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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55439516 No.55439516 [Reply] [Original]

>I have a good job and make good money (~50k/ur before taxes)
>I have a car payment well below the national average (less than $300/month)
>modest cc payments of $150/month on some outstanding debt
I have private student loans that total $700/month and now, will soon add another $400/month thanks to the corrupt ass SCOTUS siding with some fucks who didn't even have legal grounds to sue on

>> No.55439583

>starting a family
>50k (good)
>car payment
>CC debt
This is a woman and a zoomer kek.

>> No.55439674

Interesting how she assumes the future baby daddy will be a huge financial drag as well

>> No.55439733

what do you mean I have to pay back the money I borrowed?

>> No.55439973
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So sick of my fellow Americans acting like college is mandatory. If you wanna make boo koo bucks as an engineer or financial guy then go for it, but if all you want is some average ass normie job get some kind of job certificate and go work as a tradesman or bookkeeper or something

>but muh love of learning
buy or pirate an ebook faggot, paying a yearly salary for 4 years to "learn" is absolutely retarded


based dubs

>> No.55439993

If my parents hadn't offered to pay for college I wouldn't even have gone, and that was 20 years ago when it was about 1/3 of the cost. It's a fool's game.

>> No.55440048

>30% of income goes to debt
Kek I love american zoomers.

>> No.55440396

>boo koo bucks

I want to kill you on principle

>> No.55440414


>> No.55440710

>get some kind of job certificate and go work as a bookkeeper or something
How many well(50k+) paying jobs need simple certificates? Not doing trades lol because I'm not going to a literal mule that destroys my own body

>> No.55440720

>boo koo
want to know how i know you never went to college?

>> No.55440764

cuz hes $0 in debt?

>> No.55440791

>everything was fine until that extra $400
What a faggot.

>> No.55440847

These “people” are most of the population and it makes me sick

>> No.55440987
File: 29 KB, 680x655, 1674162439871005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolololol so funny! Hahahaha debt slavery is great so good! Lol look at how we ruined another nationed! Hahahahahaha hilarious the goyim can't survive! We take it all! Hahahahaha so funny!

>> No.55441026

If you are making 50k then you shouln't have gone to college in the first place. Low IQ retards like him being able to go to college is what killing this nation

>> No.55441042
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This is bad though. This triggers the recession now that all these students can't afford jack shit. more people will fall behind on their debt repayments, and even purchases for basic goods will be put off as long as possible

>> No.55441124

I don't understand how $400 a month can ruin you.
I spent that on wine last week. It's nothing.

>> No.55441459

These people can't comprehend not buying the wine though. They won't reduce their spending, they'll just spend more on credit cards. Then the cards will hit their limits and add another few hundred monthly repayment.
Then they consolidate their cc debts and have to drop their cost of living anyway and finally stop spending.
Normies are so bad with money. If people didn't do retarded stuff the economy would barely ever crash.

>> No.55441497

>educating the populace is killing the nation

>> No.55441507

Shes a Coal burner