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55377957 No.55377957 [Reply] [Original]

how are we expected to maintain our seed phrases long term? i thought i lost the notebook i wrote them in for a second and almost had a panic attack

>> No.55377977

Damn son, you need to own fire safes in two locations for your seed phrases. I have a fire safe with my sees phrases for all my crypto accounts at my house and then a second one at my parent’s house. Assuming both our houses won’t burn down or get looted on the same day. But if you have any significant amount of money in crypto, you can’t just have your seed phrase in some old beat up notebook under a stack of old newspapers and magazines.

>> No.55377978

Remembering where your seed phrase is for Whites only. Shit skins will always lose theirs. You're not a shit skin are ya?

>> No.55377985

glacier protocol idiot


>> No.55377992

I store them in my balls.

>> No.55377999

Take a screenshot and keep it in your phone, nerd.

>> No.55378004
File: 14 KB, 222x227, streetpooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn flies

>> No.55378014

Don’t jerk off

>> No.55378016

Keep it in your iCloud

>> No.55378023

Buy a punch set and hammer it into 316 stainless