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55407483 No.55407483 [Reply] [Original]

>call my mom
>we talk
>she says i should get married
>i go slient
>change topic
>say goodbye
>feel bad about myself after

>> No.55407504

marriage fucking sucks half the time
I miss being single so fucking much

>> No.55407521

You should’ve called your mom and stupid bitch. Women of her generation ruined marriage by not preventing their daughters from entering the workforce or becoming whores. Any parent who’s aware of the failure of the west should marry their daughter off as soon as she is 18

>> No.55407592

then get divorced?

>> No.55407988

my mom is pulling the same stunt, i told her i wasn't going to be a meal ticket to some whore so ill get taken to the cleaners in 20 years, fuck that when i find someone that deserves the result of my wage slavery ill get married.

in the end is cause women love being part of society and cant stand not following societal norms.

>> No.55408018
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I stopped caring about my parents' opinion of my life. That's not to say that I don't love them, or think that they haven't always cared for me in spite of the baggage that they gave me, but we just have fundamentally different values and outlooks on the world. They've just been trying their best to help me without being overbearing. For most parents, they just want to help without intruding on your life.
You should not feel bad for the expectations that your parents place on you, for underachieving or overachieving. You are your own person, and you deserve the opportunity to chart your own course in life even if it means occasionally stumbling and falling. Good parents will catch you when you fall.

>> No.55408055

well, mine will kick you when you're on the ground. consider yourself lucky.

>> No.55408076
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I'm genuinely sorry for that anon. Life is exponentially more difficult when you don't a solid support structure to lean on. If you don't already have a solid friend group outside of your family to lean on during hard times, I'd earnestly recommend making that a priority. No one can do it alone, and you aren't less of a person for needing help sometimes.

>> No.55408085

I'm 26 and I've never even been on a date.

>> No.55408104

How many people do you need in that friend group before you can be sure you're stable? I have 2-3 other guys I'm confident I could rent with who align with me in worldview but I always have fomo that I don't have a big enough crew

>> No.55408112

Legitimately not how it works. Breaking up with a girl cripples her.

>> No.55408127
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2-3 ride-or-die friends is honestly good enough. Anyone who could help to catch you when you fall, or provide a sanity check on major life decisions, or simply grab a beer with you when you're feeling alone, is invaluable. Those moments, those social connections, have genuine value that dollars and cents could never meaningfully replace. You should let those friends know that you're important in your life if you haven't already.

>> No.55408149

Feel glad that your parents care enough to have an opinion. My mother never took an interest in my life and my father split when I was 14.

>> No.55408181
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Thank you dude, I appreciate the input. I hope you have that kinda support network too, life is too tough to go alone. I'm rooting for you, man.

>> No.55408197

Isn’t weird that our moms want us to coom in a women. It’s like they can’t say it outwardly but they’re thinking it.

“Gee I wish my anon can coom in the girl I saw at the grocery store, they make a great couple.”

Idk it’s just also so kafkaesque

>> No.55408208

They just want grand children before they fucking die is all

>> No.55408216


my dad got addicted to meth and called me a cuck, then he whined that he was dying and needed money desperately

>> No.55408223

Go watch a movie called 'Marty' with Ernest Borgnine.

>> No.55408232

>burns housing market, job market, economy in general to the ground
>raised their daughters to want to fuck around for a decade and then magically find a nice non-judgemental man to settle down with
>is stunned when sons can't find women worth having >100k$ a year investments with

>> No.55408249

You don't need friends actually. The older you get the less you need it. By 30 they are tokens not needed

>> No.55408253

Oh well. I'm going on 50. I'll take one of those washed up sluts turning 35 soon

>> No.55408302

My family thinks I'm gay because I've never had a girlfriend. They just don't understand there's no good women out there anymore and I have nothing to offer her if I find one anyway

>> No.55408309

Try a fat girl

>> No.55408321

I'd rather be gay

>> No.55408339

You might be anon
You might be

>> No.55408370

No thanks mom

>> No.55408405
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You guys are my ride or die friends

>> No.55408654
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Don't get weird on me anon. I don't know you. I will likely never run into you in real life. I won't know your struggles or pain.
I am not your friend. I'm just an anonymous stranger. I really, really recommend going to meet people in your own local community. That will do more for your happiness and health than anything /biz/ could do for you. That could be church, or a local bar, or a music venue, or a hobby that you are passionate about. Have a real connection with someone, because you won't find it here.

>> No.55408661

>parent raises kid to be asexual loser frogposter
>parent is confused why no kids
That's why you make sure your son gets girls teen pregnant.

>> No.55408670

>Good parents will catch you when you fall.
Bad parents will steal from you and then call you a parasite.

>> No.55408697

This is true but it's the minimum, even if it is hard to achieve in the modern age
You want at least these 2-3 guys in your main circle, but life is at its peak when you have 9-12 of these guys in one group
The word that came to describe this kind of group in traditional societies is männerbund, and this amount also has special magical properties
If men are united through common alignment and experience, there is almost nothing a company of such men cannot do or cannot figure out
It is the most powerful configuration of common humans possible

Each subcircle of the 2-3 guys with the closest or most complimentary temperaments will naturally form or will have come to the group originally
Consider each subcircle of the larger whole to represent an 'individual' of the greater whole
The personalities of each circle communicate with the others in the whole, in a way that mirrors the individuals in their subcircles, but does not dilute the number of deep connections a human can really have or block out too much time, energy for other things a man has to do like talk to his family or have a wife, nor does it approach dunbar's number

>> No.55408721

Damn your dad did suck lol but remember that your parents are future you, your kids are past you

>> No.55408738

just have a series of girl friends till you die. what's the point of getting married with a modern woman??

>> No.55408759

that's what your father and I were thinking
maybe your trans. now that you have your own place you could transition yourself. we support you, anon.

>> No.55408870

They want their offspring to offspring, yes. Cooming is part of that process to put it bluntly

>> No.55408926

Maybe they're lesbians?

>> No.55408948

Marriage is not exactly what it is cracked up to be. It has its high points but think of the peaks as the peaks between mountains. Most of the time you're not enjoying a peak. You're trudging around the bottom with a sharp rock in your shoe or a cactus up your ass. Choose your woman carefully.

>> No.55409010

But biologically, this is how it works. You maybe don't say it IN the grocery store, but even if alluded to indirectly, that, you know, would be the essential and indispensable component of sexual reproduction whereby humanity perpetuates itself. I'm not saying it's mandatory to have children, but it's not surprising that a woman would want her son who is both her child and carrying her genes to procreate, and would try to nudge him in that direction.