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File: 73 KB, 1164x584, ARKHAMcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55651033 No.55651033 [Reply] [Original]

So, it looks like the biggest controversies for Arkham are:
>Their logo looks like a pentagon (?)
>Their CEO is a fed (because he dresses like one apparently) (????)
>How will they verify if the info on their bounties is real or not!!! (you must provide links, screenshots, write a compelling argument for your findings, and also more people besides you will send their own reports with their own findings, too) (?????)
>Anonymity good no matter what!
So in conclusion, con artists are afraid and are using their shitty platforms built on lies and deception to bring down a project that aims to at least try to shut them down. The exact same shit you see on Twitter (or X or whatever) when Cointelegraph or some other news website of similar caliber posts a negative article on a project with some renown. "It's paid fud, it's a lie, it's obviously misconstructed, this, that".

>> No.55651046

>at least try to shut them down
I highly doubt some ETHscan copycat is actually gonna do that. Sounds more like sensationalist shit more than anything

>> No.55651055

you forgot to mention the fact that ICPfags got some beef going on with miguel lol

>> No.55651061
File: 17 KB, 300x168, pentagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their logo looks like a pentagon
Holy shit it does. Just tilt it a little to the right...

>> No.55651069

All that rambling for what, OP? You missed out if you didn't invest in their launchpad when you had the chance and that's it. The project doesn't have much going on otherwise

>> No.55651071

You are a complete fucking retarded if you seriously think this is an ETHscan copycat. Unironically off yourself.

>> No.55651074
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1690064472811328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just tilt it
bro a pentagon is a pentagon at any angle

>> No.55651088

Remember back when they got attacked on 9/11? Those were the days

>> No.55651097

Why are you so angry then bro? It's just a simple post you could refute easily but you chose to seethe instead

>> No.55651106

I am not willing to sacrifice my right to remain somewhat anonymous in crypto just for a false sense of "security".

>> No.55651117 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 545x776, arkhamemployees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lets see, their ceo is some glowie nepobaby with essentially no information about his background. The other 3 guys are ex millitary and have no background in crypto or even SWE. Two of them are brothers and the sons of an international banking exec who works for jp morgan who was developing their own platform onyx. Uhm lets see Sam Altman gave them funding now he wants to make his own platform which would essentially do what ICP was designed for. Sam also colludes with the rest of the Y combinator mafia to squander any rivals. Lets not forget that he's also the dude in charge of chatgpt, paying this nobody unqualified crypto project to make an anonymous dox-for-payment service. Oh and here's one more thing take a look at their "employees" list on linkedin. It's literally just a bunch of fake profiles and users who don't actually work there and also their filipino discord moderator. This got funding from 2 billionaires and coinbase

>> No.55651119

>paying any attention at all to a bunch of niggers with ideologies and stupid conspiracy theories in their brains
100% certain you gathered these 'controversies' off of twitter. like guaranteed.

nobody. cares. make. money. buy if you want. don't buy if you don't want to. it's that fucking simple.

>> No.55651132
File: 198 KB, 376x587, 1666615144313272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the fed argument comes from the fact the CEO has many connections but that's about it.
This is retarded as fuck and I do believe the people behind crypto platforms/projects need their identities online so they don't try anything funny. Enough is enough, normies see crypto as a fucking wasteland where idiots go to die and kill each other.

>> No.55651134
File: 144 KB, 706x535, 1617061396682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up my post and forgot to attach my pic.

>> No.55651142


This is the only piece of drama that actually made me look up the project. Doesn't seem that much interesting after taking a deeper look at it

>> No.55651156 [DELETED] 

it's obvious someone else used them as a proxy to go after dfinity. It would be like CNN writing a frontpage article about chainlink using zerohedge as a source

>> No.55651163

case in point, LMAO
all the retarded shitposting only makes it much more entertaining, I reckon

>> No.55651179

And who might this (((someone))) be? Who's the one pulling the strings behind Arkham?

>> No.55651188

Almost missed that burn.

>> No.55651190

Too bad it's gettin' too peaceful, Jack

>> No.55651194

Given the nature of Arkham, wouldn't surprise me if they're actually getting gov funding.

>> No.55651221

The big player obviously, US gov who else would be so interested on de-anonimizing crypto?

>> No.55651231

miguel works with altman who wants to kill icp and thats what they tried to do with their publication in icp and paying to nyt to talk about said publication
this is retarded once you consider that a silicon valley billionaire could do way more than that. i think they are just working together and thats it

also, people working at arkham are ex military and that is no bueno.

>> No.55651234

What happened here lmao.

>> No.55651236
File: 323 KB, 483x478, 0229742955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened

>> No.55651240

Dude I get it you're desperately trying to defend your bags, but you should've just dumped them as soon as you got your quick profits and called it a day because this is just embarrassing

>> No.55651241

ICP lost over 90% of its value. They just want to point fingers at a boogeyman

>> No.55651264

>Ex military bad
Yes, only if they were higher rank. If they were regular ahh military with some honor badges or whatever who cares

Also you are fucking retarded if you think people from openai care about a cockroach like ICP. You know how small crypto as a whole is compared to the industry they are forging? EVERY single company in this world (related to tech) has shaken hands with OpenAI at this point.

>> No.55651279

this project may be related to ryval, because kyle roche got booted and the niger (ceo of this project) is also the first one that is calling out the icepepee 'rugpull'

>> No.55651342

>>Their CEO is a fed (because he dresses like one apparently)
I thought their CEO was a tubby zoomer mutt named Miguel that makes TikToks