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55603709 No.55603709 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's stopping me from using marlin's oyster to make a tornado cash copycat while avoiding the (((feds))) at the same time? One could theoretically move all the data to non-cloud relying servers and there would be no proof of any foul play haha. Mods this thread is a joke and for educational purposes only.

>> No.55603718

Well, main reason could be that they hasnt relased oyster at all.

>> No.55603721

I seriously doubt you have the programming skills needed to do that shit. Let alone get away with it Scott free.

>> No.55603731

>how to btfo someone in one simple sentence

>> No.55603733
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waw guess sanjay happens to be really well versed on shitcoins, im amazed

>> No.55603735

Lord I hate LARP threads so much.

They contribute zero useful discussion

>> No.55603746

why risk it in the first place if you got the money for any illicit operation just start a few rugpulls and get people to shill them for you and that's it.

>> No.55603751

what you have against larping? are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.55603753

Hiring a bunch of codemonkeys willing to make the platform shouldn't really be that hard honestly. The real problem is convincing anyone with an IQ above room temperature to use OP's """money laundering website"""

>> No.55603761
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Maybe I'm talking about something like that happening AFTER it IS released you fucking brainlets

>> No.55603771
File: 114 KB, 1920x984, 1655276560072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're describing can already be achieved on darknet websites through the use of Monero.

You're not as clever as you think you are and quite frankly your idea sucks ass because you probably don't even fully understand what you're fucking with. Have a pity (You) though

>> No.55603776

>erc-20 contract where people can deposit collateral to exchange it for the exact same amount of collateral but from multiple other wallets that have deposited money previously
Wow, yessir. Very difficult.

>> No.55603780


pajeets are always willing to do the most subhuman-tier work possible

>> No.55603786
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1534245879488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey anon would you like to code this totally legit scamming operation? 100% secure and wont put feds on you"

>> No.55603789

Well then get to work already if it's so easy. I'd love to watch it fall apart so I can have a quick laugh

>> No.55603792

Everything itt is imagination and satire and not real.
Also organizing rugs is hard because you quite literally cannot trust anyone in the first place. This sounds like a more solo operation.

Nobody besides child porn traffickers and meth heads use that.

>> No.55603796

Post onion then.

>> No.55603797

>seething this hard for being called out
Kek. You're one pathetic fuck

>> No.55603805
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Yeah guess some people could still use that kind of scrap money

>> No.55603812

>Nobody besides child porn traffickers and meth heads use that.
Meh, not even needed to get CP, just get into right groups on telegram and youll get all the illicit shit youd want

>> No.55603813
File: 357 KB, 1065x1289, 1654884346180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody besides child porn traffickers and meth heads use that.
Glownigger cope.
I shouldn't be spoonfeeding newfags like you but d0rk.fail (replace "0" with a) exists.
Thank me later

>> No.55603814
File: 165 KB, 292x437, 1689705393942704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youd be surprised at the kind of shit a lot of devs are down to engineer.

work is only getting more and more scarce for them thanks to AIs and besides its not illegal in the first place you are "following orders" and adding mechanisms to a piece of software in the form of a smart contract and stuff. It's up to those calling the shots how they use it and if they used it for doing bad things in the first place wink wink.

This is how the Safemoon dev got out with no problems at all. "I was told to program this, and so I did. I was unaware they'd use it for this purpose", etc.

>> No.55603818

No oyster, its over.

>> No.55603821

My nigga HOW is me calling the deep web a den of degeneracy a "glownigger" cope?