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File: 21 KB, 526x278, deadshitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55412160 No.55412160 [Reply] [Original]

$150 this cycle

>> No.55412199

These threads are Poe's laws, right?

>> No.55412208

Is that supposed to be bullish lmao, barely 3x over past ATH gg, that's basically what ETH did last cycle but with a much higher cap, might as well hold that instead if LINK can't outperform

>> No.55412216

You linkers are so fucking goddamn annoying. holy fucking shit shut the FUCK UP

>> No.55412221

Doesn't make sense. Your advice presupposes that ETH will 3x again. I might actually agree with that, but it's debatable for sure.

A 3x is bullish.

>> No.55412259

3x from all time high you dumb shit. 20x from the low cunt

>> No.55412656

It was a 60x from the low at $82

Similar growth from link low of $4.90 would be almost $300

>> No.55412718

Yes, ETH will go to $150.

>> No.55412745

comparing eth to an er20 :D
baggers are fun :D

>> No.55412792

not happening, too many bagholders

>> No.55412861
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>> No.55412875

Wait til you find out how Link is gonna make ETH obsolete and cheap, while also having an even BIGGER pump up.

>> No.55412890

>everyone in disbelief link could even hit triple digits let alone 1k
was it like this for eth in 2016?

>> No.55412919

amazing also surely we'll be able to unstake during the bullrun to take some profits

>> No.55412926

theres countless roping tier threads in the archives where anons are fed up with eth, selling in the low double digits

>> No.55412934

lol obvious fud thread is obvious

everyone knows link is chosen one

it is such a fucking comfy hold

im stacking more and more at $5

never selling though!

>> No.55413006

I'm also curious how many eth wallets there were at that time. would give an idea for potential growth, there's 600kish link wallets now and 230 million eth wallets (of course this doesn't translate 1 to 1 for total when considering multiple wallets and dust, but it gives you an idea). that said link isn't a gas token for a casino so it'll likely never be as widely distributed as eth.

>> No.55413119

if that's a gas fee chart, ETH chart should be way higher

>> No.55413181

how were they fed up with it? Didn't it moon after like a year... I don't see how it's comparable.

>> No.55413239
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There are only 661,440 total wallets holding Chainlink and a bunch of those are not individuals. Ethereum was worth about $12 when it had this number of wallets. We actually have fewer holders today than we had a year ago when I made picrel.

>> No.55413268

okay cool. now show me a single other time when one coin has replicated the price action of another coin in these supposed "fractal patterns"

because ive seen these kind of predictions posted hundreds of times, and ive never once seen one play out

>> No.55413272

past performance is not a guarantee of future results

>> No.55413277

right so the growth potential is there, but at the same time link isn't the gas token for shitcoin casino so it can't do it through retail the way eth did, unless the entirety of crypto changes (defi? tokenized assets? ccip?)

>> No.55413284
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>> No.55413301
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Somw saw it coming with perfect clarity.

>> No.55413302
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>> No.55413314
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>> No.55413321
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I'm so stupid, how did I buy shitcoins without knowing

>> No.55413341

The gas fee? It stinks like death

>> No.55413374
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>> No.55413457

There’s a whole video compilation of nick mullen describing how he lost money on eth in the last bear market.

>> No.55413501

Anon, there are lots of them trending on TM analytics platform, with the potential to make 5-10x in the near future. So why fuck around with large caps only when some honey low caps are melting faces.

>> No.55413585

It sounds exactly like Link fud. Except we already have the big players involved.

>> No.55413630

Thread wasn't made to be fud, but the paid fudsters showed up in a hurry.

If you're talking about the $150 being fud I don't think it is. I just think you and I have different timelines.

>> No.55413649

I wish that were the case. ETH has big players behind it and VCs who will do anything to keep it alive. LINK on the other hand is hated by almost all the big players because they didn't offer a slice of the pie to VCs and because they have a good vision for the space where users are protected from the tools that bleed their wallets. My guess is that LINK will remain underperforming against the whole market until full staking is out.

>> No.55413670

Check the golden cross line
Eth reach ath on phase 1 meanwhile link...
Also Eth used as gas fees while link aren't needed.
STOP creating new baggies
You heartless jew

>> No.55413701
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With CCIP, LINK tokens (juels) become the gas token for all the chains CCIP links. CCIP proof of stake will be the primary and fundamental consensus layer. Ethereum PoS, Avalanche PoS, Bitcoin PoW, etc will all be second order consensus layers which live inside CCIP. What happens when a DeFi app on an Ethereum L2 can begin accessing all that dormant BTC via CCIP?

>> No.55413768

>not happening, too many bagholders
There can't really be that many. $50 lasted for something like 12 hours lol

>> No.55414257

Yes, ETH Will go to $1

>> No.55414284

>4x3 bingo board

>> No.55414517
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>> No.55415867 [DELETED] 
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mETHheads just coming up with the most delusional ideas

>> No.55415894
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Linkies you don't want their coin to end up like ETH at the very end. Trust me...

>> No.55416972

they are looking for something superior, what they don't know is that if they are looking for something similar or the same as ETH, it might not be the best idea...

>> No.55416981
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Why are non linkers so pathetic?

>> No.55417018

It really has to be sorta like ETH. You have bottom feeders in youtube trying to 500 or 1,000… then all of us with 10,000 plus for the most part. I’ve actually never even thought about it like owning that amount of ETH. Like a poorfag with 3k link being like 3k ETH is a lot,

>> No.55417024


>My random vc pump and dump scam token will be exactly the same as the astronomical success of bitcoin over a decade ago


lmao even

>> No.55417030

Uh oh maxichud melty

>> No.55417042

I want to believe. Let’s charge the sigil bros.

>> No.55417258

no :)

>> No.55417344

Why $150? Eth is like 60x on the chart you posted so Link should be like $360

>> No.55417491

$150 ETH? jeez, ok

>> No.55417505


>> No.55417918

They aren't human. They're like mask wearers.

>> No.55417920
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dropping today, big dev team behind it, might go to 10m on the same day

>> No.55418097

comparing link to eth is laughable
link is an erc20 token with 1b total supply, half of which is still not in circulation and is controlled by one entity

>> No.55418183

Hopium levels off the charts, kek! pull yourself together and stop botherin' Sergey. XRP is makin' some serious moves, especially with all the institutions jumpin' on board. Major props for their partnerships with Root Network, which is a key player in the gas fees and multi-token economy of this L1 blockchain. I can even bridge Xrp for Root! good way to keep stacking and waiting for the launch.

>> No.55418188

Why are we below $6 again? I am so sick of this shit dawg

>> No.55418231

>a 3x is bullish
we are really scraping what we can get out of the barrel now since those 1000$ predictions a few years ago

>> No.55418237
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I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.

Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed psyops are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over.

>> No.55418660


>> No.55418917

Kek my thoughts too. BTC did a 3x. Might as well just hold that.