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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55510728 No.55510728 [Reply] [Original]

I prefer to starve to death instesd of working.

>> No.55510731

Literally no one stopping you

>> No.55510734 [DELETED] 

I prefer when my jeets can at least pretend to be white.

>> No.55510736

good thing you're a fatass then, you could probably last a few weeks

>> No.55510737
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pls no bully

>> No.55510744
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i'm exactly doing that, eat shit

>> No.55510755

you're eating shit? well i guess its your only option

>> No.55510758 [DELETED] 

Poo confirmed

>> No.55510795
File: 207 KB, 443x269, chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urban starvation seems to be pretty rare
if crypto accomplishes nothing, then we could at least change that

>> No.55510799

Try to starve to death and see what happens

>> No.55510820

you just end up stealing

>> No.55510847

No you lose your "freedom"

>> No.55510853
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this faggot so much, he managed to find an abandoned bus out in the middle of Alaska and still does the "outdoors life hunt and gather everything" shit instead stockpile rice and beans and other high carb base ingredients on weekly trips to society. Worse part is he ends up dying anyways because all he could stockpile was the same berry
What a fucking faggot. absolute CRINGE

>> No.55510855
File: 172 KB, 928x644, 1667125823364780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say you don't want to work
>a dozen butthurt wagies pop up to seethe

>> No.55510861

with what money man, he went into the frozen woods with 0 cash

>> No.55510863

if youre wreckless, but my friend has been banned from like 12 stores unironically and never been charged in CO, so being wreckless is an option desu.

>> No.55510869

we're not seething just laughing at the idea, nobody wants to work but starving is worse by all metrics

>> No.55510879

Yes there is he's literally stopping himself.
Proving once again, OP is a larping faggot.

>> No.55510895

>i'm not seethe i'm actually laughing
No i can't see your tears behind the screen.

>> No.55510896

his parents were rich and he had a trust fund. he chose the woods like Op chose crypto. I'm not seething, I'm saying it's surprising it doesn't happen to people living in apartments more often

>> No.55510902
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Yeah and I prefer to earn comfy passive income with my $4TOKEN baggies

>> No.55510904
File: 920 KB, 2183x2337, The Only Good Thing About Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /out/ he absolutely did not that's just what the anne frank tier after the fact books tell you. This faggot was a rich kid that thought society was boring because he was a silver spooned gated community faggot. If he was born 20 years later he'd be addicted to ecstacy and railing oxy like all the other yuppie kids

>> No.55510914


>> No.55510941

kek do they taste delicious
probably, and if he was rich doesnt change the fact he went to the woods with nothing

>> No.55510949
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>> No.55510989
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Bare minimum he had a gun so /out/ idolizing him as the "dindu nuffin with him" guy is wrong
He's controlled op. How many McCandyAss threads do you see compared to Uncle Ted on /out/?
>woods bad
>you'll die like McCandyAss
>haha look how funny he looks he has funny face haha
>let's talk about the newest REI gear to buy instead goys
Meanwhile posting about Uncle Ted buying a cabin gets you banned. God I hate /out/

>> No.55511008

i have never visited /out/. Uncle Ted was a faggot too he shouldve bombed some politicians not some fucking research center

>> No.55511022

The retard should have learned first

>> No.55511027
File: 74 KB, 818x864, 4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no onehas to live in the woods if we were all just frens

>> No.55511030

>oy vey I never visited /out/ haha I just cohencidentally posted McCandyAss and know the fake and gay lore behind him, also Ted BAD AND HITLER WAS A HOMOSEX

>> No.55511038

uhh i didnt post the guy i just commented on him cause i saw the movie

>> No.55511054
File: 9 KB, 242x208, Fuck This Gay Ass World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McCandyAss has a movie

>> No.55511068

yea i saw it like 10 years ago or so. Its called Into the Wild

>> No.55511084

WAIT A SECOND, now that i'm more sober, i remember this faggit they made me to even read his book and movie at school.

was he the faggot who wanted to test out if a modern human can still survive in the wild with a bunch of books about plants n shit (without any fucking companion despite our social nature) and got completely JUST'd by nature because he can't even conserve food in a cold environment?

>> No.55511094

Similar guy. This one ate the same berry and died of malnutrition. Very based and completely understandable why /out/ loves him

>> No.55511115

LMAO *drinks another shot*

>> No.55511162

should've tried the jungle or something, going into frozen tundra is beyond retarded

>> No.55511230


>> No.55511270

>I prefer to starve to death instesd of working.
Ain't gonna happen - Mon will bring her lazy little baby boy all the tendies he wants.
You are beyond pathetic.

>> No.55512492
File: 116 KB, 392x530, 1664142872566718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.55512510

Then get used to it.

>> No.55512524

I honestly don't blame zoomers, if the government put estrogen into my tap water and ruined any chance of me having a relationship with faggotry propaganda, inflation, the equality meme, and other jewish machinations I probably wouldn't want to work either.

>> No.55514865


>> No.55514982
File: 80 KB, 735x645, 1688937698838988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same fr no cap i hate working, i hate capital

>> No.55514996

starving sucks, you'd prefer to work but by the time you realize this you'd be too far gone and nobody will hire you since you're an old NEET.

>> No.55515019

How can you prefer something you've never done? We need you to report back from the afterlife

>> No.55515390

I see you have principles unlike the wagies here

>> No.55515414
File: 53 KB, 521x937, 159441170261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and starve-to-deathpilled

>> No.55515693

very based