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55654687 No.55654687 [Reply] [Original]

Which books taught you the most about Economics/Finance or helped you make money?
Compulsory: Basic Economics, Sowell

>> No.55654730

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/76751.George_Soros unironically.

>> No.55654770
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There’s no crazy secrets in this but it does offer some less conventional wisdom so it’s worth it in that regard.
Most books are pretty shit and do t contain the secrets people who read them are often looking for.
At the end of the day getting out there and doing something will be worth more than any book.

>> No.55654798

All of his titles look like propaganda.

>> No.55655068

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is unironically the most important money book you'll ever read.

As far as I'm aware, no other book so plainly and convincingly lays bare the simple truth: You need to acquire assets the produce money and avoid debts that take money out of your pocket.

Every other book about money is a convoluted mess of esoteric horse shit normies will never do.

>> No.55656220

>You need to acquire assets the produce money and avoid debts that take money out of your pocket.
Maybe but you don't need to larp as a poor kid with "two" dads for over 100 pages to teach that. Add "acquire real estate cheap" "pay yourself first durr" and "assets yes- liabilities no" and that's the whole book

>> No.55656321

Work backwards. Read only from authors that have done >20% a year for 20+ years.

The most useful have been Alchemy of Finance by George Soros, Berkshire Hathaway's Letters to Shareholders, and Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman. These are practical knowledge dumps by the 3 of the top 5 best investors currently alive.

There are better books out there but are less relevant without the context of the period they were written in.

>> No.55656361


>> No.55656714

Putting things in different contexts can change perspective, drive home a message and suddenly something click and make sense to the reader.

You can reduce most wisdom to simple sentences, but behind that wisdom can be years of trial and failures, achievements, thinking and contemplation that lead to the final conclusion.

>> No.55656851

anecdotes are just anecdotal, dont really mean much
ultimately you need the right basic idea, the courage and discipline to follow it, and a lot of luck

>> No.55656949
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Take the ERE pill, it’s a dry read but it’s better than all the idiots in the FIRE community as he was there first and is what started MMM

>> No.55657031

Just give a summary about what he proclaims and how it's different from FIRE.

>> No.55657042

The left book fucking sucked and his anecdotes were made up. The English cycling team did not find small percentage improvements by implementing atomic habits. They systematically cheated by doping with steroids.
Shit book for shit cunts.

>> No.55657050

>Putting things in different contexts can change perspective
It's funny you realise this but don't realise it's a grift. Setting the scene is done to con people.

>> No.55657054

Spotted the glownigger FUDing one of the 0.1% actually useful self help books in an otherwise useless sea of shit. Kys

>> No.55657074

I read the first chapter. Realised it stunk. Did some basic research on the line he was telling. Found out it was 100% bullshit. Stopped reading.
If you cant go one chapter without making shit up then your book probably sucks.

>> No.55657082

unironically, Das Kapital
it's just an explanation of how capitalism works, but most /pol/tards have a knee jerk reaction to a book they've never even read

>> No.55657478
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>> No.55657563

I read Atomic Habits, sounds good but at the end of the day you have to actually implement this stuff and stick with it, which I did not do. I tried making the habits small, having cues and all that stuff but I just don't bother doing sticking with the habit after a few days.

>> No.55657979

>It's funny you realise this but don't realise it's a grift. Setting the scene is done to con people
How so?

>> No.55658020

>reminiscences of a stock operator
>Market Wizards series (5 books)
>Wycoff's early (1920s/30s) books
>Alchemy of Finance
>Confusion de confusiones
>Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Dozens of others I'd recommend but these are going to be enjoyable and enlightening reading for most of you. Any newly-published "self hype" type books are going to be retarded as fuck.

>> No.55658065

>millionaire fastlane
Even though I became a millionaire via bitcoin that he rails against as just gambling. The mindset still applies.

>richest dad in babylon
Except it reads like it was written by a 4th grader, I'm not picky but there are so many spelling errors and style inconsistencies it was kind of annoying.

>> No.55658106

>Richest MAN in Babylon

Also good:
>market wizards

Other bullshit books
>thinking fast and slow
literally jew psychobabble and pilpul

>> No.55658110

What ?

>> No.55658264

the richest man in babylon

all you really need for basics plus is a fun read. outside of that carnegies how to win friends and influence people

most financial and self help books are a mix of these two

>> No.55658270

that book fucking sucks like fuck

>> No.55658283

>written by 4th grader
ya, because george clason wrote them as a series of pamplets. he was comissioned by i think wells fargo to write them to get people interested in personal saving and banking. he decided to go with old biblical style writing since the bible is the most sold book in the world

it is simple and sometimes corny but thats also its charm. you can literally read it front to back in a few hours to be honest. or get the book on tape version, shit is great for a road trip

>> No.55658506

Ok Kiyosaki

>> No.55659006

Why are you retards hung up on the book, it's also available for free so who fucking cares. I'm talking generally, telling a story is more memorable, that's why we have passed down information in story form for thousands of years.

>> No.55659045

explain your choices
I am reading Thinking Fast and Slow rn and it's a good book. Very influential in Behavioural Economics.

>> No.55659047
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>> No.55659103

Have ChatGPT do it you lazy fuck

>> No.55659199
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>> No.55659350

Hypothetically speaking, would I get any organic purchases with zero marketing attempts if I wrote my own finance ego book on Amazon KDP?
>outperformed the market every year for the last 5

>> No.55659562

>Number of books published each day
Based upon a total annual number of 4 million books published each year, it can be estimated that almost 11,000 books are published daily. This works out to around 457 titles an hour and 8 titles a minute.

>> No.55659597

Storytelling is a good way of communicating informations

>> No.55659952
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I feel the book is too bland even in that aspect. The storytelling is not really engaging at all after the first few pages. It's not War and Peace but Richest man in babylon is best in storytelling than RDPD. At some point the LARPing becomes almost unbelievable, questionable at best- Kiyosaki just wanted to sell books and get royalties, so I don't blame him though. All advice is really outdated, 90's-tier advice unironically speaking. Book didn't age well at all. Maybe if you're a retard teenager or you're in your early twenties the book may actually be helpful

>> No.55660012

It's a kids book bro.

>> No.55660162

Kiyosaki is a midwit that got lucky gambling on RE during a period that had the lowest mortgage rates in history, now he makes his money selling advice to other midwits

>> No.55660364

Now that AI generated books are being spammed everywhere I doubt you'd get anywhere
completely organically. It'd have to be an actually good book as well

>> No.55660430
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High Savings Rate: ERE emphasizes saving a significant portion of income, often aiming for 50% or more. By saving a large percentage of earnings, individuals can accumulate wealth rapidly and reach financial independence sooner.

Frugal Living: ERE advocates for an extremely frugal lifestyle, where individuals focus on reducing expenses to the bare essentials. This includes minimizing housing costs, transportation expenses, and discretionary spending.

Investing for Passive Income: Rather than relying solely on traditional retirement accounts, ERE encourages building alternative income streams and investing in income-producing assets. This might include rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, or small businesses.

DIY and Self-Sufficiency: ERE promotes self-reliance and learning practical skills to reduce reliance on consumerism and expensive services.

Minimalism: Adopting a minimalist lifestyle helps avoid the pursuit of material possessions and focuses on experiences and personal fulfillment.

Continuous Learning and Personal Growth: ERE encourages lifelong learning and self-improvement, which can lead to new income opportunities and personal fulfillment.

Flexibility and Adaptability: ERE followers often emphasize adaptability and the ability to pivot in their careers or lifestyle choices, enabling them to seize new opportunities as they arise.

>> No.55660674
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>> No.55661280

>I feel the book is too bland even in that aspect. The storytelling is not really engaging at all after the first few pages.
It does the trick, you're just being hypercritical

>> No.55661314

These books just give basic common knowledge advice your average uncle tells you at a family gathering. What's really funny is the kind of people who buy into the self improvement meme. They'll do shitty side hustles like drop shipping and reselling thinking they'll be able to retire in 5 years but make the same as an amazon delivery driver. Very few of these people succeed and it usually comes down to luck, coming first or them just being naturally smarter (these guys would've made money anywhere else anyways). So yh like 99% of these guys won't make it big.
Some realise its not working out so they make a living selling courses on ways they failed to make money. Idk about you but any real business I've ever come across was not actively helping out it's competition, every business wants to become a monopoly and their success is generally measured in how close to that goal they've reached.
Anyone buying a trading bot is retarded. If someone had a bot that gave you returns above the S&P 500, they would've kept it to themselves or sold it to any of the million/billion dollar firms. Selling your trading secret would actually make it redundant and if you don't understand why then you shouldn't trade at all.
Cleaning your room, exercising, eating healthy, sleeping extra, sticking to a routine? Basically what your parents tell you everyday as a teen which you ignored until some guru packaged it along with the dream of the high life in Dubai.

>> No.55661441

>Cleaning your room, exercising, eating healthy, sleeping extra, sticking to a routine? Basically what your parents tell you everyday
Orphans keep losing

>> No.55661683

Orphans and people with shitty parents exist but this is literally just mainstream advice everyone gets in school. Most people make retarded financial and life decisions because most people are retarded. If it took a book for you to realise going to bed early and focusing on your work helps you out in life then you're part of the retard portion of society.

>> No.55662483

>literally just mainstream advice everyone gets in school.
They really don't. And advice in schools falls under education so very few people aren't just taking the piss out of the lesson when it's about basic shit people with parents already know. Home ec in school was just making tea and toast, macaroni or scones, everyone just had a laugh.
Such is life as a bong.
>If it took a book for you to realise going to bed early and focusing on your work helps you out in life then you're part of the retard portion of society.
Yeah but hopefully they stop being retarded.

>> No.55663845

>Such is life as a bong
I'll have you know that I am a fellow bong, if you count Londonstan as part of Britain.

>> No.55664317

Thanks for the reccomendations. i am enjoying running them through ChatGPT and extracting the important parts.

>> No.55664489

>Rich Dad, Poor Dad is unironically the most important money book you'll ever read.
low iq confirmed

>> No.55664540

>just buy up real estate in hawaii bro
Millionaire Fastlane:
>just start a dot com limo service website bro
>just make a granola bar brand and sell it for 100k then fly to thailand and write a book on escapism to sell to morons bro

>> No.55664601

yeah, the way these guys got rich no longer apply. It's like they're just reciting their winning lottery ticket numbers

>> No.55664606

I am doing better than 99% of biz and I read this and found that the advice was pretty good for anons that need to get their shit together

>> No.55664618

This sounds like good advice if you make $60k a year and want to be a slumlord. Otherwise you should just wagiemaxx, make $200k+, live a normal life, invest wisely, and retire with a few mil by 45

>> No.55664636

a short history of financial euphoria

>> No.55665186

have to understand the banks and where money comes from and the best collection is the evolution of money by david byrne he gives it away in his amazon description

>> No.55665196

Thanks for the suggestion, David.

>> No.55665476

I’ve always though the same. The whole books message could be displayed neatly on a singular A4 page.

>> No.55666173

Strive for higher pleasures; learn what true happiness is.

>> No.55666309

>Londonstan as part of Britain.
If only we couldn't, Britain could be great again.

>> No.55666332

The Bible, unironically.
The old testament in particular is full of tips on how to make money, hoodwink your opponents, and the importance of worming your way into getting close to people with power.

>> No.55666947 [DELETED] 

That book came out before people making $200k to WFH and take 60 vacation days was a thing.
But the principles still apply.
It's just about not being a consoomer and getting your bankroll up high enough so that you can be more selective about your work even if means taking a pay cut to be happy, or at least not miserable, rather than following the traditional path of working a shitty job and retiring at 65 to do nothing.
A dinner for 2 (2 drinks, 2 entrees) is about $200 when including tax + tip.
That's before parking / uber or any other associated fees.
Hard pass but I also stopped going on dates years ago and just gave up on the whole premise when I realized my options were a retarded cute girl much younger than me who's also a whore and would have endless options and be impossible to tie down or a girl closer to my age who's also retarded and a whore but just less desirable compared to the other option.
I used to care about just fucking now I don't give a shit about sex at all.
Back when I used to go on dates I would just take <21 girls to Pinkberry and it would cost me like $20.

>> No.55668778

This and read the Quran translation by Muhammad Assad

>> No.55670815

Your prophet is false, the Christ already came. Reject that at your own peril.

>> No.55671023
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Not a book but The Tim Ferris podcast probably helped me the most on my journey to becoming a millionaire. That and smg before it became a low IQ pol wasteland.

>> No.55672601
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Mandatory for anyone in crypto. This book gave me a deep understanding of the concept of money and therefore bitcoin.

Also pic related.

>> No.55672994


>> No.55673057

Rich dad poor dad was about the only thing I read. I just put all my eggs into the s and p 500. I'll like to make a company one day

>> No.55673076

Hey most of everyone here has low iq.

>> No.55673087

Dam that meme hits hard.

>> No.55674366
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The Sovereign Individual

>> No.55675410

I only read business books that are recommended to me by actual entrepreneurs and business owners who have a verifiable business and/or a recorded rise to success. What's interesting is that the popular books recommended in online forums, articles and videos hardly overlap with the ones these real founders will recommend to you. The latter tend to go by very practical books that can have almost immediate applications into your business or venture. The former tends to be feel good stuff and motivational / self-help content that produces 0 results, because "Just be motivated bro" is hardly applicable advice.

>> No.55676547
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Read it while studying marketing.
Goes into the psychology of why people buy and what can trigger it.
Understanding that definitely helps you see through the marketing noise, which helps cut back on consumption and bullshit.

>> No.55677207
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Algorithms to live by

>> No.55677221

some people unironically need motivation, especially if they have low self-esteem and rely on third party input because they sabotage themselves
they would unironically be better with those positive reinforcement tapes though
regardless, share some recs anon

>> No.55677231

>I only read business books that are recommended to me
Such as?

>> No.55677368
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It's not a business book, but picrel has by far made me the most money.
It turns out 90% of the "people" in this field are braindead morons, and reading a single textbook makes you basically a world-class expert.

>> No.55677399

bros these are normie amazon best-sellers. I don't trust them

>> No.55677446

did you actually read them

>> No.55677453

no. Are normie amazon books with cringe titles actually good? The content seems interesting but the cover, title, and buyers don't help the same.

>> No.55677496

fooled by randomness is quite nice

zurich axioms isn't bad too

>> No.55679790

what's the name of the book that has "thru" in the title, planes and is esoteric as shit?

>> No.55680562

the tunnel thru the air

>> No.55680581

Plato's Complete Works

I'm dead serious

>> No.55680602

Rich Dad Poor Dad summarized for everyone here so they don't waste their time:
> Bro, it's all about FEELING RICH!
> Just take on good debt bro! Like you know, buy hard assets that will ALWAYS appreciate enough to cover those debts, bro!
> The cashflow quadrant bro!
> My own dad was the poor dad, but the cash dad down the street was a "rich dad" because of his mindset bro!

>> No.55680897

The Stoics are also worthwhile, and DaoDeChing by LaoTzu if you haven't read it

>> No.55681151

not surprised you missed the biggest takeaway from the book which is that if you're working for somebody else you're wasting your time.

>> No.55681266

I only re-share these recommendations with other successful business men and/or people who have visited the orb for an iris scan

>> No.55683008

old thread, perhaps there's something useful in it.


>> No.55683054
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I got this the other day by some guy behind the algorithms fucking up the market today

>> No.55683078

thank you anon

>> No.55683163

Post your gay books so we can shit on them faggot.

>> No.55683284

from where can i buy this pls Sir?

>> No.55683716

Based thread

>> No.55683998
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I like the discussion around advertising / design. Ogilvy on Advertising is pretty essential reading in that realm. e.g. this always stuck with me
>Ogilvy & Mather has prepared many industrial advertisements with very long copy. Yet readership research shows that the vast majority of the readers of any advertisement never get beyond the headline.
>Since so few people read the copy at all why does Ogilvy & Mather recommend long copy so often?
>The answer is that those relatively few people who read the copy are prospects for your product or your service.
>If you aren’t in the market for a product you are unlikely to read an advertisement for it, no matter how long or short the copy. (Most readers of the Wall Street Journal have little interest in industrial advertising or Ogilvy & Mather. Chances are they haven’t read this far.)
>But real prospects — especially industrial prospects responsible for spending large sums — are hungry for information. Research shows that industrial advertisements with really long copy actually tend to get read more throughly then advertisements with shorter copy.
>You might be able to sell a candy bar with very short copy but you could never make a case for buying a Cessna Citation in a handful of words.

Picrel is my favourite design book. It's not the hippest and form is sacrificed for function, which imo good design should do. There are concepts and messages within the designs. Meant to evoke responses from the reader. Most of it is actually just art pieces. But the root of design is there. Also quite self help-y.

>> No.55684431

if youre going to be stoic then why the interest in business? just eat berries in the woods anon

>> No.55684449

how to buy low and sell high fr fr

>> No.55684469

Psychology of Money was a really good and interesting read everyone who reads it will at least learn something new or think about something in a new way.

>> No.55685210
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can you state a few ways these authors helped you relate to business and finance? I am a big fan of Plato but curious about your interpretation. I also am vaguely familiar with LaoTzu. Does the philosophy reflect this picture in any way?

>> No.55685252

>flat non-rotating earth