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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55401886 No.55401886 [Reply] [Original]

Nintendo is going to have a new system soon. It's gonna fucking happen. You're going to be wishing you bought Nintendo stock.
Go check their stock in 2017 when the Switch came out.
Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.55401909


>> No.55401917

Nintendo has a track record of fucking up new console releases though, just look at the Virtual Boy, GameCube and the Wii U

>> No.55401935

>just 2 more weeks

>> No.55401951

It's also important to note Nintendo's situation before the Switch, it was basically a dead company and the Switch was a Wii tier success that wasn't priced in.
Nintendo is in a great place right now (all the theme park openings and the mario movie,...), there is only downside risk from here

>> No.55402023

Nintendo is for children.

>> No.55402037

It's money, faggot. I don't care if a child has it.

>> No.55402044

Is the switch really that successful? Give me numbers. I don't follow videogames anymore but it seemed like everyone had a fucking Wii. Only my nephew has a switch.

>> No.55402053

Okay, but kids want the latest cowadoody, not mario. Mario movie is literally millennial parents taking their children because muh nostalgia.

>> No.55402057
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> Is the switch really that successful?
Yes, it literally saved Nintendo from the Wii U disaster just as much as the Wii did from the GameCube disaster

>> No.55402059
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I want their money too

>> No.55402089

Goddamn I had no idea. Maybe I am just too old. So what makes us think a new gen will be successful. Pattern of success-flop-success-flop-success...

>> No.55402100

But wait: Isn't the Switch just canablizing handheld sales?

>> No.55402101

But Playstation is for big cool boys that get to stay up late on the weekends.

>> No.55402104

>So what makes us think a new gen will be successful.
We don't know but the point is that it doesn't matter, even if the new gen console is a success it is already priced in, Nintendo is thriving right now unlike in the Wii U days when Nintendo's future was dire and nothing positive for the company was priced in.
If the new gen console flops the stock price will tank though.

>> No.55402112

The Switch is both a handheld and home console so yeah probably, the thing is that handheld consoles haven't been a thing since the success of the mobile gaming market

>> No.55402386

If they follow their trend of good bad good bad good bad then I'm very bearish.

>> No.55402647
File: 72 KB, 348x301, 1468275926137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have to do is release a Switch 2 with upgraded specs and it would print money.

However, this being Nintendo, they obviously won't do that but instead come up with some "revolutionary" "muh innovation" control scheme like making the controller double function as a wind instrument that you need to play tunes with to interact with games and they would then call the whole thing the Switcheridoo and a full total of two shitty in-house games and exactly zero 3rd party games would support this but because that one gimmick would suck up all the hardware budget they'd save money on the specs by just reusing the same old processor as the current Switch.

>> No.55402651

>All they have to do is release a Wii 2 with upgraded specs and it would print money.

>> No.55402657

>Go check their stock in 2017 when the Switch came out.

That was when the Wii U was a total flop and everyone thought the handheld market was dead despite the 3DS selling 60M units at the time.

>> No.55402664
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I just want a real home console again.

>> No.55403947

failure, stock goes down
Success, stock goes up
>Wii U
Failure, stock goes down
Success, stock goes up
>Next console

>> No.55403979

well yeah if they hadn't made the wii u look like an add on and just called it the wii 2 it would have been succesful

>> No.55404098

The wii fad was dead like 2 years before the wiiu came out. Naming it the wii 2 would had made the wiiu sell more but it wouldn't have been a success I think at most it would had sold like 30M units.

>> No.55404119

Their next console is pretty much guarranteed to not be as successful as the switch looking at nintendo past trends.
I don't think it will be a WiiU type fail it will still sell well unless nintendo makes another console with a retarded confusing name.

>> No.55404175
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Kek I don't like how likely this could be.
>the Ocarina add-on they include for the Switcheridoo

>> No.55404208

Could be another Wii U style flop if they don't make it different enough from Switch. Never rule it out.