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55518195 No.55518195 [Reply] [Original]

why life has to be so difficult? are resources really so scarce in this world even after a century of mountain of unprecedented scientific discoveries in every sector imaginable spanning from serial production to agriculture, that we still cannot comfortably all have food, clothing and shelter but instead there has to be this fierce battle for survival?

I just don't get it, I just want to peacefully coexist in this shithole garbage world and pass away, why does it have to be this me against you, display of power circus show?

>> No.55518213

>I just want to peacefully coexist in this shithole garbage world and pass away, why does it have to be this me against you, display of power circus show?
Actually you probably want a secure place to live which is finite in supply and other people who hate you want to keep it that way so they can get what they want.

>> No.55518222

100 years ago you could go out to the frontier and live under your wagon with your family until you had saved up for a tent.
That is still true. Are your expectations reasonable?

>> No.55518225
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Dunno lol

>> No.55518230

chat gpt frogbot thread

>> No.55518248
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Yeah I wonder what happened

>> No.55518285

Your worth is valued by your work and there are 8 billion people on this planet competing for the same things.
Even if you are more talented and skilled than a vast majority of them in what you have applied yourself to, the sheer numbers will bury you like a shining diamond in so much mud.
Think of how much easier it was to become a famous singer or public speaker, maybe an author when our numbers were below 4 billion not so long ago. Even in 1980 the global population was a scant by comparison 4.442 billion.
Of course with these numbers come nepotism as well, further strangling the opportunities available to you in a society no longer homogenous. Jobs and rental accommodations are openly advertised specifically to races and languages that are not yours or native to the culture but if you were to do the same punishment would befall you immediately. And so much made up work has to be created to accommodate women in the guise of equality. Really I could go on about the why of your question but for the sake of avoiding redundancy I shall end my statement here.

>> No.55518310
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Skill issue

>> No.55518320

Human beings were a slave race bred by an ancient superior race. Everything we do is to continue the path of slavery and misery because it’s all we know

>> No.55518341
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Jews and sociopaths always win over normal people, anon. I’m sorry. You can still make something of yourself and have a decent life, but you don’t have what it takes to be a successful bad person. There are people in this world with enough personal money to end hunger, but they don’t. That’s really all you need to know to understand how things work. Anyone with the intent of doing so lacks the ability to amass that kind of wealth.

>> No.55518349
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>> No.55518377

>are resources really so scarce in this world
if everyone is chasing a western lifestyle (they are) then yes, very.

>> No.55518477
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Ok will spoonfeed you, there is a Micronova coming

quick rundown:
>sun starts to go through a cycle
>earths magnetic field starts to weaken since the 1850s
>kikes in power are running the sea trade and notice that the magnetic poles are shifting
>ancient storys tell of great floods and even the earth changing its rotation
>ancient ruins and texts are big proof of this event actually happening
>not hard to put 2 and 2 together and by around the 1900s they realize what is about to go down and that the magnetic pole shift is directly related to the Suns activity
>they figure out the 12068 year Micronova cycle of the Sun
>US dollar is planned to hyperinflate since inception and they know it only has to last around ~120 years so now they cash out one last time
>Populations are kept with CIA Psyops in the dark
>1946 was the first year of the CIA (100 years before the micronova) their logo is also a Micronova
>"Man Made Climate Change" is invented to explain whats going on with the weather and the earths changes which are actually caused by the Sun
>Psyops ramp up and get more extreme the closer we get to the cataclysmic Happening
>Corona Virus scam is named after the part of the sun that blows off the material
>"Great Reset" "Net zero", "Absolute Zero", "Build Back Better" nuspeak gets a new context with that Micronova event
>Bill 4488 is introduced in 2022 which deals with "Climate change" caused existential risk for humanity
>Populations are culled with the depop vax so there isnt too much competition for the limited ressources in the world between the CMEs and Main Nova Events
>as we get closer to the Micronova the elites begin to go crazy as well and indulge in extreme degeneracy
>they know they cant escape whats happening and they know survival is not guaranteed even with the best Bunkers

Must watch:
https://youtu.be/ihwoIlxHI3Q [Open]
https://youtu.be/bMr-5HHnAmU [Open]

Hope you guys are ready. Solar Maximum is just getting started

>> No.55518632
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People are greedy and their purpose in life comes from playing these games of status

People are too committed to the groups they belong too and the identities they hold dear to reorganise society in a way that would eliminate suffering. Why eliminate suffering if you hate others

>> No.55518819
File: 361 KB, 896x1496, GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already assumed that nobody here is going to give me shit, I'm literally on my own against the world, if I stop working, I'll starve, and I'll never have another option, the best I can do is try to put money in SHIBART so I can have more free time, but still nothing here will let me live the way that makes me happy

>> No.55518844
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Op needs to watch the show Alone.
people live like they're homeless for a chance to win money. But only one person will win. They know the odds are against them and they're starving hungry trying to hunt squirrels and tiny birds and shit daily. The struggle never ends. It's inspiring. Some people start to feel guilty for killing so many tiny animals. It's hilarious and also gives great perspective for weaboo zoomers who whine about having to go to a job. Life is easy af.

>> No.55518880

yes we should be living in a golden age already BUT some tribe made damn sure we didnt. We have the technological know how and resources to raise our standard of living to unprecedent levels, enough so that most of us wouldnt even have to work. In fact, if our basic needs were met (decent pussy, housing, food) we would actually volunteer to work, ushering an era of high art, science and philosophy.
We are forced to slave away by design by the nature of the economic system. This is so we dont have time to think about important issues and how to actually fix our problems. The media also makes sure we fight each other over retarded shit that doesnt mean anything.
Productivity increases due to technology should've freed us from labor. Instead we work more hours than ever. Automation is our friend and it is being delayed on purpose

>> No.55518889
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You will always be a slave as long as you wear their chain of fiat around your neck.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, and unlike physical hard money, abstraction layers can ALSO be trustless and uncorruptible, preventing the problems seen in "backed" soft money where the manipulation happens in the abstraction layers.

You can't sell corn for less than it costs to produce, unless you pay people to grow corn. This is a supply-side subsidy, as opposed to a demand-side subsidy, i. e. paying people to buy a given thing. Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, if a worker needs $1k/m to exist they CAN'T sell their labor for less than $1k/m, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicare etc etc etc? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce! Oligarchs benefit, no one else, certainly not the workers.

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? You mean counterfeit money? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets) THIS is the cause of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s!

The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate (parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs). PoW crypto allows workers to opt out of the fiat grift, BTC will pump because statist fucking shits will never stop debasing.

>> No.55518911

me in the back

>> No.55518921

>no homo

>> No.55518952


>> No.55519024

>why life has to be so difficult?
honestly, all i need is literally 1,800,000 dollars and ill be able to put the world behind me and not worry about running out of money in the process, and still have enough when i settle down to re-invest and not be priced out.
>aquire 1.8m
>diversify into stables/passive income
>buy house out in the country somewhere while renting
>sell my house
>move my shit
>furnish my new home
>focus on hobbies and whatever else i want to do while earning passive income/having enough to re-invest and grow.
why is it this hard to realize that i dont want to be poor

>> No.55519056

There are things that will always be scarce like hot women and land. Increasing demand for attractive white women and good housing over time, while supply hasn’t increased or is decreasing. This leads to more competition even if your base consooooomer needs are met

>> No.55519062

>why life has to be so difficult?
>God hates fags
>OP is a fag
Geez I dunno OP.

>> No.55519093

>There are people in this world with enough personal money to end hunger
At best only temporarily. You must understand that a great many people are economically useless, hence they only consume without giving anything back to help keep the system going. Eventually the rich would run out of capital trying to feed these useless eaters.

>> No.55519101

>eliminate suffering
Impossible. Life is suffering.

>> No.55519104

your not allowed

>> No.55519116

Because there’s new people constantly being made everyday, imagine what the world would be like if it had to sustain 100 billion people. Imo we’re very lucky to live in this day and age, you’re safe from harm and get free money from the government even if you don’t work. Your survival is guaranteed, however you greedy fucks want to live a noble’s life while doing nothing and then cry when you can’t, honestly it’s quite pathethic and signals your inflated ego.

>> No.55519121

Food doesnt cost money. Crops dont grow with money they grow with water and work. The wagies accept money cause thats what we all agreed to use. Jews print the money out of nothing and buy everyone's labor for free.
We got the technology and land to feed the entire world. But this would only cause overpopulation problems so it isnt done.
If these people learned to farm with high tech themselves we would have the same problem.
So its best to just let them starve, which also isnt being done (hence africa/asia exploding in population). This is because more slave labor is needed for future natural resource extraction, probably to build the next generation of military, computer and space tech.

>> No.55519135

the biz neets were aristocrats in other lives, its simply what we yearn. The present world feels alien to us, so we shut in and communicate through this marvelous technology. One day we'll take over again

>> No.55519136

Because evil Jews hate us and want us to go extinct. they flood our nations with browns and make us pay for them and our economy is all bullshit. Absolutely ridiculous that a lifetime of labour is required to pay for a shit plywood home on a 1/8th of an acre lot. If you actually count the man hours of the material acquisition, the fabrication of the materials to usable parts, and the construction/putting together of those usable parts to build a home it is nowhere near a lifetime of man hours of one individual. Not even 20x the man hours of the amount of man hours one labourer does in his life, yet he must work all his life for it. (((Somebody))) is parasitizing the labour

>> No.55519143

>living in the 2000s is very easy mode
>you crying it isnt easier
before the internet you’d have died as an ignorant laborer

>> No.55519147

>Food doesnt cost money. Crops dont grow with money they grow with water and work.
Semantics, it indirectly costs money, or whatever unit of economic work you want to use. From the rest of my post, you get my point anyway, that it's economically unfeasible, even if it technologically is feasible.

>> No.55519150

>From the rest of my post
*rest of your post

>> No.55519160

Actually living in any wilderness land aka government land is squatting and highly illegal with fines up to 100k+ and jail time. You are a goy cattle on an open range farm and must participate in society and get milked for your value so Jewish elite can sit like an effendi and eat!

>> No.55519164

> why life has to be so difficult?
Competitive environment. its impossible for things to be easy when in constant war. If you ever do get it easy, you'll defeat your enemies, and then the next generation restarts the fight all over again
> are resources really so scarce
The only resource thats scarce is social capital.
> I just want to peacefully coexist
Good for you. Most people arent peaceful and dont want to coexist.

>> No.55519196

yeah but they ARE being fed thats the point, just enough so they reproduce but not enough for them to really explode which would be a real problem. But its never a capital/money issue. White countries have everything they need to really up their standard of living. Why all these problems? why do we need to gamble on shitcoins? why are we waging monday to friday just to buy a cuckshed? cause jews thats why

>> No.55519233

I was a contestant on alone. It is way easier than living in modern society. I always said I felt like I was on vacation. You don't have to work for someone else the majority of your life to provide, you're directly in control of that. I felt more free out there than I ever have in my life. If I want to build a house, I could. Good luck to any zoomer who wants to do that. Most likely, they legally can't even if they had money. If I had my family with me I would stay in that situation for eternity. You wouldn't get it.