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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55600182 No.55600182 [Reply] [Original]

No transactions for over 10 minutes and the latest ones have failed to achieve finality

>Just pay $20 for a transactions and it'll eventually go through when we figure this out

>In b4 Chainlink never has any problems! It is designed to work this way!

>> No.55600223

Seems to be an issue between Sepolia and Fuji

>> No.55600247
File: 135 KB, 1151x585, 1685752455464160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No transactions for over 10 minutes

The one from 9 minutes ago is between Sepiola and Fuji, and has finality.

>> No.55600291

looks fine


>> No.55600304

All of those are pending

>> No.55600309

The bottom one had finality.

>> No.55600325

Status: Waiting for finality

Oh, the UI shows a green message. That must be a clear indicator of everything working perfectly.

>> No.55600344

I'm not going to look at that specific hash, but I see several transactions that were executed over 30 minutes ago and are pending finality.

>> No.55600364

Dunno if it is an issue relating to Sepolia (as the messages between Sepolia and Optimism testnet also are failing to achieve finality).

>> No.55600376

>That must be a clear indicator of everything working perfectly.

>> No.55600384

>but I see several transactions that were executed over 30 minutes ago and are pending finality.
Clearly an issue with CCIP then!

>> No.55600392

When you follow the transaction ID on etherscan it looks like it's fine, perhaps the CCIP interface is slow?

>> No.55600393


>> No.55600405

You said "no transactions for over 10 minutes" which is objectively wrong.

You also said "and the latest ones have failed to achieve finality" even though an 8-minute old transaction had already achieved finality when you posted that.

And even as we speak, Sepolia-Fuji transactions are rolling over to successful.

What are you even doing.

>> No.55600409


>> No.55600424

>It is designed to work this way!
This but unironically

>> No.55600434
File: 51 KB, 927x356, 1668612602535297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one that did it in 3 minutes

>> No.55600444

>Just trust us

>> No.55600453

That was the case when I made the post (not that it is easy to see transaction history to demonstrate that)

Every transaction originating from Sepolia I see isn’t achieving finality. That is the pattern, happy? Took me a while to find that as the common issue.

>> No.55600463

It originated from Fuji, not Sepolia. Sepolia to any chain is failing finality every time as far as I can tel

>> No.55600492

lmao you got btfo AGAIN hahah what a fucking loser
how does it feels to have made a nemesis of a project that's basically perfect? kek fuddies

>> No.55600502

Show me one successful Sepolia to Fuji transaction in the past 30 minutes

>> No.55600561




Those are the only two originating from sepolia I can currently see

>> No.55600593
File: 52 KB, 965x369, 1667952778350611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.
Even if something were going wrong, it would be due to finality on the source chain, not CCIP.
And on top of that, this is fucking testnet.

Get a hobby.

>> No.55600595
File: 38 KB, 640x276, 1658724276628451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak FUD

>> No.55600597


Here is one that just after 90 minutes achieved finality.

I suppose I wasn't expecting transactions to take over an hour, but my mistake. Everything does appear to be working perfectly otherwise.

>> No.55600616

so obviously sepolia, being the shitty testnet that it is, is being 50% attacked with all the fake cheap ETH on it, and CCIP is correctly pausing txs

what's your point exactly?

>> No.55600636
File: 52 KB, 952x367, 1670587676245303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suppose I wasn't expecting transactions to take over an hour, but my mistake
I just posted one that was successful way sooner.
Pic is another, 16 minutes.

Also, blame the Ethereum testnet, see >>55600595

>> No.55600681
File: 7 KB, 483x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm...... yep..... looks like a failure, pack it up boys.

>> No.55600696

It even says literally in the information box that the average finality time for that specific lane is 17 minutes lol, see >>55600595

OP has Chainlink on his mind 24/7, you just know his nose is glued to the CCIP tracker hoping to catch any delay or fault.

>> No.55600704

I wish I could know who OP is in real life, I'd personally end his life (in minecraft, obviously).

>> No.55600798

OP has two fully staked wallets and understands Chainlink’s value prop more than most people on this planet

>> No.55600860

>OP has Chainlink on his mind 24/7, you just know his nose is glued to the CCIP tracker hoping to catch any delay or fault.
This. He's the same faggot that created the shopped pic of the lanes being down yesterday and made 2 threads with it. He's decided to try again but this time he thought he really had something. Top fucking kek, what a sad piece of shit.

>> No.55600880

Kek baggies

>> No.55600886

kek baggies

>> No.55601038

You have obviously never used testnets before

>> No.55601268

it's over, stinkies :}

>> No.55601358

based bug finding and fixing op improving the new ccip product that is currently in testing

>> No.55601376

kek baggies

>> No.55601387

it's too late
flawless reputation = ruined
you can kiss those institutions goodbye :}

>> No.55601470

Noo, this was it guys, the final nail in the coffin!

>> No.55601759

WOW only 17 minutes!!!
>le future of finance

>> No.55601797
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, 1687593059779042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink alertor here, thanks op i have raised an alert
wee woo wee woo