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55473036 No.55473036 [Reply] [Original]

It's blatantly obvious that BTC is still the ultimate market mover, and the last half of the year has been dominated by DeFi. New updates keep dropping like dank memes, and LSDs are straight up taking over the scene.
Now I'm starting to question the need for those other projects, bro. They don't bring jack shit to the table except for some lame pump and dump shit, so why waste our time on them when BTC and DeFi are already rekt-ing the game?

>> No.55473053

Not LINK tho

>> No.55473086

Forget about those trash projects. BTC is the holy grail, and everything else is just a pathetic attempt at relevance.

>> No.55473112

There is nothing inherently different about bitcoin either. They are all backed on nothing, and it's all just a matter of time.

>> No.55473125

No, BTC is trash, XMR is a true real digital gold
DeFi protocols are all trash except Curse & Uniswap
New data protocols like Covalent & Exorde are promising use cases of distributing data collection, as confirmed by Gartner & Messari.
Layers 2 like SKALE, Arbitrum + L1s like Algo & Avax are valuable.

You are welcome.

>> No.55473161

> BTC is trash
It’s never going away.
You know it, I know it, everyone knows it

>> No.55473183

yeah trash never really goes away

>> No.55473264

Trash literally gets taken out every week, the stuff people like stays in their house and their wallet and on their computer

>> No.55473415

NFTs used for custody and tracking of real world assets
im sure there are so much not bullshit in the space your intellectually lazy BTC maxi ass couldn't even comprehend till we are a decade past major adoption

>> No.55473436

The Holy Trinity of crypto
Buy some of all three and flip back and forth based on who has shit or good luck. You'll make money. Slow, but easy money.

>> No.55473529

imagine thinking a simple obsolete fork of BTC is part of the Trinity. Fuck people are retarded

>> No.55473588

Now ask yourself why Zenon gets fudded 24/7 here wen its entire purpose is to scale BTC and make it more secure, viable long term and anonymous. Dyor.

>> No.55473600

And that's how you get answers out of people.
+$200 to XMR.
Gracias, amigo.

>> No.55473727

You mean
are shitcoins?
OP must be high on some codeine syrup or potential schizo patient.

>> No.55473766

>LSDs are straight up taking over the scene.
The final narrative to confuse jeets that liquidity is real when you are the liquidity yourself. Just give LSDs eoy for everything to get saturated and die down again as usual .
Unless institutions are welcomed in DeFi, everything is continually gonna crash down cus the whole system is based.

>> No.55473792

The holy trinity is BTC, ETH, and Link, aka the God protocol.

LTC is hardly just a fork of bitchcoin anymore, especially now that there are privacy features.

>> No.55473892

>OP must be high on some codeine
Kek, i just took what OP took

>> No.55473918

Do you know Zenon has Oracles at protocol level. Defi on btc with Zenon will not need Link. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.55473927
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You're delusional anon. There are so many sectors asides defi to explore; Nfts, metaverse, web3 and gamefi. I for one have spotted innovation in the multiversX with platforms like holoride, Qowatts and Itheum gaining global adoption.

>> No.55473943

No one gives a fuck about your centralized shit coin. Oracles need to be decentralized to be worth a fucking thing.

>> No.55474128

It must be a pain to hold LINK, I know the logic business value reason to consider it, but the reality is that this is a dogshit overvalued utility token.

>> No.55474249

Anything else apart from BTC and Defi is just a joke; even within Defi, there are so many copy projects, so there's a whole lot of joke in there too. You just got to find the novel products and hinge on them.

>> No.55474277

>XMR is a true real digital gold
Digital Gold? Who's this clownish airhead on biz today?

As long as there's always need to hold ETH, there'll always be need to stake it. LSDFi is here to stay and you ain't gonna have anything to do about it; institutions will definitely make it better but without them, LSDFi would be good too.

>> No.55474293

I'm pretty sure you're one of those gold maxis; what backs gold? Fiat. So what backs fiat? Schizo

>> No.55474317

>NFTs used for custody and tracking of real world assets
How's this going so far? All for shits I guess. NFT platforms better find more relatable utilities for their products that using them as gates to smart vaults on Defi protocols.

>> No.55474408
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I like ride and all the VR shit they got but I can't be the only one who thinks they chose the wrong chain to build on and that's fucking them up currently?

>> No.55474661

>Slow, but easy money.
Thus is the motto of DeFi yield protocols, especially those ones with good risk management strategies..

>> No.55474693

btc is sufficiently private, monero is for mentally ill schizos, which is fine
monero has no fixed supply and considering fees will be enough to secure bitcoin if bitcoin succeeds, monero is basically worthless for 99% of the population, more if we lean towards a wise society over the coming centuries
maybe you meant wownero, which has a fixed supply

>> No.55474698

Fiat is proudly backed by nothing
But gold isn't backed by fiat either, gold is backed by gold

>> No.55474713

MultiversX is a good chain, it just isn't as big as any of the other L1s yet but it's got great tech, highly scalable, fast, cheap and carbon negative
Sure they had a good reason for choosing it as the chain to build on

>> No.55474763

But BTC can't make any millionaire again. If you like stack the Satoshi vault, you can't see 3x max. Just know that Bitcoin is just a store of value.

>> No.55474801

You're wrong anon. The MultiversX is based and has experienced an increase in adoption lately, it is also a suitable spot to build the future of the motorverse.

>> No.55474957

I agree but it's just not as popular as you'd expect yet and that's probably why most of the projects building on it lack proper awareness

>> No.55475001

Seen Meta coming into the motorverse concept but I think Holoride is already heard about that.

>> No.55475165

BTC can go as high as $300K in the next 5yrs, that's a 10x from it's current price
Better ROI than most investment

It's just meta and bmw following up in their footsteps, would be nice to see what they do different

>> No.55475310

probably they may have to bring in more than Streaming Netflix, game playing and learning on transit. Learnt they've already eliminated motion sickness

>> No.55475589

>Just know that Bitcoin is just a store of value.
Not even an ideal store of value because that dickhead can still drop to 10k any minute which means a significant loss especially for those who bought the top, so where's the store of value in that?
It's preferable to store value in non-volatile assets like stables as there's even opportunities in Defi to earn yields with these stables and improve your worth over time.

>> No.55475614

I had alts(especially in arbitrum ecosystem) that gave me around 8x in Q1 this year and I ain't talking about memes; solid alts that only dipped a little after that rally. Now you see why some oldfags would prefer to play around with alts than sitting tight to play the wait game with BTC?

>> No.55475636

So how's this different from other shitty utilities?

>> No.55475666

Isn't the LSDfis saturated already? Rocket pool have finally died and so is lybra finance. Now, aside Pendle none of the projects from liquid staking is trending, unless subsequent ones.

>> No.55475698

Take a seat while I give you some lessons airhead;
One of the top tier Defi middlewares, SpoolFi, has recently announced that part of the new features of their V2 will be NFT gating of smart vaults. For instance, if BAYC wants to create a vault on that platform for their users to leverage on, they can gate that vault with their NFTs and so only holders of BAYC NFTs will be able to access that vault. This encourages long term holding and attract new holders too especially if that vault is incentivized with exciting add-ons. Probably too complex for a schizo like you to comprehend but you're welcome to suck my d!ck.

>> No.55475723

>there's even opportunities in Defi to earn yields with these stables
Don't tell me about Aave, Idlez, Curve .... or SpoolFi that's aggregating many yield protocols because I'm yet to make substantial amount ever since I started stablecoins yield farming. I need the money short cut on store if values.

>> No.55475726

altcoins are for poor people and/or gambling, which is fine and was fun at one point. when I had a shitcoin portfolio i felt the need to keep up with things. shit like moving funds between versions of protocols, participating in governance, wallet exploits, DeFi exploits happen all the time and make things quite risky. i've got better things to do than watch charts, converse moonbois and doomscroll twitter. I don't need a large multiplier to "make it", and I'm not desperate. So I hold BTC and ETH and sleep soundly.

>> No.55475749

>Isn't the LSDfis saturated already?
Definitely not! There's still a lot of ETH sitting on the sidelines and yet to join the LSD party. Some users are probably still awaiting some sort of risk diversification with ETH staking because being 100% exposed to a single platform is never the best plus keeping up with multiple nodes is both time and cost sapping. With a yield aggregator entering into the LSD scene, expect a significant amount of activities happening there once again.

>> No.55475781

>It's just meta and bmw following up in their footsteps
LoL, Holoride is already dominating the automobile industry with the backings of Audi and Disney, no doubt about that.
I see no crime in following another person's footsteps in some cases, but it is not always the best decision cos you may not be able to find your own unique identity

>> No.55475824


>> No.55476138
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Break it down larper. This isn't your Britannica Library, but crypto field. Speak crypto and not some sort of aggregator shit.

>> No.55476230

>using them as gates to smart vaults on Defi protocols.
Can this guarantee lifetime protection from hackers raging the DeFi space? Yet to see any project using this btw.

>> No.55476323

LSDs is the main deal now, but while the good ones are growing, Devs that are just in it for the money are also launching projects, so we need to do extensive research before investing

>> No.55476396

Institutions are already planning to get in and some protocols are also building institutional grade DeFi features, so the crypto industry is constantly growing, it's you that needs to keep up.

>> No.55476468

Anon, hackers should not be overlooked in this market. I've seen a few wallets that have served some for years now, like Trezor and Sylo smart wallet which even does anonymous transactions.

>> No.55476486

Not many of them have good risk management system, as a matter of fact, I've only seen SpoolFi with a measurable risk management system

>> No.55476524

you're right anon. The platform fused the metaverse and Xr contents to give users entertaining adventures on road trips.

>> No.55476561

Yield aggregators can help you to easily into DeFi, and there are some of them that are building nice stuffs

>> No.55477004

You don't have to tell me twice anon. The based yield I get from Itheum, Ride and Zcash on the Xexchange Dex says it all.

>> No.55477012

Here comes underwater marines again, i hope your gamepads are still working well cause it seems you will be lost under the water for awhile.

>> No.55477071

We have a cavemen here, BTC literally has nothing going for it except for it having first mover advantage on the other hand alts like ETH has tons of usecases.

>> No.55477082

NFT gates are not security measures par se; it's basically to control who has access to certain vaults that are gated by them. If you want to protect yourself against Defi hacks, then you've definitely got to interact solely with smart contracts that have been certified safe by reputable firms like Trail of Bits and diversify as much as possible.

>> No.55477179

>The holy trinity is BTC, ETH, and Link, aka the God protocol.

Rather than pick LINK i would opt for BNB instead quite optimistic we see the ecosystem come up with some huge innovations.

>> No.55477274

>I had alts(especially in arbitrum ecosystem)

The arbitrum ecosystem has really been the go-to space for investors in 2023 we recently saw PENDLE fly the other day and i am sure this would reflect onto other ecosystem gems as well.

>> No.55477293

Shut the crab about shitcoins, Eggman is making bluechips out of it.

>> No.55477296

Binance is always building anon. Alongside blockchains like MultiversX which has shown innovation with platforms like holoride for in-car metaverse experience and Zcash for crypto payments.

>> No.55477307

No PEPE or EGG? Ngmi

>> No.55477424
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>Who else thinks asides BTC and DeFi Protocols, all others are shitcoins?
Anyone who thinks that, doesn't know what scalability is and how that is the biggest problem for BTC. Nor does he know the importance of altcoins in reducing Bitcoin's burden.

>> No.55477457

It's obvious that it's one of the best when it comes to risk management.
I can see that it also recently added Solity to its risk Lab

>> No.55477486

Anon, I learnt the in-car experience will have some additions like Rise and Play and Earn. I would say, what a pleasant way to earn.

>> No.55477499

If we're talking purely in "number go up", then yeah BTC, ETH, and BNB are the only worthy projects to invest in.

>> No.55477505

It's not news anymore that SpoolFi is doing that with its V2 which will be going live soon

>> No.55477510

Based chad. Its product is already in UK and the US, it would be in other EU countries as well.

>> No.55477548

I'm only investing in the big names for now and will most likely diversify into several others in the future when it's possible through a smart vault that will do it automatically

>> No.55477606

This should help minimize the risk involved with being exposed to only a single protocol which might get hacked at any time

>> No.55477791

The VR tech is still gaining adoption oldfag, with support from Qowatt, Audi and Mercedes. Heck there were even Tesla-ready models released in the past months.

>> No.55478210

Both are shitcoins anon. I'd rather stick to gems like Zcash, Ride and Egld which have been building during the bears.

>> No.55479056

nobody talks about zenon here.

>> No.55479174
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Absolutely. DeFi-core coins like DOT or POND and Bitcoin are the only ones that truly matter. Shitcoins, NFTs and the like don't stand a chance.

Case on point, BAYC becoming fully irrelevant while POND still remains.

>> No.55479180
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>> No.55479182

>is a true digital gold
Stopped reading there. Learn proper english first then come back. I'm sure you can find a good place to learn at your village whenever you live.

>> No.55479188
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Truly the future of currency.

>> No.55479194

haha just checked the price for $ape and even the volume is horrible. poor fucking morons.

>> No.55479415

They actually have a good risk model and recently partnered with Solity which is a third-party risk model provider.

>> No.55479446 [DELETED] 

BTC will always be the market mover, did ya'll also see the bitcoin of memecoins 4CHAN itself?

super degen shiet, really diggin it as the all father

>> No.55479553

You are dumb Underperformed impressively during bull run. Just know that Bitcoin is just a store of value. PEAQ for instance are making solid headway in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to DePIN which is the next big thing.

>> No.55479574

A lot of talks about this V2. The addition of RWA and LSD strategies which are two big narratives now will be a boost to the project.

>> No.55479575
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Don't know what you mean copy projects. But yeah, defi projects tend to be more stable when it comes to fundamental and uses. Right now, I favored a car-sharing economy that was both transparent and decentralized.just like Peaq and eloop are doing.

>> No.55479790

Defi is on another pace. See how fast LSD is rising and how much of liquidity can be generated using LSDT. SpoolFi V2 Smart vault tokenization will also drive in utility. Always Defi baby.

>> No.55479961

Bros and faggots will never learn, would they? I doubt they will.

>> No.55479969

Why stake my 32 ETH for some POS shit? What if I never get up to 32k can I participate in staking? Am I just being dumb agian?

>> No.55480054

If you ain't diving into DeFi, you're missing out, anon. That's where the real action is happening. And let me tell you, the DePIN projects are taking it to the next level. Peaq, Wynd, React, IoTeX, and Waev are the ones to watch. They're making this space even more exciting and full of potential gains.

>> No.55480125

What the fuck its DePIN? Where are you all bringing up these narratives from?

>> No.55480141

PendleFi and LybraFi will tell the whole story. They've both risen above 100m TVL in just a few months. I hope SpoolF considers it in its LSD strategies.

>> No.55480326

WTF? Don't be a retard. It won't go that

>> No.55480344

As crude as ever. Don't you see that the SEC is manipulating everything? Holy molly.

>> No.55480912

You are the one being retard here. It's magic internet money and there is no limit to where it can go. Literally. As more people believe as more it will go.

Like technically, 10x from here means $60T market cap.

Is it hard? yes.
Is it possible? yes.

Because we are talking about a technology not a company or something. BTC is the representation of DLT. So I say there is chance

>> No.55480960

Chad, solid markets there, and the tech will soon be bought with RIDE.

>> No.55481028

totally organic thread sirs pls redeem

>> No.55481510

Not everyone is retarded enough to exclude decentralized ID projects

>> No.55481870

F***K you OP. DePINs is delivering something tangible to the market. Eloop and Peaq Tokenize Tesla Fleet for Web3 will redefine ride-sharing.

>> No.55482093

This is the first time anon has spoken intelligently on biz. Degens can now earn incentives by driving a Tesla with a Web3 car-sharing app on peaq.

>> No.55482103

Ain't you thinking right to know that shitcoins can be converted to bluechips on Eggpot faggot??

>> No.55482166
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NATIX is part of an EOT where DePIN connect physical devices, supported by token rewards, Fag. Move your a$$ and conduct some research, lazyfag.

>> No.55483054

Only low iq poor people hate bitcoin

>> No.55483673

I don't care what the Jews call shitcoins, if holding PEPE, EGG, ORE and HBAR will get bags filled, wtf are you to call it shitcoins. As a matter of fact, shitcoins are gaining value and can be converted into bluechips.

>> No.55484413

There are going to be a lot of protocols building on LSSD> Y2kFi V2 featured it and SpoolFi will be adding LSD protocols to its V2 also. I am bullish.

>> No.55484732

Lol is a clone funny? hahahaha.

>> No.55484758

Low mcap is a just have right now because that's only way to make it, and I think LSD s projects like PENDLE, SPOOL, LBR, and others are some of the good ones to consider

>> No.55485046

Those are the LSD super bags for the coming bull run. Another boost to spoolfi will be the introduction of tokenized smart vaults.

>> No.55485165

PENDLE and LBR are flying already, while the last one on the list is just moving, so it's a better option for me

>> No.55486049

Yo, I've never vibed with those centralized shits, man. Why mess with 'em when you can dive into some decentralized inclusive Web3 platforms like Sylo, Futureverse, and all them cool Thingies NFTs.