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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55406151 No.55406151 [Reply] [Original]

>see opening for job I'd like
>spend time fine tuning my application the best I can
>send it in
>get rejected and don't even make it to the interview stage
>send email asking for feedback on why my application wasn't good enough
>*insert generic corporate email about how grateful they are and will get back to you as soon as possible*
>they never reply back

This shit makes me want to drop out of society. How am I supposed to do better if they won't even tell me what I did wrong in the first place?

>> No.55406169

Quit beating your head against the system. It's closed. Embark on a new path.

>> No.55406171

>he doesnt know youre supposed to get jobs through nepotism

>> No.55406190

There are people who specifically audit resumes. If your resume or cover isn't reflecting the listing itself it's probably being tossed. Also, if this was a public job listing on LinkedIn, or, direct for a larger company, there is 0 chance they will ever send feedback. They don't have the time or manpower to follow up with everyone personally.

>> No.55406208

Don't take it too personally, I was never able to get a job in the field I got a degree in. Many if not most job postings are fake, either the post is already filled yet the company is keeping the job up for whatever reason, or they already have someone in mind for the job but are obliged to advertise. Just keep flinging shit at the wall until you find something that sticks.

>> No.55406302

Do it 200 times then come back.

>> No.55406342
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I'm not going to open myself up to a lawsuit by giving you a reason why I didn't choose you
I also don't have the fucking time to individually critique 300 resumes

>> No.55407026

Your loss fuckface. I was actually passionate about this job but you're gonna hire some useless idiot who doesn't know what he's doing and will quit after 6 months like the last retard

>> No.55407068

These kind of questions are/will be sent directly to chatGPT anyway

>> No.55407111

Did you try to copy paste some chatgpt written applications?
I am not good at applications either so that is the route i would go

>> No.55407370

you can ask for feedback on interviews, but theyre not gonna do that for applications

>> No.55407445

quit applying to big companies, your entire life there would be full of similar stupid bullshit
go find small companies and you'll be interviewed by the fucking owners not some dumb cunt from HR who has no clue about anything

>> No.55407505

Anon, I hire people to do work for my brother's small business.

The short reason why you never get a response back is because:

1) There are dozens, if not hundreds of applicants for every job. It would take many hours to write a personalized response to all the ones not selected.

2) There is absolutely no benefit to the company, or to me, to spend those hours writing responses to people that I won't be hiring.

3) There is a tiny chance that if the first guy doesn't work out, I will offer the job to somebody else. Writing them a rejection letter would probably interfere with that possibility.

>> No.55407515

BTW if you really, really wanted to hear why you aren't being hired, you could literally write something like:

"I am trying to improve my resume and would be willing to pay you $50 to give me feedback about what I could improve."

I've never heard of anyone adding this to their job application, but if you offered to pay the hiring manager, somebody might actually take the bait and explain why they didn't hire you.

I doubt this would actually help you get hired anywhere else though, because each job could be totally different in why they aren't hiring you.

>> No.55407530

They already filled the job with someone's kid

>> No.55407544
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>There are algorithms who specifically seek certain catchwords in resumes and create a score based on the number of matches

>> No.55407909

You're an entitled faggot. Build up a skillset that's valuable, otherwise you're just one of 7 BILLION MONKEYS

>> No.55407929

Literally don't get what's going on here. Maybe you could provide some more information. Idk if you were aware but everyone has a four year CS degree right now. You're talking about a TC upwards of 350-400k, with most people ON AVERAGE makeing 240k STARTING after getting their CS degree. They make 20k a month I don't think this cost is a problem at all and frankly interest rates could continue to rise as they should. Easy when you have a MINIMUM STARTING TC of roughly 240k that most everyone has.

>> No.55407980

Job markets in the toilet right now, and for some, it wont ever be the same. The days of 10 hour work weeks making $200k+ in SaaS are over. HR is also taking a huge hit because company growth and recruitment isnt the priority like it was for the past couple years. The economy is tanking, so companies are prioritizing saving money, not spending it on new hires. Hell even software development isnt the same easy ticket to a comfy WFH 6 figure meme career that it used to be.

Dont take it personally. There are people with 5, even 10+ years of experience struggling to find jobs.

On the flip side, doordash and uber are always looking for new employees. Get to it junior, that halal guys combo platter aint gonna deliver itself. Its bulking season baby!

>> No.55408005

This is how "people" (ESL third-world 19 year olds) actually think.

Why do you guys still browse this board?

>> No.55408008


High interest rates and large amounts of debt have sent companies into layoffs or hiring freezes. All the news about a strong job market are BS considering the reports were later revised down to show only leisure and hospitality added any jobs. If you have a decent amount of experience you should be able to weather it however if you're trying to get your foot in the door you're completely fucked

>> No.55408017

>be me, hiring manager
>interviewed applicant, he sucked, passed on him
>he emailed and asked what he could improve to help him on his job search
>took 10 minutes typing up a thoughtful and helpful critical analysis
>went ballistic, called me every name in the book, and threatened me
now i send generic corporate emails about how grateful i am and will get back with you as soon as possible then don't

>> No.55408062


why do you think most companies are running themselves into the ground?

>> No.55408078

Are you white?

>> No.55408139
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the offer was only publish to justify a H1B for someone already there.

>> No.55408166

Lot's of job postings are fake, unless your industry needs people then you're nothing to them

>> No.55408168

I actually was a supervisor that had some say in hiring once. The guy sent a heavily worded email like the one you plan on typing up, but then he went into some anti semetic rant about the holocaust never happening and that jews did 911. I was about to hit delete but read the last sentence:

>p.s. if you don’t respond to this your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Begrudgingly, I responded. Turns out he had some brilliant ideas he could add to our organization! I thanked him for his courage to go on such a rant and wanted to know more about him, his roadmap for the company and the nation of Israel. Now I’m the CEO and have made him VP of personnel and we haven’t had so much as a single turnover since he’s been in charge of hiring. Our diversity score tanked but I’m sure that’s completely unrelated.

>> No.55409565

You want a full time job? Make fine tuning resumes for 8 hours a day your new job. Use ChatGPT to help you out if you want. Stop taking shit personally. Just land that one first job, become friendly with people there, and I assure you that your next job will be much easier to land from recommendations alone. The vast majority of software developers in my workplace came here as friend of a friend, or a former coworker of an employee. Very few manage to get in on raw skills.

>> No.55410342

If you really want a job, call the hiring manager directly to express interest. Ask a couple simple qualifying questions on the call to seem like less of a sperg. The goal of your qualifying questions should be to raise some potential objections for your consideration as a candidate.

Example - "I have a quick question to ask just so I don't waste your team's time - I don't have a college degree - is that something that is absolutely necessary for this role?
She will often reply - "No, that's not an absolute disqualifier. etc etc"
Then you schedule an interview with her or ask her if there's someone else you should contact to schedule the interview.
If you have to contact someone else, reference the call with the hiring manager.

This will almost ALWAYS result in an opportunity to interview. If your questions disqualify you and you don't earn an interview, still a good thing (now you're not wasting your time sitting around like a passive little bitch, hoping someone will take your resume seriously that you passively submitted on Indeed with a bunch of other cucks).

You are genuinely separating yourself from the pack these days if you're willing to call someone on the phone directly, like an adult. Shows some level of initiative that isn't present in our autistic generation. Most people are scared to pick up a phone to order pizza.

You aren't going to magically pull a job that you aren't qualified for by doing this, but you will much more easily get to the interview stage of the process.

>> No.55410500

I have 3 stem degrees and 4 years work experience and Ive sent out almost 1000 applications this passed year.

Had about 15 interviews, all nitpicking stupid shit, some paid almost nothing. Meanwhile a pajeet friend of mine got a job and isnt even a citizen. I asked her to refer me and she said they have a hiring freeze now.

This country and most other western ones are completely doomed. I have nothing to do but accumulate degrees on scholarships, live with family and wait for my boomer parents to die to inherit their money.

The only things I can think of doing now are:

>phd in welfare commie country that will pay me
>move to taiwan and teach english
>go lay down on the train tracks by my house, train comes by at 2am every weeknight.

>> No.55410524

Unironically this. It's a numbers game. I churned out hundreds of applications before I got my current job. The worst part is the interview stages, especially the latter rounds. Generally, interviewing is a humiliation ritual, so get used to it, chud.

>> No.55410593

Pretty much. Lots of fake jobs out there. Or they'll make people do "coding tests" (for free).

>> No.55410618

This. If a my family or friends don't get me into a company after university, I am unemployed.

>> No.55410678

you didn't go in and give the ceo a firm handshake

>> No.55410699

Ya at this point if you're not clearing north of 630k then you're not really in the middle class

>> No.55410801

Anon when I failed out of school and consequently was sent innawoods I stayed there for three whole years. Eventually after finding enough trash to call my own I walked north until I stumbled upon a mill who said they would hire me to deliver any woods I could find and so I did. My home was six miles away in the woods but I could deliver at least a full log per day. Sometimes if I was sick or lazy I would bring them smaller downed branches or branches that I did for upkeep in my forest hovel. I made about 400 a week doing this and I did it for three years. I would walk up to a goodwill and buy cheap books and redonate them after reading. By the time I entered back into society I had well over 23k in cash. I bought myself a little trailer in an old people retirement area and they allowed me because they liked me. From there I really flourished as an online gambler and item flipper. All I do for online gambling by the way is bet on the least likely to win but only at a 1/10th the price of what someone good would be worth betting on. I also check up if it's sporting events who has been training the most. For item flipping I post in pmg a lot discussing garage sales and ebay finds. Life can be very difficult but you know what? I miss those days innawoods just moving dead trees for money. Nature is the best medicine and makes us realize how vulnerable and yet connected we are.

>> No.55411357

The part with the train is really solid. But don't to od dumbass.