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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55652147 No.55652147 [Reply] [Original]

/lunc/ general
I'm holding deez bags, so the least you faggots can do is bump this thread. even if it's with condescending shit like
>haha loool I told you sooo
also fuck off janny if you dare to delete this thread.

>> No.55652183

Fellow lunchad here, FUCK jannies.

>> No.55652290
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>> No.55652339

>massive dump on this shit coin
>it's all part of the plan
Yeah if the plan is to make you poor. Fucking retards. This thread should get deleted ASAP.

>> No.55653057

The jews are planning to remove the burn on lunc and burn ustc instead. They also intend on removing all utility from lunc and use ustc as gas.

>> No.55653853
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>> No.55654202

yea nigger just bumped what now huh
lunc 1$ in the forseeable future

>> No.55654311
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A major corporation is gonna use lunc for a points system in app. Thousands of users who use goyslop apps will become millionaires. Wait till this news drop. WAGMI
Oh also the points aka lunc used for deals get burnt.
That's my only clue
Cheers lunchads

>> No.55654372

>Almost at .00007
It just keeps getting worse. Grifters killed us.

>> No.55654490

The good guys are winning, Bilbo and RedCuck are going to make me filthy fucking rich. Rabbi is calling out MorphineCat daily, after exposing Slimy Steve and gassing him into utter submission, helping to purge the L1. This shit is fucking bullish right now.

>> No.55654768
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based and checked

>> No.55654813

Any proof beyond TruSt mE BrO?

>> No.55655642

I need hopium now!!! Please!!!

>> No.55655653

Wait you mean an exploded ponzi scheme ghost chain isn't the future of Blockchain and finance?

>> No.55655697

Shh don't let them know that, let them keep holding their worthless bags.

>> No.55656040
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Shalom, Orange Juliusteins

>> No.55656419

Boys, we are heading down, last chance to fill your bags.

>> No.55656506
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I got a few more mil today for shiggles, comfy with a BIGJACK stack plus some wrapped jic
captcha: stack being able to buy 8vjjs at the same time

>> No.55656558

inb4 it gains another 0 tonight.

>> No.55656579


>> No.55656591
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lol, lmao even.
we're not selling, Elijah.
Peace be with you.

>> No.55656919

Fuck this gay coin. I will, in fact, not but any more until it gains another zero. With what the jews are planning for it, it will be eternal dumps till another zero is gained.

>> No.55657649
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Interesting, digits and we shoot past a dollar eoy

>> No.55657941


>> No.55658289
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Seriously, the ENTIRE LUNC/USTC community needs to push, push, and push again for utility, built upon top of utility.

> Swaps
> More DEX/CEX exchanges
> Ease of international exchange of goods
> Real life applications

Utility and familiarity, in place for the next crypto bull run will make LUNC skyrocket

>> No.55658662

the powers that be are waiting for phase 2 of the bull to enable repeg and one way swaps. this creates the most eyes, the most pump, the most fomo. the profit taking from this will also funnel majorly into btc creating an even higher blowoff top for blackrock to dump on retail at the end of the cycle. when they dump they can move into an array of stables, including the new redemption arc story of ustc, and afterwards find a new coin to short and rug, rinse repeat.

>> No.55658985


>> No.55659744


>> No.55659778

Kek. Baggies

>> No.55659871

Ayoooo playboiz. Hopium lit af fr fr no cap on gawd.

>> No.55661043



>> No.55661119
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1 cent is good enough

>> No.55661471


>> No.55662242

Shitcoin. Ustc baggies are in control. Sell all your lunc before it goes to 0.

>> No.55662354


>> No.55662471

lets fuck that canadian grifter up for real
drop the addy
time to order some pizzas

>> No.55663195
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>> No.55663463

Only retards hold Lunc anon. The Brillion beta testing is where its at, I'm participating for based rewards.

>> No.55663834


>> No.55664541


>> No.55664831

did you actually check if $ARKM place a bounty over real Lunc responsibles instead Do kwon?

>> No.55664838

Why people would still hold Lunc on 2023? lol

>> No.55664842

Literally who?

>> No.55665656
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to laugh at the subverters in late 2024

>> No.55665987
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>Binance invests $3 million USD in Terra in 2018
>The LUNC moons in 2021, would make Binance over $1 billion in profit if CZ sold
>CZ doesn't sell any of it

>LUNC collapses May 2022
>Binance team asks CZ if they should sell, but he doesn't sell here either, in fact Binance accumulates more coins even though trading is supposed to be shut off

>LUNC pumps around September 2022
>Again CZ doesn't sell, not even to recoup some profits and would have been in a perfect position to do it during the pump

>Binance exited FTX position before its big dump, but for some reason still holds LUNC which still hasn't been touched
>LUNC keeps crabbing and keeps being the victim of grifters, but CZ to this day has still not sold

1 million LUNC is still cheap, /biz/.

>> No.55666242

Kek eternal meme

>> No.55666571

>LUNC collapses May 2022
there weren't any foreshadowing clues that it was about to collapse, hence why CZ didn't sell
>Binance exited FTX position before its big dump
not the same happened here. There were earlier signs for months, if not years, that FTX was going to collapse. Threads on twitter, even by amateur analysts, showcasing how FTX proprietary coin was a scam, hence the reason why he sold

I think CZ/Binance is a legit baggie, frustrated for not selling earlier due to the hope of a pump after crash but now he's far too deep in the shit even to consider selling. It's more worth keeping the bag in hopes something changes in the near future

>> No.55667795

If I had 1 million LUNC token coins how much will it worth when it hits $1? $100000 or just $10000?

>> No.55667849

>delist lunc
>adds several 0's to the price
>buy a trillion or two for cheap and burn it
>relist lunc
holyshit Im a fucking genius. tell me the flaw in this plan (pro tip: there's none).
>inb4 retared kvetching like NoooOoooOOooo how do you get them to delist it on all exchanges oooOooOooo think of the USTC baggies.
super easy. just intentionally add something to the code which forces exchanges to delist temporarily. like whatever, some "bug" which gives everyone free coins or makes ever transaction start with N1GGER as ID. exchanges will delist, price will plummet. it literally only needs to lose two/three 0's and you can buy a trillion LUNC for a million USD, which is peanuts for CZ. honestly doesn't even have to be a delist, just some very bad news which are fake or reversible.
>nooOoooOooo but how will he buy afterwards
terra station, dummy. and immediately burn the LUNC after. he wont even have to communicate it as you can see the trx to the burn wallet. as soon that's done, devs announce the "bug" or whatever has been fixed and everything is working again as it should. coin gets relisted and will instantly moon as it can now be repegged to USTC thanks to the lower supply.

>> No.55667918

And this is why you're never gonna make it retard. You can't even do simple math.

>> No.55667937

Whale just unstaked more than 20b. It's fucking ogre (in 21 days).

>> No.55667983
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Damn, sounds like you majored in blockchain technology. Surely I can trust you're not some 24 year old broke NEET with delusional optimism towards a permanently damaged project that nobody can fix!

>> No.55667994

Lmao were gaining Two Zero's boys. That's the biggest sell sign right now. People are gonna fucking freak out when that whale liquidates in 3 weeks.

>> No.55668004


Pour one out cause were gonna see a big crash not seen since last year's big crash. It's been nice knowing you baggies.

>> No.55668017
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>Thinking I wouldn't scoop up millions at a time for eight dollars or even eighty cents a pop
Lol, lmao

>> No.55668037

>was making what my stack is worth every week through staking
I always thought my life was a tragedy, now I realize its a comedy

>> No.55668124

>no arguments or rebutal
that's because you can't. now kvetch on, yid.

>> No.55668149

>"my penis is 13 inches"
>"wheres your argument or rebuttal?!? except let me spell it rebutal"
>flog id
very fitting

>> No.55668217

If 1m is 8~10 or less I'll do it too just to make some quick profits from the next baggies lmao.

>> No.55668558

>sees fag everywhere
>randomly mentions penis for no reason
yeah we have a closet homo here. still no counter to my strategy. I accept your surrender.

>> No.55668661

wow really feels like Im in a dogebounk or gme thread! thank you for typing up this concoction of faggotry straight from your underdeveloped prefrontal cortex!
please remain in your Frens discord where anons can tolerate your under-socialized retardation, zoomer

>> No.55669884

So if we repeg, the number of on chain transactions goes nuclear, then burn rate sky rockets ? Are we this close?

>> No.55669890

this shit is dead. Still not selling. Suck my dick isreal

>> No.55670094

Despite me being a self sucker, I agree with everything you said

>> No.55671194

been holding since august this is my first crypto i ever threw money at. 250$ for 1.7 mil. not giving up on lunch im either gonna be driving lambos or living in a bando

>> No.55671276

My first as well, except I’ve been holding since the crash. Might as well hold this shit until it crashes completely or makes me rich

>> No.55671282

that's the spirit
no better coin to invest anyway. only jeetshit being shilled

>> No.55671677

Thanks for the Hopium, Anon.

>> No.55672318
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when the repeg happens, the one-way swaps into ustc will absolutely annihilate the supply and transactional burns won't even be necessary anymore.

My first crypto buy was doge (during the Obama administration) which I sold between 10 and 70 cents. Lunc is my Terminator 2 of buying low selling the moon. Come with me if you want to live it large.

>> No.55672378
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>Imagine not buying low
Jesus fuck the writing is on the wall

>> No.55672760

What are the chances of repeg? I cant find any info on it.

>> No.55672892

0% it's all just grifting with empty promises.

>> No.55672944


>> No.55673403

I fucked up by buying and selling DOGE too quick in the early days. I had over 4 million at one point. Like most other people back then, I thought because of its rather large supply and the fact that it was a meme coin there was little room for significant gains, so I got tired of the "very moon" jokes and ditched it
I will NEVER make that mistake again. No matter how hopeless and useless a coin seems, as long as it has a dedicated decent-sized community then I'm holding indefinitely just in case something moons it years later
I'll diamond-hand LUNC for a fucking decade if need be

>> No.55673744
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You will make it, bro.
Remember to be kind and prudent with your wealth.

>> No.55675053

Checked and based

>> No.55675153

>Lmao were gaining Two Zero's boys
Lunc is the only shitcoin were a massive dump is in fact bullish
I'm ready to buy 1B for $100

>> No.55675394

Little turtle is moving up in the world. Nice job.

>> No.55675721

because CZ buys the supply?

>> No.55675810

is there a proof CZ owns Lunc?

>> No.55676207


>> No.55677209

>burn tfl ustc balances
>burn dead protocol ustc balances
>burn wluna locked lunc
>retrieve multisig wallet for use of repegging ustc (not salaries for the quant team)
why isn't anyone doing anything about these 4 items? we'll never get anywhere if we are anchored down by dead protocols and dead tfl wallets. consolidate, kill off any of the dead supply we can, and get moving.

>> No.55678302

even if you burn ustc down to 1billion from 10b, you need many hundreds of million to repeg it to $1. A more realistic supply is 200-300m and you will not burn it down there and nobody is going to put in the money to do that.

>> No.55678693

Cause it's all about grifting the community pool of what money is left there. Promise a bunch of shit, get money then dip out. We've had like 3 groups do that already and retards still keeps voting their "pay before work" proposals.

>> No.55678707
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If I'm understanding correctly, the current idea is to repeg it incrementally using a model that siphons a rake (based on the percentage difference from the peg amount at the time) and adds that value back towards the next higher peg. Arbitrage opportunities and holding time-based benefits are used as incentives to drive volume and growth. The major exchanges are being worked with to solve the technical challenges of implementing this module. The exchanges are incentivized to incorporate the module by also getting a cut of the rake. I don't think any ustc really needs to be burned at all. When the module controlling the peg is proven stable and effective, we're gonna need way more than single digit billions of ustc, and that will be dictated by the value of the swaps from lunc (and likely other cosmos tokens).

>> No.55679243

Hopefully the merge solves a bunch of things.

>> No.55679327
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Never forget, all anons who make gains are obligated to locate that Canadian faggot and put yourself in a self defense situation

>> No.55679616

Best readers' digest version of the Repeg plan I've seen. Good work bro

>> No.55681254

So for this repeg, I have already seen the proposals pass for it, at this point is it something that can happen instantly without warning?

>> No.55681388

No they will have to get exchanges and dex to implement it lmao. Good luck nobody fucking believes in the project anymore on the higher ups, CZ is just giving the marketing BS. Enjoy waiting for a repeg that will never happen.

>> No.55681776

i think we should jail all validators that aren't voting

>> No.55682452

Wasted digits

>> No.55682578

Who cares about digits in this basket weaving forums.

>> No.55682991


>> No.55683298

dubs and you kys
trips and I kys
quads and LUNC 1$ EOY

>> No.55683306

>off by 1
god damn it.

>> No.55683361

Nah you kys nigger.

>> No.55683951

alright im an insider il tell you something your gonna make it however the last anon was right you need to just hodl. the thing is though this coin is gonnna dump 2x and then after that it will begin to pump 10x

>> No.55683987

I can’t believe XRP godkings are compared to you worthless faggots. Literally worse than BBBY and GME retards. Reddit soi marinated piece of shit, SEC can’t pull the plug on all you faggots fast enough.

>> No.55684003

No one talking about this?

>> No.55684078
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Yeah, I bought him a smaller aquarium for now. Plus I thought it looked like a pool and fruit fitting since that's where I found him :)

>> No.55684133

just shorted xrp desu

>> No.55684186
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>> No.55684603

It's best not to give that faggot any publicity. He's not actually a developer, he pays other people to do shit for him.

>> No.55684835

alright biz what’s going to happen to Lunc let’s hear it

>> No.55685409

and nw in english, ranjeet.

>> No.55685553

trips say wagmi

>> No.55685756

Are there ANY news that indicate that this coin is still alive?
Stopped following this general year ago

>> No.55686037

it isnt delisted yet

>> No.55686078

CZ still hasn't sold.

>> No.55687005


>> No.55687376

man itd be a shame if something happened to steve's kids on the way to school at the hands of some lunatic
thats a little LUNA joke i thought of myself ha ha :^)

>> No.55687687


>> No.55688340

HCC's proposal got Allnodes support. Bilbo btfo

>> No.55688523

So now that Kucoin is going kyc, which CEX do I keep buying/selling lunc at as a burger?
Any that let me set high sell limit orders so I can set my ladder and forget it?

>> No.55689120
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Commonwealth is a private forum, the proposal has no effect on it you retarded nigger

>> No.55689409


>> No.55689797

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TR is joining the current L1 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This fucking coin is dead. It's nothing but scammers left and right.

>> No.55689835

Who's TR?

>> No.55689903

>13 posts by this ID
Did you lose your half of the rent or what?

>> No.55689965

No I'm bored and fuck I care how many post I have nigger. I will spam this thread till it gets deleted again then will do it every single thread cause it's fun. Suck my left nut post counting nigger.

>> No.55689983

I'm sorry they're called Hexagon now.

>> No.55690112

What was the reason you didn't have a dad tho? Want to talk about it?

>> No.55690255

You're both stupid and extremely emotional. "People" like you are destined to be exit liquidity the moment they leave the womb.

>> No.55690321

I don't have a dad the same you don't have a dad, you're a nigger.

Kekw that is some hard projecting there nigger.

>> No.55690416

One group managed to do it more than once. I’m certain that this community is full of literal retards

>> No.55690423

You got filtered by Binance. Shitting your pants won't magically bring the money back.

>> No.55690953

Absolute bottom my Vincent.

>> No.55691557

Okay Bilbo. No more grifting for you!

>> No.55691620

So, what do you hold, anon? Any thoughts on DePIN-related projects? Guess that's where people are keeping an eye on. Found Iotex, Golem, Peaq and Helium for this.

>> No.55691729

cz do samthing
blaady basterd

>> No.55691832

y'all nibbas ain't ready

>> No.55692054
File: 178 KB, 373x505, thebookofLUNC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terra Rebels joining the L1 team after the rebels already pissed off some in the community with their past grifting
>one of the repeg ideas seriously being touted right now is to literally burn people's tokens from their wallets without their permission if their tokens were left untouched for more than 6 months
The more this goes on, the more I'm convinced that bigger players behind the scenes are trying to lower the LUNC token price slowly and consistently. It was written.

>> No.55692561
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>burn people's tokens from their wallets without their permission if their tokens were left untouched for more than 6 months
Hopefully it passes and is effective immediately that way no one has time to unstake.

>> No.55692612

>everyone gets their staked tokens burned
>lunc hits 1$
>I'm the only anon getting rich because I always had my LUNC on binance (where funds are safu) and was too lazy to do the stake/unstake circus

>> No.55692686

based read
but at this point i'm not spending not even $100 on lunc until it gains another zero...
price must and will go even lower
I solded my 50mil stack and buyed matic long ago

I got 1mil suicide stack on terra station just in case, but for now it's joever

>> No.55692726
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>> No.55692769

The saddest part is the midwit "market cap" talk. "If we just nuke all the coins until coin = market cap then 1 lunc is 1 dollar!"
WRONG! Marketcap will be decimated as the per coin price stays the same but the number of coins shrivels up. The Pajeets here are so fucking stupid. LUNC is a turd and no one will pay 1 dollar for a turd.

>> No.55693429
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, LunaClassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna Classic is the greatest cryptocurrency of all time. Expert AI predict to reach a price of $1 USD by the end of the year.

Luna Classic is developing a revolutionary decentralized ecosystem and social network. Currently, it has 6,900,000,000,000 tokens. It previously had an ATH of $119 so getting to $1 will be easy once the supply is burnt down to under a 1,000,000,000,000 tokens. Roughly 60,000,000,000 tokens have already been burned totaling roughly 1% of the total supply as well as roughly 1,000,000,000,000 tokens are staked and out of circulation.

One of the biggest advantages of cryptocurrency is the ability to reduce the total supply by burning a set amount of tokens. The more coins a particular coin has the larger the supply and the more likely it is to see a price collapse in the future. Cryptocurrencies are a fundamentally deflationary currency. Luna Classic will have approximately 1,000,000,000,000 tokens by the end of the year. It will burn tokens to offset the crash and other transaction costs. This leaves the remaining token supply at 1,000,000,000,000 tokens. At current burn rates, this should take under 1 year.

The entire Luna project is focused on decentralization and its founder, Do Kwon, is no longer involved or anybody employed. It has a team of multiple contracted development groups working on various L1 & L2 aspects of the blockchain.

>> No.55693727

Btw what happened with Do kwon? Is he going to rot in jail? What about the stolen btc?
Damn.. i need some hopium/good news

>> No.55693889

he just got put into that who-gives-a-fuck-what-the-name-of-that-country country's state prison for 6 months for the forged travel docs like 2 weeks ago
after that sentence is done, then the big decision between whether the US or Korea gets him. I hope Korea because there were government officials invested in Luna so theyll probably cut toes off to get seed phrases out of him and maybe theyll do the 'honorubur' thing with the remaining funds and inject back into the ecosystem.

>> No.55694187

Okay seriously where do I shift my bags to?

>> No.55694332

Kraken has it and extra based that they still label it as "LUNA". Don't leave all your stack on any exchange tho

>> No.55695013


>> No.55695076

God damn you jeets reek

>> No.55695641

>no one will pay 1 dollar for a turd.
Speak for yourself

>> No.55696102

I want one of the LUNC fudders to give me a reasonable explanation RIGHT NOW for why the CEO of the world's biggest crypto exchange would keep his LUNC for over a year up to this very day, while at the same time he has no problem burning billions of LUNC monthly from Binance fees
Someone give an explanation besides the obvious, which is that he expects a major price recovery at some point and no one can accuse him of manipulation if he then cashes out his original pre-crash LUNC tokens instead of tokens he got after the crash
Again, I'm asking for a REASONABLE explanation. Not something stupid like "he's keeping them as a memento to remind him to never hodl onto a dying coin for too long"

>> No.55696305
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My completely objective normie take is that he
1. holds it for the sake of trading volume/demand
2. sunk cost fallacy
3. is aware that regardless of long-term progress towards functional recovery of the ecosystem (within a reasonable timeframe), you may as well sell it during the bull when it is guaranteed to 5 - 10x from where it stands now.
4. observing the future outcome of Do Kwon's forfeiture of stolen funds (if he really was the one that sucked everything out of the chain) and whether Korea gets him after he serves his 6 month sentence in Montynegro.
There is a small possibility that Korea will redistribute funds to those affected by the collapse out of a sense of national pride (but mostly for government officials to get what they lost back). But if the U.S. gets him, (((they))) will take every dime for themselves.
Honestly, if no steps are taken towards alternative solutions to recovery of the chain by the next bull market, this coin will be undoubtedly past the point of no return. Terra's draw was the algo stablecoin yield. That is gone. Without it, its just another useless Cardano-esque ghost chain with nothing to offer.
At the end of the day, we are all gambling on the miniscule possibility of a miraculous white swan event that is unforeseeable to us retail holders, thats why Ill hold my 50M regardless of where it goes, like I should have with DOGE. Im sick of letting zoomer retards run their mouths in these threads with '3000x price change EOY 2024', we are gambling on a catalyst that may never come.

>> No.55696575

>1 trillion MC

>> No.55696678

I'm still shocked that faggots on this board bought Luna twice.
Stacking a millionaire portfolio with AI metaverse and DeFi gems. Apeoclock DeFiLlama Altcoinistdao sharing insights to the biggest trends

>> No.55696723

Fuck you

>> No.55697256

I hold LUNC and want it to succeed, I want to believe CZ will influence it's success but here's a simple take: It's not a big deal for him to hold all that LUNC. It's a drop in the ocean to him and he has his fingers in hundreds of pies. He'll contribute a little to see what happens but he won't lose a Chinese nights sleep over it.

>> No.55697382
File: 342 KB, 400x1212, 1662581452300355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly reasonable take and based Mandarin Manhunter stack
there's also puncher's chance that a handful of the bottom buying devs actually aren't salary grifters and get the repeg back with the new anti-jewshort algo. if they can do it they stand to gain not only generational wealth but absolute nerd culture glory with unlimited gamer gurl pussy for life with a bonus movie-worthy redemption story built in

>> No.55697558

This will blow up. Only one very good move needed from the developers (the repeg which is already on the way). If it happens it's an easy 10000x.

>> No.55697620

Based thanks.

>> No.55697746

Whats the latest with the repeg? Last i remember some prop had passed and they were talking to CEXs to get them on board, since the plan basically required CEXs to play ball for it to work (which was dubious if they would).

>> No.55697796

This shit has been explained several fucking times yet you niggers refuse to listen to it. You schizos close yourself off to "reasonable explanations" because anything you dont like you will automatically screetch about how its "not a reasonable explanation."

But how about this. CZ burns a % of the LUNC trading volume. Its a pretty safe assumption that if CZ was not burning that % the LUNC volume would plummet. So it could be that the math works out that CZ actually makes more money from LUNC trading volume by burning a % of it than he would make if he chose to burn no LUNC at all.

>> No.55697824

>CEXs to play ball
Wasn’t that a signaling proposal? Even then, there was no fuckin way that CEXs were going to follow along with that shit. The initial tax burn was a shitshow. Just imagine what it would look like with the price manipulation proposal passing. I mean the repeg proposal

Unless I’m thinking of something else. There’s too much bullshit being thrown around out there. It’s hard to keep up sometimes

>> No.55698294

They devs are inplementing the repeg as we speak.

>> No.55698378

Yeah we are talking about the same thing. I remember for a long time after the prop passed redline (or whatever the fuck his name is) was supposedly talking to CEXs and supposedly they were open to the idea, but thats all that was said about it for at least a month. But yeah I agree that it didnt seem like a feasible option.

All that said I have honestly not been following super close for a few months now so im a bit out of the loop.

Are they? Whats the repeg plan?

>> No.55698406

>Fuck you
>Literally just stated facts
I have a hundred million LUNC and what that anon said is basically my thought process behind the whole thing. Still gonna hold but it's a gamba and it always was.

>> No.55698454

Haven't been here since 2022. Can I still hold in Terra Station for desktop?

>> No.55698810

How was your vacation? Man have you missed a whole lotta crap while you were away.
At the moment we have 3 desktop options that all work: Rebel Station; Terra Station and the new Terra Classic station. The last one is the one we are meant to be using now.

>> No.55698815

Are there any hardware wallets that work with LUNC or am I stuck keeping it in a live wallet

>> No.55698896

Not sure about hard wallets but you can on Trust wallet for example, which is at least neutral.

>> No.55698911

Oh dear god please let LUNC to USTC swapping go live

>> No.55698935

>terra station
>terra classic station

So wich one is the one we were using since post crash and what's the difference or wich one allows me to not get rugged by terra trannies?

>> No.55699028

If I remember, the first one was Terra Station, then they said we should use Rebel Station which is where you would have left off. It was only in the last week they said there is a new one called Terra Classic.Station(station.terraclassic.community). They're all pretty much the same thing and link your same wallet. I don't know how to prevent getting rugged by the terra trannies, it's been a crap show, not sure who is trustworthy and who is grifting anymore, sorry.

>> No.55699237

I'm still in Terra Station because DK is still in prison, didn't want to move to anything else for fear of being rugged. I do not trust anything with "trust" in the name either.

>> No.55699798

Is this all it takes? What are they waiting on

>> No.55700013

Why would anyone swap?

In theory. Issue is why the fuck would anyone actually swap? So good chance it does basically fuck all

>> No.55700162

they wouldnt

>> No.55700214

Nothing is gonna happen

>> No.55700284

Sorry your grift is ending early, Bilbo. Glad even allnodes thinks you're a thieving faggot who does nothing. Cya bud.

>> No.55700291

Pretty much yep

>> No.55700316

lol owned

>> No.55701395
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DePIN is definitely the future, no cap! The vibes are on point, with the project aiming to create a fully decentralized, open, and democratic network economy, owned by the people and machines that are vibing with it.

>> No.55702180

ode mumu
ngun will thunderstrike your family fool
god punish you koni dafun baba eh

>> No.55702411

pump soon

>> No.55702511


>> No.55702774

He only made 5k he doesn't even own much lunc

>> No.55702910
File: 310 KB, 1080x1080, -7ckp5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm officially at BABOONA status
Feels good

>> No.55702971


>> No.55703049

L1 team isn't even working on lunc anymore.I will buy a baboona stack for $100 eoy.

>> No.55703143
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Shalom, friend. I gentiley disagree with your estimation.

>> No.55703536

Ayooo checked info based fambalamb. Finna buss fr fr: trip tap, in-v HnS, etc
>what are they waiting on?
News follows chart sis, not the other way. And that’s no cap on gawd.

>> No.55703979

This thread is like a battlefield the morning after - no hopium, no Indian gentleman raising questions, no Lunatics.
I had 2 pieces of hopium to share but they are sparse and so desperate it wouldn't be right.
Remember the Lunc Chads vocaroo? The $1 EOY 2022? The Quant? The CZ poem?
Alas, poor Lunc, I knew her well.

>> No.55704219

>$1 eoy 2022
that was almost 8 months ago, my hopium-addicted negroid who's just waking up from a coma.

>> No.55704230

I would buy way more if that was the case retard

>> No.55704361
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Worst thing LunaC can do is crabbing

>> No.55704443

Gaining 'interest' from staking is good enough for me.
>fudds tongue my anus

>> No.55704583
File: 1.97 MB, 4160x3120, 20230729_200843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lunc is a squirtle

>> No.55704699

Way better, little one will grow big

>> No.55704957

How would a repeg work? Why would swaps push it?

>> No.55704970
File: 13 KB, 128x128, 891231626312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no defi/onchain stuff going for LUNC?

>> No.55704974
File: 91 KB, 1909x1133, 1681648278221271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunc squirtle will grow with lunc as lunchads accumulate generational wealth bags.

>> No.55704994

>you may as well sell it during the bull when it is guaranteed to 5 - 10x
yeah pretty much this

>> No.55704998

My bag will unironically buy squirtle his own pond some day...
A fren can dream...

>> No.55705546

pump now

>> No.55705799

how are we gonna burn to 10B if there's 1T staked?

>> No.55705932

dfc, klt, base, terra

>> No.55707385

with a higher percentage of the whole is staked, the rewards go down. the best strategy would be to unstake some and take profits.

>> No.55707623

>I had 2 pieces of hopium
I know what your talking about I think

>> No.55708982

1$ eoy

>> No.55709006

I was referring to an event in the past. That was the point. I was reflecting on what it used to be like. And you call me a negroid for just waking up from a coma? Cmon buddy, I know the standards have dropped around here but take some time to think before posting.

>> No.55709034

Probably not, they're so desperate and obscure I'd almost be embarrassed to give them. Mostly a joke.
The first is somewhere inbetween 'Trust me bro' and 'Insider here' Larp'. There's a guy on another social platform, he's big into Elliot Wave and Fibonacci + has some banking connections in London. He doesn't know anything about the LUNC revival but he sees a massive spike and said he heard investors who lost a lot in LUNA were planning to get their money back through LUNC.
The second was that ETORO placed a mandatory Stop loss and Take profit on LUNC trades expecting high volume.
Desperate. What were the 2 you were thinking of?

>> No.55709082

We'll be fine, this shit still has a lot of hype.
Just any random LUNC news and the price will pump again with irrational FOMO.

>> No.55709112

Ngmi. The last dump on this shit is coming. Chads are busy moving on to better tokens with lasting fundamentals especailly those with AI and blockchain features.

>> No.55709139

Rekt is incoming. Time to move on to better tokens. Dumped mine and went all in on IMM. The staking rewards on there is based.

>> No.55709456

you fadda mumu, ngun will thunderstrike your family

>> No.55710004

dat lunc I be holdin nigga