its posted on biz the opposite will probably happen.

Programmers will be thr LAST to be replaced keked

>> No.55685767

you guys didnt realize that even in 2015 ai was making the most money off of exchanges. and here we are 8 years later still unaware.

>> No.55685878
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>lol lel kek to the jej everybody's unemployed homeless and starving now thanx to based AI get rekt faggots

>*takes an RPG to the face*

Why are so many people here so short-sighted and fucking stupid? Oh well Darwin always wins in the end.

>> No.55685919

Stop thinking in terms of jobs, start thinking about survival techniques.

>> No.55685924

Gay id

>> No.55685952

based id checker

>> No.55686068

I am a chef so my job would be safe for a very long time. There will always be demand for high quality food made by a human.

There is no way in hell they can make a robot that can cook food as good as a human. They can make robots that do simple tasks and they can automate alot of things but replicating human cooked food is very hard for a robot.

>> No.55686099

Not ironic. That’s what happens when the boss asks you to train the new guy on all your tasks. You’re training your replacement.

>> No.55686174

Whether you like it or not, we're going back to Middle Age-style serfdom.

>> No.55686179

Call him out on the bullshit and refuse. What do you have to lose? You're getting fired anyway.

>> No.55686311

Yo, Anon, PEAQ is flipping the script. AI-powered machines are taking over, but guess what? That means more moolah for me. The more value they create and jobs they swipe, the bigger my earnings get. It's wild, Anon. Wrap your mind around that cash explosion

>> No.55686330
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Pajeet, you talking about that sick AI agent that hooks me up with a fraction of Tesla on Eloop? Oh yeah, I'm all in on that. I'm gonna be making mad gains from their daily revenue, Anon.

>> No.55686353

neetchads never had this problem

>> No.55686366

my friend is a journalist/copywriter, she was fired 2 months ago and there is literally 0 jobs for her out there
I'm a software engineer and get like 5 offers per day on linkedin
I think I'm fine

>> No.55686373
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we can't stop winning neetbros. once we have AI wives, it's basically over for wagie scum.

>> No.55686394

im good with that
i see some patterns in life and have deja vu every day but i can't let it go or use it for my own benefit because im dumb
general or even normal ai will be better at life than me

>> No.55686425

it's like saying that spaceships steal the work of the astronaut. I never had more fun than since I have integrated gpt in my workflow. What we can achieve is limitless.

>> No.55686427

>general or even normal ai will be better at life than me
don't sell yourself short anon. if you treat the human brain as a powerful cheap spatio-kinesthetic neural computer then you still have a lot value. humans may suck at art, writing, and programming compared to AI, but we are pretty good at moving around and physically manipulating objects.

>> No.55686443

robot repair

>> No.55686444

not even the AI would want to work on the legacy code I fix all day

>> No.55686464


>> No.55686467

Link me your github then you cum crusted autistic neet

>> No.55686477

Check bittensor $ tao - decentralizing AI

>> No.55686489

Also you do realize that a major part of jobs in a tech company are non-dev positions like HR, finance, technical writers, support, testers etc etc. I also like how you just checked the questions on the first page of google search, sums up the level of research you normie headline reading NPCs do

>> No.55686493
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The badass DePINs and EOT platform ruling the roost on Polkadot let Jeets call the shots and stack that cash, as AI and connected machines hustle with dope goods and services, it's wild.

>> No.55686635

>HR, finance, technical writers, support, testers
congrats on being less useless than mostly useless positions. doesn't change the fact that your profession getting automated. that doesn't mean programmers won't exist though. despite automation there are still factory workers and farmers, but a massive increase in production means there will be much less positions. You'll probably be fine if you are in the top 10th percentile of coders.

>> No.55686651

I'm a software engineer and I post FUD to reduce the amount of pajeets and useless idiots entering our industry.

>> No.55686694

1 microsecond after all programmers are replaced:
>Computer, write me some software to replace all remaining human jobs

>> No.55686726

>like if you were doing a DnD campaign,
It's shit for this, even if you let it create the "world". But I'm sure it will get there. It's kinda fun for conversation

>> No.55686742

Based. All good engineers should be doing this.

>> No.55686803

Yes I do this too sometimes, in a way AI is a good thing for SWE’s because it will reduce the number of people in boot camps and CS programs. FUDing your own profession has its benefits

>> No.55686806

Meant to reply here

>> No.55686828

AI can't create art because art is by definition innovative.
No, even before AI, millions of damey DeviantArt pics didn't count as art.
Do we really need thousands of humans drawing generic anime/furry shit anyway?

>> No.55686886

rubbish. ai can't build custom software, and if it could it everyone would do it so you still need devs to make it unique enough to beat the competition.

all it does is raise the bar and make development faster. devs no longer need to write tedious logic, we will be allowed to remain in an abstract state of mind and just have ai make it concrete, ie a sidekick that writes the code. devs will become more autistic than ever and interface with our IDEs through AI.

it may even mean devs become so disconnected from product that we have a even more warped power imbalance where product need to communicate with us through an task management AI to break the abstraction barrier as both teams will have no need to actually do hands on work.

>> No.55686924

>AI can't create art because art is by definition innovative
ah, you must be that special kind of retard that thinks that innovation is innately human.
you ever seen a genetic algorithm, tardo? how about a crow?
silly little luddite, you know nothing.

also your definition of art is incorrect, but that's less important and art is loosely defined in the first place so it's not really your fault.

>> No.55687103

Genetic algorithms still don't create anything new, they simply rearrange input data in a way humans could do if they had the time to do so.
To qualify as art, it must introduce something that wasn't even thought about before. Are you telling me that those shitty StableDiffusion Pepes count as art?
If you can look at a picture and say "This was AI-generated" it's not art.
Either way, digital images are cheap and take no effort (valuable art ALWAYS takes effort, another reason they don't qualify), so you may want to look at other sources like a painting, a building or a song as art sources that AI can't possibly attempt to copy.

>> No.55687112

A doodle drawn by a toddler is more of art than whatever A.I. can make.
Standard soul/soulless dichotomy.

>> No.55687183

>GAy id

>> No.55687199

chatgtp is a bad meme

>> No.55687242

What the moron probably meant is that the shit A.I. pops out is more marketable because pretty colors and omgsorealistic and stuff.
It's really no different from the "art" on a cereal box that is meant to attract customers, just more automated.
Anything that can be so easily mass-produced is not real art, hence its value after the novelty wears off becomes null. It's the product it's attached on what has actual value.

>> No.55688917 [DELETED] 

>seething artfag
Kys you useless retard, lmao