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File: 514 KB, 4000x2000, salesmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55511575 No.55511575 [Reply] [Original]

if you have shit jobs like most anon here or u are neet,
can I get into sales,
poison my brain with wolf of wallstreet and other self help sales book and make it?
is it possible?

>> No.55511593

My dad sells light bulbs for one company and electrical equipment for another company and makes over $100k a year working from home and has been for almost a decade. Sales is definitely a good job if you're a good salesman.

>> No.55511647

can anyone become good salesman?
how hard is it?

>> No.55511660

I did sales for 5 years, I left for a WFH job. Just got too stressful dealing with clients

>> No.55511664

What if I told you I had a course that teaches you everything you need to know about selling? It's currently 49 bucks but I could give you a code to get it for 39.

>> No.55511677
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>poison my brain with wolf of wallstreet and other self help sales book and make it?
>is it possible?

First off, the only book I would recommend reading is pic related. It was actually curriculum when I went to business school.

And as for your second question about it being possible, that all completely depends on you. I've seen 3rd worlders that can barely—no scratch that, they CANNOT speak English but they work their way up to owning a chain of car dealerships, and they started on the lot flagging down lookie-loos while living in their car; now they're millionaires. At the same time I've seen guys from wealthy families with every single opportunity one could ever expect to have, including startup money, education, mommy and daddy renting them their own office...and they fail, fail, fail, fail. There's just people out there that you can give them a million dollars and walk them through the motions, and by next week they'll be on food stamps. Other guys won't accept a nickle from you but they have that DRIVE to keep climbing.

I'll set up some basics, but it really boils down to you.
>Don't let other's opinions of you affect you in any way. Only learn from them and possibly use them as guides to improving yourself.
>People will give you bad advice on purpose...and look at you; you're already second guessing yourself because of your age. If I wanted you out of my way I'd use that as a weapon since now I know you're insecure about that, and I'd somehow make you believe that "the ship has sailed."
>Find a mentor, and usually the best ones are the ones that charge. Offer them a % of your earnings, and make sure they deliver on their end of the deal.
>Be absolutely ruthless and uncaring. Close your deal and then give some change to a charity if you want, but sometimes you're going to have to sell shit to someone and make them believe it's gold even if you know it'll destroy their lives later on.

20 years in real estate. Anyone can do this job;few make it

>> No.55511700

>It's currently 49 bucks but I could give you a code to get it for 39

Hey that sounds great! I've got a few friends that got into the trades and hate it and they'd probably be interested in something like that. If I buy a course for myself could I get a code for them so they can get it for like 29? They're a little strapped for cash, you know. It's a whole bunch of them and they work with a few guys that would probably appreciate such a quality product.

>> No.55511708

sure here is my credit card


>> No.55511742

sales is actually a super great career path if you are not afraid of rejections and have a hungry mentality. you will have skills that are highly transferable allowing you to work in virtually every field conceivable. people who hate on sales are basically retarded as sales keep companies and businesses running. simple as that

>> No.55511753

Holy shit I just bought 5 btc with this dudes CC on binance.us
referall code is a599b80d0t43498dg9ddcx9vvvvooodsfsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfsfssfsfsfsfsfsfgofuckyourselffaggotijustboughtgunswithyourcreditcardlolololol

>> No.55511772
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gonna go for it any tips for new sales guy with 0 exp? what type of jobs should i go for/avoid?

>> No.55511798

when people say they work in sales its easy to think of some sort of car salesmen type setup where you have to push an item onto some member of the public, or go door to door to sell some random products, but there are lots of jobs in the sales industry that involve the supply/distribution chain.

>> No.55511799
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>not afraid of rejections
>have a hungry mentality

Essentially this. I would recommend watching the show Dopesick and paying very special attention to how the drug reps are trained to behave, and how they act in that show. When I worked with a bank that sold predatory loans, that was EXACTLY what the sales environment was like. In fact the female sales chick who comes off as a soulless bitch should've won an award for that role because that's IT. That's what you need to do, and that's why it's not for everyone. It's cold blooded and I remember talking a woman whose husband had just come back from Iraq with PTSD; they had 3 kids and she worked as a waitress and he was a security guard making like $2 over minimum into buying a home with a loan that was specially curated so they would be foreclosed on in about a year's time, but the bank would profit from some program the VA had to help veterans with the down payment and then "re-assign" the remainder of the down to the mortgage payments which wouldn't kick in for about 5 years. It looked GREAT on paper! I mean, what a deal! With their income at the time they could pay the monthly mortgage and OF COURSE in 5 years you'll have a better job! You could go to school and become a nurse! He could do the same! And then you'll be able to pay the augmented mortgage meant to cover the rest of the down payment....but the real plan was for them to lose the house, and then the bank could turn around and do the same shit to another family.

Now, can you do something like that and still sleep at night? That's the real question.

>> No.55511820

>supply/distribution chain
Yeah but that's more like inventory analysts and logistics (BORING). Sales reps are the ones on the front lines and based on what they do is what the former does.

But yeah your right, there's a lot more to it then just standing on a soap box and yelling out pitches.

>> No.55511850

there are plenty of avenues in sales where you arent interacting with the public and it isnt a high pressure situation. how does the milk go from the farm to the grocery store how does the lumber go from the forest to the paper mills. you arent the person driving the truck. you dont work in logistics and its not your job to analyze how many cows are out in the field or how many trees are left in the forest.

>> No.55511856

I would absolutely recommend real estate, because it gives you a lot of range and if you sign up with a good broker they'll give you a lot of useful tools...and the money can be insane, but it does take a while. Best part is that if you suck at the sales part you can always fall back on property management or even open up a "one stop shop" where you can do taxes (there's literally online classes that'll get you certified, and they're cheap), livescan fingerprint rolling, you can sell insurance through outside broker, and other stuff too like copy services and notary public work.

I'm 38 and my goal is to get one of those up and running by the time I'm 40.

>> No.55511863

>you dont work in logistics
>you arent interacting with the public
>its not your job to analyze

Then what ARE you doing? Getting coffee for the guys that do?

>> No.55511922
File: 86 KB, 1600x900, 1b8toh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to tell u this anon but if u work for that bank or any other company that employes such practices then u are 100% on the same moral upstanding as this cold-blooded lady. U are just soft compared to her.

Let me explain to you how so
Lets take butcher for examples, I am not vegan but one argumenet they make is that you are responsible for killing animals because you pay the butcher to do so and they are right. Just because u didn't pull the trigger doesn't mean u are not killing 200 chickens a year.

You work as programmer? fine but if salesperson do the heavylifting to sell ur software, u share the same moral upstanding as you are both sharing the same $$
share the $ is share in the responsibility for the action.
It's the same logic that would get you behind bars if you paid gang to kill someone. Everybody in that bank is equal to that cold bitch

>> No.55511971
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>u are 100% on the same moral upstanding as this cold-blooded lady.

I'm not arguing that. And that story was from back before the recession, and that bank went under for good reason, but during my two years working there I must've destroyed thousands of lives by just "coaching" people over the phone. It wasn't uncommon to close 8-10 *accounts before lunch time.

*"Accounts" were what the company referred to as people that were all prepped and ready to buy a house, but then maybe someone told them that it wasn't a good idea, or maybe they did the math and realized what we were up to, and so the loan officer would refer them to us, the "coaches" who literally had a script with arrows pointing to conversational points in case they said "this" or "that" and all the arrows would keep pointing to the finish line, which meant they were back on board and willing to buy a house. The long story gets more and more insidious because there were webcams pointed directly at us and the officers were always listening into our conversations, and the system was rigged so they could talk to me and tell me to say something as if they were in the conversation but the client couldn't hear them and if the client tried to give you their new number, or tell you to call them later on at work the number would be muted so I couldn't memorize it out of fear that you'd call them on your personal phone and tell them the whole thing was a scam. I would just have to pretend that I wrote it down and then the system would prompt me to call them at their new number but it was just an icon I would click on the computer. I could go on and on...

>> No.55511999
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Wtf that sound like an extreme case of real scamming firms desu like the pajeet ones

>> No.55512088

I know! And that's exactly what it felt like. I mean they would do these "retreats" where they would try and make us believe that we were helping people fulfill the ultimate American dream! And they'd throw around words like "you're not just coaches, your heroes!" and even have FAKE former clients that would come and talk about how they were so thankful for our help and that if it wasn't for us they wouldn't have a roof over their heads they could call their own. Some of them would cry and say that because they were able to flip their home they were able to pay for their mom's heart surgery. All these people were actors, and the only reason I even knew all of it was fake was because the woman that got me the job was a higher up who was kinda sorta my boss at the insurance company I worked at before and I think she had a thing for me so she wanted to keep me there and would tell me all the "right" things to do and to stay away from all the "wrong" things to do. Btw some of those wrong things was to show intelligence, for example I went to a private high school and she told me to put down that I was a dropout because they didn't want smart people that would figure it out. Everything was backwards there. I even had to delete my myspace because they would do surveillance on your personal life.

See, the problem was that they were breaking the law. So they had to cover all their bases and make sure not to fuck up. They eventually did and if I'm not mistaken the only guy that went to prison over the subprime mortgage crisis was an executive from Countrywide. I mean we were just straight up scamming people.

>> No.55512662

are you still working in sales?

>> No.55515104
File: 1.99 MB, 5461x3071, 6T2dgtP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why get into real estate tho it has no base income, isn't it bad for first sales job?