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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55362178 No.55362178 [Reply] [Original]

Prq marines. What size stacks do you have? This may be the last time we will ever be under 10 cents again.

>> No.55362562

Where do I buy this shit?

>> No.55362661

Coinbase… yes I know. This is still a sleeping gem. It did jump 400% a few months back from the AI hype. But it’s retraced it almost completely.

>> No.55362708
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>> No.55362945

Feel free to purchase it on any shit exchange you like. It’s listed on nearly all of them

>> No.55363420
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I'm... not gonna make it..
Go on without me lads

>> No.55363448

protip: if you ever see a scrawny indian looking faggot like this trying to sell you something, no matter what it is, just walk away

>> No.55363863
File: 2.97 MB, 750x1334, AE61AC92-ABE2-449D-82D5-E341BF2328A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I know. I’ve only been able to buy a detached garage to store my collection of mustang gt 500s. Different color for whatever mood I’m feeling that day.

>> No.55363939

Omega, I only have 40k, will I make it?! How much more time do I have to accumulate?

>> No.55364146

>proud of being nigger rich with adult toys stacked in a box in his yard

cringe t b h

>> No.55364172

better than buying anime figurines and masturbating on them

>> No.55364195


>> No.55364252

look at this fucking faggots spam, its his job obviously


likely the singular whale behind this literal who microcap shitcoin, possibly the only marketmaker pushing it around

talk about some small time babydick shit while trying to larp as somebody who is actually wealthy

pleading for literally months to buy his bags anywhere where idiots will listen, and is now devolved to the point where he shows a scrawny headbobbler as proof its not total vaporware

topkek, thanks for the laugh

>> No.55364272

that pump was amazing. I was almost back to only 50% down and now I'm back to 90% down. Thanks biz!!

>> No.55364287

>24 Hour Trading Vol

yep, that's his entire babydick stack floating around
that amount of a shitcoin fits the personality and the nigger-rich shitcoin-tier vehicles like a mustang

this is what a shitcoin whale looks like, this is what they do and how low they sink, begging actual 4chan and trying to startup some shitty cult of personality


>$2.62 -96.33%

kek, even

yes and the whale sold his bags to shiteaters all the way down, and likely re-accumulated close to his entry price

>> No.55364305
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Sure. Let’s not pretend I haven’t made millions buying qnt at 80 cents and link at 17 cents.

>> No.55364337

you're full of shit

how do I know? you are desperately trying to shill your babydick scam shitcoin on 4chan

that's not what big boys do

that's what babydick little boys do, who still have to play itty bitty babydick games

you are nigger-rich, and because you are playing nigger games, you will lose all your money, much like the nigger you are trying so desperately to be

>> No.55364347

Congrats on getting out of prison!

>> No.55364359

how about you try to make something in the real world, faggot? actual industry?

no, you can't and you won't, because you're just nigger rich and have no idea what to do with your babydick stack of ill gotten crypto money

you're a fucking nobody, and you always will be, even if you 10x your current babydick stack and upgrade to actual valuable vehicles that you can be seen in public with and not get laughed at for being a tardboomer

you're little more than a thieving grifter trying to rope dumbass brownoids into your game, and in the back of your mind you know that's all you will ever be

>> No.55364361

I believe you, but seeing you in the past shill absolute pnd shitcoins and you switching so easily from GRT to PRQ weakens my resolve.
You also mention prq is the next 500x - 1000x which imo is disingenuous
Prq will 50x from here by 2025 at the latest, no doubt in my mind, unsure why you're so much more bullish than me to an unreasonable amount

>> No.55364394

Each of those vehicles are worth at minimum 100K each. Don’t be salty I opted for 3 different colors instead of a lambo. You’d be disgusted if you saw my trucks

>> No.55364395

its because he's whaling PRQ and will dump it on retards on the way up for a babydick 2x or 3x on his starting capital, then make stupid claims like he 10x'd his money

right about now this dumbfuck is probably sweating bullets since his microcap SHITCOINS are getting swept up in the usa as securities, and since he is in the USA he needs to divest himself of them very soon or face some tough choices

sadly once you hit a certain tier of wealth fucking up that badly is not the end of the road, he's probably got a few milly squirreled away in actual valuable things that he can dump if he needs to and start all over again

if we're really lucky some pissed off bagholder will dox him (shouldn't be too hard given the amount of idiotic images of his property he takes and spread around), then blow his brains out all over his 'very big' yard

>> No.55364424

your materialistic obsession isn't surprising considering how much of a retarded boomer jew you act like

nobody cares about your fucking trucks, faggot

having 30 cars doesn't make you cool, once you hit a certain threshold of trying to flex on those around you constantly, you enter squarely and forever into 'babydick retard' territory, which is unfortunately where you have arrived and will never escape from

>huhhurrhurhur wait till you see my trucks!

yeah I've met all sorts of rich old faggot losers like you, who think other people are impressed by their multiple vehicles

its not envy we feel, you stupid fuck

pure, undiluted cringe

you're too much of a fucking loser to make it in an actual industry making actual things and employing actual americans and building your actual fucking community, no

you just grift in crypto because you will forever be babydick-tier and small time

>> No.55364451

small time faggot, can only make money playing with internet money

you will never build shit, your mcmansion will be demolished one day, and your cars will go to some yard and be forgotten also

no legacy except one of the pain you helped inflict on idiots

if you have kids I'm sure they fucking can't stand you, every faggot I've ever met like you (I've met a lot, I work in a certain industry) is exactly the same, their family fucking HATES them, which is why they buy things

n o f a m i l y
n o l e g a c y

just shitcoins and toys

fucking loser, LMAO

>> No.55364489

you want to show us something impressive you MASSIVE FAGGOT? write an endowment check for some based as fuck organization or based as fuck school

you would never do that, since that's actual richfag shit

you think buying cars is richfag shit

no dude, it's nigger rich shit for niggers (like you, you are mentally a nigger)

you are not rich, you are nigger rich, you will never support something that matters and something people will respect you for

you think people respect you for your cars? no, idiot

they just think you're a dumbass wasting his money on stupid shit, and they are right

babydick retard with a niggerbrain

>hurhurrhurrhu muh trucks

that's how fucking dumb you are, typing that shit unironically

imagine listening to this idiot for one second

>> No.55364566

Why would they want to blow my brains out when I shill at the absolute bottom. If you see me then you know your about to make a lot of money

>> No.55364587

Omega, I have a 40k "stack" will I make it? How much more time do I have to accumulate?

>> No.55364597

How does 40 million sound?

>> No.55364612

replying to your own sockpuppet you fucking faggot? christ you are pathetic, your games are so transparent and low effort you should be embarrassed

actually is not surprising that a jew faggot like you has no shame, such an affliction is required to act like you and run this type of absolutely pathetic grift

>> No.55364635


Rent free

>> No.55364831

Just got 100k bag, what am I in for Omega?

>> No.55364874

Probably about $1 million within 5 years. If we’re being conservative.

>> No.55364919

And if we're being extremely bullish?

>> No.55365113

the fact that there are pajeets like him seething this hard over a tripfag who has legitimately changed hundreds of peoples' lives should be all you need to know. You can be completely tech illiterate and just from the fud threads alone, $20M mcap that this coin will go on a Link tier run
5 years we would be in another bearish cycle, I would say reasonably by 2025, unless crypto starts seeing actual adoption as a whole

>> No.55365146

>tripfag samefag
Shill tactics worse than jeets.
JFC Anon, I hold some of this shit, it's not great, but it's okay, stop making the token look like a fucking scam.

>> No.55365434

Omega, can you address this fud (I am genuinely interested:)

Alright, it's time to shut Parsnip shills the fuck up forever.

>Muh smart triggers

If Parsiq was valuable, every frontrunning bot, blockchain HFT, and data-intensive player in the space would be running on it. Fact of the matter is, programmatic preconf event triggers as a service aren't a particularly defensible or lucrative business, no matter how revolutionary Anatoly's approach to it is. "Do y the moment x happens onchain" is a relatively low-capital and commoditized value proposition.

This is why so many people do it in house, and why Parsiq has viable competitors. The company I'm at took the in-house approach because if instantaneous responses to events are mission critical, the latency between servers is a compounding performance liability. This concern for this niche use case applies to The Graph as well.

An example of a competitor in the event triggers space is EPNS/PUSH, decentralized and powered by The Graph of course, which has a similar market capitalization to Parsiq. We love them to death but nobody's under the illusion that they're a trillion dollar protocol, but /biz/ unfortunately has shills like Omega deluding Parsnips like lambs to the slaughter with hollow promises of such future gains.

For those who don't depend on preconf events, Parsiq must contend with The Graph and a sea of other players.

>Muh IQ protocol

NFT. Lending. Get outta here. The worst pivot in the history of pivots, maybe ever. Completely different token for some reason, probably to milk retail some more, with airdrops and staking for PRQ baggies as a consolation prize. There will be NFT lending in the future, but it won't be for the trash you bought with your life savings on OpenSea last year, and there will be far more mature, well-funded, and better connected players overseas facilitating the integration of tokenized offchain real assets with DeFi.

>> No.55365577

To put it in simple manners. Those triggers are only a very small fraction of what PRQ can do. Chatgpt was first created and sold for billions while running on 570GB of data which was indexed by the team behind chat gpt. What do you think is going to happen when the AI wave begins to require loads of blockchain data to support their services. PRQ is ahead of the game, exactly where they need to be in order to profit from the future advancements of AI and WEB 3. Why would a company go through the trouble of indexing all the history of crypto blockchain when a service is going to be custom made and provided for all these different uses. At the end of the day data is gold and it’s the exact reason LINK mooned. PRQ being a reverse oracle holds even more value then that of chainlink and the sooner you realize it the sooner you’ll make it.

>> No.55365611

Okay, I am genuinely curious, about what type of value can blockchain data poses. Someone sent x amount of link from wallet y to z, will you try to argue that this constitutes "suspicious" behavior and that now the owner of z has to go to jail for tax fraud? Sound farfetched.

>> No.55365735

You can store any form of data on the blockchain. It will eventually hold any meaningful big data as it’s vastly superior in terms of security and efficiency. Once that happens the blockchain indexers will become invaluable to the world

>> No.55367041

Not fudding, but why did Analtoy actually left?

Do you know? Thanks.

>> No.55367109

>PRQ being a reverse oracle holds even more value then that of chainlink
Is link still a good hold?

>> No.55367164
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kek baggies
reminder that your fartshit tokens are not needed
you've invested in a failing enterprise and at best you might make a 2x if you are smart enough to sell before Omeganigger dumps on you
pathetic baggies kek

>> No.55367174

Literally dumped on us at 23 cents instead of letting it run higher fucking omega faggot

>> No.55367651

Be greatful you have another opportunity to accumulate sub 10 cents. You have about 8 hours left

>> No.55368342
