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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55664629 No.55664629 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55664644

If you can't even run a social media site, how are you supposed to run a site that does even more?

>> No.55664659

>make my words

>> No.55664666

I mean by almost any utility measure, Twitter is no different now than it was pre-Musk except it's harder to get banned for posting something libs REEEEE about.

Twitter has been so successful that it has completely overtaken even 4chan culture. Half the threads these days are just twitter reposts. Content "created" here is stolen and used on twitter to spread to the masses. If you want actual visibility/popularity or want to make money or fame from posting funny things, you go to Twitter

Elon bought one of the most important social media platforms ever created, changing the name/brand to "X" isn't going to change that

>> No.55664739

lol no

>> No.55664741

Twitter is one of the worst things that ever happened to the internet. It brought low IQ, corporation-friendly mainstream culture to every corner of our digital landscape; it normalized surveillance, attention whoring, a safety and sanitization via censorship, and other assorted faggotry to what was a tool for an actual chance for people to reach a greater level of freedom, intelligence, consciousness, and creativity.
Enjoy your weekly trends and distractions, cucks. You'll have zero attention span and you'll be happy.

>> No.55664743

changing the name isn't going to change it but he's fucking with the formula trying to claw some money back from his retarded idea instead of keeping the things people actually used going while trying to realize his retarded 20 year old obsession.
he thinks he's a fucking massive genius, asia has had super apps for as long as we've had smartphones. this nigger has an established successful model to copy and he's still fucking it up.

>> No.55664752

>glownigger sycophants still seething about losing twitter
It's great. You have to deal with namefaggotry but you can control what you see to some degree. 4chan is still nice for anonymity but there's just so much fucking shilling these days

>> No.55664754

>Make my words

This guy is in another level of retardation altogether

>> No.55664755

Make my words? Or mark my words. Elon is a retard. Just like me.

>> No.55664756

>he doesn’t know
Nobody tell him

>> No.55664772

How was twitter a succesful model? Didn't it just start pulling a profit? How much of that was establishment money used to prop it up because it was a propaganda outlet? Ad revenue has gone down across the board in the last year or so. As long as X / twitter stays relevant it will be valuable.

>> No.55664773

If you care about not being banned post on an actual decentralized alternative, in the end you are cucking yourself to be owned by elon who is the master what you can and cannot say and you like that for some reason because he just happens to agree with you for now.

>> No.55664777

Also all of what you say about 4chan is true, but in my opinion it remains the single last place on the internet where you will get peoples true feelings about anything. You simply cannot have total intellectual honesty with a name and reputation attached to your ideas. You can't. I'm sure many will claim they are tfw to smart to be affected but it is the human condition.

>> No.55664787

Sorry if it was not clear I was referring to successful super-app models to copy. That's obviously what he wants to do is make "X" into an Asian-style super app. Those are already successful and have clear models to follow.
Twitter by itself doesn't have to make money and it's retarded to try to claw money out of it. It was so good because it didn't make money. If he is to be successful it also should not really even make money. He bought the users, that's all he needed. Now what he needs is for the users to stay long enough for him to roll out his additional features. But if he continues fucking with the tried and true thing he is going to fuck that up.

>> No.55664790

Elon paid 40 billion to destroy Twitter. He needs to get a noble peace price or some kind of humanitarian award

>> No.55664796

Twitter is currently full of /pol/ memes and even normiecons are hating on violent groids. It's glorious.
You can call out the jew and even link to things like TGSNT
What's the point of that when you're surrounded by shills and idiots who are dumb enough to stay on a platform that is infested with them? Other chans are probably much better but I don't think there's enough 4jannies to enforce board rules

>> No.55664801

>It's great. You have to deal with namefaggotry but you can control what you see to some degree

this is why it's always to hear brainlets cry about the content on twitter. One critique from brainlet is about how terrible twitter content is, without realizing they are shitting on themselves for being boring and lame

you can find the most interesting content your heart desires on Twitter, you just have to not be a boring asshole. If you're an interesting person you will naturally gravitate towards other interesting twitter accounts. If you're a boring normie you will get plugged into the "boring normie" filter algorithm and get pumped full of shitty midwit pop culture content

>> No.55664802

>What's the point of that when you're surrounded by shills and idiots who are dumb enough to stay on a platform that is infested with them?
well we're here talking aren't we?

>> No.55664811

>this is why it's always to hear

always funny to hear*

>> No.55664819

Anonymity is the most important thing but also no likes or upvotes, which leads to insincere appeals to popular opinion and hugboxing.

Would be based if he literally just shut it down, not shadow ban everyone who doesn't ID.

For now, if you're not in countries where Elon has agreed to allow gov censorship like China and Turkey. And if you don't say anything that offends Elon like posting publicly available information about his jet. Like I said you don't care so long as it doesn't affect you.

>> No.55664821

I mean if he can actually turn it into Wechat: America then he is right

>> No.55664824

He has no plans. Just a shit stirrer

>> No.55664830

Like what do you think if the Pres said no more nasa contract for space x until they let the gov regulate twitter? Elon would cuck in a second like he did to help Erdogan's election.

>> No.55664853

If AI is the future (it is) and current LLMs were created with scraping Twitter and Reddit (now banned from doing so) then yes.

>> No.55664856
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I'd like to interrupt this thread by just pointing out people on 4channel are discussing elons plans with Twitter. You ALL need to go back

>> No.55664878

It has nothing to do with "affecting" me, whatever you mean by that. I simply see the value in having a mainstream platform host views and opinions that other mainstream platforms refuse to host. I do not hold all these views myself, but I think they are tenable enough to see the light of day. Some of us are, actually, principled. Only time will tell how principled Elon turns out to be.

>> No.55664933
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Looked too fast and thought I saw sonic for a second

>> No.55664959
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Perhaps, not sure, what I DO know is that pond might end up being the backbone of web3 in the future

>> No.55664975

Most likely won't but keep being deluded kek

>> No.55664978

You won't force me faggot, you WON'T

>> No.55664992

>layer 0
>the future of web3

>> No.55664999

I don't think he is, he's retarded and schizo, he's literally me

>> No.55665000

I'd change his face for Bush's

>> No.55665010
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wtf I thought that was sonic the hedgehodg

>> No.55665019 [DELETED] 

What proof does this retarded raghead have?

Just seems to me like everyone wants to bitch because they have nothing else going on in their miserable, useless lives.

>> No.55665024

Make my words is a trailer park boys joke btw. Ricky says it.

>> No.55665035

Make my words Mark my words Multiple
Says it multiple times I dont have "the" context.

>> No.55665140

Me too brother

>> No.55665235

This board is an anomaly. You get shills from pump and dumps and whatnot but there's somewhat less narrative shills
I don't give a fuck about his jet or what they're reading in China or Turkey. What was different about old twitter? You could post about his jet but China and Turkey would still have been censored. You need better arguments
My guess is he would boost posts that are inconvenient for the regime. There's already damaging posts reaching 100s of thousands, the regime doesn't want them reaching millions of tens of millions

>> No.55665250

Same here. I thought this was some elaborate hpos shill. I didn't even read the thread.

>> No.55665259

what is the most valuable brand on earth currently? Apple? Microsoft?

>> No.55665309

I thought it was too.
We can still keep imagining it is.
Just imagine that's bloomberg's new logo: Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.55665317

the kikes told elon he wasn't allowed to directly quote the 4chan guy that got CHITWOODED

>> No.55665368

x marks the spot

>> No.55665389

no it's not like they don't own the rights anymore. they could change it back to the bird logo any time they felt like it

>> No.55665399


>> No.55665403
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>> Blue Mockingbird

>> No.55665439

It's so easy to get banned on Twitter it's unreal. You can't even post 'kys'

>> No.55665480

Question is do you think he’s saying that as a typo or do you think his built in gpt was switched off /bugged?

>> No.55665571
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Picrel just got suspended for questioning the Obama chef narrative

>> No.55665590

twitter was always more popular than 4chan retard. it was normie central+tumblr 2. afaik a lot of normies have dropped twitter since elon started experimenting with everything but I could be wrong

>> No.55665625

The gaynadians are claiming it's from a show, but maybe he's just alpha-ing. He isn't say "watch me do it", he's telling everyone "you'll do it for me".

>> No.55665873

That narcissistic psychopath might be referring to UrbanDicyionary, how edgy.

Make my words
Rickyism for "mark my words".
"You make my words, I'm gonna get my grade 10; and everyone else can just catch a boat to Fuck-offity Land."
by XDavid PolicastroX January 28, 2009

>> No.55665888

>experts say

>> No.55666194

>narcissistic psychopath
Go back to plebbit, fag

>> No.55666207

>Obama chef narrative

>> No.55666226
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>> No.55666355

People make his words by tweeting. He's calling twitter users his slaves.

>> No.55666370
File: 25 KB, 360x360, 131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow musk is so stupid! he doesn't understand business at all!

>> No.55666432

X was by far the most popular and over used letter and among the most popular symbols ever created. Honestly it was a smart play that filters midwits who'll claim it was a no-brainer 5 years later.

>> No.55666445

he's autistic enough to follow through
Let that sink in

>> No.55666460

>press X to xvideos
>ends in shitter

yeah nice strat elon

>> No.55666469

He bought it to fuck with the darpa bots that amplify woke media.

>> No.55666538

Paypal was called x.com
Why was it changed to paypal if x was such a good name?

>> No.55666540

x makes the spot*

>> No.55666560


max don't have sex with your ex
it will make your life complex oh max baby take it easy

>> No.55666578

just throwing this out there, everytime u close an app or website, or anything, you press x. the brand 'x' is embedded in every single app, browser, software, hardware ever created.. once u start seeing this you cant unsee it.

>> No.55667580

>it remains the single last place on the internet where you will get peoples true feelings about anything

4chan is a worthless site filled with leftists and muh happening fags. The fact threads pop up and disapear with no actual impact on poeplle makes the anonymity worthless since nothing is really achieved

>> No.55667995

>bone apple tea

>> No.55668057
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>Twitter has been so successful that it has completely overtaken even 4chan culture.
See How Musk Managed This With One Simple Trick

>> No.55668072

Papypal was Thiels company, x was Musks.
when they merged, they soon found out which of the two was fucking useless. Plus ça change

>> No.55668087

>everytime u close an app or website, or anything, you press x
to get rid of it, yes
brand association #101 FAIL, right fucking here

>> No.55668173

>Elon finally killed twitter guys for real this time! Just 2 more weeks!
You faggots couldn't last a week without sperging out on there no matter what Elon does.

>> No.55668304

he's just an autistic retard focused on the letter X for some reason. he thinks it's cool and edgy

>> No.55668307


>> No.55668351

There is a US based comlany that has released a web3 social media that allows you to connect your web3 wallet to any evm Blockchain. It's like a mix between Instagram and Twitter with whatsapp and cash app, It allows you to make public and private posts, have public or private chatrooms and you can send funds via chat using any evm Blockchain all for free. It is really comfy. You can Send ETH, XRP, BCH, ect. Any evm Blockchain and there are thousands to choose.

>> No.55668402

>he's just alpha-ing.
I don't know what is more pathetic, being on 4chan and not seeing through the tranny disguises or using programming language from predictive programming books such as Brave New World

>> No.55668423


Checked. Nice trips, Lucifer

>> No.55669266

Obama's chef got kill

>> No.55669898

fellow expert here. the calculations are getting even more grim. it's closer to 400 trillion dollars in value wiped out for changing a bird to an x

>> No.55669946

Satan checked. Fuck twitter, it's the most mind numbing experience filled with pseuds and fags that create threads without saying anything useful or the same thing as someone else 4 months ago. BAP sphere is pure aids and a jewish op to every mouth breather saying 2 more weeks until the ebin 2008 crash!!!!1!

>> No.55671209

I'm already bailing

>> No.55671323

Does this make Music the upper class Twit of the year?

>> No.55671327

>Twitter has been so successful
It's literally an unprofitable RSS feed

>> No.55671335

ur retarded

>> No.55671780

It really is a terrible brand and really highlights how he's a midwit who lucked out and kept faking it til he made it

>> No.55673791

no wonder he is so inspirational for the average Reddit retard

>> No.55675967
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>"make my words"

>> No.55676521

Am I supposed to clap because Lord Elon Nigger reducing my number of viewable tweets to 500?!??!?! Kek.
Imagine having a newspaper wrote by people but you make them pay to view each page. It's pathetic anons, pathetic

>> No.55677147
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if its so bad then why did Oprah shill it when it was starting out?

>> No.55677542

I will continue to use twitter and 4chan, continue to discuss twitter on 4chan, and there's nothing (you) can do about it except call me a tranny and tell me to go back, which I am not and will not.

>> No.55677830

>hes looking fast!

>> No.55679304


>> No.55679344

They hated him because Satan was right

>> No.55681141
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>> No.55682220

Then fuck you and fuck your mother, the slob son of a bitch

>> No.55682402

the twitter logo upside down is sonic

>> No.55682571

The trips are not there by accident.

>> No.55682961
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Elon wants to live out his autistic cyberpunk fantasies on the side of the bad guys. He wants to be the owner-CEO of a shady corporation named X which controls everything from cars to brain implants and runs a slave colony on Mars.

>> No.55683034

I thought of this too.

>> No.55683073

Yeah i hate the x
What bullshit the bird was cool

>> No.55683176

maybe if it drives all the faggots away i might sign up for an account.

>> No.55683236

Why is nobody talking about the reason there's so many Arabs trying to suck Elon's dick?

>> No.55683273

You’re thinking of Facebook. The cretins you just described are on every corner of the internet not just twitter or 4chan. And you can thank facebook for that.

>> No.55683636

I agree, but Twitter is the same. It's basically a boomer app now, too. I bet a bunch of the Milady fags are secret boomers.

>> No.55683645

Can't wait for the Elon construct to secretly get programmed into Future X/Twitter, like Dixie Flatline

>> No.55683664
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Hassan maybe forgot Twitter is now swimming against Blackcock and the whole stablishment

>> No.55684934

Personally defending pedophiles might be the last straw for a lot of people.

>> No.55685025

unfathomably, infinitely, endlessly, immeasurably, vastly, limitlessly, boundlessly, measurelessly, illimitably, unlimitedly, immensely, bottomlessly, indefinitely, immeasurably, incalculably, extensively, abysmally, innumerably, countlessly, inestimably, inexhaustibly, incomputable, unmeasured and unbound level of based.