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55543582 No.55543582 [Reply] [Original]

>Inside Innovation Live 09 - Connecting blockchains: Overcoming fragmentation in tokenised assets
>12 hours ago
>Swift official youtube channel

ctrl+f "chainlink": 1 result @ 34:17

>> No.55543600

Who’s the tranny

>> No.55543649
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Just what we need.

>> No.55543674


>> No.55543683


>> No.55543726

SWIFT is going to get replaced by XRP because... it just WILL, OK?

>> No.55543757
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OMG the state of link holder cope. look a YT video.... if LINK is so usefull why it s dumping compare to BTC ?? just pay another lambo to Sergey mother and keep your month close. LNK bagholder are the worst

>> No.55543776

Delete this.

>> No.55543788

>entire world including NATO countries moving away from SWIFT/ showing signs of distrust
>former SWIFT founder leaves because GPI is garbage
>NATO and BRICS countries have all trials XRP extensively
Hmmmmm when they said XRP they actually meant they’re gonna abandon their plans and go to Chainlink right?

>> No.55543910

literally no one cares. you think advanced economies with budgets to build and maintain mass nuclear weapon infrastructure are going to use some etoken used by autists and jeets as a get rich quick scheme as their cbdc? fuck off.

>> No.55543973

very good find
expect to see it all over ct soon

>> No.55544028

Prev thread https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55494883#55494883

Current Price: $6.91


Why Baghold Link?


SWIFT jargon



Debunking Chainlink FUD.

>> No.55544036

hahaha lmao lol, lmao, lol even. Lmao.

>> No.55544049

>If I turn a thread which is already up into the general then that still counts
Chainlink wants no general, Chainlink needs no general.

>> No.55544098

Who? The guy in the vid is English you nugget. The other is jeet

>> No.55544208
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I thought people were joking when they said there was a Nick Kerr who endorsed chainlink.

>> No.55544240
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Gouda luck fudding this one, trannies.

>> No.55544242

There are no coincidences from my frame of reference Nick Gerr posting materialized this into being.
GM based kings

>> No.55544250
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They actually name drop Quants "project Rosalind" that they did with BIS and they explain the issues with it.


>The BIS/Bank of England project Rosalind the recent project Rosalind that was that was done, where they they interoperated a broad variety of networks and organizations through a centrally orchestrated API type layer

>Jerry was asking you know what your thoughts on that type of model are yeah I think when you think about interoperability, it's pretty simple. Blockchains by themselves don't talk to each other right. You can have one API which connects the two, you can have a side chain or a blockchain in between which talk to both. You can have an oracle of networks which is what was used as part of this experiment where you don't rely on that centralized party for that Merkel route verification

>So it's all about what trust assumptions are required between two chains if both chains are very highly trusted then maybe your trust assumptions are lower and API is a more cost effective faster way of operating

>Whereas if you want to have a model where there is a decentralized network which guarantees the provenance of message and the Merkel route across the network then maybe an oracle-based Network which is used in this design is more appropriate.

>So I don't think there's the right answer to that it's based on what are the trust assumption between the two systems and what level of resilience you are looking at.

>I think that's a great point and that's certainly also how we see it at Swift right. We're not tied to any one model and potentially we'll see multiple models depending on the the networks involved probably depending also on the use cases involved and what customers are trying to achieve with those use case. So we you know as we've done in in this experiment we're very open to exploring that kind of uh that oracle-based protocol kind of approach

>> No.55544264
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top kek

>> No.55544286

OP fudded himself already.

>> No.55544297
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>Nick Kerigan
>Nick Kerr Again
>Nigger Again

>> No.55544299

By holding literally anything else. Lower your tone, you're underperforming.

>> No.55544319

This video made me kek at how they joke about not being able to refer to link

>> No.55544320

Is it over

>> No.55544346

This but for XRP adoption

>> No.55544349

No. Quant only works if both chains are very highly trusted. It doesn't solve anything.

>> No.55544354
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>> No.55544365

Good thing for QNT they’ve decided working with XRPL is a positive instead of being incel neckbeards in the Cayman Islands absolutely seething and frothing about it.
QNT bros are cool, I sold all my ALGO for QNT because I know they know who the big players are.

>> No.55544377

Can’t wait for ccip v0.00001 where only 3 projects can use the limited version on testnet. Link will finally moon I swear

>> No.55544391
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We are SO early marines

>> No.55544402

Single sourced APIs are not safe and SWIFT agrees. Cope harder you fucking faggot.

>> No.55544439

Nobody gives a fuck about what SWIFTs USD hegemony platform thinks, I promise you the rest of the world is more focused on the coming of gold backed digital currencies.

>> No.55544466

SWIFT is the standard. Cope.

>I promise you the rest of the world is more focused on the coming of gold backed digital currencies.

Sure thing Mr.Sherlock.

>> No.55544477


>> No.55544490

Dude just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.55544509

I'm very sleepy for some reason anons...

>> No.55544519

some people are into that, though

>> No.55544593

Cosmos does this and has number 4 TVL

Lol there is also 5 major chains that do this that forked tendermint ( cosmos )


>> No.55544605

Linkies are stuck in 2018 truly dystopic looking in.

They think interoperability needs to be solved.

It has been for years. Billions in tvl exist on interconnected block chains

Dxdy just launched on IBC

>> No.55544630

There is already public facing free infrastructure that solves interoperability issues with out hegemonic corporations.

These chains settled hundreds of billions of dollars and have tens and tens of billions in tvl with dozens and dozens of open source prmitives.

Swift lol??

These chains already do what swift does, they created a entire new euro / dollar market.
Stateless cash.

Linkies are like xrp tards

>> No.55544647

Swift existed because of LIBOR.

Libor is gone.

Dpos chains filled the euro dollar vacum in 2020

>> No.55544661

>these toy chains traded billions in fake ponzi tokens, therefore swift is finished

>> No.55544667

>Linkies are like xrp tards
Strange fud to use on today of all days kek

>> No.55544679

You seem highly emotional about this.

>> No.55544693
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is coffee getting more expensive guys?

>> No.55544715

Token not needed + chart.

>> No.55544717
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>they’ve never seen the former swift founder interview
>they think BRICS gold backed coin will circulate within SWIFT
>never heard of the level playing field
I’m so excited for you guys, buckle up!

>> No.55544735

it's funny how you basically need to fud the whole world economy (swift) to fud link nowadays kek

>> No.55544744


>> No.55544745

No idea but amazing digits

>> No.55544789

i love how xrpniggers flip flop between "xrp will kill swift" "swift will use xrp" "xrp will coexist alongside swift" depending on how they feel

>> No.55544833

>truly dystopia looking in
You meant myopic, didn't you? How embarrassing kek

>> No.55544844

It’s the third one. SWIFT total domination is not happening.

>> No.55544895
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Based VCs need to unblock a few link marines rile them the fuck up with aggressive banter created by the CIA specifically to turn the average schizoid-normal crypto investing anon into a raging psychopath then block them because tHeY aReNt tHe rIgHt pEoPLe
>did I mention the VC pivoted to AI because the government told them to?
>did I mention the influencers and Lamestream Crypto media are paid by the VCs to create narratives so they can offload the scam bags on to retail?
>did I mention how organic crypto communities like the LINK marines stand for everything the VCs hate which is why they only unblock them to farm engagement for scam narratives?

Questions you may like to ponder?
Why is the government directing the VCs to pivot to Crypto right at this crucial SEC moment?

Why do the VCs wish to destroy organic crypto communities?

Why don't the VC wish to see crypto grow organically?

Why do the VC wish to control crypto growth and development in specific ways
>where exactly do VCs get their funding?
>do VCs act as middlemen for government funding to obfuscate the funding source?
>Are VCs really money launders working for the government and the central bankers?
>What percentage of CoVId printing was meant for crypto?
>Why did they need to lockdown the world and rob the people of their savings, syphon buying power away from the people, blame inflation, all the while prepping for the golden bull run?

Why haven't hacked bridges suffered reputation damage?

What exactly is the relationship between VCs and the remaining crypto survivors?

>> No.55545033
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I've noticed that when VCs get called out directly in threads there will be a flurry of unhinged FUD threads that follow shortly after. VCs need to become a more common topic of discussion.

>> No.55545112


>> No.55545357
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>> No.55545366

Checked. If any marine has caps of being riled up by the based VCs (following orders like good government drones) then getting blocked dump them here for a redpilled compilation

VCs hate organic crypto communities
VCs hate free speech
VCs want you to listen to bankless or sassal the scammer and FOLLOW ORDERS

VCs want you angry at Sergey because that serves THEIR PURPOSE
Sergey refuses to bow down to these scammers stand with him
Even the ETH Core Foundation members like Justin Drake only mention Chainlink in the context of replacing Chainlink with something ((((THEY)))) control [also and most likely serving government workers like the good drones they are]

Adam in your cap spends all day PRETENDING to seeth at the government while following THEIR ORDERS like a lap dog woof woof
Daily reminder plebs there is a cost for (((free))) engagement farming. Ed Felten


We are an organic crypto community SEETH

>> No.55545400

EU is using access to SWIFT as leverage against Russia to keep the grain flowing out of Ukraine. But yea SWIFT is being replaced by XRP.

>> No.55545414
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>> No.55545418

>How will nolinkers cope?

by making more money holding literally anything else

>> No.55545477

Solid example of the VC scamset anon fuckin' saved
>hate organic crypto communities
>control the narrative
>pay influencers to mindfuck (you) into buying their early investor bags
>refuse to pay up
>refuse to work together with regular (((goyim)))
>only invest in projects that benefit (((them))) like MEV and stuff they can manipulate when needed
I advise you niggers to save this shit and yes this is unlicensed financial advice

>> No.55545512

The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.

>> No.55545571
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5G is real and its here now

>> No.55545834
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I can't believe they haven't deleted this yet.

>> No.55546041

>its real
what the FUCK was that

>> No.55546062

potocols lmao

>> No.55546115
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Link is a fucking disgrace to the human race and we should kill sergei and forget he ever existed. I mean how is it that a second class project like shibart launched yesterday and outperformed link already? come the fuck on

>> No.55546756
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He also mentions CCIP at 10m30s:

>> No.55546937

True lel

>> No.55546993

is CCIP only from Chainlink?

>> No.55547019

CCIP is being developed by Chainlink Labs. It is a completely new technology based upon their existing oracle technology and will require the token to use. Yes, it is only from Chainlink.

>> No.55547083

fuuuck yeah i'm glad I listened to you autists
never sold a single link

>> No.55547124

By owning everest ID. Simple as. If you know, you know.

>> No.55547239

okay see stuff like this is pretty exciting for ccip and chainlink
can't believe i'm saying exciting after all the trauma but yeah
it's not just swift experimenting or whatever
swift is clearly very far along on the ccip path with these kinds of comments
also how it's from multiple senior people, not just a pet project from one department or team
it's taken a lot longer than we thought but might be much bigger than we thought too

>> No.55547263
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just 2 more weeks

>> No.55547273


>> No.55547279

>a white man named nigger who looks like a lady who's been standing in the rain.
The horror.

>> No.55547325
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Probably with all the gains they made while LINK was dudding around through a massive year-long bullrun.

>> No.55547490

Basedkaf will be the standard for wagies, and the lowest quality brews by todays standards will be like fine wines in 2 years.

>> No.55547518

CCIP is a standard that allows for querying of off chain data. Chainlink CCIP "cross chain interoperability protocol" is a bridge. Not what he's referring to.


>> No.55547572

remember that one day you will have to FACE HIM and ANSWER to HIM

>> No.55547596

GM based kings

>> No.55547836
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GM sir

>> No.55547914


>> No.55547926

You’re a moron. CCIP Read is branded CCIP because Chainlink told Nick Johnson of ENS to name his protocol that, they’re partners. Chainlink is working on CCIP Write, and they are two pieces of the same pie.

CCIP = CCIP you absolute dipshit

>> No.55547986

Answer for what? Posting useful info?

Interesting how both the link I posted and Vitalik's blog never mention Chainlink. Really makes you think, huh.

>> No.55548020

Gee I wonder why Mr F+

>> No.55548070

good for me i stopped rinking coffee i guess.

>> No.55548083

>Hmmmmm when they said XRP they actually meant they’re gonna abandon their plans and go to Chainlink right?
You don't understand, they really need a shitty ETH shitcoin json parser for their plans.

>> No.55548277

The sheer chutzpah of these kikes holy shit do I hate them

Of course they invest in MEV-enabling shit.
Of course they rename MEV to "oracle extractable value", muddying the waters.
Of course they try to get their claws on price oracles. I don't know, weren't they shilling "oracle free summer" just a month ago?

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.55548312


>> No.55548423

>Swift guy talking about CCIP in the context of transacting across multiple blockchains
>"hurrr he's not talking about Chainlink CCIP guys"

Fucking lol
And on top of that, even the CCIP you're thinking of is Chainlink CCIP.

>> No.55548557

how can bitcoin holders participate in Defi with ccip? does anyone have any idea how it may work?

>> No.55548898

There is no defi without chainlink

>> No.55548899
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Those fellas who ain't satisfied with their link bags, it's time to level up and diversify. Consider adding some heavy hitters like Hbar, Peaq, Solana, cspr, and Polkadot to your portfolio.

>> No.55549204

Is Bitcoin a blockchain? Then it will be connected to all other blockchains. It's that simple. No wrapping needed. CCIP solves everything.

>> No.55549377
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>India, the post.

>> No.55549388

This entire EIP and token standard was developed for a Chainlink CCIP and ENS collab. Why even reply if you can’t do bare minimum research.

>> No.55549571
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>> No.55549597
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tl;dr: total quant victory

>> No.55549736

No, it means Quants solution is too simple for complex network. It only works when both parties are highly trusted. Which is why SWIFT never tested it and BIS only did it as an experiment.

>> No.55549775

>It only works when both parties are highly trusted
which is the case when we talk about cbdcs and big enterprises

>> No.55549789

>We're not tied to any one model
means "we know ccip is not needed in trust-based environments, it wont be our only solution"

>> No.55549837

Cope. Why didnt SWIFT test it if its that simple?

>> No.55549873

yeah but im still waiting till i get paid $50 for each cup of cofefe served

>> No.55549966

he did shill FLUX which is low key kindof based
POUW i.e. PO(useful)W is pretty cool
but also seems sus

thanks for pointing out
hearing shit like this reaffirms my gender identity

>> No.55550021

>How will nolinkers cope?
Unironically they are coping by saying this is bullish for QNT LMAO!
The argument of Quant maxis is that governments and any enterprise that directly deals with them are "highly trusted" (somewhat legit because anyone interacting their will obviously be fully-doxxed and KYC'd and therefore have a social reputation to uphold) and that their relationship is backed by law (aka force) (so any "scam" transactions could just be fully-reversed. This is also a legit point by the Quantards IMO) thus making obsolete the need for something like a Link DON to do the communicating when they can just use an API.
They also argue that this means that Quant will be used for CBDC 'where all the money is', while Chainlink will be left with 'scam defi'.

>> No.55550029

I am starting to feel motivation again to one day enter a Hackathon!

>> No.55550059


>> No.55550467

its happening

>> No.55552389

what is?

>> No.55552395


>> No.55552424

>highly trusted
>big enterprises
Pick none.
Banks without CBDC aren't even trusted, nevermind enterprises.