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55646232 No.55646232 [Reply] [Original]

Toad general?!?!
: Lucie Hopium edition

>> No.55646240

Based baker
Fuck jannies

>> No.55646248

Lucie shilling whales selling Mega Crypto whales buying. What does it all mean?

>> No.55646269

Are jannies actually deleting toad threads?

>> No.55646322

HODL Toadbros, the fud is only gonna get worse!

>> No.55646334

Here let me clear this up
Luccie is a scamwhore
Toad is a scam
The end

>> No.55646346

The fud is getting to me toadbros but I won’t to sell

>> No.55646352

>brown id
Checks out Kek! What do you gain by shitting up our thread ranjeesh?

>> No.55646389

What you think? Ofc
Jannies hates us, happens with every token, they want everybody else to stay poor

>> No.55646416
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I’ve been on board for a few weeks now and yes; they won’t even let us keep a general up half the time, I’ve never seen anything like it, especially considering nigger Obama potter sanic can have 2 or 3 going not to mention half the fucking catalogue is chainlink.

This alone is reason for me to hold this one, something is fuckey here and my gut tells me the bull run has now resumed and chainlink is being artificially propped up while shibarium related tokens and projects are being hidden; my prediction is this leads to a strisand effect and blows up in the tranny jannies faces.
Market will boom, chainlink will trend counter the market as usual, toad will moon, and trannies will rope. Screenshot this.

>> No.55646470
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>Slowly crabbing down

How low are we going? There will be a final pump before the 15th, right?

>> No.55646488

>Schizo ramblings

>> No.55646497

Where chillin fuck you talkin bout boi

>> No.55646544

They're niggers. They delete toad and dbi threads and leave half the catalogue chain link and half the threads filled with obvious bots talking to each other.
Wait till it dumps down to 2-3m mc, the fud from biztards will be the least of your worries. They can't hold gems for months or have the nuts to average down.

>> No.55646554
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Tranny Janny always deletes the thread after this is posted because he's paid to by Shib scammers

>> No.55646576

Jannies are just trying to help you retards from getting scammed

>> No.55646583

Lucie is a tranny, probably also a janny

>> No.55646625

>jannies are your friend goy

>> No.55646628

>Every schizo date nothing happens
>Every prediction failed
>Shiba Inu team straight denouncing Toad as theirs
>It's..It's just fud bros!
Nice dubs

>> No.55646630

With friends like that who needs enemies kek

>> No.55646659

Hahahaha beautiful summary
Yet many retards will keep buying the dip all the way down

>> No.55646674


>> No.55646783
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You retards got dev farmed.

>> No.55646792

shibarium1 is only admin for shiba related project. and for now he's chilling with us in the group as admin.

Bring the next fud.

>> No.55646795

I'm not inside the telegram..
Whar's the sentiment there after that announcement?

>> No.55646818

>Everything that disagrees with my LARP is FUD
>He's not a developer
>He's just a mod in SHIB TG
>He says TOAD isn't SHIB
>Ragnar says SHIB isn't TREAT
>Someone Smart says TOAD isn't from SHIB and isn't related to SHIB at all
Even if he was only a mod those are the same SHIB team members you faggots always trot out saying SHIB is part of TOAD, which is it cunt? And btw Someone Smart (maybe) is shibarium1, and absolutely is a SHIB developer. They even refer to him as Ryoshi. So stop lying you daft cunt

>> No.55646828

kek nobody fuds your shitcoin harder than shiba team do, you dumb nigger, every time they open their mouths they fud your shitcoin

>> No.55646840

And he only mod in shib TG. for now he's only in two groups. which part of that you don't understand?

>> No.55646849
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I may be wrong , but there is something big behind TOAD and no one is talking about it. Their blog was rebranded to Shib.io , Toad used that email and it was proven to be real. The biggest Shibaswap liquidity provider that had over 50% of the entire liquidity is one of the top holders, recently some 8 figs whales related to 3AC (directly funded from it) bought Toad, the biggest OPNX holder also (maybe it will be listed there at this point, just like Voyager was one of the first cex to list Shib in 2021. Every shib admin is in Toad chat.

Many people hate Shiba , maybe because of the many larp we have seen. (I don't personally, how could I hate the people who started the dog season?).

In any case I see too many clues not to think there is a big plan behind it, they are not degen wallet, they are people who just bought Shib, leash, bone, Flex or OX in the last 2 years.

I may be wrong but believing it will be worth it personally. We will see.. Just a shared thought of mine.




>> No.55646885
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>after that announcement
That announcement was 2 months ago.
Before shibaswap accumulation.
Before TOAD was given a free pass to shill on shibarium telegram unlike any other coin.
Before 3AC links started propping up.
And it never referenced the fact that the coin's website states it's created by SHIB devs.
If this guy really wasn't involved, he'd straight up disavow.
Not bullish on the fact that he's lying, but kek at letting that get to you.

>> No.55647011

The shib devs with "ryoshi" at the top of the pantheon have been elevated to godlike status among indians. Despite doing nothing but copy and pasting an erc 20 contract for a pump and dump scam.

>80M market cap ath
Loving every laugh.

>> No.55647030
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>80 million is a x16 from current TOAD market cap
Shit sign me up.

>> No.55647066

Nothing, this was right at the start. This isn't the first time Someone Smart fabricated stories to take the spotlight off him being dev. He went in Hoichi making up some big story about how Hoichi dev was sending him mysterious messages for months and he realized later that Ryoshi really was behind it.

1st of all, this cunt is Ryoshi himself and secondly Hoichi dev had been front running Someone Smart's twitter with mere minutes in between from the start which is impossible unless they collaborated all along.

Dude has been dealing with Shib investors for years so thinks we're all dumb. Top kek.

>> No.55647068
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DOGE KILLER's ATH was $450m, you burger mathematician.
A good x100 from here, although I'd take the x14 only FUD also.
I wonder how you calculate your 80% self service checkout tips.

>> No.55647100

I read this all very slowly while I stroked my cock

>> No.55647170

Shib itself was originally Doge Killer

>> No.55647341

Dbi will moon too

>> No.55647360

Holy based. Fuck jannies, WAGMI Toadbros.

>> No.55647410

Checked. Why can't dis nigga at least pump a shit coin anymore?
Lol no. Haven't you learned anything? Schizo shit coins on /biz/ never moon.

>> No.55647451

>I bought in it just like you
it is enough.

Whales don't buy without a plan.

>> No.55647462
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> Why can't dis nigga at least pump a shit coin anymore
The more of the supply you hold aside from the float, knowing that you wouldn't dump, the higher a pump will be.
I uniroincally think they'll make it dump on Aug 15, accumulate the supply and then announce it as theirs so it can 100x and beyond.
Could be wrong, time will tell, but one thing is for certain - it is their coin.

Just buy 4.3T and forget. That's what I did.

>> No.55647476

what is that 45k worth of this shitcoin? holy shit

>> No.55647498

Based..As long as they stop dumping and give me a 100x idgaf about the drama..

..But seriously they need to stop dumping every pump..Money talks..

>> No.55647657

The same thing the dev did with dbi. Now the devs have 3 wallets with more than uniswap.

>> No.55647774

So dbi isn’t a scamm

>> No.55647801
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Stop soft shilling DBI in this thread desperate faggots. DBi is a rugpull scam.
>Now the devs have 3 wallets with more than uniswap.
That's not the dev ,the dev is an actor that's craig and he dumped the token 90 percent. Not bullish at all

>> No.55647838
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>toad fud
>followed by dbi shilling
dbi baggies could not be more obvious

>> No.55647843

>your shitcoin is a scam
imagine not having make it stacks of both lmao couldn't be me

>> No.55647846

Buy an ad, ranjesh.

>> No.55647862

>DBI devs wallet have more than Uniswap
is DBI devs the legends who killed Doge?
If no, then the answer is pretty clear.

>> No.55647871
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>"Make it" stack
>For a dead rug
Stfu retard

>> No.55647872

welcome to cryptocurry where pajeets worship some nobodies who copy and pasted an erc 20 token as if they were their new gods lmao the cows are getting sad return to tradition

>> No.55647903
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>DBI shill outs himself as Toad fudder

>> No.55647918
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>> No.55647934
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>stacks of both
I have stacks of both TOAD (98%) and Hoichi (2%).
I'll dump the Hoichi for more TOAD around Shibarium, hoping for something as simple as a mention there.
Don't care too much about DBI, even if it pumps, I missed out on gathering all the info myself.
Hope the best to all bagholders here though.

>> No.55648425

Checked coomer bro; if you got a bag of toad this may be the last couple solos you lll ever play

>> No.55648863


>> No.55648909

It's like 5k

>> No.55649406