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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 354 KB, 1892x1000, bizflags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5544357 No.5544357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hourly "GIVE US FUCKING FLAGS" thread

>> No.5544401

also want flags

>> No.5544425

WE WANT FUCKING FLAGs. Seriously soon we should bomb this board with flag threads until they give us what we want

>> No.5544431

and ban all the pajeet discorm spammers please

>> No.5544440

We need flags. Fucking subhumans.

>> No.5544476


>> No.5544488
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this too ban discord links

>> No.5544501

We need to get McShill to tweet about this. THE WHOLE WORLD HAS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS INJUSTICE!!

>> No.5544502

Please introduce flags. I don't give a fuck if the board slightly devolves more into flag-memeing, it's better than every 2nd thread being some pajeet shit coin shill.

>> No.5544520
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>> No.5544561
File: 414 KB, 1500x1137, AverageAmericanIn2035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not IP ban an entire country?

>> No.5544888

Nooo noo go fuk yourself inbred dog human. We don't need biz to turn out like pol

>> No.5544926

I am so sick of these threads

>> No.5544944
File: 99 KB, 862x642, 1514173349394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u pajeets i want my flags
stop shilling burst and siacoin fags

>> No.5544946

>dog as insult

Hi pajeet.

>> No.5544969

Oh yes we do, if we see a street shitter like you we can ignore your posts

>> No.5544976

>Dog human
Pajeet detected

>> No.5544977

hi sir no need to be rude, we sir are just tryung to help you sir

>> No.5545024


>> No.5545035

Flag will show that its europeaners and britishers that are the scammers and not us indians. We indians are richer than you europeaners.

>> No.5545056

Fuck You!
Give flags!

>> No.5545074

I have been in america and I see lota of beggars and pants shitters there.

>> No.5545110

I'm also going to put my hat in the ring here and vote for flags as well. Please and thank you mods.

>> No.5545134

Dont worry they have never seen india in real life, they have only seen it through the lenses of western propoganda.

>> No.5545160

flags please

>> No.5545184
File: 546 KB, 629x454, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5545220

>Someone calls me on the phone at 8pm
>It's a scammer

Guess which nationality they are EVERY SINGLE TIME? Or is my phones manufacturer at fault for this "propaganda"?

>> No.5545234


Fuk you all you inbred dog europeaners and britishers. Why do you dogfuckers want biz to turn out like pol instead of being a biznes channel. I hope India conquers europe one day so i can laugh my ass off.

>> No.5545270
File: 195 KB, 798x770, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were already conquered by Britain.

>> No.5545272
File: 414 KB, 1110x948, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be a LARP

>> No.5545289

biz will never turn into pol, its about profit, not shitt ideals. all flags will do is single out pajeets and chinks.

>> No.5545295

India cant even conquer toilets and modern plumbing let alone Europe.

>> No.5545338

India was never conquered by the britishers only looted and pillaged by them and their europeaners. India is already a larger economi than britan, france, Japan and Germany combined. India used to own 27% of the world gdp before britishers came in and looted everything

>> No.5545341
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>> No.5545359

India had plumbing when you whiteys were living in caves and wiping ur asses with ut hands.

>> No.5545382
File: 15 KB, 510x558, 34574435661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Muslims are making good business, while Hindus are super jelly since they're all poorfags not even allowed to do many lucrative business. How do you enjoy caste system?

>> No.5545417

I want flags just to see what Indians are shilling.

>> No.5545423

I don't know about that idea, biz would probably become shittier than it already is and base their arguments on the other persons nationality.

>> No.5545454

Funny never seen mass amounts of whiteys shitting in field but yet seen several of Indian people shitting next to 100s out in public. Something stinks here.

>> No.5545466


You're joking right? Muslims in India are one of the poorest communities.

>> No.5545486

Shitskins are shitskins, pajeet

>> No.5545488

Flags will lower post quality to /int/ levels, we need better moderation

>> No.5545494
File: 16 KB, 500x548, 78962789345621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they overtook Buffalo industry and many more, while Hindu are jelly and angry as fuck. Also no sex drive, unlike superier Muslim.

>> No.5545515


So what race are you and which country are you from? Let's hear it, faggot.

>> No.5545519


When it comes to rationality and making money, it's wise to consider what nationality a person is before considering their opinion. Call it racist or whatever but it's definitely true, cover your ass at all times.

>> No.5545542

You can tell how developed a country is based on how many of their swears involve farm animals.

Fucking kek.

>> No.5545662

Glorious aryan blood runs through my veins in the greatest country in the world

>> No.5545667
File: 128 KB, 530x600, 1493605706242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, and it's not racism, it's about the (barter) culture. Knowing who you're talking to may help a lot in understanding each other. Besides, country bantz is always comfy.

>> No.5545678

110% correct. People here are dealing with real money, I think it's appropriate that anons here know which country their advice is coming from. Nothing racist about it, some countries have a much higher rate of scammers and where money is on the line, we have a right to know where our shilling is coming from.

>> No.5545698

Europe is a shithole lots of beggars, homeless people and rapiata unlike in india.

>> No.5545705

Every post for now on has to end with give us flags. Only way we will get them.


>> No.5545761

Lol yeah something like that pajeet >>5545705

>> No.5545781

hello sirs, i am white american from New York and I think we should ban pakistani ips not indian. please sirs kindly do what is needful to solve this issue.

>> No.5545792

mods, please give us flags. at least for a trial period. thanks - 4chan VIP pass user!

>> No.5545802


Ah, so an amerimutt from the USA, is it?

60% divorce rate, roasties, social upheaval, Jamal, Achmed and Juan mutting up your women. Spiritual degeneration, materialism, obesity epidemic, narcissism, etc. Do I need to say more? I live in the US as well, and can't wait to get the fuck out of this shithole. It was definitely a great country once, but as with anything subhuman wh*tes create, they ruin it with their hedonism and degeneracy.

>> No.5545808

The mods will probably give us all Indian flags to troll us one of these days

>> No.5545813

you won't get them cause you can't make a case for flags other than pajeet XDDD

>> No.5545821

Okey, I can agree with that. I just hope biz wouldn't turn into pol with more shitposting.

>> No.5545849

*goes for a dip in the ganges to cool off*

>> No.5545876

I can’t entirely disagree with that. I would still stand by the greatest country sentiment. But I’m moving to a 90%+ White city in a red state so it’s of little concern for the near future.

>> No.5545878

It wil turn out most a Scammers britishers and europeaners

>> No.5545903

i agree with your solution to this issue sir and this must urgently be forwarded to the admins.

>> No.5545905

/biz/ is fascism masked as capitalism.

>> No.5545914

that's just not true. The cultural background is a major factor, especially while communicating by fucking text over some mandariin image weaving board.
It also goes a long way to contribute some information specific to some country/region.
so bet it. Maybe then the pajeet memes will stop? And we'll have some bad balkan boys memes instead?

>> No.5545915

>bunch of /pol/ mouth breathers invade
>think /biz/ is being influenced by others outside of normal countries
>denies Russian influence during burgerstan election
>no one to blame but themselves for their own downfall for not doing their own work

>> No.5545922

Ushit is screwed anyway. You dogs and pigs will be immigrating to india for low pay work in 2040

>> No.5545974

>that's just not true. The cultural background is a major factor, especially while communicating by fucking text over some mandariin image weaving board.
>It also goes a long way to contribute some information specific to some country/region.
yeah good luck convincing moot2 with this argument. this is not a school essay

>> No.5545993

Worth a chuckle

>superpower by 2040