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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55365591 No.55365591 [Reply] [Original]

>Separated with GF
>Have two kids together
>Ordered to pay CS
>Currently living in a studio apartment while attending college

I guess retirement is out of the picture

>> No.55365615

>you can never be a real NEET now
It's over

>> No.55365620

its time to range ban you fags from thread creation, nobody reads those bot threads

>> No.55365757

You should be more concerned about the upbringing of your children than retirement.

>> No.55365781

why not just take the crimepill at this point? you've already lost everything. just buy an sds100 police scanner, a crowbar, and some decent tactile gloves and you'll be swimming in money in no time

t. took the crimepill

>> No.55365804

my state is default 50/50 custody :)

>> No.55365827

What do I do with all that stuff? If you're a demoralizing glowie, nows your shot to groom me. I'm at my lowest point ever

>> No.55365849

Go work as a merchant marine. $400 a day no rent no cost of living you have everything you need on the boat. 1 week your kids are paid for. 3 weeks all yours.

>> No.55365885


>> No.55365921

I don't believe the government can mandate you to pay for counter-strike.
So you're fine, my work here is done you can close this thread now.

>> No.55365962

I honestly don't know what's more retarded, marriage or having children out of wedlock

>> No.55366113

you have to find out on your own like I had to, anon. I'm not gonna implicate myself over the internet. all I can say is that there are virtually foolproof ways to make money as long as you're willing to do unethical things.

>> No.55366140

>he felt entitled to just make bastard children but not pay for their upbringing

go complain somewhere else nigger

>> No.55366157

give us a fucking hint anon

>> No.55366158

Based and I agree, if you're 39 and in college and not supporting your kids you're a deadbeat simple as

>> No.55366169

Alright then. Any vague hints? We talking blue collar "activities" or white collar? I'm not gonna get shot trying to pry an $8 radio

>> No.55366188

>39 and in college and not supporting your kids
Sounds like this guy's actually saving white race unlike you faggots. If you haven't taken the niggerpill, I don't know what to tell you. ngmi

>> No.55366202


>> No.55366205

Unironically just fuck off to Africa or something and coast on being white and good at English, restart. Sounds like you're really fucked. I think the years of coasting on being white in Asia are dying, but it still works in select places.

>> No.55366248

Based and Amerimutt individualism pilled. We must condemn white men having kids if they don't drive lambos (but we, as Americans, understand that slavery was awful and must pay 60% of our checks to niggers to spawn 38 niglets each)

>> No.55366256

>Single mother kids with a deadbeat dad
White trash is one step above being a nigger, sorry your parents are low class

>> No.55366269

>1 post by this id

>> No.55366270


>> No.55366303

we're full yuropoor :)

>> No.55366448

At least you don't have to pay her alimony and child support. Don't listen to the losers crying muh demoralization, women are vampires that use children to get resources from men. The most important things you can do are lower your income and spend as much time with your kids as possible. With determination, you and your kids will have a strong bond, you are fighting an evil woman and the state that's supporting her. Stay strong and know God is on your side.

>> No.55366550

This is why you're being replaced. Low T atomized goycuck. Keep chasing those paychecks and having 1 kid each, kek

>> No.55366560

Meh, I'm not THAT desperate. Thought I'd just play along and get some esoteric /biz/ criminal knowledge

>> No.55366563

>At least you don't have to pay her alimony and child support

No reading comprehension

>> No.55366569

Best post in thread, women are soul sucking leeches who only exist to make life shit.
Best bet is to find a women who was poor (and hasnt smoked crack) who will let you handle the finances

>> No.55366571

>implying the money goes to the children
oh, silly, silly, anon

>> No.55366574

>alimony AND child support
>criticizing anyone else for their reading comprehension

You can tell it's summertime

>> No.55366588

based and niggerpilled

>> No.55366723

Yes, better have other minorities live there :)

>> No.55366947

There is no God retard, or there wouldn't be any pointless suffering. Christfags are among the worst of the lot. God expects you to be perfect or you go to hell, but you can't be perfect so you have to accept jeebus to go to heaven. How convenient.

>> No.55367093

I did say a crowbar after all. browse obituaries and listen in on EMS dispatches. use county assessor website for accurate address information. it's scummy, but fuck everyone else.

i'll give an example of how it would play out.

>EMS dispatch goes out: "Heart attack @ 123 Example Street, send ambulance"
>look up 123 Example Street on Whitepages
>only 1 person lives there
>look up address on county assessor website to confirm information from whitepages is accurate
>plan route on google maps & streetview
>bring scanner with and put it on correct settings
so you can hear if police gets dispatched to your area

You're welcome. Don't do too much in a single area, only go at night, and don't do anything obviously retarded. If you're feeling extra paranoid, avoid ALPRs at nearest intersection of your job. Not all intersections have ALPRs, but you can check on streetview.

>> No.55367103

also, sell jewelry at a refinery, never a pawn shop. they don't ask for ID and they buy at spot price

>> No.55367124
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Your under arrest by the universe because you came in a vagina.

>> No.55367125

You ever been to jail? crime pill is retarded.

>> No.55367131

Not once in my life. Retired now

>> No.55367160

Just move to a start that doesn't extradite for child support. I know about 8 men who do this. You can still put money in an account to provide for your kids. Just don't give your ex access. That way when they turn 18 they will be notified that you set aside cash for them only and you can give them a message with the money. Tell them im the message that their mother wanted to spend the money on drugs and purses but that you cared too much for them to let her waste their money.

>> No.55367178


>> No.55367186


A state that doesn't extradite? So Florida?

>> No.55367342

>screen and choose gf
>have kids with her
lol imagine treating 2023 like its 1950
welcome to modern day natural selection, your bloodline are now slaves

>> No.55367383

>He didn't get married
>He had kids with a random whore
>Now he wants sympathy

>> No.55367644

In Canada the criminals where I live just get put in jail for like a few days if they get caught and they are back stealing stuff as soon as they get out. Just live somewhere where criminals get light sentences to do crime

>> No.55367920

Why don’t you buy link?

>> No.55367951

Guy comes home from a heart attack to find all his stuff gone you’re a real piece of shit. Hell awaits.

>> No.55367962

Don't worry you only have to pay 26 years until they finish college!
If they take after you they'll never make it to college so that's only 18 years!

>> No.55367981
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As bad as my life as a 34 year old virgin is, I realize it could be a lot worse.
At least I am a NEET with a few million bucks.
Thanks for making feel better anon.

>> No.55368011

bringing bastard children into the world who will become wagies with no future or worse get addicted to fentanyl and die.

>> No.55368024

not something I personally did, just an example of what you could do with a scanner

>> No.55368379

>I guess retirement is out of the picture
Yep, you're a slave now lol.

>> No.55368424

Very interesting. I was half expecting a larp, but this was an extremely unanticipated description. Thanks for the example anon. Horrey shit

>> No.55368426

How does this help him kill his wife?

>> No.55368512

Soon you'll be sharing a cell with 70 IQ Tyrone looking for a girlfriend. You won't look that smart by then right?

>> No.55368596

Why did you breed like a rabbit if you can't afford to raise the kids? You should have known better. Your kids deserve your retirement money because they didn't ask for anything and you instantiated them into life out of what appears to be purely egoistical motivations. If it was not the case you wouldn't talk about your situation in such terms

>> No.55368808

As an American, I also just get filled with FURY at the prospect of a white male having a child. It's sickening, racist, and most importantly, our social security systems are for BIPOC.
Ha! Beat me to it! I know the euronazis make fun of us for talking about nigger dick in ever post but...

We Americans LOVE nigger dick. Ok there it is. I said it out loud!

>> No.55368847

What does a merchant marine do? This sounds like a great way to make funds for crypto, currently I'm working 14 hours a day during a busy season in basically a warehouse. I don't make shit but the sheer amount of hours make up for it.

>> No.55368883
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>third worlder
>lived in a "stable union" with a bipolar feminist bitch for 3 years
>separeted last year
>learning less than minimum wage in my shithole
>will be kicked out of my job in 2 months
>living with my mom who is a statie and almost a commie, surrounded by commie friends
>at least she is well paid, at the top 5% of the country
>4 figures (dolllar)

I am ok with this. I have food, water, a gaming pc, love and friends. I am happy with the little things, like nature or consooming a new product. Of course I want to make it someday, but if you are not happy the way you are right now, trust me, you will never be.

>> No.55368890
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And by "love" I mean love from my mother and friends.

>> No.55368903
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, d786b912-ec11-43a0-9c44-13c537bd8f8a_1920x1080-2355326049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a novel but stupid idea when you could just pay drug addicted hobos $100 in commiefornia for a shopping cart filled with stolen goods. forget the $950 limit, these people absolutely dont give a fuck about 3 day jail stints and will push out carts worth 5 grand for you as long as you give them an easy benjamin for it. all you have to do is have them walk the cart across the street and exchange the money for the cart full of goods that you sell for 30% off on ebay. theres shoplifting gangs all over robbing walmarts and home depots blind to the tune of millions every year and they never get caught because the closest they get to the stores is across the street in another parking lot.

>> No.55369166

>suffering exist therefor God doesn’t exist
Midwit nigger, go back to plebbit

>> No.55369234

lol this is your reward for trying to save the white race. let it extinct.

>> No.55369321

>attending college

Just say you have a BA from some shuttered private school, in a relevant field to what your career is.

>> No.55369573

how do you invest those milions?

>> No.55369595


>> No.55369600

based pogchad

>> No.55369698

>muh white race muh white race
If you were serious about this you poorfags would've offered to help OP already. Oh wait you can't because you're poor.

>> No.55369737

>any mention of God
>Fuck off christcucks
What did he mean by this?