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55411431 No.55411431 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly think there's never going to be another crypto bullrun. There's no novelty, the majority is controlled by institutions and too many people got burned already.

>> No.55411446

BTC = finite supply
USD = infinite supply
scarcity = value
Not that hard to understand

>> No.55411458

jews will cope and seethe at this post.

>> No.55411508

That's really not a compelling argument to me. If the price only rises because of FIAT inflation then you aren't making gains.
Isn't the majority of crypto owned by jews at this point?

>> No.55411530

it's just not true. give this a read, crypto does have a place in the global economy and it will see mass adoption. this is the last run before normie onboarding and things level off for the early adopter crowds monte-crypto.gitbook.io/pdf

>> No.55411580

Private banks are subject to their customer base. If they start capturing the crypto market, they can issue debt indiscriminately without the leash "tightening" of central banks. Imagine a future where the shitcoin casino and fiascos like Luna/FTX are the daily bread and butter of the financial space: scammers everywhere, speculative capitalism running rampant, people getting the rope over hyperinflating tokens and governments relegated to collecting their revenue from the survivors or otherwise making exemplary punishments out of them. On top of it all, a volatile and unpredictable commodity (Bitcoin) which its mere holding will not be enough to beat anyone in this speculative arms race.

>> No.55411602

Anon please. Not only is this an unsubstantiated opinion piece by the issuers of a token, it's also plain stupid. Crypto gambling been a thing for a long time and we are also just coming off a giant online gambling hype wave.

>> No.55411631

Nah I’m long term bullish, crypto is very popular among younger generations under 40. This means as millennials and gen Z age and acquire more money they will naturally allocate some of it to crypto. Next 5 years who knows but next 20 years I’m very bullish overall

>> No.55411652

There’s only one pair of shoes on this earth that are “my shoes”. Are they worth infinite amounts of money because they’re scarce?

>> No.55411666


>midwit economic theory

>> No.55411679

crypto gambling has been done unofficially through convoluted means that are not accessible to the general population. it's been available for, let's be blunt, internet and finance geeks. no normie has ever touched crypto, let alone a crypto casino. most normies don't even touch online casinos because it's just a pain in the ass

a casino token completely changes the structure of a casino. everything becomes automated and the smart contract BECOMES the house. this is not the same as any ordinary casino, even the "crypto casinos" that exist. a "crypto casino" is just an ordinary online casino done with crypto. that's not innovation.

the benefit of a casino token where the smart contract is the house is obvious, the game is designed for the players. you even have a chance of winning on your losing bets which doesn't exist anywhere else

to build an online casino platform with games on top of all this, with a vision towards moving into metaverse, augmented reality, and real life all-crypto experiences...it's definitely a big step closer to mass adoption and standardization

>> No.55411998

wow amazing where do I invest

>> No.55412277


>> No.55412413

Totally agree, please sell sirs

>> No.55413089
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Now you are a poor nigger

>> No.55413440
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Get that bobo spirit out of my fucking board

>> No.55413990

people have said this in every bear market

>> No.55414173

Bitcoin is controlled by whales and that's a whole coordinated manipulation by the rich. people have to grow up and realize that they can never get rich off bitcoin.

>> No.55414280
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With all this AI fever, I legitimately think that SHIBART ticker ART will revolutionize the market when they launch because devs are creating the best crypto based, design and art AI
This will surely make the market explode so I'm waiting for their presale

>> No.55414282

Thank you anonymous internet friend who doesn't live also in my village! I have never met you before! Any further information for a friend, ser?

>> No.55414329

You're right, and this is exactly why bitcoin will continue to outperform, just as it has massively outperformed up to now. Bitcoin will continue outperforming, because it's simple and perfectly suited to spread like wildfire from one midwit to the next.
Look around. You have billions of midwits midwitting it up in this world. More midwits than retards and geniuses combined.
The midwit is smart enough to see some problems with fiat, though not able to fully articulate them. Then, they see a cult gaining power chanting "Cash is trash" & "Bitcoin fixes this."
"Yes" they repeat in their small mind. "Bitcoin fixes this." The cult gains a new adherent
What's more, the midwit is easily convinced to "hodl" and "Buy the dip" lmao
The simpler the message the more powerfully it convinces the midwit. "Stay humble, stack sats"
Yes, there will be another bullrun. There will be bullrun after bullrun, because the world is full of billions of midwits

I become more and more bullish as I reflect upon the midwit...

>> No.55414357

>t. 104 iq

>> No.55415952
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There is already a Bobo thread rolling around. In fact I think there are two. GTFO

>> No.55415967
File: 131 KB, 1048x691, 1633528712298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly think there's never going to be another crypto bullrun.
Wow, you really think the US government will stop printing money? You're really fucking dumb.

>> No.55415974

We barely even got off the ground in 2021 before the Fed rugged us

>> No.55416647
