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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 496 KB, 828x813, perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55570766 No.55570766 [Reply] [Original]

There used to be a business fable about saving dollars on every thousand buns by gradually removing sesame seeds, until the bun was left plain and the business failed. What happened to that basic understanding of consequences in service of instant gain?

>> No.55570787

No one will stop eating that garbage, its not even real food and no one cares

>> No.55570788

Food quality is going down while prices skyrocket

Who is behind this evil in society?

I'll give you a tip
It's the nose

>> No.55570791

Investors, especially instititutional ones, prioritise quarterly profit over sustainability.
They don't give a fuck if the business fails in 5 years because they'll have sold the stock by then.

>> No.55570793

it's called capitalism
every business has a shelf life

>> No.55570934
File: 138 KB, 340x630, 1666981889156656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks delicious. I unironically love American fastfood goyslop so much bros.

>> No.55570946

meat looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.55570956
File: 36 KB, 1080x351, Screenshot_20230716_162904_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake image, that pepe isn't wearing a real pug shirt. Fucking PHONY

>> No.55570959

Why? It's just ground beef that's grilled on top of diced onions and seasoned with salt and pepper. It's indistinguishable from any other ground beef.

>> No.55570964
File: 941 KB, 720x707, 1673888330963127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will eat the goyslop and enjoy the goyslop

>> No.55570967

This and pic related desu.
You millenials would be surprised how zoomers are getting by (6+ roomates, fast food, EBT). It's not even coping at this point. They just can't imagine a better time

>> No.55570972

I eat it, it makes me full, and I shit it out 1-2 days later. How is that not real food? Retard

>> No.55570978
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>> No.55570979
File: 14 KB, 676x380, socialistburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55571018

Is that a picture of the $1 McDouble?

>> No.55571021
File: 331 KB, 820x847, 1618257040151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55571038

Goddamn that looks good.
If I was super hungry that would be the greatest thing in the universe at the moment I sunk my teeth into that first bite.
My mouth is watering right now looking at that

>> No.55571051

The chainlink BBC thread is over there anon

>> No.55571112
File: 2.09 MB, 1358x1574, 1683821680335155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are very nutritious and healthy. Takes a real brainwashed retard to think that a piece of meat and vegetables in between a bun is somehow bad for your health.

>> No.55571127

pretty sure it's $6 now but sure

>> No.55571129

bitch fuck you that shit is good.

>> No.55571157

if you idiots think im posting these as a negative fuck you... these look fucking good and I want to devour them and bask in my glorious fatty self while doing i t. the goyslop was posted for de lulz. either way I wish resturaunts offered burgers as big as those 2 pics as their normal i'd weigh 400+ lbs.

>> No.55571163

Nigger that much of anything is bad for you

>> No.55571176

Anon just because something is good doesn't mean it is good for you. Though, you could probably maintain a healthy diet and eat something like this occasionally and be just fine.

>> No.55571179
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>> No.55571199
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>> No.55571201

why not eat sand or just water then

>> No.55571220

Precisely. Capitalism strikes again.

>> No.55571259

You can't get satiated with sand and water. Are you retarded?

>> No.55571260
File: 136 KB, 385x258, noam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not be willing to pay $6 for an empty box but whatever you say, you're obviously very smart

>> No.55571317

Americans are inching closer and closer every day to doing just that

>> No.55571345

>You millenials would be surprised how zoomers are getting by (6+ roomates, fast food, EBT).
is it really that bad for you zoomzooms? if so, you have my condolences. I'm starting to be established in my career now and at least am able to afford a 1 bedroom on my own, but I can't save anymore. While I empathize with your situation, it will not stop me from wifing one of your zoomer girls and starting a family.

Likely, it will become the norm in the future as it takes longer and longer for men to establish their careers.

>> No.55571542

>everything is goyslop

>> No.55571582

Once goys started buying Playstation with its shitty controller, unbearable loading times and awful game selection, businesses realized they could get away with taking everything from the consumer and the dumb goys will still buy it

>> No.55571591

not really, most Americans are too fat.
maybe stick to what you know like streetpooping

>> No.55571861

Yeah, they'll have to spend $30 for 3 McDoubles soon

>> No.55571883

The story was made up.

>> No.55571898

maybe. Maybe? stop going there. maybe ? it take few minute to prepare home and cheaper but americains will never understand. TLDR buy macdo stocks. is there a fast food ETF ?

>> No.55572179
File: 14 KB, 222x227, streetpooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55572191

was the norm for millenia

>> No.55572329

>meat and vegetables
Convenient how you just omit to mention the bread, processed "cheese", and slopped on sauces

>> No.55572333

you can't get satiated with zogchow either that's why people are so fucking fat and disgusting their bodies are literally drowning in calories but starved of nutrients

>> No.55572335

6 x 31 = 186
How much does a studio apartment cost again?

>> No.55572353

don't talk to me, troon.

>> No.55572365

>1-2 days later

>> No.55574008

This to be honest. I also cringe every time when some fucking faggot says "it's le unhealthy" even though the food is just the same thing you can also get in the supermarket

>> No.55574295

Taco Bell is that playing out in real time. That bullshit salmonella excuse allowed them to get rid of green onions. After that they've been slowly getting rid of everything I liked about them. No more spicy chicken burrito no more grill stuft burrito, chalupa bread changed and tastes fucking terrible now, a lot of the food is noticeably different and worse.

>> No.55574642

>A hamburger creation in which the diner orders two Double Quarter Pounders from McDonalds. The two burgers are then combined after taking the top bun off of one and the bottom bun off the other.
I'm gonna have to try that

>> No.55574660

Eating shit isn't any better than eating overpriced hamburgers, pajeet.

>> No.55575150

That is a brioche bun
There is nothing inherently wrong with a burger it's the fact that when it's from a fast food place it's made with pink slime and sneed oils galore that make it goyslop

>> No.55576473

each goyslop fastfood burger takes a month off of your lifespan. routinely eating that for lunch is worse than smoking a pack a day.

>> No.55577631
File: 342 KB, 956x2048, 124A0418-4A4C-4A4B-9B98-8B4D02A118EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55577876

You should enter that pic in the next CHAD MEALS general...!

>> No.55577977

>its the nose
another retard that fell for the ideology meme
many such cases

>> No.55578004
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, sally-davies-happy-meal.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal retard. McDonald's engineers the food so full of shit that makes you addicted so that you crave it. . Buy a McDonald's hamburger and it doesn't decay, if you buy ground beef and bread it'll eventually rot.

>> No.55579173

>McDonald's engineers the food so full of shit that makes you addicted so that you crave it
Are the McDonalds food engineers in the room with us now?

>> No.55580411

It is addictive
I hate it and I still want to eat it, the only reason I don't is I keep imagining McDonald's employees pooping and not washing their hands then handling food
I do the same thing with food delivery
Now I *always* cook

>> No.55580674


>> No.55580707

if you slice meat thin enough such that it can dry before it grows mold it does not decay. thats the difference between processed food and non processed food in general. it needs moisture to decay.

>> No.55581014

Based poop imaginer