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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55588609 No.55588609 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55588637

>plebbit screenshot post
Fuck off

>> No.55588738

I just can't understand people like this. What is another $4m if you're already set for life? Then again, with my mindset I would have never started a successful company like they did so I guess it comes with the personality.

Must be exhausting, a self inflicted tantalus torment. You're young(ish) with a boatload of money, but if you leave to enjoy that money while you're still young you will guilt trip yourself at every turn. If you stay you will satisfy your inner workaholic, but end up being a depressed mess and too old to enjoy your money by the time you're done.

>> No.55588740

All of them are SWEs. If you didn't major in CS in college you missed out on millions over a lifetime of earnings. It's a hard reality to accept but not many people can see clearly when they're 18 and deciding on a major. 98% of the population is right there with you OP

>> No.55588785

Go back

>> No.55588985

The only way you’ll get to that point in CS is to start your own company with a 98% chance of failure. I am in CS making a good wage and only have 900k saved up at 30. I will never get to the point of pic rel

>> No.55589052


Same thing happens to your rank and file wagie. Once you've climbed to the pinnacle of your career it will feel like a waste of all your effort to leave peak earnings on the table.

The sad truth is that there aren't a ton of (sustainable) experiences more satisfying than making the number go up. Everything sucks compared to the joy of making the number go up.

>> No.55589064

This is why I always laugh when biz calls reddit poor. Such amateur hour in here

>> No.55589100

They’re not poor they’re just faggots

>> No.55589122

Comparing yourselves to others like that is folly and will do nothing to improve your situation. He is nothing compared to Buffet, Bezos or Musk etc.

>> No.55589162

Yeah this is true, I make about 250-300k rn and maaaaybe I could get to 500k if everything goes right, but by that time I will probably have 2M+ net worth. The more earning potential you have the harder it is to step away from working. It’s easy to stop working when you have 100x your annual salary saved up, but when you only have 4-5x you tell yourself that you could have so much more if you kept at it. But eventually you’ll be too old to enjoy your money the same way as when you were healthy, or you’ll get fucked by cancer and die at 45 or something

>> No.55589178


You have no clue who is posting on here. That's the entire appeal.

>> No.55589206
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>> No.55589236
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>> No.55589247
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Biz is jeet scammers, white guys that are like out of clerks movies, and maybe the occasional tech worker posting their six fig folio complaining about "six fig" hell.

>> No.55589267
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Guilty as charged

>> No.55589272

90% 3rd worlders and minimum wagies
9% middle class wagies
0.9% crypto millionaires and trust fund babies
0.1% 8fig+

>> No.55589285

Mostly the first in bullruns, the last in the early bear market, and towards the bottom of bear market the middle. Sell when you sense first, buy when second, sell fast when last.

>> No.55589351


And quite frankly, the only reason it's easy to walk away from the 100x is because your labor no longer makes the number go up enough to give you a dopamine high. People at that level shift their attention to actively managing investments/tax sheltering to keep the number going up.

The only way out is to reach a position where you're cut off. Your input no longer makes the number go up in a meaningful way, so you have to get your dopamine from other sources.

>> No.55589386

Yup, once you can easily exceed the income from your labor from investment returns it becomes pointless to work. The problem is your labor becoming more valuable over time which keeps you in the rat race

>> No.55589413

Why do you want to kys? Is it simply because you're jealous of screenshot's success?

You need a mindset fixture first before anything else.

>> No.55591642
File: 372 KB, 1290x514, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we even compete bros

>> No.55591767

i got an MSc in CS in the EU and all my money comes from crypto, none from waging because salaries here are abysmal
the only guys here that make good money fucked off to Switzerland, to the US and the richest set up companies but the latter aren't necessarily coming from a CS background