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File: 17 KB, 581x259, POLYGONNEWCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55536772 No.55536772 [Reply] [Original]

Usually these things tend to run up pretty hard. A new coin means a new chart, plenty of free space. Charters love fresh coins.

Good news is, not even burgers in NYC are awake for another hour or two. I'd recommend longing before markets open.

There is free money on the ground a few times a year, pick it up anon.

>> No.55536780

>another native token
what will happen to matic then?

>> No.55536787

Polygon jeets are the most retarded faggots to ever plague the earth.

>> No.55536791

>secure, align, and grow
Cryptobabble for fundraising is adorable.

>> No.55536795

Where do you even buy this? Or you’re saying buy MATIC?

>> No.55536806

>If the community reaches consensus to adopt it, >MATIC holders will have their tokens upgraded >to POL in 1:1 ratio

>> No.55536809

It's a swap. Basically if you hold MATIC, you get POL, the new token.

The main reason for doing this is so that the chart won't look bad for the new bull market. Basically people see a lot of the bad charts and they won't touch those cryptos again cause the thought process is "there are too many bagholders". So polygon is releasing a new token to avoid that problem.

Usually ends up being pretty bullish.

A lot of projects did token swaps last bear market. SCRT was one of them. You could have bought the old token ENG for sub 10 cents during March 2020 when they announced token swap. You could have sold SCRT for $10.50, and it was a more favorable swap than 1 to 1. So it was better than a 100x.

You are being presented with a similar situation.

>> No.55536816

Yea idk I just read more about it, you basically send your MATIC in to get burned and get POL back. Who cares. It already pumped like 12% in the last week I’m not jumping on the tail end of a pump that will round trip within the next week.

>> No.55536819
File: 104 KB, 570x545, SPECPAPERPOLYOGN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandeep the pajeet is really working overtime to pump this, just levered up after reading this. Dude is giving $5 price predictions in a tech paper lmao. Doubt this ends well in a few years, but should be good for a big green dildo.

>> No.55536838

Pretty bold in the current climate considering this is exactly the kind of shit that gets the SEC hard

>> No.55536981

Vechain did it and grabbed a whole new generation of baggies, despite being ancient mcdonalds partnership scam vaporware.

Solid Strat desu

>> No.55537005

>SEC up their ass
>centrally decide to issue new token to
>"...grow the Polygon ecosystem."
>Sandeep actually giving a price

Are they determined to be classified as a Security.

>> No.55537016

>/pol/ token
>100% indian
Checks out, brahmins on the top of the pyramid scheme will make it.

>> No.55537017

It's a jeet chain. Milk as much money as you can and then if it collapses who cares, SEC can't touch you in Mumbai.

>> No.55537155

Dumb cunt its so that the new one can inflate infinitely.

>> No.55537326

Nah, it's easily going to a dollar, without even blinking.

>> No.55537336

/pol/ won

>> No.55537563

these jeets are unstoppable. POL will moon

>> No.55537592

>The main reason for doing this is so that the chart won't look bad for the new bull market.
kek, despite my disgust towards these filthy curry niggers, I do admire their chutzpah

>> No.55537755
File: 52 KB, 657x718, 78e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better be right

>> No.55537862

should have named it BIZ

>> No.55538008

>from capped to uncapped and 2% inflation hardcoded
>th-this is bullish guys