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55469387 No.55469387 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized I won't get rich from crypto and will always be a broke wagecuck. What do I do know?

>> No.55469405

get rich off stocks like the big boys do

>> No.55469408
File: 35 KB, 680x763, 359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I do know?
I will not always be broke.
I will live monk mode and split the costs of living.
I will save $2,000 a month.
I will invest all of what I make after I establish my financial foundation.
I will be done with waging within a decade.

>> No.55469422
File: 184 KB, 720x771, OutlawPotato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Shiba Inu. Now.

It's almost time.

>> No.55469443

Stay humble and stack sats.
Stop trying to get rich quick.

>> No.55469455

you shouldn't try to get rich in less than a year to be honest anon. take baby steps. invest what you can. keep working at it. learn as much as you can, try to start a business with whatever skillset you have. if you can at least make it to 100k, that's a start.

>t. started with $400 now have $22,000

>> No.55469463

your mom

>> No.55469497

Too bad you're saving in dollars so that $22k is acting more like $10k

>> No.55469510

(it's in BTC)

>> No.55469521

Go to mcdonalds and get everything that you can afford with the money you have. You want that sweet rush of the sugar entering your brain and blood sugar from the ice cream, milk, AND whipped cream.

>> No.55469530

believe harder

>> No.55469543
File: 59 KB, 1047x639, Pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i'm a neet who's never worked a day in my life. I will never work a day in my life. Except on myself. Anon once said 3-4 hours of sustained effort and focus will change your life. That's 1/7th of your time.
Here's those 3 hours broken down.
1) Exercise. Start small if you're not used to it. Go a walk, do some light stretching. Break it up if you need to. Don't compete against strangers, they're not your enemy. You are. Record your progress and you will see yourself victorious every day.
2) Learn. Doesn't need to be maths or code or whatever meme. Just learn stuff you enjoy. Like animals? Learn about animals. The important part is getting into the habit of learning. This changes your brain chemistry and dispels the idea that not knowing is a shameful thing. You don't know shit, stop pretending you do. Even now, your assumption is based on the idea you know everything about yourself and you don't. Don't listen to FUD. Other people know less about you than you do and you don't know shit.
3) Work. First. Do your fucking chores. Clean your house. Throw out trash. Make your phonecalls. Done? Take a little pride. Some don't do their chores. Some have never done a chore. Now for the real work. You already have goals. You have beed FUD'd out of them. I can't tell you what they are, everyone has them though. For you, they're probably the things that demoralize you when you think of them because you believe the FUD that you can't have them. There are only two things that can stop you and they must work together to do so. One is the FUD itself and two is your belief in it. There is no other obstacles in your path. Failure is not an obstacle, it's a lesson. And there is no shame in learning.
No i'll leave you with two quotes you should burn into your mind.
>Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. - St. Jerome
>I always get to where I'm going by walking away from where I have been. - Winnie the Pooh

>> No.55469598

>I just realized I won't get rich from crypto
Very likely true
>and will always be a broke wagecuck.
Not necessarily

The short answer is to get some skills and get a more comfortable and higher-paying job, and possibly eventually start a business although that's not necessary. If you have no idea what this looks like then start here >>55469543 and learn while you improve your body and keep waging. Eventually you'll see a path forwards.

>> No.55469800
File: 166 KB, 1316x931, A9E6D8A1-A8BC-482A-BD4D-183FE8990713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride my sweet princess, ride. Let their hate fuel you as you distract from the hidden hand of the financial system.

Link and Shiba. The new dollar and penny of the NWO.

>> No.55470037
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Says you lil bro. POND is going to help me retire early.

>> No.55470049

i thought the same about avax two years ago.

>> No.55470062
File: 22 KB, 300x347, 1687629667660132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right boyo, don't try to get out of the race. Very good. Stay right where you are at your 9-5 until you hit 60, then and only then you MIGHT get a chance at retiring. Be grateful if you don't get put into a fucking library till you die of a heart attack.

>> No.55470071
File: 37 KB, 175x211, IMG_2629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why u post pic of Mr paleo conservative ostujden?

>> No.55470086

wait two years

>> No.55470107

The grimace shake is pretty good. It tastes like grape and trix Cereal milk

>> No.55470108

my bad i thought he was that one boomer with the podcast where he shits over retards that are like half a million in debt telling them theyll have to eat shit for like 20 years to pay it all off

>> No.55470113
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Good. You didn't bite the bitcoinmaxx bait.

>> No.55470131
File: 85 KB, 500x512, big-blue-raini-chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

web3 gaming is the next wave
we had web3 privacy
web3 AI
when all the money was in axies
new games are coming out on Epic
you can play and earn
so why bother with diablo models of cash grabs and cashing out?

>> No.55470141

Stop Drinking the Hamburgler's jizz?

>> No.55470221
File: 112 KB, 1200x1200, FMg-U8_VgAIm8ux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigga don't know about VINU
>don't know about literally the best memecoin on Gate io
>don't know about the best dogcoin on the market (checked)
>anon really don't wanna make it

>> No.55470256
File: 132 KB, 1100x733, IMG_3870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Coke and a Smile and shit the fuck up.