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55403618 No.55403618 [Reply] [Original]

When's this nigga shit goin back to $30+? I haven't been able to travel in a year and a half and I'm going stir crazy

>> No.55403626

never, you got tricked into holding a proof of stake (dump on you) asset. the avax whales and insiders who all got coins for free or little money thank you everyday for your sacrifice, while they stake their millions of avax and market dump, day, after day, after day.

>> No.55403683

PoS is mathematically proven not sustainable and not decentralized.
Congrats, you're holding literal fiat money.

>> No.55403730

can you not? my cost basis was like $400k so you demoralization shills are gonna push me to suicide

>> No.55403741

Hyperinflationary ghostchain
You will be lucky to see 30 ever again
Should have bought Ethereum

>> No.55403742

Don't worry, you're just 1 of many billions holding fiat. And there's also many who are proud of holding fiat money.

>> No.55403758

Just wait for the bull run and alt season, it will get back to 100s in no time.

>> No.55403764

you will lose everything. avax is literal print out of thin air dogshit. it had its run and now its over. its better you sell now for bitcoin now that avax still has a marketcap above 1 Billion.

>> No.55403765

AVAX x-chain was interesting, but nothing new or innovative when you look at similar DAG and sharding solutions. C-Chain was a plain copy paste of ETH down to the state bloat doomsday scenario.
But will that change my decision to build on AVAX? No.
Because even though its another run-of-the-mill cookie cutter L1 which is increasingly made irrelevant by ETH L2s; that sort of irony is precisely what I want.

>> No.55403772
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in the next couple months, lots of big things in the pipeline for Avalanche.

>> No.55403776

yeah. it will experience what all the 100s others of ETH and BTC killers have experienced. a terrible death. if you want to know what the future for AVAX is, look at the KOMODO chart (KMD/BTC)

>> No.55403778

>C-Chain was a plain copy paste of ETH
C-Chain is the superior EVM.
>ETH L2s
slow finality, reorgs and cant scale.

>> No.55403797

Avalanche is the future and no other chain offers what Avalanche offers.
Thats why it will recover and even reach a higher ATH.

>> No.55403811

>Avalanche is the future and no other chain offers what Avalanche offers.
>Thats why it will recover and even reach a higher ATH.
yeah and 100 of shitcoin chains have claimed this before and they all died. fucking newfag. you can only be new if you are an avax shill. you haven't even been in the space for more than 5 years.

>> No.55403834

>have claimed this before
Avalanche actually delivered. no other chain has Sub Second Finality.
L2 finality takes weeks and has reorgs which is basically useless for anything finance.
Avalanche also solved scaling with Subnets, Subnet to Subnet Coms and supports every VM and is fully customizable.
>fucking newfag
not my problem you are retarded and clueless about Avalanche.
>you haven't even been in the space for more than 5 years.
I been and thats why I know Avalanche will make it.

>> No.55403864

>C-Chain is the superior EVM
I'm genuinely curious what makes it superior and if it solves state bloat? Because if it doesn't, it will have high fees (eventually) if/when people decide to use it regularly. Every contract ever deployed remains on the EVM forever, every transaction has to make a state change, meaning as more contracts are added it becomes more expensive to transact. Dozens if not hundreds of contracts get added to ETH per day, with millions of transactions to boot, this all adds to state bloat.

>> No.55403915

>what makes it superior
faster finality (sub second), better fee market, no MEV, better performance etc.
>it will have high fees
it wont. fee market was reworked already and performance increased. Avalanche went through some big updates not too long ago.
>when people decide to use it regularly
Avalanche scales and if a dapp takes up too much of the C-Chain they can launch a Subnet.
>Every contract ever deployed remains on the EVM forever
yes and?
>this all adds to state bloat.
overall a nothingburger they solved the trilemma and you think they will fail here? kek clueless.

>> No.55403926

Another thing, the Blockchain has no way of knowing what the price is, ETH fees are relatively high because ETH is more valuable. On an EVM chain you actually don't want the price to pump because that means fees become more expensive. But if I remember correctly this was an issue with AVAX a few years ago. What did you guys do exactly to get the fees low? Just reconfigure the EVM fee rate? kind of a copout desu, I doubt anyone would want to run a coreth client knowing they'd just be losing money because the fee rate is artificially fixed.
On ETH there is a fee market, meaning geth clients are free to choose which transactions they confirm or ignore.

>> No.55403930
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>When's this nigga shit goin back to $30+?
I have bad news for you, you were tricked by Latinos and Indians from Fiverr, Avax is known for this.

>> No.55403957

>fee market was reworked already
So it is artificial afterall
>faster finality (sub second), better fee market, no MEV, better performance etc.
Irrelevant shill droning that has nothing to do with the EVM.
>It scales! But uh, use a subnet because we can't handle too many transactions
>yes and?
Emin isn't sending his best people, I shake my head.
>you think they will fail here?
Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.55403981

>the fee rate is artificially fixed
not how it actually works.
do you even know anything at all? you seem completely clueless. maybe do some research.
>So it is artificial afterall
>Irrelevant shill droning that has nothing to do with the EVM.
it makes the EVM actually usable
>use a subnet because we can't handle too many transactions
every dapp on the same chain is a retarded idea.
also thanks to Warp Messaging there is sub second finality between Subnets no matter what VM they run.
>Yeah, pretty much.
you dont seem to know much about anything. looks like you spend the last 5 years sleeping on the same now outdated knowledge still thinking you are some sort of expert today. kinda funny but many such midwits here.
maybe do some research first before posting retarded assumptions.

>> No.55403994
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Sure feels like MONDAY here! Where were you roaches this weekend?

>> No.55404027
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>more outdated shitty FUD by the seething ICPoors bagholders
>Where were you this weekend?
spending time with friends and family. do they really force you to spam here 24/7?

>> No.55404083

>not how it actually works.
So explain what these "fixes" that AVAX did to the EVM? The code looks exactly the same.
Explain it then, nigger.
>it makes the EVM actually usable
It's like talking to a concrete wall, go read what state bloat is and figure out a response for your next shill op.
The EVM is a SEPARATE NETWORK, that performs execution of smart Contract bytecode, it doesn't matter how fast the consensus stack is, the EVM will ALWAYS function at it's own rate and cost; which is relative to the weight and volume of transactions.
>last 5 years sleeping
I was awake when AVAX dumped 90% I'll tell ya that.

>> No.55404170

>So explain
Am I your teacher now or something? like can you even figure out anything on your own or do you always rely on other people spoonfeeding you things that take 3 seconds to google?
really not surprising you dont know anything or how anything works and if you keep going with that attitude through life you will never make it.

>> No.55404174

haha, good one anon.

>> No.55404326

here's your spoonfeed retard now fuck off
>performs execution of smart Contract bytecode, it doesn't matter how fast the consensus stack is, the EVM will ALWAYS function at it's own rate and cost
You do know that the EVM on avalanche can handle 10-20x more throughput than it can on ETH all while being finalized in less than 1% of the time it takes on ETH, right? Avalanche removes consensus as the scaling bottleneck, something that literally every other chain in existence struggles with and is fundamentally hamstrung by, meaning that the limitation is now down to the 250ish TPS the EVM can handle in its current state.

>> No.55404446

>You do know that the EVM on avalanche ...
bla blah blah go claim your avax coin for your shill . it was pathetic but you are poor, go claim the useless tokens.

>> No.55404580
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>This algorithm targets a specific network utilization over time and adjusts the minimum fee any transaction must pay to be included in a block based on the amount of activity (“gas burned”) over the last 10 seconds.
Posts le ebin rebuttal,
Literally proves what I said about artificial fee rates.
You think you're "fixing" things yet you don't understand the basis of Nakamoto consensus.

>> No.55405069

Avax will hit $1000+ within 5 years.

>> No.55405365
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AVAX has always been a long-term play OP, patience is key.
I'd personally suggest scalping if you're looking for some easy quick bucks; operating AVAX's chart after you've seen it your years is massively easy.

>> No.55405373

>Imagine putting all your money into one single crypto

>> No.55405552

What is your point? Yes there's a network utilization target for the gas algorithm. As you exceed the target gas prices increases, under target price decreases. This doesn't have anything to do with Nakamoto consensus kek. Right now the target is pretty similar to ETH's, except the c-chain can put out a block every 1-2s and it's final in less than 1s. Compare that to ETH with block times of 12-14s and you have to wait for 6 confirmations or more for something to be considered final lul. Avalanche doesn't have to worry about state bloat right now because it's not almost a decade old, however avalabs already has solutions in the works for this and other problems with mangroveDB and EVM++. This is all while still running on consumer laptop hardware.
Ultimately though, C-chain is kind of a glorified tech demo. It was added as an after thought two weeks before mainnet and instantly out performed ETH, but the EVM as it stands today is not a scalable path forward and it's not the core of what avalanche is. The fact that you even bring up L2s as some sort of positive scaling solution for ETH shows you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.55405719

First wait for a btc bull, then wait for alt bull, then wait for 3 digits avax

>> No.55405747

3 digit Avax is FUD

>> No.55405768

you avax having niggers better be right its gonna at least 10x. I got 50k I need to 10x minimum so I no longer feel like a poor retarded faggot.

>> No.55405777

Just dropping this informational pasta here... Looks like the scam is starting to crumble apart.

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.


Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%

>> No.55406041

Btc bull before alt season anon. But wise degens are accumulating now and I'm doing same on Krest, Near and Dot which have shown potential for future gains.

>> No.55406051

past bullrun coins die after the bullrun is over
if you didn't sell for profit at any point then you are an official bagholder now

>> No.55406366

I've only seen AVAX pumping these days, you crackhead. I don't know what coin you are monitoring.

>> No.55406650

Dude dont, but sell every pump this shit is hyperinflationary why would you buy it

>> No.55406665

Not Avalanche though, it's the only legitimate L0/L1 that can kill Effereums

>> No.55406669

What stupid lies about l2s fuck off

>> No.55406731

l2s are shit. they are just centralised l1s that pretend to be friends with the ethereum community. shared security sucks because it means there is no fault or performance isolation, ruining the potential for any app chains (the clear future of blockchain technology)

>> No.55406757

cut your losses and invest in something else, 30% inflation rate token is going to zero just like every other eth killer despite what the paid roaches in this thread tell you

>> No.55406815

>l2s are shit. they are just centralised l1s that pretend to be friends with the ethereum community
it's fucked how many people that aren't aware of this. too many cowardly devs in ETH space don't want to admit it, gotta keep the ponzi going even if the truth has to die.

>> No.55407393
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I'm pleased to say it'll be sooner than you think. EOY i think

>> No.55407407

>PoS is mathematically proven not sustainable
bitcoin miners are dumping on you every day to pay for electricity, they have to do it, unlike PoS

>> No.55407436

except we have real world companies building on avax, unlike previous ghost chains. kkr fund, sk planet, games onboarding 40k users, native usdc, etc.

>> No.55408880

why does anyone hate ANY coin this much?

>> No.55409355

>This doesn't have anything to do with Nakamoto consensus
:/ You do know what made Nakamoto consensus a breakthrough right? You do know why ETH has a fee market right? Don't tell me you don't know.
>Avalanche doesn't have to worry about state bloat
In other words because no one uses this ghost chain.
>avalabs already has solutions in the works for this
2 more weeks
>This is all while still running on consumer laptop hardware
Because no one uses the chain
>C-chain is kind of a glorified tech demo
Which is the cope they'll use in a few years when they scrap it along with all your tokens
>two weeks before mainnet
I chuckled a bit.
>instantly out performed ETH
BSV has the highest TPS of any chain, have you met anyone who actually uses BSV? It's all spam, using TPS like some yardstick meanwhile the token makes a new ATL.
>the EVM as it stands today is not a scalable path
Finally he admits it
>The fact that you even bring up L2s
Still more volume and engagement than AVAX, no one cares about your "centralization" concerns.
Anyways, still gonna build on AVAX, if it fails I'll just redeploy on Arb like a sane person.

>> No.55409383

>Not [mybags] though
yeah, another sign that you are a perma bagholder

>> No.55409438

Enough with this scam coin. Invest in MATIC

>> No.55410780

No, you are.

>> No.55411256

>Fee markets
Do you have an actual cogent argument to make about this or are you just going to keep sperging out? Avalanche fees were high when there were no dynamic fees and people were spamming the network with crabs. Ever since they've been fine.
>ghost chain
avalanche as a whole does more transactions than ETH, C-Chain alone does about 50% of ETH day to day. It has the highest TVL of any actual, standalone L1 besides ETH. Convenient of you to leave the " right now" of my statement off though, expected since the only way to make your retarded arguments is to be disingenuous.
>2 more weeks
yea yea except avalabs is just about the only team who actually delivers what they promise. I'm not aware of anything that they have said publicly not getting shipped.
>using TPS like some yardstick
Yes sure, TPS generally is an easily gameable metric. The point is the comparison between the two. People actually do use the C-Chain though and major companies/institutions are building on avalanche subnets, some are operational as we speak. They're doing this because it is far and away the most performant, scalable, and flexible blockchain technology in existence today.
>Finally he admits it
Is this supposed to be some sort of own? The EVM was a good first attempt, but it ultimately is a pile of hot garbage with severe compromises to throughput thanks to the limitations of nakamoto and ETH2.0. This is not some sort of secret kek.
>Still more volume and engagement than AVAX
Yes because L2's are the kosher scaling vision according to the mETHhead hive mind. ETH has the most liquidity and largest user base of any token presently given that it was the first and best known smart contract platform. Obviously that liquidity is going to slosh over to L2s to farm airdrops and to try to escape the dogshit throughput and subsequent high fees of ETH in the short term.
>Anyways, still gonna build on AVAX
Please don't

>> No.55411401

Matic link xmr are part of my long-term play, going degen on some memes to flip profits before altcoinistdao token launch. The bull run is close anons get ready

>> No.55411415
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Avalanchebros, I don't feel so good right now...


>> No.55411730


>> No.55411966

>Do you have an actual cogent argument to make about this...
Yes, but I'm not going to tell you.
>Avalanche fees were high when there were no dynamic fees and people were spamming the network with crabs.
How is this a good thing?
The fee rate reflects the scarcity or availability of block space, or in this case; EVM compute, the EVM has a limited capacity for smart contract code and transactions, the natural conclusion is that it will get more expensive as time goes on, moreover because it is only as powerful as the systems hosting it, it will severely underperform regardless of the consensus stack's own capacity. This means by setting an artificial rate; hosts are not being adequately compensated, which means they'd be less likely to host a coreth client for C-Chain. But that's not a big deal since it is hosted on AWS, so AVAlabs can just keep dumping to pay their subscription, this is what 'subsidizing low fees' means.
>avalanche as a whole does more transactions than...
Refer to my earlier point.
>They're doing this because it is far and away the most performant, scalable, and flexible blockchain technology in existence today.
Yeah, sure, no other reason.
>The EVM was a good first attempt, but it ultimately is a pile of hot garbage
Tears of joy :')
>This is not some sort of secret
You'd be surprised.
>try to escape the dogshit throughput and subsequent high fees
The same was and is still being said about Bitcoin, if you think we live in a meritocracy I have a nice bridge to sell you in Constantinople.
>Please don't
You haven't even heard what it is yet.

>> No.55411987

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.55412425

>High fees pre-apricot
It's not? Hence dynamic fees.
>The fee rate reflects the scarcity or availability of block space....EVM compute, the EVM has a limited capacity for smart contract code and transactions, the natural conclusion is that it will get more expensive as time goes on, moreover because it is only as powerful as the systems hosting it, it will severely underperform regardless of the consensus stack's own capacity
>This means by setting an artificial rate; hosts are not being adequately compensated
This is not BTC, you're not bribing some shmuck with an ASIC for the privilege of having your tx included in a block. If the stake reward rate > cost to run the node (it absolutely does), network usage is irrelevant unless said usage requires an upgrade in hardware in order for your node to keep up. This would only occur if C-chain usage skyrockets beyond ETH for a significant period of time. State bloat as you noted previously is the bottleneck here and why the gas limit is the way it is. Luckily, avalanche does not make as many retarded engineering tradeoffs both by virtue of the benefits of avalanche consensus and the gigabrains at avalabs. The DB can be optimized in ways ETH's shitty consensus does not allow. The EVM can also be optimized in ways ETH is not capable of that can vastly increase throughput for a constant level of hardware. Avalabs has publicly stated they've been working on EVM++ for awhile now and likely will reveal it sometime this year.
>which means they'd be less likely to host a coreth client for C-Chain.
You fundamentally do not understand how avalanche validators work. You validate all 3 mainnet chains or you don't run a node.
>he same was and is still being said about Bitcoin, if you think we live in a meritocracy
yes eventually incumbents will die (altho BTC has digital scarcity), this axiom is only true because the tech did not enable real applications until AVAX.

>> No.55412706

Okay, good response.
>If the stake reward rate > cost to run the node (it absolutely does)
Inflation, the silent fee.
>You validate all 3 mainnet chains or you don't run a node.
I skimmed the whitepaper, but thanks for clarifying. One of the bad decisions ETH made was having the EVM client be separate, so you have 100s of thousands of validators but only a couple thousand EVM nodes.
>yes eventually incumbents will die...
Bridge for sale! Anyone wanna buy a bridge for sale!?!?

>> No.55412963

>Inflation, the silent fee
is, worst case scenario, ~5% of the current supply in sell volume per year. This will further decrease as max supply is approached. Realistically though, delegators don't have any pressure to see other than tax liabilities and AVAX has utility for gas as well as staking new nodes for new subnets. A full 70%+ of the networks nodes run on hardware nodes so most people's ongoing costs are just electricity to run a normal laptop and broadband.
>you have 100s of thousands of validators but only a couple thousand EVM nodes
Yes, ETH and .mETHfluencers are somewhat dishonest with this portrayal when it comes to decentralization. In avalanche terminology a validator = a full node. That being said it is possible to run a light client without the staking portion which allows you to query the network. Avalanche makes no claims about such clients having any impact on decentralization/security though, nor should they.
>Bridge for sale!
I don't think BTC will die, but until avalanche the tech could not accommodate real world use cases. And I'm not saying that the C-Chain does in its present state. Avalanche as the consensus platform/network does though. Crypto is still a small insular industry rife with scams and hucksters though presently, mostly stemming from the aforementioned limitations of the technology vs its promise. This is starting to change with the many institutional subnets in the works but it's still a long road ahead, regulation remains an enormous obstacle currently.

>> No.55412981
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How can you be sure?

>> No.55413249

>~5% of the current supply in sell volume per year
you have to count the team and foundation unlocks too in the circulating supply inflation.

>> No.55413546

That link comes from an ICP intern
>Totally not fud campaign

>> No.55414117

They are faggots kek

>> No.55415314 [DELETED] 
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The numbers' performance recently leads me to believe that it will be touching $30 in Q4 or so.

>> No.55416044
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It's a no brainer anon. Don't be a faggot and hold

>> No.55416552

Listen to this sexy IA girl anon