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55529856 No.55529856 [Reply] [Original]

why do so many care that their emails got doxed? I really don't get it

>> No.55529861

because it's a security vulnerability

>> No.55529870


>> No.55529873

zoomers truly are the most retarded generation ever aren't they

>> No.55529892

it's the same group of retards that are scared of posting their face online.

>> No.55529904

I used to care about my opinions being revealed when I worked with raging liberals after studying for years to get that position. now I lost that role due to being unwilling to vaccinate and thus no longer care what people think about me as I work at a retail liquor store and just the other day my boss chased off some kids by yelling nigger and chink at them.

>> No.55529981
File: 48 KB, 620x701, 359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies routinely sell user information to other companies
>(as guaranteed by the talmudic ToS you undoubtedly signed)
>non-jewish hackers access this same information
>pic related response by normalniggers

>> No.55530073

People who fall for phising emails are retards anyway.

>> No.55532554


>> No.55532899

emails today are basically digital identity. it's your access to your social media, to your job, to your subscriptions, to your online banking etc

wanting to keep it private is a natural reaction of all of that

>> No.55532937

you don't have 10 different emails? Imagine using your real email for anything in crypto

>> No.55532968

Of course I have because I'm a paranoid schizo, but the vast majority of normalfags don't have. They have one mail, one password for everything and that's it. Give them one additional work mail with different security measures and they are already fed up with "dealing with all this boring technical stuff".

Also this should illustrate how far away from actual crypto adoption we are when you take into account current crypto wallet operation and custody.