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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1435x643, wthe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55402499 No.55402499 [Reply] [Original]

6400 posts per day, only 2 times this board had less, the day it was created which may be because there were less then 24 hours to post, and one day in 2018 which was exeptionally low, maybe 4chan went down.
So yeah maybe new atl. Less posts then last bear market

>> No.55402535

A real mystery when there's at best the same 10 retards shitposting and maybe a 100 of bots

>> No.55402556
File: 87 KB, 442x333, file_(59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can confirm
Retard reporting here.

>> No.55402564

Pretty funny considering just how many new people got into crypto in 2021

>> No.55402580

Nice, crypto scammers can get fucked

>> No.55402591

>please buy
>Look at this unrelated metric
>Come on please buy, village hungry

>> No.55402593

I posted like 50 times yesterday...wtf there really are only 17 of us

>> No.55402609

It was saturday i think yesterday was the 4th lowest
But yes it felt off that day like nobody was here
Still you are retarded since its 170

>> No.55402620

Yes and despite that the jannies still warned me for a thread I made. Pretty sad state of affairs.

>> No.55402636

you did the math wrong idiot stop assuming constants

>> No.55402637

Just because it's dead you are not allowed to shit the board up. Go to /b/ to shitpost and to twitter to advertise your scams

>> No.55402643
File: 76 KB, 590x1024, IMG_5791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been busy fuck you

>> No.55402645

free bump

>> No.55402653
File: 749 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230624-103210_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao these fucking chink ass jannies only ban if you call them men these days otherwise they heckin warnarinoed you

>> No.55402669
File: 94 KB, 974x620, 1548963981912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you retards should stop calling financially ruined baggies shills just because they want to talk about their bags. I don't even post here anymore because of this.

>> No.55402678
File: 640 KB, 890x593, 1641750577055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55402705


>> No.55402706

If your bags are dead, and all you come here is to try to advertise your bags in hope for exit liquidity the moniker shill is well deserved

>> No.55402716

you kys faggot why would you assume based on an n=1 that the average posts per user is 50

>> No.55402717

reminder there’s a BBBY and GME thread in biz in 2023 lol

>> No.55402720

I’m getting really fucking tired of this format of posts:
>Yeah, that’s why I hold JEETSHITCOIN they are building amazing ecosystem. Come and join and stop losing money.
Every fucking crypto thread is like this and it’s fucking unbearable. Dead board

>> No.55402722


biz has no liquidity, only 95% bots posting

>> No.55402724

Why would you assume its 500 retard

>> No.55402737

this is what midwits do. le heckin correctarino you with their le superior assumption then gaslight you for PREDICTING something reeeee nooooo where's your citation for thaaaaat

>> No.55402742


>> No.55402746

hello bob and vagene pls

>> No.55402751

Every drop of liquidity counts currently. Twitter has no liquidity either, neither does redddit or any other "institution". Advertisers human and bot are all over the place to scam for liquidity for their respective scams

>> No.55402787

if almost no one on the retail market has liquidity right now, what should a market participant start doing in said market?

>> No.55402804

Thank the evening shift janny who bans everyone for the slightest infraction, and the tard who spammed nickocado's counselor for weeks, scaring off all the half decent jannies, leaving this place to be infested with jeets.

>> No.55402806

You said 17 posters so you assumed 500 explain

>> No.55402812

*nickocado's coinslot

>> No.55402823

imagine unironically being this midwit. imagine seething this hard over making a simple math mistake (assuming the variables i used to make the prediction he unironically thinks i just divided one number by the other) and not only thinking youre right but taking the next 3 hours to debate that the other person is wrongarino also. maybe your prediction is right big dog but don't pretend its mine. I said 17.

>> No.55402871

You said 17 people so 500 post per person.

>> No.55402885

also according to the sentiment of the posts ITT we're still in the Anger phase lol

>> No.55402895

wow this guys really good at division. and no thats not what it would be: it would be 500 average. do you realize we have 1 indonesian 1 jeet 1 chink and 1 south american whom between the 4 of them average 4x the normal post count often called "bots"

>> No.55402898

Hoard cash, if you feel funky bonds and if you feel like taking risk and sit on bags, hedge those bags with shorts

>> No.55402916

ah yes, when no one has to liquidity to buy then you hoard cash. and when everyone gets liqudity and starts buying, that's when you buy as well am i rite? lmao

>> No.55402942

Kek baggie. Please kill yourself and stop posting

>> No.55402947

The/biz/ way

>> No.55402952

You do yours, enough people that are short on cash with expenses rising while credit availability is drying up. Who do you think bought the "dip" and gambled his last liquidity on "AI" hypes, hoping some fools comes by and takes off his hype bags for more money? Yes stupid retail, the same that bought into real estate and shitcoins

>> No.55402953

Yes average
There are no bots anymore, just a few paid shills like avax shills

>> No.55402969

Means time to buy. Theo only thing that counts is organic activity not bots posting.

>> No.55402971

>Who do you think bought the "dip"
you just said retail has no liquidity. now you say they are the ones who bought and responsible for this entire move. make up your mind

>> No.55402972

k thanks bro you're like a human calculator very impressive ill check back if I have any more complex divisions that need handled

>> No.55402984

6 months is a long time

>> No.55402994

Who bought last week?

>> No.55403002

and? retail either has no liquidity or they do. make up your mind

>> No.55403029

Those that hoped their failed hyping of spot etfs, that will never be approved, due to 7 points that haven't changed in 4 years, would bring back liquidity for their clients to take the exit before it gets real and the credit crunch from last years hikes starts to set in, and those loans they still sit on have to be written off.

>> No.55403043

So they buy the top to then exit.....

>> No.55403059

Retail had some liquidity still from the coofening bail outs, that liquidity dried up by now. Advertisers that run wild with their AI astroturfs gobbeled all up. There is nobody left with liquidity that buys off those bags, because they either already bought into hype, or are too smart to have fallen for the fail hyping and took it as what it was, a red flag

>> No.55403072

Bobos talking about liquidity sound always retarded. The money supply has barely fallen there are enough dollar around for all time high

>> No.55403077

What? Nigger, there are still tons of vc baggies and funds that sit on toxic bags and have loans to work off, and if those loans have to be written off from the idiots that gave them out in the first place there is going to be a house of cards coming crashing down

>> No.55403088

And why are all those dollars currently staying in bonds or in safes? It's clear that it's stupid money and Buffet and co are just retards that are going to buy your bags at a higher price because they are stupid

>> No.55403095

Dude that house of crads happened a year ago

>> No.55403100

I had a two day conversation with an anon here.
That or I lost my mind.

>> No.55403102

The usa can barely sell its bonds
Stop advertizing jewish usa bonds

>> No.55403118

No, that was the end of act 3. Retail and retard funds bought the dip, the next act is act 4, catastrophe. Enjoy the show

>> No.55403122
File: 3.09 MB, 336x178, lastrealbizposter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is on its deathbed.
>LINK fud spam
>twitter screenshot threads
>current thing threads
>janny approved rugpull/shitcoins advertisements
>e celeb threads
>all types of demoralization threads
>bagholder threads repeating the same old pastas
>frog slice of life threads
>old stale memes
>reposts and spam

back in the day this entire board was way more informative and ontopic, anons were smarter on average and also really hungry for a profit and it was a completely different atmosphere and even the pictures of woman were better.
now you can really see how the IQ lowered, how actual discussion has died down, how nobody puts an effort into anything and how the boards culture declined. the catalog is a disgusting mess to look at.

>> No.55403127

Whose talking about Us bonds? Btw, 20 year US bonds had a record auction last week

>> No.55403128

two more weeks
retail also bought the corona dip

>> No.55403146

Nothings changed, it's just the people who occupy this space mostly left, you got a few autists like myself who crave discussion, which shockingly I did find here, you guys were witness to it but nobody else decided to join in.

>> No.55403148

No. Retail bought in 21, the coof bail out top, together with vc baggies, and they all did it on credit, have been holding strong or at best reduced risk a bit hoping, like every one else that Powell was full of shit and would not pull through. We were all wrong. Powell, as Lagarde, is pulling though and it's going to be painful

>> No.55403159

Is there anything similar to biz somewhere else? Where all those people migrated to? Or did they just went brankrupt and off themselves?

>> No.55403170

Onchain data show that retail bought the corona dip
Whales for example sold there and bought in late 2021
Whales in crypto often are dumb money

>> No.55403172

They got second jobs, tried their luck as twitter shill or offed themselves

>> No.55403176


>> No.55403183

Crypto in general is dumb money. Not just the whales. And buying the correction before the bail out was massive gamble. If you hope for another bail out don't get your hopes up too high

>> No.55403192

I haven't found anywhere better. I miss the old school forums

>> No.55403200

Last bearmarket there were lots of linkfags spamming the board. Tbh it was unusable without filters.

>> No.55403208

This is peak internet my friend, it doesn't get better from here on out, why it was important to keep this place free, but alas we know how that's turned out.
Things are changing though, possibly for the better.

>> No.55403212

And now we have the jewish frog spammers and shitpost bots. Compared to them the link fags were high IQ

>> No.55403222

I guess, in comparison anyway.
Most people here were/are delusional and married to their investments, so many mistakes I made had I corrected half of them I'd be at 6 figures easily.
But what is something earned if you can't replicate your experience.

>> No.55403231

Na, this place is dead, too many bots and shills
You are better off curating a proper twitter feed and following a couple of discords if you want info on the market

>> No.55403234

>jewish frog
again kys
you are the worst spammer of all

>> No.55403236

so you think retail has no liquidity right now, ok. why would you hoard cash instead of buying assets while retail quite literally has no way of buying said assets because of lack of liquidity?

or do you start buying assets only when retail starts buying assets?

>> No.55403244

>needing other peoples opinon on the market.
I was hired by a millionaire here to do market analysis.
I concluded nothing in two months of research, I also concluded BTC crashing from 48k to 18k once I stopped researching and took out all the noise.

>> No.55403245

It's a shame I have at all time at least 150 threads hidden sometimes up to 190. True about experience. Got rid of all the crypto shit liquidated my 10 year cold storage of Bitcoin and started to get into real markets. Going pretty good, using the experience about fucking hype shills and jewish advertising bullshit for my profits

>> No.55403258

my anecdotal experience as a retail investor is - 2011-14 was in crypto in btc - sold at a loss both times panic selling. Ignored till covid - bought the covid dip heavily and have been in ever since - still in green now even in this bear market. I guess a lot of other retail is too. We dont trade - we hodl.

>> No.55403262

It's not just retail that is out of liquidity or has a hard time justifying to get loans, if they even get loans in the first place. It takes on average about a year for rate hikes to be felt in the real economy. And no, I am not going to take off your bags with china being confirmed in the shitter, with them in the shitter the metal market getting fucked as the real estate market getting fucked

>> No.55403266

Atta boy, we learn and sharpen ourselves from our past experiences and losses and this is the true way of learning how to win.
You can't trust others opinions humans are too flawed.

>> No.55403276

Oh youre the weed btc maxi guy?
If yes dude you are annoying when will you stop posting?

>> No.55403289

Na, dont need that stuff, but I use social media to pick up on trends and narratives

>> No.55403292

so you believe NO ONE has liquidity right now and instead of buying when no one else can you choose to wait until they are able to buy first? lmao

>> No.55403300

Weed? How do you get that bullshit, I have nothing to do with weed, neither as an "investment" or as using that shit. You are kind of a shizo

>> No.55403308

As written above baggie, if you want to buy, go on and buy

>> No.55403324

Namefags aren't human, and I mean that in multiple ways.
Learning to trust yourself and your decisions is the ultimate enlightenment pill.

>> No.55403327

Then i just thought you were another guy
The schizo is you, when will you stop posting on this board
>muh cyna collapse in two weeks
>muh liquadidi not there
>""""jewish frog"""""
>muh market makers control everything trust the plan q
>no you are not allowed to shill here

>> No.55403339

Happy independence day rabbi.

>> No.55403340

Agree, retarded normal faggots they are
Namefag, you need to piss off and off yourself, same as the other retarded name fangs that thought they could use this place to advertise.

>> No.55403345

I am just struggling to see any logic. retail has no liquidity, so I wait until they have liquidity to buy assets? lmao

>> No.55403352

>ad hominem
when will you stop posting these schizo points

>> No.55403360

Ask yourself, where is retail, or anybody else supposed to get liquidity from in the current economic environment, when inflation is still elevated, the rate hikes starting to be felt in credit availability and china, as Europe in a deep recession with high interest rates. If you can tell me where the liquidity is supposed to come from, then thank you

>> No.55403365

>Learning to trust yourself and your decisions is the ultimate enlightenment pill
Truly is, specially here where most end up being bagholders

>> No.55403370

everything changed newfag.
if you dont know then just stfu, see thats what I mean there is only low IQ faggots here, looks like you are one of them.

>> No.55403371

You adverisers are really getting angry at people saying how it is while you sit on bags you hoped to dump on somebody

>> No.55403395

I dont hold anything i can influence by shilling to 100 people here

>> No.55403396

anon, you are supposed to be buying assets when no one else is able to buy. and you're supposed to be selling when everybody else is buying. this should be common sense and I'm sure you're aware of it

>> No.55403401

>Guys they noticed take the namefag off
>but boss I won't get paid
>Do it Chaim!
Okay champ.

>> No.55403404

So when will you stop?
Money supply has barely fallen someone has the dollar you retard

>> No.55403412

Paid for what?

>> No.55403414

That's an extremely retarded way to look at economics
>You are supposed
According to who? Shills that scream some bullshit about buying their bags off from them making me rich? Some faggot shills screaming that people that don't buy their bags are poor? Go fuck yourself

>> No.55403419

link shill threads are the reason for this. anons are really sick of looking at the board and seeing 20 shill link threads on the front page especially when you can tell that most are made by the same guy

>> No.55403424

Yeah of course, but not retail or dumb money, and those that have those dollars are certainly just waiting to buy your bags, you bought because of hyping by advertisers. Listen to yourself.

>> No.55403425

You ever think about how 4chan is supposed to be one of the most visited websites on the internet, how there's supposedly billions of people on the internet now, yet it feels like you're talking to the same 10 people every day? Weird.

>> No.55403430

I stopped posting because retards keep shitting up threads, this place is a shithole, I'm going back to /fit

>> No.55403439

So why are you constantly mad at people telling to buy, according to you nobody here can buy anyway

>> No.55403440

Because I am the same 10 people you talk to every day.

>> No.55403441

this exact same thing happened in the past. I read the exact same posts just before the previous run started. its time. and yes I am one of the 17 retards who come here nearly every day since 2017

>> No.55403459
File: 268 KB, 1200x800, Fh6sB0lX0AICsyD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up my brother /biz/raeli
You true newfags have no idea what's taking place

>> No.55403460

>U mad
Annoyed, because I see the situation in the data, and I see the advertising freaks being unhinged in trying to offload their bags screaming all kind of shit why somebody needs to buy their bags, while getting more desperate by the day realizing that nobody is buying their bags

>> No.55403475

It's okay brother, don't let your emotions run wild this is their intention.

There's something deeper going on right now, stop and listen to it's ripple.
(And no I'm not shilling anything)

>> No.55403479

I am not your (((brother))) bag holder. Hold tight

>> No.55403481

According to you nobody has liquidity so stop beeing annoyed and stop posting because there are no buyers according to you

>> No.55403487

Oh but you are.
And I'm not shilling or holding any bags, it's okay I'm not upset with you, I've been where you sit.

>> No.55403506

Who said no buyer. Guess you can find stupid money in your tgs, discords and other herded retard circles, but we both know, that even them run out of funds to pay for your expenses buying off your shit from you, and those retards are not enough to keep you liquid

>> No.55403511

You are either a nigger or a Muslim because only those two kinds are stupid enough to try this form off scammery calling everyone their brother

>> No.55403517


>> No.55403520

I'm a 6'4 burger from the midwest.
You share the same space as me, we have experienced similar things, we are brothers in this condition that is existing.

I wish I could take away your anxiety, it's not fair to you.

>> No.55403524

by chainlimk

>> No.55403534

No you are not. And if you are, some nigger media brain washed you, and again just because we post on this board we are not the same and certainly no brothers, faggot
Go try your armchair psychology faggotery somewhere else

>> No.55403537

>That's an extremely retarded way to look at economics
like saying buying low and selling high is retarded

sure it's simplified, but buying assets while retail is more concerned about the price of eggs is most definitely a better option than buying assets when your coworkers are talking about "trading" and "investing", which again I'm sure you will agree

>> No.55403542
File: 103 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about 3

>> No.55403544

Platitudes and memes you don't understand. Somebody really fucked you idiots in the brain. I suppose advertisers

>> No.55403547

You're upset because you're targeted by psychological operations, I've been as well before.
You're my BROTHER, you are my species, you think, you feel, you have emotions, you CARE you have passion
Nobody else ITT does but you, so like a vibration you ring out to me, and I say be in peace and you'll find the answers you might need, the noise will drive you crazy do NOT let it, it's their intention.

Some junkie on the street isn't my brother, he's a man sure, but he's given up.
You haven't.

>> No.55403559

Nigger I am annoyed by you "community" faggots thinking this is one of your inner kike circle jerks where you can reign with group thinkery. You should have never come into anon space faggot

>> No.55403573

>We were all wrong
Project more.

>> No.55403576

Number 2 of the 17 retards reporting in
Mostly browse k recently but biz is still my home board

>> No.55403588

You aren't annoyed by me, your ego is fighting with a force of ill will, he left shortly after I called him out did you notice?
Think of me as turning over the temple, there's deeping things going on behind the surface, deeper than I can explain in any QRD.

But just be calm, you will find your money where you need it, I promise you that, in whatever avenue you take you'll get what you need.

Just chill brother, take a moment and remember to disengage, save your fury for later.

>> No.55403590

Didn't you think last year that Powell wouldn't go above 5% when the dot plot from last spring was projecting a final rate of around 3.8%, and that this year their would be a pivot. If so, good for you

>> No.55403621

Gtfo back into your (((community))) you godamn niggers

>> No.55403635

I belong to no community I swear to you, not that I need to prove absolutely anything to you.
I'm one man, who's simply reaching out to another.
If I had the means I'd take any problem you were currently suffering from and extinguish it, I won't bother asking you what it is that's eating you, but there's benevolent forces behind the scenes that just might.
Stay strong and know your anger IS justified.

>> No.55403639

Checked but you don’t either, if there’s one thing I’m sick of with this place it’s every faggot pretending to be 150 IQ surrounded by 120 IQ midwits. You’re in the same fucking boat and that’s why you’re here posting now, you have nothing enlightening to add just bitterness disguised as hidden knowledge. I don’t even want hopium but goddamn is it so much to ask that people just be real, it’s either permabulls or happening doomers, both think it’s just 2 weeks away and if you disagree “you just don’t get it”. It’s ok to admit you have no fucking clue about the market, if you did you wouldn’t be here.

>> No.55403649

>Le epic IQ meme
Gtfo and kys cringe lord

>> No.55403658

Be honest with me here, are you the woods anon?
What's going on, kindly talk to me I've been thinking about you actually.

>> No.55403679

No. That's the issue with you idiot identity faggots, you are looking for community and frens, that is not what anon is about. If you still don't get that look for another place. I am not your friend I am not your brother I am not part of your herds, I am anon and so should you be or gtfo

>> No.55403688

it is weird because there is a massive influx of newfags

>> No.55403693

You have no life anon. You must be responsible for spamming half the threads on here right now with your pseudo knowledgeable bullshit. If you're so successful and know what to do, what are you doing here? "Oh I already made it I'm just here to laugh at baggies" - like I said, get a fucking life

>> No.55403703

Theres only like 100 active posters.
I fud every link thread and theres never more then 50 unique posters

>> No.55403705

I make no threads if I have nothing valuable to contribute faggot. Threads should only be made when somebody has really something to say that is interesting. Not to shill your bags, not to talk about your day, not about some shitpost.

>> No.55403713

It's okay buddy I figured it was you, I'm the only anon here who can directly see who I'm speaking to, not trying to be esoteric but it's true and I've proven it multiple times.

Be strong, stay here, calm down, know whatever storm you're running through will pass, we are brothers here, the ones who are fighting and have passion and you do, I've seen it.

We've talked multiple times before and it's how I can see you, I'm not a man of means but if I were I'd give you some money to take the burden of your torment off of your back and let you sleep an easier week, you've endured the same battles we've fought before.
That's why I call you brother.
It is you, it's okay.

I've lived by a moral ethic of honesty and in turn it's yielded the resulting ability to see beyond lies without trying.

I'm telling you beyond a shadow of a doubt I would share my wealth with you if I could, not because of your anger but because I know the battle.
I'll be around don't worry.
And mind you I'm fighting extremely bad illness but I'm not giving up on you or myself not yet.

>> No.55403714

I noticed weekends are much less active. Probably cause all the wagies are recovering. During weekdays a lot of wagies shitpost here from work

>> No.55403723

Just for information retard, I didn't read past your buddy shit. Because that word identifies you as what you are. Now finally piss off and look for an identity faggot "community" that serves your needs, or learn to lurk

>> No.55403727
File: 30 KB, 916x910, 954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.

>> No.55403728

Was noticing that biz has been very slow lately, kinda feels like early 2019 when we just had the last Bart down and mainstream attention was at an all time low. Seems like pretty much everyone has moved on and no one really cares for crypto anymore. Bitcoin ATH was a bit over 1.5 years ago. Even most biz posters and twitter fags have seem to lost all hope.
Unironically seems like the sweet spot to start buying back in. Which I have been doing lately.
Godspeed my contrarian frens.

>> No.55403732

Google that you: 1992 Sci fi movie

>> No.55403735
File: 32 KB, 426x454, 4685dc6e2c8df38d451ab2d7baad98057bf2fb7885faa4d665473aed034cd27b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you've calmed down we can talk, I'll find you don't worry.

>> No.55403746

Nobody wants to have a conversation with you. If you want to converse, go look some place else. If you can't figure out what I am saying about being anon, you are a lost case

>> No.55403748
File: 3.54 MB, 480x270, thoroidalearth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem like a bully. let it go anon. you don't have to bully yourself. it is ok. you are ok. you are enough. it is fine. we are frens. , brothers. heh

>> No.55403753

Hey, at least we're having a nice little roundtable, if you filter out the shitcoin posts. Like a little clubhouse.

>> No.55403771

You too, leave. Discord where your kind comes from. Stay there

>> No.55403773

If you want to remain anon you simply have to never post, or learn to channel your rage and know you're basically shouting out to the entire world exactly who you are.

Normally I'd say "Na don't help this guy"
But I know your anger comes from this sick world and it's twisted games, once you fully understand what's taking place you can laugh and relax, at least a little more than you are now.

But I'm not here to "talk"
I'm trying to get you help, in terms of money because I know that's what's likely eating you, but you're really blinded by anger right now.

>> No.55403793

BUT that's why they call it "seeing red"
Just try to let go, for a few moments, maybe return to this thread, we're all adults here and those speaking more than a single post are probably real people.

>> No.55403796

He's maybe not "jovial", but he's making good points overall.

>> No.55403801

He siad spamming the threads not making them retard
Now answer him

>> No.55403826

Else what nigger? Leave, shut yourself down

>> No.55403844
File: 79 KB, 576x440, pepeMcWagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually discord would be perfect for you. assholes and trannies like you are there. you can bully eachother kek

>> No.55403862

Ok you just answered him, no answer is an answer.
So you really are all days here posting your schizo shit to try to mkae people sell crypto
Now why? Are you jewish?

>> No.55403877

We're maybe a handful of people bullying each other in a circle. If there's 10 of us, I might already be overestimating. We even have pretty similar personalities, it's just that some act hostile, some friendly.

>> No.55403882

Guys be a little light on him, not trying to "call out" this guy, he's probably sitting with about 500 bucks and working at walmart I wish I was larping.
And he posts pretty much nonstop here, why like fuck if I was rich I'd throw this dude a bone just cause it would probably stretch but clearly he's very riled up today.

>> No.55403902

>And this guy has treated me like a shitbag before and I only have 6k nw
But still I feel for him in a lot of ways.

>> No.55403936
File: 67 KB, 1008x1024, apuupeperino_schemeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if he listened to us frens instead of being mean he would have 10+ bitcoins too., you have been here since 2017 atleast right anon? I've been accumulating since then. and now. I am free. WAIT ??? YOU .... BOUGHT AND HELD SHITCOINS??????????!!!!>>55403771
im sorrry for your lossKEK

>> No.55403955

kek, well I'm a bit of a latecomer not to crypto but to /biz/ unfortunatly my life wasn't always peaches and cream so I missed my opprotunity but I'm pretty much an expert in terms of logged hours into the crypto market at this point, and have a pretty good idea on ways to make money.

But I still feel bad for him because I've been in his position angrily lashing out and seeing no brightness in my future.

>> No.55403973

You (((frens))) idiots got brain washed and never lurked. Congratulations.

>> No.55403990
File: 368 KB, 200x303, f2ee4279c4ce963d4b5168d09ee1846d_w200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah damn frens fucking got me bro, surrounded me with love and helped me when I was low.
Fucking psyoped.

>> No.55403999

god that killed /biz so fucking hard with the captcha change, literally down only since that very day

>> No.55404011
File: 21 KB, 183x200, mrbearwolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lurked everyday since the days of MrBearWolf, doyou even know him? pic related. he saved me from holding a shitcoin to 0. and that's when I learned. fucking shitcoins are worthless. LINK too

>> No.55404078

Na he's a 2021 newcomer from /pol/ he lives indawoods and posts himself nonstop, which is weird that he's going on about anonymity, considering I know who he is because of his antics.
I was going to mention this man in a previous thread last night about if someone wants to really help someone probably in need, even though it doesn't benefit me to lead others to help, this guy was tugging at my soul.
But shit lol

>> No.55404104

You cost me $200 by the way trying to help you, but I digress, not that it matters but I wanted you to know I wasn't trying to be some "community" faggot, or whatever you perceive me as, just a dude who's looking out for another dude my age, who took a similar path I took but I course corrected.

>> No.55404125

Nigger I don't care about you as an individual, your feelings or anything else about you, neither should you about me. you are either anon, lurk or fuck off

>> No.55404129
File: 29 KB, 427x400, 1687774186957737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically everybody posting here is a fucking glowie

Literally every single person

>> No.55404140

I know you don't, I've tried to help you before when I couldn't.
I know it's you, you don't have to hide.
I mean I told you for literally months to put your money into NCT and look it's running again you would be up probably 50-60% by now.
Same guy here.
I got nothing to hide.

I literally worked for a multi millionaire crypto investor as a market researcher and gave you one of the only gems I found.

>> No.55404178

>nothing changed
>people who occupy this space mostly left

Yes, you're a newfag

>> No.55404184

No you didn't, that's not me. You are really confused and too much of an identity faggot trying too hard to pin identities on anons. Stop it or fuck off
Also nobody cares that you worked for mc Donald's

>> No.55404193

>uses identifying language with a market research data analyst with a high powered computer like autistic brain.

>> No.55404209

You are a retard, that mistakes himself for some scientist. Fuck off cancer, shut down your waste of bandwidth. That wasn't me, your data mining operation is worthless

>> No.55404215

I'm not gonna keep this charade up with you, I'm sick and need to shower to drain my lymphatic system, you don't have to hide my intention was never to expose you or make you feel awkward, there's other things at play here without me coming directly out and saying it although my god I'm about on the nose as you can get.

It's a futile effort though, and it's now costing me money to try and help you, get right man go take a walk or something.
I mean this from a place of love.

>> No.55404220

>I type le and make fun of 4chan memes
>this puts me above you
nigger we're all anon here, you haven't posted anything that matters in this thread. Advertisers/shills suck, you know what else sucks? Permabears desperate to make everyone else sell with them so they can feel good about their financial decisions. Get fucked.

>> No.55404239

I don't know who you think I am outside of anon, but you are wrong. You mistake me with somebody else. Leave anon space and stop it. If you want to mine data, focus on some other place, you are a failure at what you try.

>> No.55404250

This thread, past the first few posts was to tell whatever fool xif is to get lost

>> No.55404285

I don't even care about him, the thread was about apathy, markets bottom on apathy and it is a signal whether you want to believe it or not. At this point if you are a bear hoping for a lower low, all you really have to cling to is >le happening
doomer schizo nonsense. Macro sucks no shit, but everyone knows it sucks now, and everyone agrees it sucks. That is not the formula for lower lows. You either need another black swan, or you need false hope, and there's no false hope left, everyone has left the markets.

That doesn't mean shit's going to pump right away either, could be another 6 months at these levels. But whenever the next move is, you're going to see a lot of sucker's rally calls.

>> No.55404311

Also take note of all the anons who go on rants about even if they make it, the dollar will be worthless and the world will be dead etc. Hyperbole sure, but what it actually is is retail realizing just how fucking hard it is to hold long term, thinking it was going to be easy. They have to make up these elaborate doomer fantasies to justify what richfags who can afford to sit out and wait are doing. And make no mistake, some are capitulating, many did not prepare for the winter of the market.

>> No.55404336

Look at the data. It could be just more brutal crab, sure, but the situation in China and Asia in general, the situation in Europe from south west to north east and the wonky situation in north America including the worsening credit situation with current dot plot makes me think, and of course I could be wrong that October last year wasn't the bottom. That's speculation. If you want to take the other side of the bet and bet on higher highs relative to December 21, you are free to do so

>> No.55404358

The bet I'd make is there won't be a global depression, markets will crab for the rest of this year, and the machine will continue to chug at least through the rest of this decade. An actual depression/happening is actually the best possible scenario for most who want to "make it" because you'd have the runway to do so, it is directly in opposition to those currently in power, which is why it almost assuredly won't happen. Rather, you're just going to see more of the same, with the markets only enriching those who already have massive skin in the game, and the poor continuing to be priced out. Maybe in the 2030's something will happen, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.55404395

From my perspective you seem to bet heavily on the self declared elites that have been fucking up everything they touched since the 70s and only survived past 2008, with help of propaganda, the narratival paradigmatic turn and massive bail outs sacrificing by now 2.5 generations to secure their bags from crashing. I think the coof model fuck ups was the last, as the current failure of pushing through the climate shit and Ukraine war shows. i could be wrong and they are willing to also sacrifice gen Alpha, but then the wake will be bad like really fucked up civilization ending bad

>> No.55404406

I only come here to discuss Chainlink and macro economics. Mentally ill f*dders have ruined most discussion surrounding Chainlink so now I get bored with /biz/ and having been spending more time with /diy/ and /ck/

>> No.55404407

You're way too focused on politics, which really tells me who you are more than what you say.
You're still behind in years when it comes to wisdom.

Gonna say this one last time, NOISE
learn to decipher it.

>> No.55404422

I'm not so much betting on them as betting against society to actually do "anything" in opposition to them, because its going to take some sort of outside inertia to see any sort of change. I guess you can say China taking over causes that change, but China already runs plenty in the world as it is, they don't have to be the official world superpower for that to change things. And we're already headed more in that direction anyways (assuming you're a burger like myself), not the opposite.

I guess you can call me a realist doomer, I think its over, but not in an explosive way, we're just going to silently accept our lot as slave nigger cattle. Iphones and sportsball is enough bread and circus for the masses.

>> No.55404427

>Market data analyst
You are the problem, a product of the narratival turn. The lose in Ukraine is going to end the New Liberal paradigm in IR and with it your world

>> No.55404463

China isn't taking over. Their economy is in shambles and they have been the ones that through jewish trans national corporations been responsibile for the booms in commodities, mostly industrial metals and the boom in energy carriers. If you can tell me who is going to replace china, please tell me, because I can't see it. Neither India seems to be the motor of growth, nor the Arab peninsula or let alone south America

>> No.55404484

Look this whole problem of going back and forth is the distraction, you're part of the problem because you don't realize that.

Good day dude, me and others here tried but you are stuck on /pol/ mode
So might wanna try going back you'll at least get your arguments you want there.

>> No.55404519

>/pol/ mode
What a bullshit. Just because I am a neo realist and see by trade, that the narratival turn failed same as the new liberal paradigm, I am /pol/? Go fuck yourself you failure. You bet all on one card, while ignoring people that were able to see the big picture warned and said cut it out, you didn't listen, watch your world fail

>> No.55404564

Pol fags exclusively doomer post because they live in a negative feedback loop where they train their brains to function from negative stimulus. Pol chuds are poor losers so they actively want nuclear war and apocalypse happenings so every normie becomes depressed and destitite and they can finally feel at home with society

>> No.55404594

I am not a doomer, I am just looking at the current situation maybe too over realist without blinkers and see the cracks in the wall that aren't able to be painted over anymore, mo matter how much the new liberals and the club of rome heirs whish that everything is going to turn out just okay for them after 40 years of consequtive fuck ups and as said sacrificing by now 2.5 generations to keep their dreams alive

>> No.55404647
File: 140 KB, 631x903, anime villain v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bullish for /biz/ all the paper hands are being squeezed out

>> No.55404656

>everything is gonna collapse in 2 more weeks
What you fail to realize is the past collapses only happened due to the cumbersome analog systems they relied on.
Now that everything is digital its far easier to manuever in the turbulent waters.
I have full confidence the smart crafty jews will be able to keep the current system chugging along for many more years.
Average fiat system lasts 100 years, the dollar was only taken off the gold standard 50 years ago. We still have a solid 50 years left. And by the time its ready to burn there will be a new system positioned.
I was watching doomer videos on youtube in 2012, what ive learned that is that nothing ever happens.
The people who push the doomer narrative usually have financial incentives to do so, such as selling prepper accessories, guns and gold/silver.
Thus they keep churning out content saying the happening is coming in 2 more weeks to make normies fearful and panic buy their wares

>> No.55404714

I don't watch YouTube or consume any other bullshit media propaganda, the most is watching official speeches and glancing over msm to see what narratives are trying to be fail pushed, the rest is raw data. And I don't expect that the dollar is going bye bye, far from it, I actually assume, contrary to many that the dollar is going to be strengthened in an attempt to save the system. I don't have much confidence that it works because the "crafty" jews have been producing one short sighted fuck up after the other while being consumed by hubris
We will see, if I am right with my over realist assessment or if the always optimistic crowd manages to crab through the fuck ups

>> No.55404768
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>> No.55405133

I'm range banned all the time.
Imagine range banning one of your 100 users.

>> No.55405296

>Just because I am a neo realist

>> No.55405406

Based /ck/

>> No.55405734
File: 72 KB, 391x580, 1679590238005901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I check this place nearly every day for some stupid reason, barely ever post because why would I if I have nothing of value to contribute.
Unfortunately, most posters here don't adhere to the same philosophy. 99% of posts here are useless, it seems everyone with some sense have left and I wish I knew where.

>> No.55405805

what do people do outside when its like 100+ degrees

>> No.55405814

sweat, fight, get angry, die.
>t. heat wave in my city in the 30s killed so many there's still bones in some of the parks.

>> No.55406316

Ive been here since 2017 and have only put in 700 in. Made my panicked mistakes and learned, lurked for years after. Only now am i thinkin of putting more in, riding the crab wave til the next bull. All i have is time, its better to take risk than waste away doing nothing i figure. Job market is completely fucked so im kind of a cornered rat right now, sucks

>> No.55406340

There are always jobs for those who want a job

>> No.55406442

Yeah, theres jobs, but not the jobs i need. Want to move my family back out in the country with something full remote. Can code and do data but have no degree or exp outside freelance. Tempted to pay someone to lie about experience on my resume, since its been 6 months and not a single interview

>> No.55406540

>Powell is pulling though
He still refuses to jack rates into positive territory, he will go down as the Fed chair that killed USD hegemony

>> No.55406556

No. There are no jobs you want. Then Paco and Jose get the jobs, your bad

>> No.55406681

Could make for a harder dollar. And the slow ramp up made a lot of people misjudge the final rate. If you asked me last year if I would think that interests would go above 5%, I would have laughed and called you crazy

>> No.55406746

Real terms. We've been in a heavy recession for a couple of years, the coof-brrrrr has masked the nominal, remember the near-RR strike? 25% raise over FIVE YEARS, on a 2019-2025 basis that's a 5-10% pay cut, these kinds of wage "gains" are happening arccos the board

>> No.55406872

>negative real rates will make it strong
I thought like you during 2021, that they'd use the brrrrrr as exit liquidity and then brutally crash the markets to rug the boomers right as they're retiring en masse, but they haven't and show no signs that they'll actually crash shit. Workers are taking it up the ass, so why wouldn't they continue to debase?

>> No.55406958

Lose in trust in institutions. It hasn't stopped going down. I was thinking I am taking crazy pills zapping through msm, cnn offered the gop committee a platform to attack the Biden corruption and China. More debase imo would result in an accelerating decline in trust. They need to sacrifice a few corporates and politicians and the best way is by bankrupting them, which doesn't directly fucks up the working class voter. A reason why I assume there wont be bail outs when the zombies get killed

>> No.55407027

55 IDs so far. are there are like sub 100 of us here now?

>> No.55407031

>no bail outs
BTFP. Jay the Faggot already bailed out zombies this year, on top of the trillions in dosh over the scamdemic

>> No.55407041

Not really a bail out in the classical sense, but yes that svb credit line came unexpected. He got shit on for it last week during the testimony

>> No.55407073
File: 1.35 MB, 746x746, SergeySteve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here. Still not selling. Cope and seethe.

>> No.55407106

I lurk daily but post post probably once a month - I suspect theres a few of us?

>> No.55407117

I stopped coming here after the IRS took all my spare money. After a 4 month vacation saving it back i realized this place sucks and stopped almost entirely.

>> No.55407133

Cope. You just can't handle the bants

>> No.55407150

Oh shit! The people that benefit the most from the printing wagged their fingers at Jay?!? EXIT ALL MARKETS!

Empty. Political. Theater.

All politicians are grifters and it's just easier to steal through debasement then straight theft. They will never ever stop, remember we didn't "go off gold" in '71, that was just when their counterfeiting became so flagrant that even our allies called bullshit, and what did we do?
>"Haha yeah you caught us, thanks for the gold. gg no re."
They will never stop.

>> No.55407252

Jannies just keep banning for bullshit reasons

>> No.55407320

They sure are grifters, but without trust there is no grift. And about allies, they are getting rarer these days and enemies numerous, while the trust is so fucked up that the military has not met it's quotas by a long shot this season. Harder dollar, more boots and loyalty for Uncle Sam, weaker dollar and no trust, it's harder to keep the grift for everybody involved going especially when enemies become more numerous than allies inside and outside

>> No.55407356

JEETSHITCOIN is a good choice their dev team is very active and bring good innovations to the crypto space you will make it next bullrun but I prefer to load up on BTC, ETH, and JEETSHITCOIN2

>> No.55407481

Perhaps not so,I do not have the data but it would be wise to compare this trend to 4chan as a whole. Perhaps less people are posting here in general and it does not reflect a crypto market trend

>> No.55407716

They don't need trust in institutions, just control of the printers, like I said, workers are acquiescing to wholesale real wage cuts, there's no pressure to stop debasing

>> No.55407758

Opinion discared
Money creation requires fools taking the risk. Loans to private are getting rarer with crunches, and foreign investors require at least temporary allies to take the risk. Maybe allying with India against China in a hot war to carve up that communist shithole makes US bonds interesting again, but one would need to find a few soldiers that are more or less voluntarily take the wage to kill communists

>> No.55407847

They killed this place.
There was a time I dreamed of meeting the people here in a VR party.
But now most of them left and I want to avoid the trannies, and paid shills who took over their place.

The only hope to save the community would be to migrate to a decentralized not CIA controlled version of 4chan where we have full transparency over janitor operations and full control.
And also AI supported filtering to remove paid fud.
It would also enable a semi anonymous identity system to allow people to connect and to protect against shill attacks and manipulation.

The reason twitter is a lot better is because paid shills can't take the identity of someone.
When someone has proved their value, this remains and you can count on it.
No need to constantly endure psy ops and psychological warfare to demoralize us.

>> No.55407858

Get lost, you are wrong here

>> No.55407944

Most of the real people that were here since the beginning bought Bitcoin for only a few hundred dollars a piece, probably even less than that. They all made it and left after the 2017 run.

>> No.55407993

Literally educated stupid. We're never returning to 2019 money stock, nothing will crash in nominal terms for that reason alone, workers continue to take it up the ass, where's the pressure for monetary responsibility?

>> No.55408472

I mainly just well poison/kike post. Lmao love farming you’s

Still bullish, still buying. Seethe.

>> No.55408481

Shitcoins and pajeets killed /biz/.

>> No.55408678

no. chink janny influence ruined /biz/

>> No.55408740

feels like less bots are around
even in telegram

>> No.55408742

ukranian and russian scammers are too busy hiding from the draft or dying to flood the chans with their fucking garbage


>> No.55409002

Eventually crypto will run out of suckers to con.

>> No.55409048

>dumbest motherfucker alive

>> No.55409144

No i dont think so
Yes by design this side cannot protect from shills

>> No.55409168

Not a single soul here mentioned the fact the activity died the moment alameda research went down.

>> No.55409170

Literally the day they filed for bankruptcy was the peak.
And then again when SBF was getting steamrolled he hit the board.

>> No.55409178

I only keep posting


To BTC100K snail threads. I am a real human bean.

>> No.55409208

i always post >its over
all the time regardless of the price action
i also tell people to buy gold even tho i dont own any

>> No.55409212

the website is dead, DEAD, definitively.

>> No.55409219


>> No.55409229

Yeah maybe if we had flags not these stupid useless ids.
Asian niggers killed biz with constant shilling and bs posting.
Enjoy the pajeet posters, smart money left long time ago.

>> No.55409244

Na alameda spammed this board nonstop, they left and schizo spammers/scammers filled the void, btc pumps them out and they leave we have our board back.
simple as.

>> No.55409257
File: 234 KB, 1072x780, Do You Remember Zanzibar Snake_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red leader reporting in

>> No.55409263

Were you in this thread earlier faggot?
I was convinced I was talking to you.....

Suddenly you appear and aren't being a cockass so my judgement might very well have been wrong and the previous person was just some bad actor permabear.

>> No.55409267

Alameda? You mean those ugly ftx Jews? What did they spam? Biz had a rat infestation problem for years but not solved on purpose as mods and jannies take poo stained coca cola money from jeet scammers to keep it this way.

We need flags ASAP or idc.
I'm doing fine on other boards.

>> No.55409271

Also holy shit bud you doing good?
NCT did 125% today.

>> No.55409272

So now you give your money again to the same jews, buying bitshit from them? Smarr

>> No.55409276

Datamining to leverage hunt mostly and also namefagging among other bullshit.

>> No.55409279

My used CUNT doin lil somtin somtin
And no this is my first post ITT

>> No.55409287

Thank god, I was trying to help "you"
or who I thought was you, because he was using some similar dialect that literally only you use.

Good I can sigh relief knowing one that faggot didn't get help and two you're doing good.

I might consider selling if I were you on it's next pump just because historically it retraces.
I while talking to that faggot ITT missed it and cost me about 12k oh well.
Just glad it wasn't you kek.

>> No.55409299

You need to leave

>> No.55409302

kek, no faggot it's you who needs to leave.
I was a dick head to this man for years, he's earned his right here.

>> No.55409306
File: 184 KB, 1079x1511, Roasties Eternally BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad, how's your shitcoin casino doing?

>> No.55409308

You seriously need to leave

>> No.55409314

Good man.
See to you faggots ITT
this guy listened to my alpha, I'm not a man of means but considering he took shots from me that would make most men punch holes in their wall I wanted to help him out.

I'm very fucking happy that he listened, he's a lot smarter than I originally gave him credit for.

>> No.55409315
File: 1.32 MB, 434x498, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seriously need to leave

>> No.55409322

Leave greentext faggot. Back to your discord
>ib4 another greentxt cringe with an over spammed discord image

>> No.55409323

kek there aren't many people posting atm like me you and a few thirdies, but thanks for posting dude, I was feeling pretty good today and i haven't for awhile, but that cockass threw me for a loop because I was convinced it was you and bewildered why you would be so upset.

So thank you because I can relax a little knowing you were just working kek.

>> No.55409326
File: 319 KB, 769x765, dff76gl-3b7e98c9-30cd-4dc3-a25b-3c18e7161bfa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55409331
File: 1.67 MB, 1869x1956, 1687110498116690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this king.

>> No.55409334

You need to go back

>> No.55409336
File: 130 KB, 500x519, Millions Must BUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I basically ghost this place on my work days until late at night. Too much fun hearing boomer stand up comedy and having tweakers get 5 different ebt cards declined for 8 hours to come here for "le crypto is ponzi" postings

>> No.55409338
File: 44 KB, 426x454, 4685dc6e2c8df38d451ab2d7baad98057bf2fb7885faa4d665473aed034cd27b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close.

>> No.55409346

Well stick around brother, things are going to get interesting and there was benevolent forces aware here.
I'm not going into detail but if you read the thread you might read between the lines.
Have a great night my oldfaggot fren, you deserve it.

>> No.55409349

>47 posts by this shizo

>> No.55409354
File: 1 KB, 20x28, 1684682960925494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

48 thank you very much.

>> No.55409359

Sorry bro the rest of us have already made it and are fucking 10/10 bunnies on our private yachts.

>> No.55409362
File: 2.57 MB, 498x424, billy-witch-doctor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55409372

I prefer reddit.com where there is a little [ - ] button to hide schizo ramblings. I can even block users globally.

>> No.55409400

Ofc you do. Here you can dump your pajeet shills, there you can block and hate white people that calls you out for being an animal.

>> No.55409451

And nobody asks, why all the bots have been shut down. Maybe it became too expensive

>> No.55409463

>doesnt read thread
>>'Only I, an enlightened being, could make such an observation.'

>> No.55409501

There is nothing that would suggest why the bots were shut down

>> No.55409509

The bots are busy fucking your mother

>> No.55409523

I asked /g/.
They said probably because it's not profitable. Not surprising.

>> No.55409548

So too expensive, nobody buying any of the advertised shitcoins and not enough data being mined. Sounds reasonable

>> No.55409752

Good morning retards, what are we 10x longing today?

>> No.55409779

Can't wait for the day only peepee poopoo posters are left

>> No.55409940

>87 IDs now
sub 100 it is

>> No.55409954

Yet jannies range ban me from making threads.. never shilled a scam, never participated in Bsc shitcoins, don't duck with ARB dog coins. Just an anon who shitposts and was banned.

>> No.55409980

Or go shit up some other platform

>> No.55409991
File: 54 KB, 1080x1080, 1193153175787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lurking.

>> No.55410010

What a gross looking creature, looks like he is dying of cancer

>> No.55410021

As long as I'm still here, /biz/ is alive and well.

>> No.55410062
File: 50 KB, 460x560, 1668966410373210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz delete this.

>> No.55410155


>> No.55410296
File: 166 KB, 1290x1272, 20230610_064756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back crypto and you see ATH again. Crypto bros are the biggest force ever. It's certain that Bitcoin will bounce back when CZ, Coinbase and Ripple defeats SEC, else I will end up heading for vacation in Dubai with my BTC via CryptMi gateway.

>> No.55410379

Can we just continue to act like infantile children so people will continue to disregard /biz/ for any serious conversation.
Imagine actual redditors take over